( 1 ) Student
youths are to be nurtured to become intellectuals and intelligentsia for development of
the nation and promoting national economic life
Special Refresher Course No 9 for Basic Education Teachers of CICS (Upper Myanmar)
Yangon, 20 Feb- The closing ceremony of Special Refresher Course No 9 for Basic
Education Teachers was held at Yadana Hall of the Central Institute of Civil Service
(Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township in Mandalay Division this morning.
The speech of Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt was read out by member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint.
The speech reads: Electronic and communication technologies have developed rapidly so
development momentum of the industrialized nations become double. Due to globalization, it
is very important for developing nations like the Union of Myanmar to preserve national
interests, values and norms and to develop our country in order to keep abreast with the
international development process. Moreover, the type of knowledge based economy has
emerged in developed nations. Therefore priority is being given to education development
in developed countries as well as in developing countries.
Therefore, efforts are being made to implement education promotion programmes which
can enable Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations in the trend of international
development and to preserve national norms. Today, the special four-year national
education promotion plan is being implemented by combining the basic education sector and
the higher education sector in order to ensure the emergence of e-Education system. The
government is making systematic plans designed to enable the student youths to understand
the learning method based on electronic and communication technology which is gaining
international popularity and to have access to advanced subjects and to use their
knowledge in the interests of the State.
Multimedia teaching centres based on computer technology and information technology
have been opened at basic education schools, and so have learning centres and resource
centres at cities in states and divisions. Electronic Data Broadcasting System has also
been launched. In Yangon, New Century Resource Centre comprising e-Education Learning
Centre and e-Education Resource Centre has been set up, and arrangements are being made to
open similar centres in other cities. Electronic and other modern communication systems
are being introduced, and work is being coordinated to establish Information and
Communication Technology Park. As the government has made plans to nurture the student
youths to be efficient in studying various academic subjects, the basic education teachers
are also required to nurture them to be able to walk on the right path of development and
not to deviate from the path of national interests.Moreover, as educational development
and economic development are interrelated, the student youths are to be nurtured to become
intellectuals and intelligentsia who can strive for the development of the nation and
promote national economic life. All the teachers are to organize, lead and nurture the
student youths with the aim of ensuring the equitable development of states and divisions,
the perpetual existence of modern and developed Union and the further flowering of Union
On behalf of the Secretary-1, Commander
Maj-Gen Ye Myint presented model trainee awards to PT master U Kyi Soe of Meiktila
Education College in Mandalay Division and Junior Assistant Teacher Daw Cho Mar Win of
Basic Education Middle School in Waingmaw Township in Kachin State, diligence awards to PT
master U Soe Nyunt of Education College in Mandalay Division, Senior Assistant Teacher Daw
Khin Mya Win of Hladaw Village Basic Education High School in Wetlet Township and
Headmistress Daw Khin Swe of Paukchaung Village Primary School in Pauk Township.
Afterwards, the commander presented the best hostel prizes and completion certificates to
the trainees. The trainees presented K 50,000 for construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya
Labha Muni Image, Tooth Relic Pagoda in Mandalay, renovation and restoration of ancient
pagodas in Bagan, National Convention, funds of USDA, High School in Zibingyi Village to
the commander. The commander then cordially greeted the trainees.
Work coordination meeting of Managers of MEB (Upper Myanmar) for
2000-2001 held
Yangon, 20 Feb- Work coordination meeting of Managers of Myanma Economic Bank (Upper
Myanmar) for 2000-2001 was held at the city hall in Mandalay yesterday.
Present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint,
Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein,
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win, Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung,
heads of departments under the Ministry of Finance and Revenue, State and Division
Managers of MEBs in Upper Myanmar, Township Bank Branch Managers, members of the Union
Solidarity and Development Association and guests. The commander spoke of the need for
departmental personnel to understand the government's policy, national objectives and
economic plans and duties.
The government is making efforts for development of commerce according to the
market-oriented economic system and banks play a vital role in border trade, he said.
Minister U Khin Maung Thein said the State Peace and Development Council is endeavouring
for progress in political, economic and social sectors for emergence of a modern developed
nation. In economic sector, the government is trying to stand on its own feet without the
help of foreign assistance while exploiting natural resources for economic progress based
on market-oriented economy. Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung and
Managing Director of MEB Thura U Myint Shwe and officials discussed work to be done.
( 2 ) Biography of Secretary-2 of
State Peace and Development Council, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations and Chief of
Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo
State Peace and Development Council Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo was born of U Thu Nge Lay
and Daw Khin on 13 May 1933 in Letpadan, Thayawady District. He joined the Tatmadaw in
1950. He successfully completed the Officers Training Course No 22 in 1958 and was
commissioned in 1959.
He served as the platoon commander, intelligence officer and mortar platoon commander
in No 5 Brigade, No 10 Brigade, No 10 Light Infantry Regiment, No 20 LIR and No 21 LIR
till 1963. He had participated in Naga Naing and Bayintnaung military operations to drive
out the foreign intruders. Lt-Gen Tin Oo also served as General Staff Officer (Grade III)
at North-West Command Headquarters and the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army),
Company Commander (Major) at No 34 LIR, General Staff Officer (Grade II) at North-East
Command HQ and Military Operations Department of Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army).
He became Commanding Officer of No 106 LIR in 1977, Staff Officer (Grade-I) at Military
Operations Department of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) in 1979. He served as
Tactical Operations Commander at No 55 Light Infantry Division and No 33 LID as well as
Deputy Division Commander from 1980 to 1985. From 1985 to 1988, he became the Colonel
General Staff at the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) -cum- the Defence Services
Inspector-General. From 1988 till his demise, he had made selfless and strenuous efforts
in serving the interests of the State and the people day and night as Secretary-2 of the
State Law and Order Restoration Council, Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development
Council, Chief of Bureau of Special Operations and Chief of Staff (Army). He had also
tirelessly discharged duties as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the many committees formed
by the State Peace and Development Council in the interests of the race and religion. He
got married to Daw Khin Than Nwe in 1963 and is survived by Daw Khin Than Nwe, daughters
Ma Phyu Phyu Oo and Ma Yin Mar Oo and sons Ko Zaw Tun Oo and Ko Nay Tun Oo.
Ambassadors, resident representatives of UN sign the book of
condolences for Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo
Yangon, 20 Feb - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar
opened the Book of Condolences in memory of late Secretary-2 of the State Peace and
Development Council Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin
Oo who died on 19 February, at Zizawa Yeiktha of the ministry today. The ambassadors and
Charges d'Affaires ai of India, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia,
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, People's Republic of China, Singapore, Russian Federation,
Republic of Korea, Yugoslavia, Egypt, United Kingdom, France, Israel, Pakistan, Japan,
Italy, Nepal, Bangladesh, Germany,United States of America, Sri Lanka, Australia and
Brunei led by Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr
Ly Bounkham, and Resident Representatives of UNDP, UNICEF, WFP, FAO, WHO, UNDCP and UNHCR
offices signed the book of condolences for the late Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo today.
( 3 ) Minister receives guests
from Japan, Singapore

Yangon, 20 Feb- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Professor Mr Komdo
Takehik of College of Asia Pacific Management, Japan and party, and International Trade
Manager Mr Shailendra Gupta of Sineximco Pte Ltd, Singapore and party at his office at 1
pm and 2 pm today respectively. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, the directors-general, the managing directors and officials.
Minister U Aung Thaung receives foreign guests
Yangon, 20 Feb- Minister for Industry-1 U
Aung Thaung received Chairman and Managing Director of Sineximco Pte Ltd of India Mr D D
Gupta and party, accompanied by First Secretary of Indian Embassy Mr Avinash C Pandey, at
his office at 10.30 am today. Similarly, Minister U Aung Thaung met General Manager of
Daimaru Kogyo Ltd of Japan Mr O Ikeya and party at his office at 11.30 am today. Also
present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun, directors-general and managing directors
of departments and enterprises and officials.
Minister meets Korean guests
Yangon, 21 Feb- Minister for Cooperatives
U Aung San received Chairman Dr Kim Bum-il of Canaan Farmer's School of Republic of Korea
and party at his office at 11:30 am today. Also present were Director-General Col Soe Win
of Cooperatives Department, Managing Director Daw Khin Swe Soe of Cooperatives Import and
Export Enterprise, Adviser U Than Htaik and officials.
( 4 ) Myanmar-Japan
Cultural Exchange Variety Dance Sub-committee meets artistes
Yangon, 20 Feb- The Myanmar-Japan Cultural Exchange Variety Dance Organizing
Sub-committee of the Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association met astistes who will
participate in the show at Myanmar Motion Picture Asiayon on Wingaba Road in Bahan
Township this morning. The meeting was attended by Chairman of Myanmar-Japan Friendship
Association Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, members of Sub-committee, officials
of MMPA, artistes and guests. Minister Col Tin Hlaing spoke on the occasion. Patron of
MMPA Bogalay U Tint Aung reported on arrangements for the show. Delegate Mr Kikutome of
Japan also reported on arrangements for the performance.
Coord meeting of Extension of Fish & Meat Breeding and
Production Committee held
Yangon, 20 Feb- The Extension of Fish and Meat Breeding and Production Committee held a
coordination meeting at the hall of Fisheries Department on Hsinmin Road in Ahlone
Township this afternoon. It was attended by Chairman of the committee Minister at the
Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Vice-Chairman of the committee Minister for
Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein. After hearing necessary instructions
by the Chairman, the Sub-committee members of Prawn Breeding and Production Special Work
Group reported on distributing of shrimp fry, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas
and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin on extended prawn breeding in Bago
Division, the head of Yangon Division Fisheries Department on transportation of Kyauktan
Prawn Breeding Zone and the officials from the companies on work done. Secretary of the
committee gave a supplementary report and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman attended to the
Minister opens new outlet of Diamond Soft Drinks and Ice Factory
Yangon, 20 Feb- A ceremony to open Day and Night Beer Station of Diamond Soft Drinks
and Ice Factory of Myanma Foodstuff Industries was held at Diamond Soft Drinks Factory on
Bogyoke Aung San Street in Lanmadaw Township this morning. Present were Minister for
Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Chief Justice U Aung
Toe, Attorney-General U Tha Tun, Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay, Deputy Ministers for Industry-1
Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Khin Maung
Kyaw, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Commander of No 4 Military Region
Brig-Gen Myo Myint, directors-general and managing directors of departments and
enterprises under the ministry, officials and guests. Managing Director of MFI U Kyaw
Myint and Managing Director of Day and Night Beer Station U Min Kyaw Oo formally opened
the factory. Minister U Aung Thaung unveiled the signboard of the station.
( 5 ) Minister inspects building of road
Yangon, 20 Feb- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt inspected land reclamation and building a bypass road
from Kyakansu to Hlegu at the vegetable and poultry farming special zone 3 in Hlegu
Township this morning. At the briefing hall near Kyakansu village, the minister heard a
report on laying of granite on Kyakansu-Ngazudaung road, building of conduits laying of
earth on Kyakansu-Hlegu bypass and land reclamation at the special zone. At the No 3
special zone, the minister inspected progress of land reclamation. The minister and party
inspected laying of granite and building of conduits on Kyakansu-Ngazudaung road. All
should strive to complete the work before the onset of monsoon, the minister stressed.
Art, sculpture exhibition held in Mandalay
Yangon, 20 Feb- Minister for Culture U Win Sein inspected casting of the bronze statues
to be displayed at Zaytawun Hall of Myanansankyaw Golden Palace and the bronze statue of
Nandawshay Saya Tin in Mandalay yesterday. The statues are being cast in Tampawady Kyethun
Ward, Chanmyathazi, Mandalay Division. Nandawshay Saya Tin's bronze statue will be
displayed in the compound of the National Theatre (Upper Myanmar). Accompanied by
officials, the minister visited the third painting and sculpture exhibition of the
students at the State School of Fine Arts in Mandalay. In meeting with teachers and
students of the State School of Fine Arts and State School of Music and Drama, he attended
to their needs. Eleven sculptures, 260 paintings and seven bottle paintings were displayed
at the exhibition which was held from 13 to 19 February. The proceeds from the sale of the
works will go to schools.
( 6 ) Commander inspects village
roads in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 20 Feb-Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, accompanied by Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein,
Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and departmental officials asked after the health of
Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Sayadaw of Masoeyein
Taikthit Dam-mikaya Kyaung Bhaddanta Sririndabhivansa who was receiving medical treatment
at Mandalay General Hospital on 17 February.
Then, the commander attended a ceremony to present prizes to winners of cold season
colour photo competition of Mandalay Hill for 2001 held at the platform of Hsutaungpyi
Pagoda, Mandalay Hill. Afterwards, the Commander inspected preparatory work for
construction of Paung Mon Yoe bridge on Nyaung Bin Gyi-Baon village road in Sintgaing
Township, earth work along the road and along Sintgaing-Kyaukse section of
Mandalay-Kyaukse road and gave necessary instructions. The Commander and party arrived at
Tetkon diversion dam in Myittha Township in the afternoon. At the briefing hall, officials
of Irrigation Department reported to the Commander on work. The Commander inspected the
dam. Later, the Commander inspected village roads in TadaU Township and gave necessary
instructions. In the evening, the Commander hosted a dinner in honour of Nepalese Foreign
Minister and party who were on a visit in Mandalay on Yangyi Aung lawn, Nan Myo.
Work Coordination Meeting of Ayeyawady Division Police Force,
district/township Police Forces held
Yangon, 20 Feb-The Work Coordination Meeting between Ayeyawady Division Police Force
and the district/township Police Forces was held at the Office of Ayeyawady Division Peace
and Development Council on 18 February with an address by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tint Swe, members of
division/district/township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials,
Commander of Ayeyawady Division Police Force Police Col Than Tun, senior police officers,
the commanders of district/township police forces and others. Police Col Than Tun
presented work carried and future tasks. Commander Thura Shwe Mann attended to the needs.
After the meeting, Police Col Than Tun presented prizes to outstanding township police
Use of modern equipment practically assists police operations
Yangon, 20 Feb - Yangon Division Police Force held its third four-monthly meeting for
2000 at Yangon Division Police Commander's Office this morning, addressed by member of the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than. The commander said at a time when efforts are
being made for peace, modernization and development of the nation, members of MPF should
strive with might and main for ensuring community peace and the rule of law. With
farsightedness, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance to MPF members
the three main facts MPF should have patriotism and quality and should be
All the MPF members should keep the guidance as a work guideline. Use of closed
circuit cameras, computers and modern communication equipment at all the police stations
in Yangon Division has practically assisted the police operations. All should make efforts
to reduce the crime rate. Yangon Division Police Commander Police Col Tin Win explained
the advice given by the Minister for Home Affairs, the Deputy Minister and the
director-general of MPF and tasks to be implemented in the first four months of 2001.
Senior police officers then reported to the meeting on progress in implementing the 12
objectives of the final four months of 2000. Township police commanders also took part in
the discussions. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by Police Col Tin Win. Also
present at the meeting were Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council,
Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, chairmen of District Peace and Development Councils, the division judge,
the division law officer and police officers.
( 7 ) One BEMS and five BEPSs for Bago and Yangon
Yangon, 20 Feb- A ceremony to hand over
one middle school and five primary schools donated by Japanese Embassy under the
Grassroots Grant Assistant Scheme to Ministry of Education was held in conjunction with
the opening ceremony of new building of the school at Basic Education Middle School No 5
in Bago Township this morning.
Present were Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Director-General of
No 1 Basic Education Department U Tin Nyo, Director-General of No 3 Basic Education
Department U Tin Win, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori, officials of Grassroots
Grant Assistant Scheme, well-wishers, Bago Division Education Officer, members of
District, Township and Ward Peace and Development Councils, Township Education Officers of
Hlegu and Thanlyin Townships, school heads, members of Union Solidarity and Development
Association, members of Bago Township Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child
Welfare Association, Parent-Teacher Association, members of School Board of Trustees,
construction entrepreneurs and guests. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and
Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori formally opened the new building. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen
Soe Win Maung pressed the button to unveil the signboard of No 5 BEMS in Bago.
Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win
Maung, Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori and officials inspected computer aided instruction
room, video system room and language lab and learning of students at the school.
Afterwards, ceremony to hand over new buildings of the schools was held. Ambassador Mr
Shigeru Tsumori explained the purpose of the donation. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win
Maung made a speech. The ambassador presented related documents of Kali and Hinthagon
Village BEPSs in Bago and Hinthagon BEMS to Director-General U Tin Nyo, Kungyangon Village
BEPS, Kyaikinn Village BEPS in Thanlyin Township and Gyogontaung Village BEPS in Hlegu
Township to Director-General U Tin Win. The directors-general presented certificate of
honour. Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori
exchanged gifts. The deputy minister and the ambassador and directors-general posed for
souvenir photo together with teachers.
Japanese guests visit UMFCCI
Yangon, 20 Feb- A delegation led by Secretary-General U Zaw Min Win of Union of Myanmar
Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry met a three-member delegation led by Mr
Etsuro Nakayama of Japan Apparel Technology and Research Association, Japan at the
association this afternoon. They cordially discussed establishment of a garment centre in
Myanmar with the assistance of Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC).
WHO officials observe rural health care services
Yangon, 20 Feb- The Sixth Meeting of
Health Secretaries of the Countries of WHO South East Asia Region continued at Traders
Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road here for the second day today. Deputy Minister for Health Dr
Kyaw Myint chaired the meeting. It was attended by Director of South East Asia Region Dr
Uton Muchtar Rafei and officials, Health Secretaries of WHO South East Asia Region and
high-ranking officials. The Health Secretaries and officials visited Gyobyu Village Rural
Health Care Department in Taikkyi Township where Director (Public Health) Dr Htay Lwin
explained Public Health Care Services, Division Health Officer Dr Tin Maung Win on
Structure of Health Care Department of the township in the afternoon. Deputy
Director-General Dr Hla Pe, Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung and
Director-General of Health Planning Department Dr Kyi Soe replied the queries raised.
Then, the Health Secretaries visited the Farm and Recreation Centre of Yangon City
Development Committee in Uto Village.
( 8
) Yangon City Mayor receives Ambassador of Pakistan
Yangon, 20 Feb- Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay received
Ambassador of Pakistan Mr M Yusuf Shah at his office this morning. Present also were
Vice-Chairman of YCDC Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Secretary Col Myint Aung and committee
members, heads of department and officials.
Extempore Talks Competitions opened
Yangon, 20 Feb- A ceremony to open the Military Code of Conduct and Extempore Talks
Central Level Competitions to mark the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day was held at the
new hall of the Ministry of Defence this morning. Chairman of Work Committee for
Organizing the Military Code of Conduct and Extempore Talks Central Level Competitions,
Prize Presentation and Finance Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and committee
members, Director of Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein, chairmen of Sub-committees,
officials and competitors attended the ceremony. Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo
gave a speech on the occasion. Then, the Extempore Talks Central Level Competition was
held. Each of 46 competitors in four levels are taking part in the competition which will
be held up to 23 February.
( 9
) 23rd ISD Golf Championship begins
Yangon, 20 Feb- A ceremony to open the 23rd Inter-State/Division Golf Championship
co-organized by Sports and Physical Education Department and Myanmar Golf Federation and
sponsored by Isuzu Motors Ltd, Japan was held at Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon this
Present were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura
Aye Myint, Deputy Minister for Electric Power President of Yangon Golf Club U Myo Myint,
President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, Secretary U Aung Kyi and executives, Deputy
Director-General Lt-Col Thein Aung of SPED and officials, guests and spectators. Chairman
of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made a speech on
the occasion. Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing,
Deputy Minister for Electric Power President of Yangon Golf Club U Myo Myint and Country
Representative of Isuzu Motors Ltd, Japan U Aye Cho opened the championship. After the
first round, Thein Zaw Myint of Yangon Division was leading with 72 strokes in the men's
individual scratch event and Htan Nu of Chin State with 63 in the men's individual
handicap event. In the team scratch event, Yangon Division was leading with 227 strokes
and Sagaing Division with 208 in the team handicap event. The championship continues
USDA Central Level Extempore Talks held
Yangon, 20 Feb- The Central Level Extempore Talks of Union Solidarity and Development
Association in commemoration of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day sponsored by Work
Committee for Organizing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Literary and Photo
Competition was held at the Management Training School for USDA Executives of Central
Public Relations Unit in Hmawby Township this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of the Work Committee USDA CEC member U Thein Sein, USDA
CEC member Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, members of the Work Committee, members of Board of Judges,
trainees of USDA Advanced Accountancy Course No 1, officials and others. Assistant
Director Daw Than Than Win of Myanma Radio and Television and Staff Officer (Deputy
Programme In-charge) Daw San San Yin acted as masters of ceremonies. A total of 17
contestants representing their states and divisions took part in the contest. After the
contest, USDA CEC member U Thein Sein presented the first, second and third prizes to Ma
The Oo Lwin of Mandalay Division, Maung Myat Thura of Yangon Division and Ma Naw Phaw Sha
Htoo of Kayin State respectively. Gifts were presented to members of Board of Judges
through Professor U Kyaw Win of History Department of Yangon University. U Ismail, agent
of Three Stars Corrugated Iron Sheet Trading donated K 50,000 for the extempore talks.