( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw
Kyaing Kyaing host 54th Anniversary Union Day reception and dinner
Yangon, 12 Feb- Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe and wife
Daw Kyaing Kyaing hosted the 54th Anniversary Union Day reception and dinner for 2001 on
the lawns in the President's House Compound on Ahlon Road at 6.30 pm today.
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar Senior
General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing arrived at the President's House Compound on
Ahlon Road where Senior General Than Shwe and wife were welcomed by Vice-Chairman of the
State Peace and Development Council General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win
Myint, member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and officials.
Then, the Senior General and wife
cordially met Union Day delegates and cultural troupes from States and Divisions, Dawei
cultural troupes from Taninthayi Division, delegates of State and Division Union
Solidarity and Development Associations, national races leaders and guests. Afterwards,
the Senior General and wife hosted a dinner in honour of the guests. Also present on the
occasion were members of the State Peace and Development Council and their wives, Deputy
Prime Ministers and their wives, the ministers and their wives, the Chief Justice, the
Attorney-General and the Auditor-General and their wives, Others Association, Industry,
private entrepreneurs, private bank entrepreneurs and guests. Before an during the dinner,
vocalists presented songs in accompaniment of Myanma Athan modern music troupe. After the
dinner, U Shwe Yoe-Daw Moe duel dance and traditional cultural dances were presented by
students of Dagon Basic Education High School No 1 and Latha BEHS No 2, Moeza Byaw dance
by Sangyoung BEHS No 2, traditional dance by Dawei cultural troupe of Taninthayi Division
and national race dances by Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects
development tasks in Shan State (North) Special Regions, border areas
Yangon, 12 Feb- Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and
National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt,
accompanied by ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials of the
State Peace and Development Council Office and department heads, left here by Tatmadaw
aircraft on 10 February afternoon and arrived at Lashio, Shan State (North), at 5.30 pm.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party, together with Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung
Myint Oo, inspected the site chosen for construction of the State buildings at the
junction of Lashio-Namtu Motor Road and Mandalay-Lashio railroad, north-west of Lashio,
with a view to ensuring the development of Lashio. The Commander reported on matters
related to the site.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party went to North-East Command Ornamental Tiles
Factory of Oriental Kyeep-wayay Co Ltd in Lashio where they were welcomed by Managing
Director U Kyaw Hlaing, Consultant Maj Myo Win (Retd) and officials. In the hall of the
factory, Consultant Maj Myo Win (Retd) reported to the Secretary-1 on the aims of the
company, location of the factory, organizational set-up, functions and capacity of the
factory. Then, the Secretary-1 and party viewed products of the factory tables,
vases and various kinds of ornamental tiles in the hall.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected
production process of ornamental tiles, briquettes and ceiling sheets. The Secretary-1 and
party also inspected finished goods on display at the warehouse. Managing Director U Kyaw
Hlaing presented a souvenir to the Secretary-1 at the hall of the factory. Then, the
Secretary-1 signed in the visitors' book. The factory can produce 12,000 square feet of
ornamental tiles monthly.
The factory has produced average of 6,000 square feet of tiles a month in 2000 and a
total of 81,612 square feet of ornamental tiles have been produced in year 2000.
Ornamental tiles, marble furniture and figurines produced by the factory are distributed
by the offices of Oriental Kyeepwayay Co Ltd in Yangon and Mandalay.
In the evening, the Secretary-1 and party visited Maha Muni Buddha Image on Zeyahema
Hill in Lashio where they were welcomed by members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees. The
Secretary-1 paid obeisance to the Image and offered gold foil at the Image. Then, the
Secretary-1 singed in the visitors' book and donated cash towards the funds of all-round
renovation for the Image.
On 11 February morning, the Secretary-1 and party, together with Commander Maj-Gen
Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, left Lashio by helicopter and arrived in Kaungkha Myothit
of Kutkai Township. The Secretary-1 and party welcomed there by Tactical Operations
Commander Col Soe Yi of North-East Command, the Chairman of Kutkai Township Peace and
Development Council and members, national race leader U Ma Htu Naw and members of of Shan
State (North) Special Region-5 in Kaungkha region of Kutkai Township, departmental
officials, USDA members, Kachin cultural tourpe, band and local people.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Kaungkha Myothit Basic Education High School
and inspected the school. The school head conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the
school. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected the computer room of the school. Next, the
Secretary-1 presented teaching aid for the students to Headmaster U Hauk Shan. On arrival
at Kaungkha Myothit Health Department, Dr Than Lwin and nurses welcomed the Secretary-1
and party.
Then, Health Assistant U Tin Maung Oo
reported on rural health care task, maternity work, measures for prevention of diseases
and educative work. Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein gave a supplementary report. The
Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions. After that, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded
to Kaungkha Myothit Maternal and Child Welfare Association Branch. After hearing reports
on maternal and child welfare tasks presented by Branch Chairperson Daw Ja Mai, the
Secretary-1 presented medicines to the Kaungkha Myothit MCWA Branch.
Then, the Secretary-1 met national race leader U Ma Htu Naw and leaders and
departmental officials at the office of Shan State (North) Special Region-5 in Kaungkha
region, and gave instructions on development of Kaungkha region.
National race leader U Ma Htu Naw reported
on development matters related to transport, education and agriculture in Kaungkha region,
Chairman of Kutkai Township Peace and Development Council U Chit Pe on economic, social,
education and health conditions of the township. Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung
Myint Oo, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung and departmental heads gave supplementary
reports. After hearing the reports, the Secretary-1 gave a speech on the occasion. He
said: Previously, there was no stability and peace and tranquillity in Khaungkha region.
Today, there is no suspicion among national brethren and the region has become stable and
peaceful. At this time, only when local national race leaders, local people and the
government servants who have been assigned to this region, taking assistance of the
government, make concerted efforts, will regional development be achieved. Since time
immemorial, Myanmar people had lived in the Union of Myanmar, and with the passage of
time, they had migrated from place to place in search of greener pasture and clear water.
Thus, languages, cultures, traditions and modes of dress have become different, and
over 100 national races such as Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan
have emerged due to topographical conditions. Myanmar people have been living as a family
in the Union for years countable by the thousand, the essence of which has remained intact
and existed. For the perpetual existence and prosperity of the State, the spirit of
national solidarity and the perpetual flourishing of Union Spirit are of great importance.
All are to make concerted efforts for the improvement of living standard of all the
national brethren and the harmonious development of all the regions. The government
servants who are discharging duties at Kaungkha region, while endeavouring to achieve the
development of the region of national brethren, are to strive for national solidarity and
the flourishing of Union Spirit with pure goodwill. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged
all to take the attitude that only when the living standard of national brethren is
improving, will the nation be able to make progress and to strive for the development of
the Union with their skills and knowledge.
The Secretary-1 presented gift and provisions for Kaungkha region development tasks to
national leader U Ma Htu Naw. U Ma Htu Naw presented souvenirs to the Secretary-1.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Mantong
Township where they were welcomed by Tactical Operations Commander Col Wan Maung, Chairmen
of Kyaukme District and Mantong Township Peace and Development Councils and members,
leader U Aik Mone of Special Region-7 of Palaung Peace Group in Shan State (North),
members of Palaung, Kachin and Shan cultural troupes, members of USDA and members of
Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Fire Brigade and Red Cross. The Secretary-1 and
party met leader U Aik Mone of Special Region-7 of Palaung Peace Group and party and
discussed matters on education, health, agriculture and transport for Mantong region
development at Mantong Basic Education High School.
The Secretary-1 met leader U Aik Mone of Palaung Peace Group in Special Region-7,
national races and members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils and
departmental personnel. They discussed Mantong region development at Mantong Basic
Education High School. Chairman of Mantong Township Peace and Development Council U Hla
Wai reported on requirements for management, economic, social, health and regional
development. Chairman of Kyaukme District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung
Kyi reported on development of agriculture, education and electric power. U Aik Mone
reported on transport, power supply, TV programme, reclamation of fallow and virgin lands
and requirements. Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo gave a supplementary
The Secretary-1 said Mantong region is a region where Palaung, Shan, Kachin, Bamar and
Lishaw nationals live. In the past armed struggle occurred in the region due to different
thoughts and instigations among national races, he said. He said the national races
realized that differences among them did not do anything good for the region, races and
the country. Peace has restored in the region after removal of doubt among the national
races, he added. With the restoration of peace, school, hospital, roads and bridges were
emerged and Mantong region now possesses characteristics of a township, he said. The
Secretary-1 said he and the ministers and departmental officials came to fulfil the
requirements and it is the result of peace and tranquillity, he added.
He said Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on development of Mantong with keen
interest and he reported on the Senior General's guidance on construction of
Mantong-Momeik Road and fulfillment for requirements. The requirements for regional
development including construction of Mantong-Momeik road had been provided, he said. With
the equitable development in all regions the Union Spirit will restore and the Union will
become perpetual. That is why priority has been given to development of border areas, he
He spoke of the need for service personnel to participate in the tasks for regional
development together with the national leaders and local people and the assistance of the
government. He called for making efforts for emergence of a modern developed nation with
the Union Spirit. The Secretary-1 presented teaching aid tapes, TV, cassette and video
cassette player to Headmaster U Aung Thein. The Secretary-1 presented medicine and medical
equipment to station doctor U Zaw Myo Tun. The Secretary-1 presented gifts and cash for
regional development to U Aik Mone. The Secretary-1 presented cash for service personnel
in Mantong to the Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council. The Secretary-1
presented gifts to leaders of Palaung Peace Group in Special Region-7. U Aik Mone
presented Palaung traditional gift. The Secretary-1 went to Mantong People's Hospital and
inspected storage of medicine, operation theatre and ward. He then gave instructions. The
Secretary-1 and party toured Mantong. The Secretary-1 and party left for Nanhkam.
( 3 ) Secretary-2 inspects
firewood substitute fuel factories in N Okkalapa, Hline Townships
Yangon, 12 Feb-Secretary-2 of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo inspected the firewood substitute fuel
factories of Directorate of Settlement of the Ministry of Defence in North Okkalapa
Township and the briquette factory of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council
in Hline Township today.
The Secretary-2, accompanied by Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo,
Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Director of Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein
and officials of the State Peace and Development Council, inspected No 4 firewood
substitute fuel factory at the corner of Waibargi Road and Thunanda Road in North Okkalapa
The Secretary-2 and party inspected the
concrete block and briquette factory of Kaung Htet Aye Co Ltd. The Secretary-2 and party
inspected plastic industry and production of briquettes of Thanmyanthu Group-101. Factory
Manager Maj Htay Win reported on raw materials for production of briquettes and sale of
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than reported on mass production, sale, distribution and
suggestions. Joint Secretary Lt-Col Letya Aung of Work Committee for widely use of
firewood substitute fuel reported on widely use of fire substitute and briquettes. The
Secretary-2 expressed satisfaction for production of briquettes of No 4 firewood
substitute fuel factory, Kaung Htet Aye Co Ltd and Thanmyanthu group.
Efforts are being made for use of firewood substitute fuel to prevent forests from
depletion and to create conditions for better climate, he said. He spoke of the need to
produce briquettes for the liking of users. Briquettes are to be produced more and sold at
a low price, he said. He called for cooperation among the departments concerned for
improvement of the quality of briquettes. In the afternoon, the Secretary-2 and party went
to briquette factory of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council in Hline
The Secretary-2 inspected briquettes produced by various briquettee factories in Hline
Township. Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung
Maung Shein and officials explained the work. The Secretary-2 and party inspected the
factory. In meeting with officials, Joint Secretary Lt-Col Letya Aung and Director U Tun
Tun of No 3 Mining Enterprise reported on some points to be taken care of in production of
briquettes and coordination. Officials of the factories in Hline Township reported on
experiences and efforts to make machine for production of briquettes. The Secretary-2 said
firewood production was satisfactory and urged authorities to make efforts to widely use
of briquettes and to boost production of firewood substitute fuel. Altogether 54 factories
in Yangon West District and 13 townships produce over 300,000 viss of briquettes per
( 4 ) Union
Flag conveyed from Yangon East District to People's Square
Yangon, 12 Feb-The Union Flag, under the programme of its journey through the four
districts in Yangon Division, was conveyed through four districts in Yangon Division,
after being kept one night each in Thongwa Township for Yangon South District on 8
February, Kyimyindine Township for Yangon West District on 9 February, Hmawby Township for
Yangon North District on 10 February and South Okkalapa Township for Yangon South District
on 11 February.
A ceremony to convey the Union Flag from Yangon Division Sports Grounds in South
Okkalapa Township to People's Square on Pyay Road, where the 54th Anniversary Union Day
Flag Hoisting Ceremony was held this morning, was held in Yangon Division Sports Grounds
this morning. Present on the occasion were Secretary of Union Flag Conveying Sub-committee
Head of Engineering Department (Building) of Yangon City Development Committee U Zaw Win,
Joint-Secretary Deputy Head of Department Maj Khin Nyein and members, members of Yangon
East District and Township Peace and Development Councils, members of Union Solidarity and
Development Association, members of War Veterans Organization, Maternal and Child Welfare
Association, national races, Myanmar Police Force members, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire
Brigades and local people.
Those present at the ceremony saluted the Flag with the Guard of Honour of Yangon
Command while Defence Services (Navy) Band was playing the National Anthem. Chairman of
Yangon East District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Pyay took the Flag out of
silver bowl on the stage at 6.40 am, and carried it flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and
Air) and police officers, Union nationals and USDA members. Lt-Col Aung Pyay planted the
Flag in the silver bowl on Union Boat at 6.45 am. Then, the Flag was conveyed by the Union
Boat to People's Square through Pyay Road, Thumingala, Yadana, Aungzeya, Mogoung roads and
East Race Course.
Along the route, the Flag was saluted and accorded a rousing welcome by local people of
in South Okkalapa, Thingangyun, Yankin and Tamway townships. Similarly, the flag was
welcomed on its way along Shwegongine, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, U Htaung Bo Road, U Wisara
Road, U Wisara Roundabout, Ahlon Road and Pyay Road by local people in Bahan and Dagon
Townships. The Flag arrived in front of People's Square at 7.20 am. Chairman took it out
of the silver bowl and conveyed it flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police
officers and Union nationals and handed it over to the Flag relay team led by Chairman of
Yangon City Development Committee Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay.
( 5 ) Over 15,000 people attends 54th Anniversary Union Day Flag
Hoisting Ceremony
Yangon, 12 Feb- The 54th Anniversary Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony was held at the
People's Square on Pyay Road this morning with the National Objectives for all the
nationals to safeguard the national policy non-disintegration of the Union,
non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty; perpetual
flourishing of Union Spirit among the entire nationals; for all the nationals to strive in
harmony and unison for the emergence of a new discipline-flourishing democratic nation;
and for all the nationals to ward off with national solidarity the danger of
destructionists from inside and outside the nation who are disturbing the stability, peace
and development of the State.
The State Military Band took its designated place. The Union Flag, which rested one
night each in Yangon South District, Yangon West District, Yangon North District and
Yangon East District, reached the People's Square at 7.20 am by the Union Boat. The Union
Day Flag Conveying Team led by Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko
Lay accepted the Union Flag from Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and Development
Council Lt-Col Aung Pyay and conveyed it flanked by members of the Panel of Patrons of the
54th Anniversary Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony member of the State Peace and
Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Culture U Win Sein, Minister for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Mayor
U Ko Lay and Union Day delegate U Aung Kyaw Than of Rakhine State, Tatmadaw (Army, Navy
and Air) and Police officers, Union nationals and students to the strains of the royal
drum troupe of Fine Arts Department of the Ministry of Culture.
At 7.30 am, the Union Flag was planted in the silver bowl on the dais the
backdrop of which was decorated with the emblems of the States Manaw columns of Kachin
State, Keinnaya bird of Kayah State, Phasi drum encircled by two buffalo horns of Kayin
State, Hornbill bird of Chin State, Hintha mythical bird of Mon State, Thiriwitsa and
conch shall of Rakhine State and Shan man playing the long drum of Shan State.
Afterwards, members of the Panel of Patrons took places on the stage. Also present were
members of Central Executive Committee of Union Solidarity and Development Association,
senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, military region commanders, members
of Divisions and District Peace and Development Councils, NOGs, officers of Yangon
Command, members of Work Committee, directors-general and managing directors of
departments and enterprises, departmental officials, Union nationals, students, local and
foreign journalists, Division, District and Township USDAs, cultural troupes of States and
Divisions, USDA delegates of States and Divisions and delegates of peace groups totalling
over 1,000. Similarly, people from townships in Yangon East District, Yangon West
District, Yangon South District and Yangon North District totalling over 15,00 attended
the ceremony. At 7.25 am, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, who acted as master of ceremonies, read agenda of the ceremony. Those
present at the ceremony saluted the Flag while Defence Services (Navy) Band was playing
the National Anthem.
Then, the Commander read out the message sent by State Peace and Development Council
Senior General Than Shwe. Afterwards, the Flag Relay Team led by Mayor U Ko Lay took out
the flag from the silver bowl on the stage in the People's Square at 7.40 am, and conveyed
it flanked by Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister U Win Sein, Minister Col Thein
Nyunt, Mayor U Ko Lay, Union Day delegate U Aung Kyaw Than of Rakhine State, Defence
Services (Army, Navy and Air) and Police officers, Union nationals and students, and
handed it over to Chairman of Sub-committee for Conveyance of Union Flag and Putting up of
Billboard and Poster Secretary of YCDC Col Myint Aung. Col Myint Aung carried the Flag
flanked by Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) and Police officers, Union nationals and
students and planted it in the silver bowl on the Union Boat. Afterwards, the Union Boat
conveyed the Flag from the People's Square to City Hall, in which the Flag will be rested
on year, along Pyay Road, Phonegyi Road, Maha Bandoola Road and Sule Road.
On its way, local people of Dagon, Lanmadaw, Latha, Pabedan and Kyauktada Townships
welcomed the Flag waving the miniature flags. In front of the City Hall, Col Myint Aung
took out the Flag from the silver bowl on the Union Boat and handed it over to Mayor U Ko
Lay. At 8.10 am, Mayor U Ko Lay conveyed it flanked by Defence Services (Army, Navy and
Air) and Police officers, Union nationals and students, and planted it in the silver bowl
on the stage in the Mayor's Parlour where the Flag will rest one year. At night, there
were offices and buildings, parks, streets, bridges, markets and schools illuminated with
multi-coloured lights.
( 6 ) Press Conference on offensive
operations against opium smuggler SURA insurgents held
Yangon, 12 Feb - A Press Conference on offensive operations against opium smuggler
SURA insurgents in Tachilek, Kyahtina, Lwekhanchon and Lwemahsoak regions was held at
Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road this evening. Present were Head of Department of Office
of Strategic Studies Col Kyaw Thein, Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise
U Tin Kha, Director (News) U Hla Tun, chief editors of dailies, Patron of Myanmar Foreign
Correspondents Club U Sein Win, President U Sao Kai Pha and member correspondents and
officials of the Ministry of Defence. Col Kyaw Thein said that it was learnt that
about-150-strong group under the command of Ywet Sit had set up nine camps in Kyahtina
region (estimated U-598642), Lwekhanchon region (estimated U-673601), Lwemahsoak region
(estimated U-501642) in Triangle Region Command along Myanmar-Thai border, and along the
border area to the north of Mahintet, Thailand. According to that information, one
tactical operations command and four battalions of Regional Control Command (Mongphyat)
launched offensive operations.
Two clashes broke out on 8 February, two on 9 February, and there were also other
skirmishes. Eight Tatmadawmen fell and 10 were injured. Two enemies were captured dead,
two weapons seized and two camp hillocks occupied. SURA insurgent camps were stationed
along Myanmar-Thai border. If heavy weapons had been fired, the shells could have fallen
inside the territory of Thailand. So great care was taken in launching offensive
operations. The hillocks of enemies were contiguous to the border demarcation line, and
opium smuggler SURA insurgents attacked the Tatmadaw columns from the hillocks. The
Tatmadaw columns had to attack the enemies, making sure that no bullets fell inside the
territory of Thailand. Opium smuggler SURA insurgents put up a fierce defensive attack.
Hillock No 1 is contiguous to the hillock where a military unit commanded by Maj Htan Nee
of Royal Thai Army was stationed.
As Maj Htan Nee and his unit withdrew from that hillock, the Tatmadaw columns took up
their position at that place in view of security and location. While the Tatmadaw columns
were getting ready to withdraw from that hillock as they were not sure whether that
hillock was inside their territory, heavy weapons inside the Thai territory fired at the
hillock. The Tatmadawmen got wounded, so the withdrawal of Tatmadaw columns was delayed.
Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein met with Tactical Operations
Commander of Chinrai Maj Htawat in Tachilek and discussed the situation. Maj-Gen Thein
Sein explained that the Tatmadaw columns were attacking only the strongholds of Ywet Sit
and his insurgent group, that they didn't have any intention of trespassing on Thai
But Thai troops seemed to be assisting Ywet Sit and his group in attacking the Tatmadaw
columns. Commander of Royal Thai Army General Surayoad said that Myanma Tatmadaw columns
had taken a Thai people militia camp and ordered the Tatmadaw columns to withdrawal from
the Thai territory within 16 hours on 10 February. Likewise, Commander of No 3 Thai
Command Lt-Gen Watnachai said that Myanma Tatmadaw intruded into the Thai territory and
that retaliatory measures would be taken. The Tatmadaw columns, attaching great importance
to the friendship between the two Tatmadaws, acted with great care and attacked opium
smuggler SURA insurgent groups.
The Chief of Staff's Office and the Commander-in-Chief (Army)'s Office of Royal Thai
Army were informed of the developments of the fighting through Myanmar Military Attach's
Office in Bangkok, and measures were coordinated. At about 05.10 am on 11 February, some
enemies, using heavy and small weapons, launched an attack on E-7 hillock which is located
near the border demarcation line and lies on the route to Monghsat near Tachilek. The
enemies from the side of Aungzeya Hillock in Maisai, Thailand, fired heavy weapons at E-7
hillock. Altogether 48 shells of heavy weapons were fired on E-7 hillock. Four Tatmadawmen
fell and five got wounded.
The Tatmadaw columns launched counter-attacks on the enemies. At that time, the enemies
fired 10 shells of heavy weapons into Tachilek. Two shells fell and exploded in Ponhton
Ward in Tachilek and two on the hill of Ngwetaung Monastery. In addition, the shells of
heavy weapons fell and exploded in Wankaung Ward, Talot Ward and Talot Market, Haungleik
Village, Pahlyan Ward-2 and at the round-abouts near the head of the friendship bridge. It
was found that not only were these shells fired by SURA insurgents, but they also came
from the side of Thailand. Three innocent people from Tachilek were killed and 15 got
wounded. Seven houses, one Buddhist monastery, one church, three shops and three motor
vehicles were damaged in Ponhton Ward.
However, the Thai newspapers dated 12 February stated that the shells fired from the
side of Myanmar fell and exploded in Maisai, two Thai civilians were killed, and seven
military personnel and eight civilians were wounded, and moreover, Commander of No 3
Military Command of Thailand Lt-Gen Watnachai said that Myanmar Tatmadaw units had
intruded into the territory of Thailand; he would not at all forgive them; he would
retaliate with the use of force, regardless of loss of lives. As E-7 is a disputed hillock
between the two nations, Thai military units, putting SURA to the front and giving them
covering fire from the rear, launched the attacks.
But, General Surayode and Lt-Gen Watnachai both made accusations that it was as if the
Tatmadaw launched the attacks one-sidedly. On 11 February, Royal Thai Army blocked the
friendship bridge between Tachilek and Maisai, and not only assisted SURA in attacking E-7
hillock but also fired heavy weapons into Tachilek. The Tatmadaw columns did not at all
fire heavy weapons into Maisai. Attaching great importance to the friendship of the two
Tatmadaws, Myanmar Tatmadaw columns launched the attacks with great care. Measures are
being taken to solve this matter through township-level border committees. However, it is
hard to make out the attitude of some Thai Tatmadaw leaders. Myanmar Tatmadaw, on its
part, will solve border problems in a peaceful way, taking the friendship between the two
nations and between the two Tatmadaws into consideration. Beginning 6.00 am on 12
February, Tachilek-Maisai friendship bridge has been reopened by both sides. It is also
learnt that Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win summoned Thai Ambassador
Mr Oun Maolanon at 5 pm today and delivered an Aide Memoire.
( 7 ) Japanese students visit No 40 BEPS, Shwepyitha
Yangon, 12 Feb-Visiting nineteen Japanese students led by Professor Mr Michiharu
Kurita of Asia University Volunteer Centre (AUVC) of Japan visited No 40 Basic Education
Primary School, Shwepyitha Township, this morning. The group observed learning of the
students at the school, and enjoined Myanma traditional games. After giving presents to
the primary students, the Japanese group had lunch with the teachers and the students.
Minister inspects Tyre and Rubber Factory
Yangon, 12 Feb-Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, accompanied by officials,
arrived at No 1 Tyre and Rubber Factory in Thaton, Mon State and inspected new machinery
on 10 February. Factory General Manager U Myint Naing reported on matters related to the
factory. The Minister inspected production process of the factory on 11 February morning
and discussed the quality and production of the tyres, and gave necessary instructions.
The Minister also inspected the pre-primary school of the factory.
( 8
) Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image crowded with devotees
Yangon, 12 Feb- Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township was crowded with devotees today. Stone sculptor Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara
Sayagyi U Taw Taw and sons participated in the carving of the Image. Engineers and workers
of Building Special Construction Group 2 of Public Works of the Ministry of Constructions,
Myanmar handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and party and Myanmar handicraft technician U Hla
Kyu and party also participated in the construction and decoration of Gandakuti Building
and stairways. Wut associations recited religious verses at the Image from this morning to
evening. Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Information sold various kinds of
books at their bookshops. Donations received from 5 August to date amounted to K
Minister inspects Bago station, Locomotive Engine Workshop
Yangon, 12 Feb-Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by Managing
Director of Myanma Railways Col Min Swe and officials, arrived at Bago Station and
inspected the steam locomotive and coaches hired by the tourists and gave instructions
this morning. The Minister then inspected the steam locomotive train at Bago Locomotive
Workshop and gave instructions on services with locomotives for tourists to General Manger
U Kyaw Kyaw Aung (Mechanical) and officials.
( 9
) Delegates to BIMST-EC Ministers Meeting arrive
Yangon, 12 Feb- Director Mrs Shenuka Seneviratne and Deputy Director Mr S Udagedara of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka arrived here by air this morning to attends
the Third Meeting of Trade/Economic Ministers and the Second Meeting of Senior
Trade/Economic Officials of BIMST-EC to bae held in Yangon. Similarly, Secretary of
Ministry of Commerce Mr Ghulam Rahman and Director-General Syed Shah Md Ali of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh and Head of Greater Mekong Subregion Unit Mr
Toru Tatara of ADB arrived here by air this evening. They were welcomed at Yangon
International Airport by officials of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic
Ayeyawady wins ISD C'chip shield
Yangon, 12 Feb-Ayeyawady beat Mandalay 4-0 at the final of the 46th Inter- State and
Division Under-21 Football Tournament at Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna this evening.
Zaw Myo Tun of Ayeyawady won Man of the Match Award. Sagaing won third prize by beating
Kayah 5-0. Kyaw Zin Win of Sagaing won Man of the Match Award. Chairman of Myanmar Olympic
Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented the Shield and K 1
million to the winning team. President of Myanmar Football Federation Director-General of
Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik and officials presented prizes to
players, the coach, the manager and the referee.