( 1 ) Only
national solidarity and Union Spirit can safeguard sovereignty of the nation
Secretary-1 urges teachers to inculcate their pupils with Union
Spirit Special Refresher Course No 43 for Basic Education Teachers concludes
Yangon, 19 Feb-The conclusion of Special Refresher Course No 43 for Basic Education
Teachers was held at Nawarat Hall of the Central Institute of Civil Service in Phaunggyi
in Hlegu Township this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, the Attorney-General, the Chairman of Civil Service
Selection and Training Board, the Yangon Mayor, deputy ministers, senior military
officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of
department, the rector of CICS, instructors and trainee teachers.
The Secretary-1 said that the teachers of various national races from the four corners
of the Union had the chance to meet with one another, and it is like a family gathering on
the occasion of the Union Day that portrays the dynamism of national solidarity of Myanmar
people. It is believed that that gathering further strengthens the Union Spirit.
He spoke of the need for the teachers to inculcate their pupils with Union Spirit which
has been further strengthened at the special refresher course when they reach respective
regions where they are assigned duties. He said all the national races have accepted that
national solidarity and Union Spirit is as important as lifeblood for the Union like the
Union of Myanmar where over 100 national races have been residing. People who would become
Myanmar were born in the Union of Myanmar since time immemorial and moved from place to
place in search of greener pasture and clear water in successive periods.
According to topographical conditions and
climate, modes of dress, livelihood, languages, cultures and traditions, over 100 national
races such as Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan have emerged
separately. It is an undeniable fact in history. Although each national race has their own
culture and traditions, they have been living in the Union for years countable by the
thousand through thick and thin, " keeping eggs and nest intact." As they have
been living in unity like members of a family, basically they have disposition, national
character, culture, traditions and thought in common. Obviously, the essence of a family
has still existed as the term "Myanmar" is concerned with all the national
races. The essence of a family called Myanmar people originated in history, which has
become a historical fact accepted by international community because ample evidence has
been collected.
Within the territory of the Union of Myanmar, anthropoid primates emerged over 40
million years ago. And a human race evolved in successive ages such as the Stone Age, the
Neolithic Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Its civilization also developed stage by
stage to such an extent that city states were established. Stone inscriptions and ancient
cultural findings show that since about AD 9 when city states with high cultural standard
were established, Myanmar had had its own territory, races having their own cultures,
traditions and thoughts and historical backgrounds. The historical records of contemporary
neighbouring countries also show that during the period of city states, with the strength
of solidarity and Myanmar people, kingdoms that won the respects of neighbouring countries
were established. In the course of history, all the national races have been living with a
sense of togetherness and in weal or woe like a family.
They have unitedly safeguarded their
nation whenever outside dangers befell it. Obviously, Myanmar people and Myanmar
Naing-Ngan have been recorded together not only in the history of Myanmar but also in the
history of its contemporary neighbouring countries. All the national races such as Kachin,
Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan were born and have been living as Myanmar
people the Union for thousands of years. Although states and divisions are fixed according
to the management, national races do not live separately in respective states and
divisions. They live together and their fate and interest cannot be separate as all
national races are brothers and sisters born of the same womb. History showed that they
all had to live with the concept of unity to development, he said.
The Secretary-1 spoke on living of various national races in Kachin and Shan States and
Bago and other states and divisions and also spoke of the need to understand that single
race cannot divided. He said all national races are to be united. States and divisions
will stand tall if united. Only when there is consolidated states and divisions will the
Union be strengthened. Therefore concerted efforts are to be made for consolidation of the
Union Spirit. In the present world of science and technology natural barriers like seas
and mountains are no longer reliable barriers in national defence as in ancient times.
Only solidarity and dynamism of national spirit can safeguard the sovereignty of the
nation. He spoke of the need to make endeavours for propagation of national solidarity and
the Union Spirit which are important forces for national defence and progress among the
national races in efforts to perpetuate the Union and to keep abreast with the nations of
world. He urged the teachers to inculcate their pupils with the Union Spirit train and
them to be patriotic. In education, he said students of today are the ones who would build
and safeguard the future of the nation. If there is patriotism and the Union Spirit among
the youths, the desire to enhance the status of the nation and the people and efficiency
to do so will become stronger, he added. Electronic and communication technologies have
developed rapidly so development momentum of the industrialized nations become double. Due
to globalization, it is very important for developing nations like the Union of Myanmar to
preserve national interest, value and norms and to develop our country in order to keep
abreast with the international development process, he said. Moreover, the type of
knowledge based economy has emerged in developed nations.
Therefore priority is being given to education development in developed countries as
well as in developing countries, he said. Therefore, efforts are being made to implement
education promotion programmes which can enable Myanmar to keep abreast with other nations
in the trend of international development and to preserve national norms. According to
education promotion programmes, the youth students are being nurtured to acquire physical,
intellectual and aesthetic development in addition to academic knowledge and to have
patriotism, national solidarity and Union Spirit which are conducive to their spiritual
development. In the knowledge and technological age, it is very important to introduce
teaching and learning methods based on modern electronic technology with a view to
improving the skills and efficiency of the youths. Today, the special four-year national
education promotion plan is being implemented by combining the basic education sector and
the higher education sector in order to ensure the emergence of e-Education system. The
government is making systematic plans designed to enable the student youths to understand
the learning method based on electronic and communication technology which is gaining
international popularity and to have access to advanced subjects and to use their
knowledge in the interests of the State. Multimedia teaching centres based on computer
technology and information technology have been opened at basic education schools, and so
have learning centres and resource centres at cities in states and divisions. Electronic
Data Broadcasting System has been launched.
In Yangon, New Century Resource Centre comprising e-Education Learning Centre and
e-Education Resource Centre has been set up, and arrangements are being made to open
similar centres in other cities. Electronic and other modern communication systems are
being introduced, and work is being coordinated to establish Information and Communication
Technology Park. As the government has made plans to nurture the student youths to be
efficient in studying various academic subjects, the basic education teachers are also
required to nurture them to be able to walk on the right path of development and not to
deviate from the path of national interests. At a time when emphasis is being given to the
application of modern electronic and information technology, measures are to be taken to
inculcate in the youths patriotism and nationalism which enable them to safeguard and
preserve national culture, traditions, and norms in order to prevent the danger of
infiltration of alien culture and alien norms which run counter to the cultures and
traditions of the nation and the race.
Moreover, when educational development and economic development are interrelated, the
student youths are to be nurtured to become intellectuals and intelligentsia who can
strive for the development of the nation and promote national economic life. All the
teachers are to organize, lead and nurture the student youths with the aim of ensuring the
equitable development of states and divisions, the perpetual existence of modern and
developed Union and the further flowering of Union Spirit. With regard to the foreign
policy of the State, the Secretary-1 said that Myanmar has been pursuing independent and
active foreign policy. According to the topographical condition of Myanmar, her experience
in international relations, the changing international condition and development trend,
the principle of peaceful co-existence with other nations and efforts for the emergence of
a peaceful, modern and developed nation, the independent and active foreign policy is
found the most suitable, and so this policy is being pursued consistently. It has been for
many years that the five principles of peaceful co-existence have been pursued with the
aim of ensuring the friendly relations with other nations, especially with neighbouring
The five principles of peaceful co-existence are mutual respect for territorial
integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in one another's affairs,
equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence. Myanmar has been associated with
neighbouring countries based on five principles of peaceful co-existence as a good
neighbour. Moreover, agreement can be reached in solving any pro-blem between countries
with an attitude that makes big problems small and small ones disappear. It is the truth
that the government has never encouraged any group to endanger other countries from our
territory, never kept them in our territory to use them if necessary.
Prestige of Myanmar's relations has enjoyed approbation in international community
because it has always avoided matters that would affect friendly relations between the two
countries. But, the matter that took place on the border between Myanmar and Thailand was
caused by driving wedge of a group of drug trafficking robbers. And misunderstanding was
caused because the wrong news at the basic level has been regarded as true by high
officials, he said. Some officials of the other country are making one-sided accusations
and talks based on one-sided information's. We believe that this matter should be solved
with optimistic approach based on mutual understanding, respect and magnanimity as true
good neighbours. Although our government is military one, it has no aggressive attitude.
Instead, it has been trying to promote friendly relations with every countries with gentle
approach abiding by international law, rules and regulations to the best of ability. But
Myanmar will never accept false accusation and wrong action.
I would like to let all you know that in accord with ancestors' teaching that
"Let amity be eternal and enmity be ephemeral ", only with true stand,
magnanimity, firm determination and optimistic efforts, Myanmar will work standing on the
truth. In conclusion, I would like to urge the trainees to make efforts to successfully
carry out education promotion programmes for human resources development that plays a
major role in building a new modern developed nation and making the country stand tall in
international community, to nurture students who have Union Spirit, patriotic spirit,
national unity spirit that are main driving forces to make the country keep abreast with
international community and to nurture youths to become the ones who are patriotic,
national-spirited who are real forces in preventing and opposing influence in politics,
economic and culture of some super powers interfering in others' affairs internationally
with the use of information technology. Then, prizes and completion certificates were
presented to the trainees.
Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented model
trainee awards to Junior Assistant Teacher U Aung Myo Lwin of Phaya Ngahsu Basic Education
Middle School, Paungde Township, Bago Division and Senior Assistant Teacher Daw Thin Thin
Myat of No 1 Basic Education High School, Dagon Myothit (North), Yangon Division,
diligence awards to Headmaster U Thein Swe, trainee No F 109, Banbwegon BEMS, Thegon
Township, Bago Division, Senior Assistant Teacher Daw Than Myint, trainee No A 36,
Penwegon BEHS, Bago Division and instructor Daw Tin Han, trainee No C 212, Education
College, Thingangyun, Yangon Division. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 presented the best
hostel prizes and completion certificates. Trainees presented K 75,000 for construction of
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, for renovation of Koenawin Pagoda, National
Convention, funds of USDA, restoration of Bagan pagodas, CICS Primary School and Phaunggyi
BEHS to the Secretary-1. The Secretary-1 then cordially greeted the trainees.
( 2 ) Minister meets foreign

Yangon, 19 Feb-Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met Managing Director of Bernas
Co of Malaysia Mr Yahya Abu Bakar and party at his office at 1 pm today. Similarly,
Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met Executive Director of United Engineers Limited of Singapore
Mr Jackson Yap and party at his office at 2 pm today. Also present were Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General U Nyunt Aye of Directorate of Trade, Director-General
Col Nay Win of Border Trade Department, Managing Director U Min Hla Aung of Myanma
Agricultural Produce Trading and officials.
U Phone Myiint presents Credentials to Portuguese President
Yangon, 20 Feb-U Phone Myiint, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Union of Myanmar to the Portuguese Republic, presented his Credentials to His Excellency
Mr Jorge Fernando Branco de Sampaio, President of the Portuguese Republic, on 8 February
2001, in Lisbon.
( 3 ) Minister meets Chairman of
Yangon, 19 Feb-Minister for Hotels and
Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin met Chairman of Electric et Eaux de Madagascar (EEM) of France Mr
Francois Gontiep and party at his office at 2 pm today. Also present were Director-General
U Khin Maung Latt of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, Managing Director U Kyi Tun of
Myanma Hotels and Tourism Services and officials, Managing Director U Win Tun of Myanma
Timber Enterprise and General Manager U Myint Kyu Pe and Director U Saw Lu Lu Htaw of
Yangon Wood Industries Limited.
Director-General leaves for Japan
Yangon, 19 Feb-Director-General of National Registration and Immigration Department Col
Maung Htay left for Osaka, Japan to attend the seminar on documents inspection to be held
from 19 to 24 February this morning. He was seen off at the airport by Deputy Minister for
Immigration and Population U Maung Aung.
( 4 ) Sixth
Meeting of Health Secretaries of Countries of WHO South East Asia Region opens

Yangon, 19 Feb- A ceremony to open the Sixth Meeting of Health Secretaries of the
Countries of WHO South East Asia Region was held at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road
this morning, with an address by member of National Health Committee Minister for Health
Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present on the occasion were Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen
Abel, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr
Kyaw Myint, the directors-general of departments, deputy directors-general, rectors,
officials, WHO Regional Director of South-East Asia Region Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei and
officials, diplomats of foreign missions, officials of UN agencies and NGOs and guests.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein delivered an address. He said: I would first of
all like to extend a most cordial welcome to all of you to the Sixth Meeting of Health
Secretaries of the WHO South East Asia Region. Allow me also to express my sincere
appreciation to the Health Secretaries who are attending the Meeting despite their heavy
schedules and commitments in their respective countries. The Health Secretaries meeting is
very important because it has served as a forum for exchanging views and experiences,
regarding health and health related matters in our countries.
Over the years there has been considerable changes in the political, economic and
social conditions all over the world. It is only natural that we have to act accordingly
to meet these changing conditions and challenges. It is highly commendable that the WHO is
forever trying to improve and intensify its efforts to fulfil the health development needs
of member countries. Health plays a pivotal role for development. Promotion of Health and
social development is vital for enhancing the quality of life. In accordance with the
country's social objective of uplifting the health standards of the entire people, the
Government of the Union of Myanmar has accorded priority in allocation of Government
Budget to the health sector and the Ministry of Health is one of the largest recipients of
budgetary funds.
Consequently, this has greatly
contributed towards the improvement of health care standards in the nation in recent
years. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has carried out health sector reforms with the
aim to increase equity, efficiency and quality of health services. Broadly speaking,
the reform has encompassed policy, organization, institutional development, human
resources, health financing and the private sector. In Myanmar, we have kept up with the
changing international health situation and have instituted necessary measures to meet the
challenges and fulfill the needs of our people.
Under the guidance of National Health Committee chaired by Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt,
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, a coordinated, focused and
holistic approach have been applied to health and health sector development. A life course
perspective in planning health care services has been adopted. Special emphasis has been
accorded to nutrition, health education, promoting life skills and adoption of behaviours
conductive to health. The Health Secretaries Meeting has been extremely useful.
Not only they have been able to address
regional health problems but also to formulate sound plans of actions and strategies to
tackles the issues of common concerns. I am confident that with your collective efforts
Intercountry cooperation can be further strengthened to effectively reduce the burden of
ill health in the countries of the region. WHO Regional Director of South-East Asia Region
Dr Uton Muchtar Rafei gave a speech. Then, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein had
documentary photo taken together with those present at the meeting. Afterwards, Deputy
Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint presided over the Sixth Meeting of Health
Secretaries and Senior Officials of the Countries of WHO South East Asia Region. The
meeting will be held up to 21 February.
Minister visits factories in Yangon Division
Yangon, 19 Feb- Minister for Industry-1 U
Aung Thaung, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials, arrived at
the branch (Phawgan) of No 1 Shoes Factory of Myanma General and Maintenance Industries on
Insein-Mingaladon Road in Insein Township this morning. The minister inspected the fish
ponds and vegetable patches of the factory. Then, the minister inspected production
process of the factory and gave instructions on work. After that, the minister proceeded
to Rubber Goods Factory (Hline Branch) at 6 1/2 miles in Hline Township and inspected
production process. He called for arrangements to fulfil the requirement of tyres for
bicycle factories. At Leather Factory, the minister inspected export products of the
factory. Then, the minister attended the opening of Typist Course No 2/2001 at the
training hall of the ministry.
( 5 ) Tatmadaw helicopter crashes into Thanlwin River
Yangon, 19 Feb- Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of the
Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo, accompanied by member of
the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development
Council Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit Maung, Minister at
the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung, officers and other ranks of the Tatmadaw
totalling 22, this morning left by helicopter Mawlamyine for Hpa-an. Due to bad weather,
the helicopter crashed into the Thanlwin River near Tayokhla Village in Hpa-an Township.
The Secretary-2 and an officer were killed, and 11 officers and other ranks and two crew
members rescued from the helicopter. Remaining 14 persons including two pilots and three
crew have not been accounted for, so far. The search for the missing persons is going on.
Daw Mya Mya San and party recite religious
verses at Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 19 Feb- Wut associations recite religious verses at Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha
Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township daily. Daw Mya Mya San, wife of
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye; Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife
of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt; Daw Khin Cho
Oo, wife of Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint; wives of members of the State Peace and
Development Council and those of the ministers recited religious verses at the Central
Mandat on Mindhamma Hill from 8 am to 9.30 am today.
( 6 ) Minister inspects ancient
cultural site
Yangon, 19 Feb - Minister for Culture U
Win Sein, together with officials, inspected the preservation of human bones, urns and
earthen pots at the ancient cultural site of Nyaungkan Bronze Period at Nyaungkan Village,
Butalin Township, Monywa District, yesterday. Director (Mandalay) of the Department of
Archaeology U Pauk Pauk conducted the minister and party around the cultural site. The
minister gave instructions on preservation of human bones and cultivation of shade trees.
The minister also inspected Maha Bandoola Monument and Park, Maha Bandoola Pagoda, the
prayer hall, the bronze bell and the stone inscription at Ngapayin Village, Butalin
Township. The minister also had a cordial meeting with the village people in the prayer
hall of Maha Bandoola Pagoda and discussed matters related to keeping Maha Bandoola Statue
which was already cast at Yangon University of Culture. The minister also met with the
students of Ngapayin Village Basic Education High School.
Minister inspects roads in Magway Division
Yangon, 19 Feb- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, inspected Seikphyu-Kandwin section and
Kandwin-Pauk Road in Seikphyu Township on 17 February morning. Then, the minister
inspected Yaw Creek Bridge in Kandwin and gave necessary instructions. At Anawrahta Bridge
(Chauk) Construction Project, Project Superintending Engineer U Soe Han reported to the
minister on progress of work and future tasks on 18 February. The minister, the deputy
minister and party inspected construction work of the bridge. The minister and party
inspected road works from Seikphyu to Pakokku.
( 7 ) Minister for CPT attends opening ceremony of
communication courses
Yangon, 19 Feb-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin
delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of Personal Computer for Office Application
Course, Cable Installation and Maintenance Course, Facsimile Operator Course and
Postmaster Course held at the hall of Telecommunications and Postal Service Training
Centre of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications this morning. Speaking on the occasion, the
minister said efforts should be made to effectively use the modern communication equipment
to catch up with the ever changing and developing conditions of the world. Also present on
the occasion were the managing-director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications,
director-general of Directorate of Posts and Telecommunications, general manager of Myanma
Posts and Telecommunications, heads of department, the principal, course instructors and
68 trainees.
Commander attends Kalay Industrial Show, opening of multimedia
teaching centres at schools
Yangon, 19 Feb- Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, accompanied by Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye of Kalay
Station and departmental officials, arrived at Kalay on 12 February. The commander and
party inspected Kalay Industrial Show and attended to requirements of industrial
entrepreneurs. On 14 February, the commander and party attended the opening ceremony of
the multimedia teaching centre at Ywathitgyi Basic Education High School in Sagaing
Township. The commander formally unveiled the signboard of the centre and inspected the
skill demonstration of students. Then, the commander accepted donations for the school and
gave a speech. After that, the commander went to the University for Development of
National Races, where Rector Col Zaw Min Thein conducted the commander round the
university. The commander fulfilled the requirements of the university and inspected
construction of the Convocation Hall. The commander also attended the opening of the
multimedia teaching centre at Ohndaw BEHS.
State-owned plot, saw mill, cinemas to be sold
Yangon, 19 Feb- The plot of the office of Assistant Manager (Local Sale) (old Padamya
Timber Shop) in Bago and No 72 Saw Mill (Mawlamyine) of Myanma Timber Enterprise of the
Ministry of Forestry and three cinemas of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise of the Ministry
of Information will be sold through competitive bidding. Bidders are to submit their
proposals to the office of Privatization Commission, Project Appraisal & Progress
Reporting Department, No 313, Bo Aung Kyaw Street, not later than 22 March. Interested
persons are to contact the Commission Office, phones 245506, 245516 and 245537 for more
information. (See page 2) Names, locations and reserve prices of State-owned plot, the saw
mill and cinemas are Assistant Manager Office (Bago) K 4,832,000, No 72 Saw Mill
(Mawlamyine) K 95,446,000, Shwebaho Cinema (Meiktila) K 6,417,000, Naywin Cinema (Monywa),
K 45,150,000 and Hsanthiri Cinema (Sangyoung) K 85,188,000.
( 8
) Changes Photo Exhibition opened
Yangon, 19 Feb-The opening ceremony of Changes Photo Exhibition, sponsored by Embassy
of Israel in Myanmar was held at the National Museum on Pyay Road this morning. Present on
the occasion were Director-General U Myint Thein Swe of Department of Cultural Institute,
Deputy Director-General U Khin Maung Tin of Fine Arts Department, Director (News) U Hla
Tun of News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ambassador of Myanmar to Israel (Retd) U Lu Maw,
Ambassador of Israel Mr Baruch Ram and members, Ambassadors of foreign embassies and
officials, Chairman of Myanmar Photographic Society U Thiha Thein Nyan and guests.
Ambassador of Israel Mr Baruch Ram made a speech on the occasion. Chairman of MPS U Thiha
Thein Nyan explained facts about the changes of Israel's cities. The exhibition continues
up to 25 February from 9 am to 5 pm daily. Admission is free.
( 9
) 3,535 drug-related cases exposed in year 2000
Yangon, 19 Feb- The Tatmadaw, the Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department
exposed 3,535 drug-related cases in year 2000. Action was taken against 4,881 person 3,979
men and 902 women in 3,535 cases. In Year 2000, Tatmadaw regiments and units seized
narcotic drugs, chemicals and paraphernalia at three opium refineries in Shan State
(North). A total of 8,919.4 acres in Shan State (North), Shan State (South), Kachin State,
Kayah State, Chin State and Mandalay Division have been destroyed till 31 January in
2000-2001 opium poppy cultivation season.
Drug trafficker gets 20 years
Yangon, 19 Feb-Members of the local intelligence unit and local Police Force, acting on
information searched the house of Myint Win, 39, of Shantegyiauk Village in Dagon Myothit
(East) at 6.30 am on 19 October 1999. The authorities found 245 grams of marijuana and
filed a lawsuit against him in accord with Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Yangon East District Court handed down 20 yearsŐ imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on
him on 15 January 2001.