( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Iran
Yangon, 11 Feb- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Seyed Mohammad Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the occasion of the
National Day of the Islamic Republic of Iran which falls on 11 February 2001.
( 2 ) Newly-inaugurated Ngamoeyeik
Bridge living proof that Tatmadaw has practically and successfully carried out very noble
task beneficial to the people
Yangon, 9 Feb- A ceremony to commission into service Ngamoeyeik Bridge
built across Ngamoeyeik Creek linking Htaukkyant in Mingaladon Township and Laydauntkan
Village in Dagon Myothit (East) Township, was held at the pandal near the bridge at 7.20
am today, attended by Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla unveiled the stone plaque of the bridge.
Also present on the occasion were Commander-in-Chief (Army) General
Maung Aye, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Rear-Admiral
Kyi Min, Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than,
ministers, deputy ministers , Others Association, local people from Hlegu,
Mingaladon, Thingangyun, South Okkalapa, North Okkalapa, Dagon Myothit (East) and Dagon
Myothit (South) totalling over 17,000.
Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for
Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla delivered an address.
He expressed his pleasure for the opening of Ngamoe-yeik Bridge as a
gesture hailing the 54th Anniversary Union Day. He said that the State Peace and
Development Council is endeavouring for emergence of a modern developed nation with added
momentum, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, after laying down the twelve
objectives. The government is practically laying better foundations for improvement of
socio-economic life of the people and it is also making efforts not only for present
benefits but also for the interests of generations to come, he said.
He said that dams, reservoirs, roads and bridges are essential
infrastructures for national development, and transport in particular plays an important
role in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation. With the improvement of
transport, there will be greater progress in economy, trade, social sectors. Therefore,
priority is being given to construction of roads and bridges.
After 1988, altogether 170 bridges 114 bridges with the length of from
100 feet up to 500 feet, 29 bridges with the length of 500 feet up to 1,000 feet and 27
bridges with the length of 1,000 feet and over were opened in the time of the
Tatmadaw government, he said.
The people can now enjoy the benefits of the bridges built nationwide
for their long-term interests, he added. In the past, the main area of Yangon and its
boundary were located between Hline River and Ngamoeyeik Creek also known as Pazundaung
He stated that there were two highways leading to the entrance of
Yangon previously; another four highways have been built and No 7 Highway is in course of
construction, which will serve as a bypass and link other highways leading to the
entrances of Yangon. The Ngamoeyeik Bridge is situated on No 7 Highway that will link No 2
Highway in Thingangyun, Dagon Myothit and Laydaunkkan, No 3 Highway in Mingaladon,
Laydaun-kkan and Hlegu, No 1 Highway in Mingaladon, Htauk-kyant and Hmawby and No 4
Highway in Shwepyitha and Hmawby. The bridge will contribute towards the development of
agriculture and other trading sectors of local people in suburban areas and towards
development of production work in the industrial zones. Thilawa Port will become easily
accessible and goods can be transported to all parts of the country from Thilawa Container
Port in a short time.
Construction of the bridge was started by Military Engineering Unit and Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering Unit under the guidance of Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Senior General Than Shwe on 11 September 1999. The stake-driving
ceremony was held on 18 November 1999 under the supervision of the Quartermaster-General,
the Director of Military Engineers and engineers, and construction work was completed on
15 January 2001.
Lt-Gen Tin Hla said that Tatmadaw engineers themselves created a
computer-aided design for the bridge, and it is the first ever computer-aided design of
its kind in the country; Tatmadaw engineers themselves undertook almost cent-percent
construction work of the bridge such as designing the bridge and producing steel girders
to be used at the bridge; steel girders were successfully manufactured with the
application of high technology at the steel factory for the first time; it is the herald
feat of high technology for the State; the bridge was built by military engineers and new
generation youth engineers, so it can be said that the Tatmadaw is actively and
energetically participating in the nation building task.
Newly-inaugurated Ngamoeyeik Bridge, though small in size, is living
proof of the fact that the Tatmadaw has practically and successfully carried out a very
noble task beneficial to the people. Therefore, Ngamoeyeik Bridge is not only an
achievement of the Tatmadaw Engineering Unit and the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Unit but also still another victory of the State, the people and the Tatmadaw. In
conclusion, he thanked the Tatmadawmen, government employees and departmental officials
who worked hard day and night at Ngamoeyeik Bridge Project and called on local people and
departments concerned to maintain the bridge.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than said that Yangon-Bago No
1 Highway and Yangon-Indaing-Bago No 2 Highway are extending from the south to the north
on either side of Ngamoeyeik Creek, and they are also entrances and exists of Yangon City.
On that bypass, four over-100-foot-long bridges and two
under-100-foot-long bridges have been constructed. Ngamoeyeik Bridge, 660 feet long, has a
1,700-foot-long approach road each on either side of the creek, and it is the biggest and
longest on the bypass. As Ngamoeyeik Bridge has been opened, townships in Dagon Myothit
are accessible through the bypass in all weathers. The transport between the eastern part
and the western part of Yangon City has become easier.
In addition, the townships in Dagon Myothit and the eastern part of
Yangon can be reached within a short time from townships in Ayeyawady Division through
Nyaungdon Highway, No 4 Highway, Hlawga Short-cut and Htaukkyant Bypass and from townships
in Rakhine State through Yangon-Pyay Highway and Htaukkyant Bypass. Therefore, transport
will become speedy and commercial activities will be brisk. Village-tracts in the vicinity
of the bridge will be able to make greater progress in the social, health, education and
economic sectors. In conclusion, on behalf of local people, the commander thanked Chairman
of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior
General Than Shwe for his guidance and permission to build roads and bridges.
Then, Dagon Myothit Township USDA member U Thet Naing Oo spoke words of
thanks. Later, Col Khin Maung Myint of Directorate of Electrical Engineering presented the
blue print of Ngamoyeik Bridge to Senior Than Shwe to mark the opening of the bridge.
Afterwards, Col Khin Maung Myint presented the blue prints of the
bridge to Vice-Chairman General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and Secretary-2
Lt-Gen Tin Oo. Next, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla presented gifts to In-Charge Engineer Maj Aung Myint
of No 3 Construction Engineering Unit. The opening of the bridge was then held in front of
its archway on the side of Laydauungkan. Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Brig-Gen Win
Aung Tint of Directorate of Military Engineering and Director Brig-Gen Aung Hlaing of
Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering formally opened the bridge.
Then, Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Military Affairs
Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla unveiled the monument of the bridge and sprinkled it
with scented water. Senior General Than Shwe and party inspected the bridge and cordially
greeted those present at the opening ceremony. Later, the Senior General and party had a
souvenir photo taken at the archway of the bridge. The steel girder bridge is 660 feet
long and 28 feet wide with two four-feet pedestrian lanes on both sides. It can bear 60
ton-trucks with the clearance of 90 feet. A total of 680 tons of steel beams and 21,500
Angle Bolts (High Tension Bolts) were used in the project and so did STAAD III software
for Computer Aided Design. The project saves cost as steel beams and the blue print are
locally produced.
( 3 ) Secretary-2 inspects
agriculture and livestock breeding tasks in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 10 Feb - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo met with departmental officials of Ayeyawady Division, Districts and
Townships and discussed matters related to development of the agriculture and livestock
breeding sectors in Ayeyawady Division, at the office of Kyaiklatt Township Peace and
Development Council, Ayeyawady Division, 8 February.
Also present were Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, the ministers, the
deputy minister, officials of the State Peace Development Council Office, heads of
departments and departmental officials of Pyapon Maubin and Myaungmya Districts and
Ayeyawady Division Agriculture Manager U Ohn Than reported on
cultivation of monsoon paddy, summer paddy and other crops in Ayeyawady Division, Head of
Division Land Records Department U Myint Swe on the condition of fallow and virgin lands
and agriculture and livestock breeding work, Veterinary Surgeon Dr Khin Maung Kyaw of the
model livestock breeding village in Pyapon Township on requirements for livestock breeding
work. Chairman of Pyapon District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Myint gave an
additional report on agricultural and livestock breeding work in Pyapon District. Minister
Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Minister Maj-Gen Maung Maung Thein, the deputy ministers and the
officials explained matters pertaining to agriculture and livestock breeding, education
and health.
Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann reported on implementation of
agriculture and livestock breeding plans, cultivation of summer paddy on 160,000 acres of
land in Ayeyawady Division in 2000-2001 and 16,000 acres of prawn ponds. Then, the
Secretary-2 gave instructions. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party, together with the
commander and officials, inspected the 100-acre model field of summer paddy at Hleseik
Village, Kyaiklatt Township, and about 2,000 acres of summer paddy on both sides of
Kyaiklatt-Maubin Motor Road. The Secretary-2 attended the opening ceremonies of Gonnyindan
Bridge, Khanaung Bridge, Thaleikgyi Bridge, Thaleikgalay Bridge and Chaungdwin Bridge this
Next, the Secretary-2 and party went to the 100-ton cold storage
factory of Pinle Kyapaik Company Ltd on the bank of Pyapon River at Chaungdwin Village in
Pyapon Township. The Secretary-2 and party inspected the functions of the cold storage
factory. Managing Director of the company U Kyaw Oo reported on the purpose of the cold
storage factory, investment, the strength of the staff and production work. Minister for
Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein reported on the condition of private
cold storage in Pyapon Township and assistance being provided by the ministry. Then, the
Secretary-2 gave instructions and left there for Pyapon.
The Secretary-2 and party, together with the commander and the
officials, left Pyapon at 12.45 pm for the wetland reclamation camp of Zinbaung Company
Ltd at Banggwe Kyun in Pyapon Township. Managing Director of the company U Aung Tin Tun
reported on reclamation of wetlands, cultivation of crops and arrangements for the
breeding of fish and prawns. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann reported on the condition
of land reclamation work and crop production at wetlands by entrepreneurs.
Then, the Secretary-2 gave instructions on agriculture and livestock
breeding work. Zinbaung Company has been granted the permit to reclaim about 8,000 acres
of land in Pyapon, Kyaiklatt and Dedaye Townships and summer paddy has been grown on over
6,000 acres of land. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party left there for the sea prawn
breeding camp of Yuzana Prawn Breeding Group in the region of Thilawa in Kyauktan Township
by helicopter. The Secretary-2 inspected the digging of prawn ponds and breeding of
prawns. In the briefing hall, Head of Yangon Division Fishery Department U Khin Maung Win
reported on the breeding of prawns on 1,093.37 acres of land by 10 national companies, and
assistance being given by the department. Chairman of Yuzana Livestock Breeding Group U
Htay Myint and officials of prawn breeding companies reported on the breeding of sea
prawns. Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein gave a supplementary report. The Secretary-2
gave instructions.
Next, the Secretary-2 and party inspected the prawn breeding research
laboratory of Yuzana Prawn Breeding Group. The Secretary-2 and party arrived back here in
the evening. Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo, who accompanied the Secretary-2,
attended the meeting on rural health care at Kyaiklatt People's Hospital yesterday
evening. The deputy minister also met with the specialists and medical staff of Pyapon
District People's Hospital. Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin inspected development tasks in Kyaiklatt. The
deputy minister also met with the employees of Pyapon Township Development Affairs
Department at the office of the department. Director-General of No 1 Basic Education
Department U Tin Nyo met with the teachers of No 2 Basic Education High School in Pyapon
and gave instructions.
( 4 ) Union
Flag conveyed from Yangon West District to Yangon North District
Yangon, 10 Feb-The Union Flag, which rested overnight on the stage of
Salin Sports Grounds, Kyimyindine Township, Yangon West District, was conveyed to Hmawby
Township, Yangon North District, by the Union Flag relay team this morning . The Union
Flag conveying ceremony to Hmawby Township, Yangon North District, was held at the Salin
Sports Grounds, attended by Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and members, Commissioner of Yangon West District General
Administration Department U Yan Myo Aung Thein, the chairmen and members of township Peace
and Development Councils of 13 townships in Yangon West District, district/township level
departmental officials, Secretary of Yangon West District Union Solidarity and Development
Association U Tin Win and executives, the secretaries and executives of the township USDA,
members of NGOs, teachers and students and local residents.
They saluted the Flag with the Guard of Honour of Yangon Command while
Tatmadaw (Air) band was playing the National Anthem. Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein took the
Flag out of the silver bowl on the stage at 6.45 am, and carried it flanked by Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) and police officers, Union nationals and USDA members. He handed it
over to Chairman of Yangon North District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col San Matu.
He planted it in the silver bowl on Union Boat at 7.15 am.
Then, the Flag was conveyed by Pyidaungsu Boat to Yangon North District
through Kyimyindine, Kamayut, Hline, Mayangon, Insein, Mingaladon and Hmawby Townships.
Along the route, the Flag was saluted and accorded a rousing welcome by over 80,000
people. The Union Boat conveying the Flag arrived at the welcoming archway in Hmawby
Township, corner of Yangon-Pyay Road and No-4 Highway, at 8.20 am. Afterwards, Lt-Col San
Matu took it out of the silver bowl and conveyed it flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and
Air) and police officers and Union nationals. The band of No 2 BEHS in Hmawby
Township welcomed it playing National Anthem. Lt-Col San Ma Tu handed over the Flag to
Flag relay team led by Hmawby Township Peace and Development Council U Ye Hla.
A total of 32 Flag relay teams relayed the Flag along the Yangon-Pyay Road where
teachers and students, members of organizations and local people saluted it. On arrival at
the welcoming archway, the Flag relay team led by U Ye Hla handed it over to Lt-Col San Ma
Tu. Next, Lt-Col San Ma Tu, flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police officers
and Union nationals, conveyed and planted the Flag in the silver bowl on the stage of
Hmawby Sports Grounds and saluted it together with Phugyi Station Guard of Honour and the
public while the Phugyi Station band was playing the National Anthem. The visitors were
entertained to movies in the evening.
Union Day delegates visit Dagon University, University of
Culture (Yangon)
Yangon, 10 Feb - The members of cultural troupe and delegates of Union
Solidarity and Development Associations from states and divisions, who will attend the
54th Anniversary Union Day ceremony, led by Commandant of No 1 Transit Centre Lt-Col Tin
Kyaing and officials, visited Dagon University and University of Culture today. They
arrived at the Dagon University in Dagon Myothit (East) Township at 8 am. Rector of the
university Dr Maung Thin extended greetings. The delegation members visited the
university. They proceeded to University of Culture in Dagon Myothit (South) Township.
Rector of the university U Tin Soe extended greetings. Pro-rector (Admin) U Myat Thu Ya
and Pro-rector (Academic) Daw Khin Hla Htay explained facts about their work. Then, the
students of the university presented entertainment programme to the delegation members.
They viewed the painting and sculpture of students and left there.
Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony rehearsed
Yangon, 10 Feb- The dress rehearsal for the Flag hoisting ceremony of
the 54th Anniversary Union Day was held at People's Square on Pyay Road this morning.
Present on the occasion were Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint,
members of the Sub-committee for Observance of Union Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony, military
region commanders, senior military officers of Yangon Command, senior police officers of
Myanmar Police Force and the chairmen of four district Peace and Development Councils. The
rehearsal included taking position of State Military Band, arrival of the Union Flag,
saluting the Union Flag, taking position of Union Flag relay team comprising Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) and police officers, reading of message sent by the Chairman of the
State Peace and Development Council, relay of the flag and departure of State Military
( 5 ) Mindhamma Hill packed with monks, Buddhist devotees
Yangon, 10 Feb - Mindhamma Hill was packed with monks and devout
people, who were there to pay homage to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, in Insein
Township today. Altogether 50 students from the International School, accompanied by
teachers, paid homage to the Image. Historian Dr Khin Maung Nyunt and Stone Sculptor U Taw
Taw explained matters relating to the Image. Then, the students made cash donations for
the Image. Stone sculptor U Taw Taw and sons and party continued carving the Image from 7
am till night. The engineers and workers of Public Works carried out construction works
such as building of Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi, the southern and northern stairways. Myanmar
handicraft technician U Ohn Maung and party and U Hla Kyu and party were also making
sculptural decorations to be installed at the stairways. Wut associations recited
religious verses from 7 am to 10 pm. Book shops of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and
the Ministry of Information were open at the hill. U Myint Naing Kyaw-Daw Cho Cho Win and
family donated K 200,000 for the second time for the Image yesterday and U Kyaw Oo-Daw Aye
Aye Myint and family of Bago, K 180,000 today. Donations received from 5 August to date
amounted to K 140, 569, 031.
Two more Tipitakadhara Arzanis emerge
Biography of Sasana Arzani Ashin Indapala
Ashin Indapala was born in Magyikyun Village, Yanbye Township, Rakhine
State, on 10th Waning of Waso 1322 ME of U Ngwe Tin Aung-Daw Pe Sein.
He was novitiated by North Magyikyun Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sasana
(Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya) with the sponsorship of his grandmother Daw Aye Mya Oo and
parents in Magyikyun Village, Yanbye Township, on the Fullmoon Day of Tazaungmon 1334 ME.
He was ordained by Myetnadawkyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Naginda Maha Thera
of Bago at Khanda Ordination Hall of Minkyaung in Bago on 8th Waning (Tuesday) of Kason
1343 ME.
He studied Buddhist literature under North Magyikyun Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Sasana of Yanbye Township; Minkyaungtaik Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Suriya (Pali
Paragu-BA) of Bago; Taikthit Pitzawtayon Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara (Pangon Treatise
compiler Sayadaw) of Myaungmya; Sayadaw U Nanda (Pali Paragu); Mingun Tipitakadhara
Sayadawgyi Bhaddanta Vicittasarabhivamsa and Bhamo Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumarabhivamsa
(Thirawmani-BA). He passed Dhammacariya examination held by the Government, and obtained
Sasanadhara Dhammacariya and Sasanadhaja Siripavara Dhammacariya Titles. He took the
Tipitakadhara examination and passed the following courses of Tipitaka treatise.
Vinayadhara Title in 1346 ME Vinara Kovida Title in 1351 ME
Visittha Dighabhanaka Title in 1353 ME
Dighanikaya Kovida Title in 1354 ME
Abhidhamma Part-1five treatises (oral) in 1357 ME
Abhidhamma Part-1 five treatises(written) in 1360 ME Abhidhamma Part-2
(oral) in 1362 ME and he will obtain Tipitakadhara Title and certificate. He is now
staying in Tipitaka Kyaungdaw in Dagon Township, Yangon, and striving for Tipitaka Kovida
Title under the Ovada of Mingun Tipitakadhara Sayadawgyi.
Biography of Sasana Arzani Ashin Sundara
Ashin Sundara was born in Kyauktai Village, Myaing Township, Pakokku
District, Magway Division, on 8th Waxing of Kason 1317 ME (Friday) of U Tha Don and Daw
Khin Phwa. He was novitiated at the age of 12 by Magyicho Kyaung Sayadaw U Kovida at
Magyicho Village, Myaing Township on 1329 ME with the sponsorship of his parents.
On 2nd Waxing of Tazaungmon 1336 ME, he was ordained by Sayadaw U
Kovida at Khanda Ordination Hall of Tumaungtaik in Amarapura.
He studied Buddhist literature under Magyicho Kyaung Sayadaw U Kovida
at Magyicho Village, Myaing Township, Pyintha Sayadaw U Jotika, Sayadaw U Nandiya of
Tumaungtaik in Amarapura, U Kovidabhivamsa of Masoeyeintaik, Bhamo Sayadaw U
Kumarabhivamsa and Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik Sayadaw U Tilokabhivamsa. He passed
Government Dhammacariya examination and obtained Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya and Sasanadhaja
Siripavara Dhammacariya Titles.
He took the Tipitakadhara examination and passed the following courses
of Tipitaka treatise.
Dighabhanaka Title in 1337 ME
Dighanikaya Kovida Title in 1340 ME
Vinayadhara Title in 1342 ME
Vinayakovida Title in 1351 ME Abhidhamma Part-1 (oral) in 1355 ME Abhidhamma Part-1
(written) in 1360 ME Abhidhamma Part-2 (oral) in 1362 ME and he will obtain Tipitakadhara
Title and certificate. He is now staying in Sunlun Vipassana Kyaungtaik in Thingangyun
Township, Yangon, and shouldering the missionary work as the Predising Sayadaw of the
( 6 ) Minister inspects hotels in
Yangon, 10 Feb - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw
Lwin, together with officials, inspected hotels in PyinOoLwin yesterday. He met with
hoteliers at Nanmyaing Hotel there and gave instructions. He also inspected Ganda-myaing
Hotel, Royal Park View Hotel, Dahlia Hotel, Thirimyaing Hotel, Eden Hotel, Myananda Hotel
and Thiri Myanmar Hotel, and gave instructions on improvement of the standard of hotels.
Trainees of CICS visit National Indoor Stadium-1
Yangon, 10 Feb- Trainees of Special Refresher Course No 43 for Basic
Education Teachers from Central Institute of Civil Service, accompanied by Pro-rector Dr
Kan Shein (Training/Academic) and supervisor teachers, visited National Indoor Stadium-1
of Sports and Physical Education Department in Thuwunna this morning. Director-General U
Thaung Htaik extended greetings. Then, Director U Than Zaw explained facts about
construction of the stadium and the gymnasium. Skills demonstration in Myanma martial
arts, chinlon, karatedo, advanced aerobic, taekwondo and gymnastics were presented to the
trainees by athletes.
( 7 ) Minister inspects Micro-bio Pharmaceutical Unit, Dyeing and
Printing Factory
Yangon, 10 Feb -Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung arrived at
Micro-bio Pharmaceutical Unit of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries in Twintaung, Budalin
Township, Sagaing Division, yesterday evening. At the briefing hall of Micro-bio
Pharmaceutical Unit, Factory Manger Dr Myint Thein reported to the minister on research
programme, extension of spirulina ponds, production of blue green algae (spirulina) and
breeding of spirulina. Minister U Aung Thaung gave instructions to officials and inspected
production process of spirulia. Minister U Aung Thaung then inspected Monywa Dyeing and
Printing Factory and Win Thuzar Shop in Monywa Department Store. The minister gave
necessary instructions to officials.
( 8
) Contract signed for automobile servicing and workshop
Yangon,10 Feb - The Public Works of Ministry of Construction and Min
Nanda Co Ltd signed a contract to open Automobile Servicing and Workshop in the compound
of Central Depot of Public Works in Yankin Township, at a ceremony at Public Works (Head
Office) on Shwedagon Pagoda Road at 3 pm today. Present were Minister for Construction
Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Managing Director
of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing, Director-General of Construction Inspection Department U
Soe Tint,Acting Director-General of Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development
Col Tin Tun, departmental heads,Ê Managing Director of Min Nanda Co Ltd U Nanda Tha Khin
and officials and guests. Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun made a speech on the
occasion. Managing Director U Nanda Tha Khin reported to the minister on their work. Then,
Managing Director U Nay Soe Naing and Managing Director U Nanda Tha Khin signed a contract
and exchanged the documents. Then, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun presented
permit to Managing Director U Nanda Tha Khin. U Nanda Tha Khin presented K 300,000 to
Managing Director U Nay Soe Naing for the ministry.
( 9
) Callaway new golf products launched
Yangon, 10 Feb- The Callaway new golf products launch and demonstration
was held at Padamya Hall of Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon yesterday. Present were Deputy
Minister for Energy U Tin Tun, President of Myanmar Golf Federation Brig-Gen Win Hlaing,
General Secretary U Aung Kyi and executives, Executive Director Mr Ramlan Dato' Harun of
Asian PGA, Managing Director Mr Arend Ng of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd and
officials. Two representatives of Callaway Golf Company explained facts about Callaway
golf-clubs, golf balls, drivers and putters produced by the company. Then, President of
MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing accepted K 1 million for MGF donated by Callaway Golf Company, and
presented a certificate of honour to the company. Similarly, Secretary of YGC U Aye Cho
accepted K 300,000 for YGC donated by the company. Afterwards, those present at the
demonstration played golf at the golf course of club with the use of drivers and putters
of the company.
Song hits right notes in
Yangon, 9 Feb- The Third Round of the London Myan-mar Open 2001,
organized by Asian Professional Golfers Association (APGA) and Myanmar Professional
Golfers Association (MPGA) and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd,
continued for the third day at Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon this morning.
Present were Deputy Minister for Energy U Tin Tun, President of Myanmar
Golf Federation Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi and executives,
Executive Director Mr Ramlan Dato' Harun of Asian PGA, Managing Director Mr Arend Ng of
Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd and spectators. Korean Song Byung-joo birdied the
last three holes to take the third round lead in the US$ 200,000 London Myanmar Open at
Yangon Golf Club. The little-known 26-year-old from Seoul fired a three-under-par 69 to
lead the Asian PGA Tour event on three-under-par 213. Song played at the Asian PGA
Qualifying School last month and leads by a stroke from two other school graduates
compatriot Ted Oh and Japan's Sushi Ishigaki. School winner Oh fired a 72 and Ishigaki
carded 70. European Tour player Mark Mouland of Wales is also stroke off the lead
following a 71.
Japan' Satoshi Oide and Korean Park No-seok are one under par for the
tournament. Overnight leader Zaw Moe of Myanmar struggled in with a 76 and lied at level
par. Song, playing with Ishigaki, edged thanks to a superb finish. A double bogey on the
14th saw him drop off the leader board but three brilliant closing shots saw him take the
lead in a professional tournament for the first time in his two year professional career.
On 16 he hit a wedge to inside a foot and on then on the next hole he splashed out of a
bunker for a tap in birdie. On the par four 18th he nailed a wedge to three feet. It's new
position for me to be in. I haven't played that well recently so it's nice to be up there.
The golf course is fairly straight forward but you need to be hitting your irons well.
Tomorrow I'll just try and play more of the same golf, said Song, who finished 66th
at the Qualifying School. Said Oh, " Anything in the 60s will win tomorrow. A lot of
people have a chance to win. It's wide open but you're gonna have to putt really well to