( 1 ) Myanmar literature, national heritage,
steeped in history of Myanmar dating from time immemorial
Yangon, 17 Feb - Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Award and Scholarship Presentation Ceremony
was held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this morning,
addressed by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the deputy ministers, Officials, the Chairman of
Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association and executive committee members, literary
scholars, members of the literary award scrutiny committee, members of Pakokku U Ohn Pe
Literary Award and Scholarship Fund Supervisory Committee, Pakokku U Ohn Pe and prize
winners, students, literary enthusiasts and guests.
The Secretary-1 said that it is very satisfactory to see that Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary
Award and Scholarship Presentation Ceremony is held every year with the aim of improving
the standard of Myanmar literature and encouraging the literati of new generation, those
who pursue Myanmar literature and those outstanding in education, and he also expressed
his pleasure for the fact that literary wellwisher Pakokku U Ohn Pe himself is still
healthy and is able to promote national interests.
Myanmar literature, a national heritage, which has been steeped in the history of
Myanmar which dates from time immemorial, has emerged as an amalgam of the rich experience
of Myanmar people, their subtle, profound and mature thoughts and the teachings of
Theravada Buddhism. Furthermore, Myanmar literature is a national strength which has
inspired Myanmar people to be able to establish a united and prosperous nation. It is
found today that due to globalization, the danger of alien culture, the alien ways of life
and alien norms that are totally incompatible with national culture, is growing greater.
At this time, the government is working in all seriousness for the preservation and
uplift of national character and culture, as a national duty, with the aim of preventing
the danger of infiltration of alien culture with national awareness, and is carrying out
the tasks to promote Myanmar literature which has evoked national pride in Myanmar people
in the course of history. While striving to improve the standard of Myanmar literature and
fulfil national requirements from the literary field, the government is presenting more
and more literary awards including National Literary Award and Sarpay Beikman Manuscript
Award with the aim of ensuring the further flourishing of Myanmar literature on the
correct national path and continuous emergence of good literary works rich in aesthetic
quality and serving the interests of the State and the people with literary skills.
At this favourable time, a literary wellwisher with strong national awareness like
Pakokku U Ohn Pe has presented literary awards, and this is tantamount to helping the
government work for the promotion of literary. Therefore, the government is providing
all-round assistance for the task to systematically and successfully scrutinize Pakokku U
Ohn Pe Literary Award. Today, there have emerged 11 persons who have won literary awards
for life and 86 who have won Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Awards.
Scholarships have been presented since 1993 to students who have got the highest marks
in Myanmarsar at the matriculation examination and continued to study Myanmarsar. Up to
now, altogether 32 students have been awarded scholarships. Scholarships have also been
awarded since 1994 to the first year students of the University of Culture who abide by
discipline and are capable of pursuing a particular branch of arts, and there are a total
of 14 students who have won this kind of scholarship. Moreover, with the use of over K 5.2
million donated by Sayagyi Pakokku U Ohn Pe in 1997, 15 students three outstanding
students each for five specified subjects taught at university have been awarded
scholarship every year.
Now there are 45 students who have won this kind of scholarship. Pakokku U Ohn Pe
Literary Awards have been presented since 1993, and during the period of eight years,
award-winning manuscripts in five genres novel, short story, poem, treatise and
research have been published by Sarpay Beikman, and out of them, six books have won
National Literary Awards. In view of this fact, the manuscripts which have won Pakokku U
Ohn Pe Awards, have literary standard on a par with that of National Literary Award.
Literary awards for life have been presented every year to those who have devoted their
life to literary work.
It is not only prize winners and the literary wellwisher but also the literary audience
feels elated at seeing that such a kind of award is presented in recognition of the
goodwill and efforts of a person who has persistently created writings beneficial to the
State and the people throughout his life. It also gives encouragement to the literati of
new generation to be able to walk smoothly on the path of their literary life. In Myanmar
literary world today, there have emerged many persons whose fame of literary skills has
gone beyond the territory of the nation and who have been awarded prizes in a fitting
manner. This achievement reflects the development of the nation and the high standard of
Myanma literature and culture.
Therefore, Myanmar literary scholars need to make concerted efforts to maintain these
good results and to promote national literature with a view to enabling the nation and the
people to stand tall in the world. All need to create fine writings which uplift national
prestige, inheriting the fine tradition of Myanmar writers who dutifully performed
national tasks while composing literary works which promote national interests and evoke
national pride in the people.
During the period of globalization, all are to continue to create literary works which
portray national pride and national culture with pure goodwill with the aim of keeping
national awareness clear and strong and patriotism alive and dynamic and ensuring the
flourishing of nationalism which enable the people to safeguard their race and cherish
their culture.
At a time when the entire national people are striving for the all-round development of
the Union of Myanmar, literary scholars are required to extend themselves in creating
writings which help promote cultural, artistic and psychological development and
contribute towards the tasks for the progress of the nation.
The students who have won scholarships are also to strive to become Myanmar literary
scholars with perseverance and determination who are capable of promoting Myanmar
literature, the hard core of national culture. Preservation and uplift of national culture
plays a pivotal role in enabling the Union of Myanmar to keep national character intact
and to keep abreast with other nations in the trend of international development.
Therefore, the students of the University of Culture who have won scholarships are to work
hard to become artists and artistes who can strive for the further flourishing of Myanma
traditional culture and propagate it to the world.
The outstanding university students are also to extend themselves in striving to become
intellectuals and intelligentsia on whom reliance can be put in building the nation anew.
To recapitulate, all literary scholars and outstanding students who have won literary
awards and scholarships, need to be proud of themselves with the knowledge that they have
managed to put up a pillar of success in their life as a result of their efforts. It is
believed that they will continue working hard to be able to set up another pillars of
success in the field of promoting the interests of the nation. In addition, the
presentation of Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Awards will contribute to emergence of artists
and artistes and human resources who are imbued with patriotism and cherish the Myanmar
way of life.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said
" May Sayagyi Pakokku U Ohn Pe who are making donations with noble goodwill and
national outlook for the further flourishing and propagation of Myanmar literature,
preservation and uplift of Myanmar culture and emergence of outstanding intellectual and
intelligentsia, be healthy for many years to come and able to work for the promotion of
Myanmar literature, and may Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Awards and scholarships associated
with the lofty aims of Sayagyi Pakokku U Ohn Pe continue to be a dynamic force for the
promotion of national interests.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented Life-long
Contribution to Literature Award to Sayagyi U Htay Myaing (Dagon Tayar) through Secretary
of Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Award Selection Committee U Maung Hlaing (Maung Swe Nge). The
Secretary-1 also presented first, second and third prizes to Tint Tun (Chauk), Shwedah
Maung Lay Yi and Yenantha Maung Kyaw Nyunt in the collected poems genre respectively and
Shi (Ingyin), Min Tin Tun and Kyaw Nyo Lwin (Kyaukse) in the novel genre respectively.
Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe presented first, second and third
prizes to Saw Myinzu (Pyapon), U Soe Tint, on behalf of Mya Danti and Kyaunggon Ei Hmu in
the collected short stories genre respectively. Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung
presented first, second and third prizes to U Myat Kyaw (Myanmar Language Commission), Ba
Tint (Chemistry-Arts) and Tekkatho Ko Latt in the treatise genre respectively and Maung
Yin Hline (Pyinmamyaing), Maung Maung Myint and Aung Nyein Chan (Mann Tekkatho) in the
research literature genre respectively.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein
presented Scholarship Awards to Ma Ni Ma Soe of University of Distance Education (Hinthada
Branch), Maung Win Zaw Oo of UDE (Hinthada Branch), Ma Thi Thi Oo of UDE (Eastern Yangon
University Branch) and Maung Aung Myo Hsan of UDE (Pakokku Branch), Maung Min Thu of
Second Year (Art Major) and Ma Thet Nwe Win of Second Year (Music Major) of University of
Culture. Then, the ceremony to present Pakokku U Ohn Pe Outstanding Student Award for
1999-2000 academic year to winners was held.
Minister for Education U Than Aung presented first, second and third prizes to Ma Wai
Wai Han of Mingaladon Basic Education High School No 2, Ma Tin Zar Myo of Kamayut BEHS No
2 and Ma Lwin Thanda Myo of Kyimyindine BEHS No 1 for their outstanding performance in the
Myanmarsar respectively. Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San presented first, second and
third prizes to Ma Lwin Mon Thant of Aungmyethazan BEHS No 8, Ma Moh Moh Aung of
Aungmyethazan BEHS No 8 and Maung Thein Zaw Tun of Natogyi BEHS in their outstanding
performance in the English respectively. Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt
presented first, second and third prizes to Ma Thi Thi Tun of Letpadan BEHS No 1, Ma
Myinzu Aung of Mingaladon BEHS No 2 and Maung Phyo Than Htoo of Kamayut BEHS No 2 in their
outstanding performance in the Maths respectively.
Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe
Win Maung presented first, second and third prizes to Ma Myinzu Aung of Mingaladon BEHS No
2, Ma Myat Theingi Swe of Myanaung BEHS and Maung Myo Teza Lin of Chanayethazan BEHS No 16
in their outstanding performance in the Science respectively.
Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyi Aung presented first, second and third
prizes to Ma Myat Theingi Swe of Myanaung BEHS, Maung Kyaw Myo Lwin of Dagon BEHS No 1 and
Ma Nwe Lin Htet of Dagon BEHS No 1 in their outstanding performance in the Social Science
respectively. Then, wellwisher U Ohn Pe reported on the purpose of his donation.
Afterwards, Chairman of U Ohn Pe Literary Award Selection Committee U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu
Shin) read out the message of thanks of Life-long Contribution to Literature Award winner
Sayagyi U Htay Myaing (Dagon Tayar). On behalf of all winners, Shi (Ingyin) spoke words of
thanks. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 had documentary photo taken together with
literature award winners and scholarship award winners.
( 2 ) Secretary-l attends meeting of
Malaria Control Drug Production Committee
Yangon, 17 Feb-The Malaria Control Drug
Production Committee held its first meeting at the Ministry of Industry-l this afternoon,
with an address by Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present were ministers, deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and heads of department.
The Secretary-l said that Myanmar is a mountainous country and is teeming with creeks
and streams, the breeding-gounds of mosquitoes. In the past, malaria was common in
mountainous rural areas but now it has spread even to urban areas, he said. He said that
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on extensive production of potent
drugs with the use of herbal plants cultivated in the country for prevention and treatment
of malaria rather than buying drugs from abroad.
The Secretary-l said cultivation of
herbal plants, with the use of which drugs for prevention and treatment of malaria can be
produced, has been successful in the country and research work has also been carried out
to some extent.
He noted that the malaria control drug production committee was formed in order to
produce efficacious drugs for malaria with the use of herbal plants and findings of
The ministries concerned are to take part in discussions on cultivation and research,
he added. Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung reported on cultivation of Sinkona plant
with the use of which drugs can be produced for malaria treatment, cultivation projects
and arrangements to extend cultivation. Deputy Factory Manager of Myanma Pharmaceutical
Factory U Win Aung reported on experimental production of quinine sulphate from Sinkona
and Assistant Director of the Centre for Technical Development of Medical Production Dr U
Myo Myint on experimental production of artemicinine from Dawna Shwewa
Artemicia leaf.
Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win presented a supplementary report
Director of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han reported on production of new malaria
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein presented matters related to research on
production of new malaria drug by Medical Research Department. Director-General of Medical
Research Department (Lower Myanmar) Dr Paing Soe also presented a report on researches
which have already been done and which are being done. Minister for Science and Technology
U Thaung explained arrangements for production of new malaria drug by the ministry. Deputy
Minster for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on the establishment
of Sinkona nurseries and Dawnashwewa cultivation technique. Minister for Forestry U Aung
Phone explained assistance to be provided by the ministry.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung also explained the acquisition of technologies
for production of new drug for treatment of malaria. After hearing the reports, Secretary-
I Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Then, Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected documents related to drugs for treatment
of malaria, Sinkona seeds and Sinkona nurseries, sample of drug for treatment of malaria
manufactured by Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory, equipment for production of Artemicia and
sample of medicine and gave necessary instructions to the officials
( 3 ) Chief Medical Officer
inspects health care services of No-1 Tyre & Rubber Factory

Yangon, 17 Feb- Chief Medical Officer Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe of the Ministry of
Industry-2 arrived at No 1 Tyre & Rubber Factory of Myanma Tyre and Rubber Industries
in Thaton Township, Mon State yesterday afternoon.
She was welcomed there by Managing Director U Oo Zun and staff, members of Thaton
District Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Committee for Women's Affairs. At 3.30
pm, the Chief Medical Officer heard reports on condition of the pre-primary school of the
factory by the managing director and the general manager of the factory.

Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented gifts to children and inspected the dispensary of the
factory. Then, the Chief Medical Officer inspected chemical raw material and production
process of the factory. At 4 pm, the Chief Medical Officer met health employees and staff
of the factory. She then explained arrangements for attending the needs of the dispensary.
On 17 February morning, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association
(Central) Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe met executives of township MCWAs in Thaton District gave
instructions. Then, the Vice-Chairperson presented gifts of MMCWA (Central) to pre-primary
schools in Thaton District.
Later, the Vice-Chairperson inspected the delivery room of Thaton Township MWCA and
fulfilled the requirements.
( 4 ) Vientiane
Mayor concludes visit
Yangon, 17 Feb- Mayor of Vientiane of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr
Bounheaung Douangphachanh and party, who paid a visit here at the invitation of Chairman
of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay, left here for home by air this
morning. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Vice-Chairman of YCDC
Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, Secretary Col Myint Aung, member Col Tin Soe, heads of
departments concerned, Ambassador of LPDR Mr Ly Bounkham and embassy staff.
Union Day delegates leave for home
Yangon, 17 Feb-The members of national race cultural troupes and the Union Solidarity
and Development Associations from states and divisions who attended the 54th Union Day
Flag Hoisting Ceremony, left for home by air, train and car today.
They were seen off by Chairman of Reception Subcommittee for Observance of the 54th
Anniversary Union Day Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandant of Defence Services
Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint and sub-committee members and officials.
( 5 ) GAD holds coordination meeting
Yangon, 17 Feb-The General Administration Department held the third four monthly
coordination meeting for year 2000 at the training hall of the department at 65, Saya San
Road, Bahan Township, this morning, with an address by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin
Present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, the Director general of
Myanmar Police Force, directors-general of departments, the deputy &rector-general of
MPF, deputy directors general and officials. Speaking on the occasion, the minister said
that GAD serves as a link between the people and the government. So, GAD is to make
efforts to become an organization on which the State can rely. After realizing the State
policies and guidance, all are to discharge their duty concerning prevalence of rule of
law, ensuring peace and tranquillity and undertaking regional development and undertaking
public welfare tasks. Specially, efforts are to be made to achieve success in rural
development tasks during the period of the third short-term five-year plan. Then, the
deputy minister gave a speech. The director-general and officials reported on
implementation of tasks in their respective sectors. After hearing reports, the minister
gave necessary instructions.
Crash courses at NMF, FF
YANGON, 17 Feb-With the aim of enabling the public to have agricultural knowledge,
Nursery Market Festival and Flower Fair were held at Myaypadetha Park and Mingaladon Park
respectively today. A crash courses on growing roses and mangoes were conducted at Nursery
Market Festival and similar course on growing roses was opened at Flower Fair. The courses
will be organized at the weekends, and those interested may attend them.
( 6 ) Minister for Construction inspects
roads and bridges in Sagaing Division, Chin State and Magwe Division
Yangon, 17 Feb-Minister for Construction
Maj-Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials
inspected roads from Kalay to Falam on 14 February. At Thaing Ngin camp, Superintending
Engineer U Lay Maung of Chin State and Deputy Superintending Engineer U Thein Tun of Road
Special Group (11) reported to the minister on work minister gave instructions on
repairing the roads in accord with the set standards.
Afterwards, the minister and part; arrived at Var bridge. Deputy Superintending
Engineer U Hsan Win of Bridge Special Group (14) presented facts about the bridge. The
minister gave instructions on points to be followed in maintaining the bridge. The newly
built 340 feet long Var bridge is located on Kalay-Falam-Haka road and built across the
Manipura river. It was originally a bailey suspension bridge. It was changed into
reinforced concrete lower structure and bailey frame upper structure for increasing
endurance. It can stand 20-ton load. Later, the minister and party arrived in Falam.
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Thein Tun of Road Special Group (11) reported into the
minister on maintenance and upgrading of Thaing Ngin-Falam Road. The minister gave
necessary instructions. Then, the minister and party inspected Falam-Haka road and
In Falam, the minister heard a report on road construction in Chin State on 15
February. The minister gave instructions. Next, the minister met with employees of Public
Works in Chin State. Later, the minister and party inspected Haka-Gangaw road. . At Bonzoo
Camp, Superintending Engineer of Magwe Division U Tint Lwin and Superintending Engineer of
Chin State U Lay Maung reported on tasks and work done. The minister gave instructions.
On February 16, the minister met with employees of Public Works in Htilin Township and
Kyauk Htu Township. Then. the minister and party inspected Kyauk Htu-Saw section. He met
with officials in Mindat District at Kangyi Ywa junction on Saw-Seik Pyu road and gave
necessary instructions.
( 7 ) Bangladeshi minister visits Business Promotion Centre of
Yangon, 17 Feb- Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr MD Abdul
Jalil, who attended the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting in 14 and 15
February, accompanied by Ambassador of Bangladesh Mr Ahmed Rahim, arrived at Business
Promotion Centre of Asia Wealth Bank Head Office in Ahlon Township this morning. Chairman
of the Bank U Aik Tun and officials welcomed the Bangladesh minister and party. In the
meeting hall of the centre, the minister and party met Myanmar private entrepreneurs and
industrialists, and discussed promotion of relations between private entrepreneurs of two
countries, development of trade and investment matters. Then, the minister and party were
served with lunch.
( 8
) Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation tours Mon State
Yangon, 17
Feb-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and officials arrived at
Ingabo Orchard in Kyaikhto Township on 16 February.The officials concerned reported on
cultivation of grapefruit, cockscomb and durian and use of advanced cultivation techniques
to improve the fruit quality. The minister discussed matters related to sown-acreage,
research and water supply with members of Cultivation Coordination Committee and officials
of MAS. He inspected nurseries and grapefruit plants. Then, he inspected Ingabo coconut
oil factory and oil palm plantations.
The minister inspected No 14 Sugar Mill in Bilin Township, cultivation of sugarcane on
2,200 acres of land in Daukyat Village and pepper plants. He inspected cultivation of
pepper in Azin Farm in Mudon Township. Managing Director of MAS U Tun Than and General
Manager U Pyay Nyein reported on cultivation work.The minister inspected construction of
Winphanon Dam in Mudon Township.
( 9
) Opium, opium liquid seized in Muse Township
Yangon, 17 Feb- A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Myanmar
Police Force and departments, acting on information, searched the office of Yonsein
Commercial Co, Room No 218, Kaungmuton Ward of Muse Township, Shan State (North), on 25
January. They seized Kyaw Soe (a) A Hwe, son of U Law Aye of Tamoenye Village, Kutkai
Township, and Chwin Ta, son of U Kyan Chin Pwe, together with 1.7 kilos of opium and 2.5
litres of opium liquid. Action is taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.