( 1 ) Chairman of State Peace and Development
Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe receives Iandian
Minister of External Affairs

Yangon, 15 Feb- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the
Union of Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe received
Minister of External Affairs Shri Jaswant Singh of India and party at the Pyithu Hluttaw
Building on Pyay Road at 11 am today.
Also present at the call were
Vice-Chairman of the State Peace andDevelopment Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Minister for
Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General Thura U
Aung Htet of the Protocol Department. The Indian External Affairs Minister and party were
accompanied by Ambassador of India Mr Shyam Saran.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 hosts dinner in
honour of ministers and delegates of BIMST-EC Meeting

Yangon, 15 Feb- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt hosted a dinner at Karaweik Palace in honour of ministers and delegates who attended
the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting, this evening. Present on the
occasion were the ministers, deputy ministers, diplomats, departmental heads and observer
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal and party. Before the dinner, variety dances were
presented by Karaweik dance troupe.
Secretary-1 receives BIMST-EC Ministers
Yangon, 15 Feb- On behalf of Chairman of
the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh Mr Md Abdul Jalil, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry
of the Republic of India Mr SS Kapur, Minister of Internal & International Trade
Commerce, Shipping Development and Muslim Religious Affairs of Democratic Republic of Sri
Lanka Hon Rauff Hakeem, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of
Thailand Mr Krirk-Krai Jirapaet, Programme Manager Mr Kasu Sakai of ADB and Director of
International Trade & Industry Division of ESCAP Mr Ravi Saw Hney, who are attending
the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting here, at the Yeiktha of the Ministry
of Defence at 8 am today.
Also present at the call were Minister
for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister at the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Foreign
Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director-General
Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department and Observer of BIMST-EC Trade/Economic
Ministers' Meeting Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Mr Chakra Prasad Bastola.
Secretary-1 receives Indian External Affairs Minister

Yangon, 15 Feb- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Minister of External Affairs Shri Jaswant Singh of India and
party at the Dagon Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence this afternoon. Also present at the
call were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and
Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department and officials. The guests
were accompanied by Ambassador of India Mr Shyam Saran.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt receives Deputy Minister of Malaysia
Yangon, 15 Feb - Secretary-1 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received Deputy Minister of Agriculture of
Malaysia Dato Seri Haji Mohd Shariff Bin Haji Omar and party at the Guest House of the
Ministry of Defence at 4 pm today. Also present together with Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt were Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director-General of Protocol Department
Thura U Aung Htet and officials. The guests were accompanied by Ambassador of Malaysia
Dato Mohammad Bin Noh. The Malaysian deputy minister presented US $ 2,000 donated by
fisheries entrepreneurs of ASEAN Fisheries Federation of Malaysia to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt for Myanmar Education Committee.
Secretary-2 receives Malaysian delegation

Yangon, 15 Feb - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo
received ASEAN Fisheries Federation of Malaysia delegation led by Deputy Minister of
Agriculture of Malaysia Dato Seri Haji Mohd Shariff Bin Haji Omar at his office at 8 am
today. Also present together with Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo were Minister for National
Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen
Maung Maung Thein, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung, Deputy
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein and heads of department. The Malaysian
deputy minister was accompanied by Ambassador of Malaysia Dato Mohammad Bin Noh.
is crucial link between nations of South Asia and South East Asia Progress achieved in
laying down foundations for greater economic cooperation among member countries
Yangon, 15 Feb- A ceremony to open the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial
Meeting, hosted for the first time in Myanmar, was held at Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda
Road this morning, with an address by Chairman of the BIMST-EC Steering Committee and
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present on
the occasion were ministers of the Union of Myanmar, Chairman of the Central Organizing
Committee for the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting Minister at the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel and members, work committee
member deputy ministers, Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr MD
Abdul Jalil, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry of the Republic of
India Mr SS Kapur, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan of Myanmar, Minister of
Internal & International Trade and Commerce, Shipping Development and Muslim Religious
Affairs of Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka Mr Rauff Hakeem, Permanent Secretary of the
Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of Thailand Mr Krirk-Krai Jirapaet, delegates of the
respective countries, observer Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Chakra Prasad Bastola and
members of Nepal, diplomats of the embassies of BIMST-EC member countries, representatives
of ADB and ESCAP, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office,
departmental officials, local and foreign journalists and guests.
Assistant Manager Daw San Yu Yu Ohn of International Business Centre of the Ministry of
Forestry, who acted as master of ceremonies, read the meeting agenda. Then, Chairman of
the BIMST-EC Steering Committee and Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered an opening address.
He said: This is the first time that Myanmar is hosting the BIMST-EC Trade/Economic
Ministerial Meeting and I am greatly delighted to have the opportunity to give this
opening address. As Chairman of the BIMST-EC Steering Committee of the Union of Myanmar, I
would also like to extend a very warm welcome to our BIMST-EC Ministers and Delegates as
well as to the representatives from ADB and ESCAP. Although your stay in the country is
all too brief, it is our hope that you will be able to have an insight of our " Land
of Golden Pagodas "a country rich in beauty and culture, a country that is peaceful,
stable and economically vibrant, with people confidently welcoming the twenty-first
century and the third millennium.
We are living in an era of rapid technological advances and globalization. This
globalization process has brought with it new opportunities as well as new challenges,
particularly to the developing nations. We live in a world of increasing interdependence,
growing economic competition and widening digital divide. In these times, no nation can
stay aloof and in isolation. To overcome these challenges, the developing nations must
learn to cooperate with each other in the most effective and efficient way possible. In
this context, the Asian nations need to work together to thrive and to progress.
The formation of BIMST-EC in 1997 is of great significance not only for its Member
states but also for the region as a whole. It is our belief that BIMST-EC is a crucial
link between the nations of South Asia and Southeast Asia. Although BIMST-EC had emerged
only three and half years ago, it can be said that notable progress has been achieved in
laying down the foundations for greater economic cooperation among the Member countries.
We were able to identify six main areas for cooperation. In New Delhi, we were able to add
two new areas, agriculture and disaster management, for future cooperation. We should not
be discouraged if the pace of cooperation in some areas is not as fast as we would like.
If we all devote special attention and focus on those areas where progress is to
accelerate, we shall surely be on track again. On the whole, I believe that the level of
cooperation so far achieved can be to a large extent a source of satisfaction for al of
us. At this juncture, allow me to say that we in Myanmar have confidence in the economic
strength of BIMST-EC and its Members.
With a combined population of over 1.2
billion people and abundant natural and human resources, our organization shall surely be
able to bring about greater prosperity to the region. In this regard, it is vital
importance for all countries to implement the various sectoral action plans effectively
and as early as possible. I am also heartened to learn that attention is being devoted for
establishing the shared vision for a Free Trade Arrangement in the BIMST-EC region. We
fully appreciate the complexities and sensitivities involved.
However, I remain confident that working together in the spirit of good will and
accommodation we shall be able to produce a blueprint in our march towards a Free Trade
Area. Myanmar looks forward to making a meaningful contribution to progress and prosperity
of the BIMST-EC region. Despite the negative impacts caused by the financial crisis that
hit the region in 1997, our economy was able to grow due to the adoption of correct and
timely policies and their vigorous implementation. At the end of March this year, we will
be completing the 1996-97 to 2000-2001 Short Term Five Year Plan. Against a Plan target of
6 per cent, we were able to achieve an average annual growth of 7.2 per cent in the first
four years of the Plan. In this last year of the Plan, GDP growth is projected to be at
least 8 per cent. Despite the progress made, circles holding negative views inside and
outside the country continue to make all sorts of remarks and comments regarding our
Actually, in recent years there had been tremendous infrastructure buildup, greater
income, higher standards of living and better quality of life of the entire people as well
as the narrowing of gap between cities and countryside. We are therefore very glad that
Your Excellencies will have a chance to observe at first hand the true conditions of our
economy. The truth of the matter is that our agricultural production is increasing, the
industrial sector is growing and the services sector improving. Moreover, the economic
achievements that you witnessing today are being attained by our own efforts and without
any assistance from abroad. At the same time, we look forward to cooperating with the
friendly nations for mutual benefit.
] Our agriculture, forest, mining, livestock breeding, industry, energy and services
sectors including tourism, offer vast prospects for doing business in Myanmar as well as
for cooperation with our Asian partners. It is our hope that Myanmar's economic potential
will contribute towards regional prosperity. Myanmar joined BIMST-EC in 1997. We did so
with full conviction of the goals, aims and purposes of the organization. I wish to
reiterate our commitment to BIMST-EC. Myanmar will not be found lacking in its
obligations. We will forge ahead with our efforts to promote cooperation with BIMST-EC
Members. The Agenda before this Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting is both
wide-ranging and of great significance for the Member States and their peoples.
I am confident that the Ministers with their wisdom and vast experiences will be able
to guide the Meeting to fruitful and beneficial results. In conclusion, May I wish all of
you success in your deliberations and a pleasant stay in Myanmar. Thank you all for your
kind attention. Next, the Secretary-1 had the documentary photo taken together with
Minister Brig-Gen Abel , observer Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Chakra Prasad Bastola of
Nepal, Minister of Commerce of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr MD Abdul Jalil,
Minister of Internal & International Trade and Commerce, Shipping Development and
Muslim Religious Affairs of Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka Hon Rauff Hakeem, Permanent
Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of Thailand Mr Krirk-Krai Jirapaet,
Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry of the Republic of India MR SS
Kapur and Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan of Myanmar. After the ceremony,
the Secretary-1 cordially met delegation members of respective BIMST-EC member countries.
( 5 ) BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting issues joint
Press statement
Ministers accentuate important role of SMEs and SMIs in Region's development
Yangon, 15 Feb- The following is a Joint Press Statement of the Third BIMST-EC
Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting held at Sedona Hotel in Yangon this morning.
1. The Third BIMST-EC Trade / Economic Ministers' Meeting was held in Yangon, Myanmar
on 15th February 2001. It was preceded by the Second BIMST-EC Senior Trade/Economic
Officials' Meeting on 14th February, 2001. The Ministers' Meeting was inaugurated by His
Excellency Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Chairman of the BIMST-EC Steering Committee of Myanmar and
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council.
Opening Speech
2. In his opening speech, HE Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt highlighted the fact that globalisation
has brought new opportunities and challenges, particularly to the developing nations. To
overcome these challenges, the developing nations must learn to cooperate with each other.
In this context, BIMST-EC is a crucial link between the nations of South and Southeast
Asia. Myanmar has confidence in the economic strength of BIMST-EC. H.E. is also heartened
to learn that attention is being devoted for establishing the shared vision for a Free
Trade Arrangement in the BIMST-EC region. H.E. explains Myanmar's economic growth and how
some quarters are expressing all sorts of negative remarks and comments on it. Finally, he
explained that Myanmar joined BIMST-EC with full convictions of the goals, aims and
purposes of the organisation.
3. The Meeting was attended by Trade/Economic Ministers of Member Countries and their
Senior Trade/Economic Officials. Nepal attended as an observer. The Programme Manager of
the Asian Development Bank and the Director of International Trade and Industry Division
of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific were specially invited. His
Excellency, Brig- Gen D O Abel, Myanmar's BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Minister and Minister at
the Chairman's Office, State Peace and Development Council, presided over the Meeting.
Chairmans Statement
4. Chairman, Brig-Gen Abel said that in this age of globalisation, to stand still is to
fall back. The Minister commended the Inter-Governmental Group for their efforts to find a
possible free trade arrangement. He urged Member Countries to first trade amongst
themselves in accordance with the multilateral trading system, and then amongst Asians.
Intra-regional trade and investment will remain a vital force, and the Chair emphasized
the need to arrive at substantive outcomes in trade liberalization, to be supported by
trade facilitation measures. The Minister highlighted the significant role of small and
medium enterprises/industries in the BIMST-EC region's development, and that Governments
must act as facilitators.
Overview 5. The Ministers exchanged views on the international economic environment.
With rapidly increasing globalization,
global competition for markets and investments. The strategy for the period beyond
economic recovery and towards economic resurgence is broader and deeper integration. The
Ministers agreed that member countries must have one " voice " in sending the
message of commitment to integration in international fora.
6. The Ministers noted the importance of trading within the Group, as well as, amongst
Asian nations in accordance with the rules of the multilateral trading system. The
Ministers felt a need for exploring the possibility of a free trade arrangement. They
commended the Inter-Governmental Group on their Concept Paper. The Ministers agreed to set
up an experts group consisting of officials, academia, and private sector to study
approach and modalities, and make recommendations to the next Trade/Economic Ministerial
7. The Ministers shared the view that BIMST-EC should have a coordinated position to
the possible extent and form a common position in international trade related fora, such
as the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Developing countries should be proactive and
formulate initiatives, rather than be reactive to proposals put forward by developed
countries. They agreed on the need for a balanced agenda and for the interests of
developing countries to be taken into account in future WTO negotiations. The commitments
made so far for the integation of LDCs in the global trading system should be address
Trade Facilitation
8. The Ministers noted that trade liberalisation efforts be considered together with
trade facilitation measures. To begin with, the Ministers concentrated on short-term
deliverables such as customs matters, standards and confirmity, and establishment of
Customs Experts Group. They also agreed to the recommendations made by STEOM on these
trade facilitation measures.
9. The Ministers also noted the need for developing a longer term programme. The
Ministers discussed measures for facilitation of transport, strengthening the banking
arrangements, IPRs, mobility of business people, and establishment of the trade database
which is part of the e-BIMST-EC. Similarly, they agreed to the STEOM recommendation on
these matters.
10. The Ministers stressed the importance of e-commerce. It was noted that there is a
need to harmonise standards and regulations. The Ministers took note of the on-going
activities and discussions at international fora so they may be utilised and applied in
the BIMST-EC context.
Small and Medium Enterprises/Industries
11. The Ministers accentuated the important role of SMEs and SMIs in the Region's
development and realised that each government acts as a facilitator. The Ministers agreed
to prioritise the promotion of SMEs and SMIs in the Region's collaborative efforts. As an
initial step, they reviewed the problems and potentials of these small scale entities and
discussed possible actions to mitigate the problems and enhance the potentials.
Other Matters
12. The Ministers took note of the following issues: (a) The request by the Kingdom of
Nepal for membership to BIMST-EC; and (b) setting of a permanent BIMST-EC Secretariat.
Next Meeting 13. The Fourth BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting will be held in
Colombo, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, in February 2002.
( 6 ) The third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic
Ministers' Meeting held
Yangon, 15 Feb - The third BIMST-EC
Trade/Economic Ministers' Meeting, hosted by Myanmar for the first time, was held at the
Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning. Chairman of the Central Committee for
Organizing the third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers' Meeting Minister at the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel made a speech. Also present
were delegates of the People s Republic of Bangladesh led by Minister for Commerce Mr Md
Abdul Jalil, the delegates of the Republic of India led by Minister of State, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry Mr Omar Abdullah, Myanmar delegates led by Deputy Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, the delegates of Sri Lanka led by Minister for Internal and
International Trade and Commerce, Shipping Development and Muslim Religious Affairs Mr
Rauff Hakeem, the delegates of Thailand led by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of
Commerce Mr Krirk-Krai Jirapaet, the observers led by Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr
Chakra Prasad Bastola of Nepal and delegates of the National AFTA Unit of the Ministry of
National Planning and Economic Development.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel said: As Secretary-1 had said, the twenty-first century is
certainly an era of rapidly increasing globalisation. To survive and to thrive, everyone
must learn to work, cooperate and compete in the most effective and efficient ways
possible. To stand still is to fall back. The rest of the world has not stood still. Ever
closer integration is taking place all over the world. Continent sized economies, regional
free trade areas and other forms of economic partnership mount a serious challenge to
BIMST-EC region as a whole, in a global competition for markets and investments.
The strategy for the period beyond economic recovery and towards economic resurgence is
broader and deeper integration. In our deliberations today, there is an urgent need to
consolidate the existing economic linkages among Member Countries and create a basis for
deeper cooperation. We must resolve to invigorate efforts to accelerate trade and
investment by strengthening policy dialogue, coordinate and collaborate on issues of
common interests. In the context of WTO, advanced countries need to reform their trade
policies in areas that discriminate against the poorest countries. They need to introduce
new ways of supporting agricultural incomes at home that do not jeopardise the world-wide
fight against poverty. I would like to place an emphasis on intra-regional trade. People
have been trading all over the globe since time immemorial. It is one of the basic
elements for countries to develop and advance. Then, in the last century, a multilateral
trading system emerged as symbolised by the WTO.
The System is to promote fair and orderly trade among many nations and corporations. To
be able to participate in this System to our advantage, I felt that we must first trade
amongst ourselves according to the rules of this System. If we do not trade amongst
members of our Group, how can we trade with other Asian nations? If Asians do not trade
amongst themselves, how can they expect to trade with other regions of the world?
Myanmar's trade with BIMST-EC member countries have been increasing. Intra-regional trade
and investment will remain a vital force. We can find ways of working closely and
concertedly with the common goal of realising the potential economic and developmental
benefits of our Group. Our efforts will underpin the growth of trade and investment
relationships in the future. We are thankful to the Inter-Governmental Group for their
efforts to find a possible free trade arrangement. It is important to achieve substantive
progress in trade liberalisation.
The agenda needs to be forward looking, focusing on concrete time-bound steps towards
achieving its objectives. Our region should not only liberalise trade, but we should also
facilitate trade. Trade facilitation is the " flip-side "of trade
liberalisation, and one without the other will lead us nowhere. The aims should be at
reducing non-tariff barriers and promoting trade opportunities within BIMST-EC. I am of
the opinion that, for now, we should concentrate on short-term deliverables that are of
relevance and usefulness. This will include customs matters and standards, including
sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards. While working on the short-term deliverables, we
should initiate programmes for liberalisation of trade in services, facilitation of
transport and strengthening the banking arrangements. All efforts should have well defined
targets, time frames and review mechanisms. As we progress with our libe-ralisation
efforts, we can pick up issues such as intellectual property rights, mobility of business
people and so on. I would also like to mention e-commerce.
The establishment of common standards is required. The differences in existing
regulations and standards need to be identified and reduced. We may take note of the
on-going activities and discussions at international fora so we may utilise and apply them
in the BIMST-EC context. Like in the rest of Asia, small and medium sized enterprises
(SMEs) and small and medium sized (SMIs) industries will play a significant role in our
Region's development. Governments must play a facilitating role to help solve their
problems of getting information, credit, technology etcetera, that are associated with
small scale (SMEs/SMIs). Identifying trade barriers with a view to reducing and removing
them, together with trade facilitation measures mentioned above, will result in direct and
tangible gains to business, especially SMEs. Then, the ministers, delegates and observers
discussed trade and economic matters. Afterwards, they discussed the report of the
BEMST-EC Trade/Economic Senior Officers' Meeting held yesterday. Next, a general round of
discussions followed.
The place and date to hold the fourth BEMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers'Meeting and the
third BEMST-EC Trade/Economic Senior Officers' Meeting were fixed. The meeting approved
the report of the third BEMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers' Meetings. It is learnt that the
fourth BEMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers' Meeting will be held in Sri Lanka in February
Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministers
meet Press
Yangon, 15 Feb - A Press Conference on the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial
Meeting was held at Sedona Hotel at 5 pm today. Present were Chairman of the Central
Committee for Organizing of the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting Minister
at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister of
Commerce of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Mr MD Abdul Jalil, Provincial Minister of
the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of India Mr Omar Abdullah, Deputy
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan of Myanmar, Minister of Internal &
International Trade and Commerce, Shipping Development and Muslim Religious Affairs of the
Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka Rauff Hakeem, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of
Commerce of the Kingdom of Thailand Mr Krirk-Krai Jirapaet, members of the Central
Committee for Observance of the Third BIMST-EC Trade/Economic Ministerial Meeting and work
committees, delegates of the respective nations, Managing Director of News and Periodicals
Enterprise U Tin Kha, Director (News) U Hla Tun, Adviser to the Minister U Kyaw Min, Chief
Editor of The New Light of Myanmar daily U Maung Maung Aye, Chief Editor of Myanma News
Agency (Internal) U Win Tin, President of Myanmar Correspondents Club U Sao Kai Hpa and
member journalists. Minister Brig-Gen Abel gave a speech. Minister Brig-Gen Abel said that
the third BIMST-EC Trade/Commerce Ministers' Meeting and BIMST-EC Trade/Commerce Senior
Officers' Meeting have been held successfully in Yangon, and these meetings will be held
in alphabetical order of the names of member nations. As far as Myanmar is concerned, it
has held the meetings successfully.
In replying to questions put by journalists, the Indian minister said that India has
been setting up small-size and medium-size enterprises and industries starting from the
village level. With regard to transfer of technology, it will cooperate in accord with the
conditions of BIMST-EC. Then, Brig-Gen Abel said that BIMST-EC came into existence three
and a half years ago. Protection of BIMST-EC is necessary in the process of globalization.
The member nations have to have a part in the globalization. Collaboration and cooperation
in the region will help member nations in a very positive manner to be players in the
globalization. Globalization cannot be avoided.
There are challenges as well as benefits in the process of globalization. The member
nations can play the game according to the multilateral role, and they can cooperate
Regionwise and globalwise, and there are a lot of benefits. In replying to a question
related to membership of Nepal of BIMST-EC, Minister Brig-Gen Abel said that this matter
is to be put to the meetings of Ministers for Foreign Affairs. He added that although
there are all sorts of negative remarks and comments on the economic growth of Myanmar,
only what responsible officials say and facts and figures which they give are to be
regarded as authentic. In replying to a question of how the prospect of investment flow
among members of BEMST-EC can be evaluated, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of
Commerce of Thailand said that there are persons from Thailand who are dealing with
telecommunication services in certain parts of India. There is also investment in hotel
management, hotel construction and department stores in Myanmar.
There are also some types of investment in Sri Lanka. This sort of flow can be further
strengthened and enhanced. Then, the Indian minister said that BEMST-EC is a very young
organization. It is necessary to conclude bilateral investment protection agreements among
member countries of BEMST-EC. So the fundamental structural framework for investment
protection exists among all the member nations when investors come forward to invest in
other countries. They will have this sort of safetiness. In replying to a question
concerning balance of trade between Myanmar and India, the Indian minister said that India
had a trade deficit with Myanmar, which exported more to India. In 1999-2000, Myanmar's
export to India was US$ 141.14 million, and its import from India was US$ 75.36 million.
India is Myanmar's largest export market according to the figures. Then, the Press
Conference ended at 5.45 pm.
( 7 ) Myanmar-India Friendship Centre for Remote Sensing and Data
Processing inaugurated

Yangon, 15 Feb - A ceremony to inaugurate Myanmar-India Friendship Centre for Remote
Sensing and Data Processing was held at the Technical and Vocational Education Department
on Natmauk Street in Bahan Township this morning, attended by Secretary-2 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Also present were Minister , Deputy Minister, heads of the State Peace and Development
Council Office and departments concerned, Minister of External Affairs of India Mr Shri
Jaswant Singh and party, Ambassador of India Mr Shyam Saran and embassy staff, Director of
the Centre for Remote Sensing and Data Processing Professor Dr Swe Swe Aye and officials,
students of Insein Technical Training Centre, post-graduate trainees and guests.
Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung and Minister of External Affairs of India
Mr Shri Jaswant Singh formally opened the Centre. Then, the Secretary-2 formally unveiled
the bronze plaque of the Centre. Minister U Thaung said: Allow me to extend a warm welcome
to Your Excellency and to the members of your delegation at the opening ceremony of the
Centre for Remote Sensing and Data Processing.
This is the first centre of its kind in Myanmar. It will have a vital role to play, in
the processing, and dissemination of data from satellites. The data, provided by the
centre, will surely assist Myanmar, in its development efforts. It is firm conviction that
opening of the centre is the beginning of closer cooperation between our two countries
in space and related technologies. We in Myanmar are aware that in this rapidly changing
world, the future will depend on knowledge-based societies. We are therefore, seeking to
develop own human resources to meet the challenges of our times. In this regard we
appreciate the assistance provided to us by India with regard to science and technology.
We are indeed honoured that Your Excellency has so kindly agreed to inaugurate this Remote
sensing and Data Processing Centre an outstanding example of Indo-Myanmar friendship.
Minister of External Affairs of India Shri Jaswant Singh said: It gives me great
pleasure to be present here today on the significant occasion of the inauguration of the
Myanmar-India Friendship Centre for Remote Sensing and Data Processing. The establishment
of the Centre is not only a symbol of the cooperation that has grown between India and
Myanmar, it is also a manifestation of the warm and friendly ties that have traditionally
existed between our two countries since historical times. I am particularly grateful to HE
Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council, who has honoured
this occasion with his kind presence. This reflects the importance which the leaders of
Myanmar attach to this new area of bilateral cooperation in frontier technologies.
The new millennium has commenced, and with it, we have entered an enhanced phase in the
relationship between our two great nations. We in India look forward to a relationship of
partnership and of beneficial interdependence with Myanmar, supporting each other in our
quest for peace, prosperity and national development, drawing upon the strengths and
resources, both human and material, of both our countries. Excellencies, a new millennium
brings new hope; the expectations that we cherish remain the same: for an improved quality
of life for ourselves and coming generations, for a better society, a better tomorrow. The
economic enrichment of society encompasses basic issues such as education and
technological development. In fact, in addressing national development, these issues
assume critical importance. We are fortunate that today we have the strength of science
and its applications in this endeavour.
Excellencies, this Centre, which we have jointly inaugurated today, is a manifestation
of Myanmar's desire to encourage the development of a scientific temper in this country.
We therefore laud the founding of this important venture and are appreciative of the
opportunity to share our experience and capabilities with you. It gives us immense
pleasure to be partners in this project with Myanmar. Remote sensing is today an essential
tool of science with multifarious social benefits. In developing countries like India and
Myanmar, resource surveys are vital for national infrastructure development. The
applications of remote sensing cover weather forecasting and disaster management
capabilities, determination of forest cover and other land use delineation's, cropping
surveys, urban planning, environmental monitoring and ground water survey.
The Centre we have inaugurated today will continue to be an enduring symbol of our
partnership as we move ahead into subsequent phases of upgradation. Excellencies, in this
endeavour we have drawn on our scientists and take pride in their calibre and vision. Any
Centre of Remote Sensing brings to mind the contributions of scientists such as the late
Dr Vikram Sarabhai or Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, for their pioneering role in the development of
space technology in India. Achieving results is neither easy nor quick; nor can it be done
in isolation. The process of exploring science and technology for the purpose of modern
sustainable development generates team spirit, patience and determination Persist, for in
science one learns from failure as well as from success.
Before I conclude I wish to express our appreciation to Shri RP Dubey of the Space
Application Centre of the Indian Space Research Organisation and his dedicated team of
Myanmar scientists and technicians of the Myanmar Ministry of Science and Technology, who
worked tirelessly during the past week to make the Centre fully operational and ready for
inauguration today. For all who will work here, I wish them satisfaction, success and the
joys of applying the power of the scientific mind to the process of national development I
am happy to convey my very best wishes for the success of this Centre to the Government of
Myanmar. Thank you. After the ceremony, the Secretary-2 and party and the Minister of
External Affairs of India and party observed the Centre.
( 8
) Appointment of Ambassador agreed
Yangon, 16 Feb - The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment
of Mr Li Jinjun as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic
of China to the Union of Myanmar in succession to His Excellency Mr Liang Dong. Mr Li
Jinjun was born in May 1956 in Jiangsu Province. After graduation from university, he
joined the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
China in 1976 and served in various capacities till the rank of Director-General. He also
served as Second Secretary as well as first Secretary at the Chinese Embassy in Germany.
Mr Li Jinjun last served as Director-General of the Department of West European Affairs of
the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party before being
nominated as Ambassador to the Union of Myanmar. He is married and has one daughter.
Minister attends MRTV Ceremony

Yangon, 15 Feb-The 55th Anniversary Ceremony of Myanma Radio and Television under the
Ministry of Information was held at MRTV on Pyay Road at 4 pm today with an address by
Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung presented prizes to Medal for Excellent Performance in
Administrative Field (Third Class) winners U Win Kyi (Director-TV Division) and U Myint Oo
(Deputy Director-TV Division), Medal for Excellent Performance in Industrial Field of
Economy (Third Class) winner U Myint Aung (Deputy Chief Engineer-Mechanical Division),
Public Service Medal winners U Kan Myint (Assistant Director-Admin Division), U Aung Nyein
(Electronics Technician Grade-1-Mechanical Division) and U Maw Maw Win (Electronics
Technician Grade-1-Mechanical Division). Then, Deputy Minister U Thein Sein presented
prizes to U Thein Han (Staff Officer-Radio Division) and Daw Kyi Kyi Su Hlaing TV
Technician Grade-2-Radio Division) who are outstanding in external activities and courses.
Next, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein presented prizes to Daw Yin Yin Hla (Staff
Officer-Radio Division), Daw Khin Sabai (TV Technician Grade-1-TV Division), U Wint Aung
(Staff Officer-TV Division), U Min Min (Electronics Technician Grade-1-Mechanical
Division) and U San Lwin (Superintendent-Admin) who are outstanding internal activities.
Afterwards, Director-General of MRTV U Khin Maung Htay presented uniforms to service
personnel through officials concerned.
Minister of External Affairs of India concludes goodwill visit
Yangon, 15 Feb - Minister of External Affairs of India Shri Jaswant Singh and party
arrived at Zafar Shah Mausoleum on Ziwaka Road in Dagon Township at 1.30 pm today.
Minister of External Affairs of India Shri Jaswant Singh paid tribute to Zafar Shah tomb.
Then, the visiting minister signed in the visitors' book and presented cash to the
officials. Minister Shri Jaswant Singh and party left here for home by Indian Tatmadaw
special flight at 3.30 pm. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister
for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador
of India Mr Shyam Saram and embassy staff.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung meets officials of Win
Thuzar shops
Yangon, 15 Feb - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met in-charge and staff of ten
Win Thuzar Shops at the meeting hall of the Ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this evening.
The minister gave instructions to officials. Present also were Deputy Ministers for
Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general, managing
directors, general manager and managers.
( 9
) Vientiane Mayor tours Yangon
Yangon, 15 Feb-The visiting Mayor of Vientiane of Lao People's Democratic Republic Mr
Bounheuang Douang Phachanh and party viewed the work being undertaken by Yangon City
Development Committee here this morning. They first visited Horticulture Show being staged
in Mayangon Township. Then, they were invited to a tea party. Member of YCDC U Aung Soe
presented seeds of rare trees to the visiting mayor who presented souvenirs to him.
Afterwards, they visited Bogyoke Aung San Park, Bogyoke Aung San Market and Central Myodaw
Market. They were entertained to a luncheon at Yangon Hall of the Central Market. In the
afternoon, accompanied by officials, they visited Maha Bandoola Bridge and Thanlyin Bridge
by car. Next, they headed for Thakayta Amusement Park and Modern Playgrounds in Dawbon
Township and took recreation there. They later proceeded to Hlinethaya Industrial Zone and
visited Myanmar Sunny Shoe Factory and Myanmar Texcamp Industries Ltd.
Opium seized in Pinlaung
Yangon, 15 Feb- A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the bus with number plate 1Ka/4683,
leaving Pinlaung for Taunggyi, at the junction of Kalaw, Aungban and Pinlaung roads in
Shan State (South) on 22 January. The team nabbed passenger Hla Shwe, son of U Than Maung
of Paukkhanic Village in Phekhon Township, bringing together with 2.9388 kilos of opium.
Action is taken against him under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.