( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe sends message of
congratulations to Thai Prime Minister
Yangon, 9 Feb-Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations
to His Excellency Mr Thaksin Shinawatra who has been elected as Prime Minister of the
Kingdom of Thailand on 9 February 2001.
General Maung Aye inspects dam construction projects
Yangon, 9 Feb- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye
inspected Kyaybin-et Dam Project in Kanbalu Township and Thaphanseik Multi-purpose Dam
Project in Kyunhla Township yesterday afternoon and gave necessary instructions to
Accompanied by Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air)
Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, ministers, deputy ministers and officials, left for Kyaybin-et Dam being
built near Kyaybin-et Village in Kanbalu Township by helicopter.
At the briefing hall, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin
reported to the General on implementation of the Kyaybin-et Dam, irrigated areas and
arrangements to supply water to over 700 cultivated acres. Then, Deputy Director U Victor
of Construction-4 of Irrigation Department reported on project tasks being undertaken and
progress of work and Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win gave a supplementary report.
After hearing reports, the General gave necessary instructions and inspected
implementation of the project and completion of the work. Kyaybin-et Dam is being built on
Kyaybin-et Creek near Kyaybin-et Village. The earth dam is 78 feet high and 7,700 feet
long. On completion, the dam will irrigate 3,000 acres of farm land and 2,000 acres of
various crops between the dam and Mu canal. Moreover, arrangements are being made to
extend water supply to about 700 acres of land. The General and party went to Thaphanseik
Multi-purpose Dam Project in Kyunhla Township by helicopter.
In the briefing hall, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin reported on implementation of
Thaphanseik Multi-purpose Dam Project, irrigated areas and efforts being made for timely
completion of the project and Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department on
progress of work. Then, Deputy Minister U Myo Myint reported on hydel power project of the
Thaphanseik Multi-purpose Dam and Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut on tasks
being carried out for timely arrival of machinery at the hydel power project. Commander
Maj-Gen Soe Win also reported on assistance provided for timely completion of the project
and arrangements to be made for year-round irrigation of crops.
After hearing reports, the General said that Yangon, Bago and Ayeyawady Divisions are
the largest paddy cultivation and production areas in the country; in other words, these
divisions are granaries of Lower Myanmar; similarly, Sagaing Division has the largest
acreage in Upper Myanmar; Thaphanseik Dam which can irrigate 500,000 acres of cultivated
land is being built in Sagaing Division; efforts are required to make Sagaing Division the
granary of Upper Myanmar as adequate amount of water will be available for the division's
cultivated areas soon. Arrangements should be made to carry out construction work round
the clock. Earlier completion of the dam will ensure benefits sooner.
Director U Maung Maung Tin of
Construction-4 of Irrigation Department reported on tasks related to irrigation matters.
The General gave necessary instructions. Then, the General and party inspected
construction of the main dam, hydel power station and irrigation facilities.
Afterwards, the General and party inspected heavy equipment at work and progress in
implementing the project and left there for Kanbalu at 4 pm by helicopter. The dam is
being built on Mu River near Thaphanseik Village, Kyunhla Township. It is being built with
the aim of supplying water to Kindat Diversion Weir, located nine miles upstream, to
irrigate 150,000 acres of land through Mu River, supplying water to 350,000 acres of the
Karboe Dam irrigated area, cultivating multiple crops and to produce an average of 117.2
million kwh annually.
( 2 ) General Maung Aye attends
opening of multimedia teaching centre at Kanbalu Basic Education High School
Yangon, 9 Feb- Vice-Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye attended the opening ceremony of multimedia
teaching centre at Kanbalu Basic Education High School on 8 February afternoon.
Also present on the occasion were Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, ministers, deputy ministers, departmental
officials of Sagaing Division, Shwebo District and Kanbalu Township, the headmaster of the
school, teachers, members of School Board of Trustees and students.
First, Headmaster U Saw Aung and Chairman of SBT U Than Maung formally opened the
multimedia teaching centre of the school. Then, Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win unveiled the
signboard of the multimedia teaching centre.
Then, General Maung Aye and party viewed
the computer skills room, the computer aided instruction media control room, the
electronic media (audio-visual) room and video system room and skills demonstration of the
students. Afterwards, the General and party inspected the electronic media audio system
language lab, the arts room, the vocational and domestic science room, the printed media
room, the music room, the science lab and Tari Yadana Dhammayon. The ceremony to mark the
opening of the multimedia teaching centre was held at the school hall. Tenth Standard
Student Ma Le Le Oo extended greetings.
Then, Headmaster U Saw Aung and Chairman
of SBT U Than Maung reported on efforts made for opening of the multimedia teaching centre
of the school. Next, Minister for Education U Than Aung said that the multimedia
classrooms were opened at Kanbalu BEHS today, so today is a changing day for teaching the
basic education with set standard of the school; the education promotion programmes are
being implemented by the State in coorporation with the people and the knowledge and the
technology are required for development of the State. Then, the minister thanked those who
made efforts to open the multimedia teaching centre and wellwishers for improvement of
education standard of students. Afterwards, the General and party signed in the visitors'
book and had documentary photo taken together with students, the school head, teachers and
members of SBT and wellwishers.
General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San attend consecration
ceremony of Shwesigyi Pagoda in Kanbalu
Yangon, 9 Feb- A ceremony to consecrate
Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda built on Kammabala Hill in Kanbalu, Shwebo District, was held at the
Gandakuti Building of the pagoda at 6 am today, attended by Vice-Chairman of the State
Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services
Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Kumara and member Sayadaws, members of the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha
and Sayadaws totalling 72, Daw Khin Cho Oo, wife of Secretary-3 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint, ministers, officials and wellwishers. Before the
consecration ceremony, General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San offered " soon "
to the Sayadaws at Sasana Beikmandaw. Then, the General and wife offered Shwekyar
Thingan to Maha Muni Buddha Image at the eastern entrance to the Gandakuti Building of the
pagoda. Similarly, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win
and Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min offered Shwekyar Thingans to Shinkyaw
Muni Buddha Image at the southern entrance, Shwebontha Muni Buddha Image at the western
entrance and Yanaungmyin Muni Buddha Image at the northern entrance respectively.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint also offered Shwekyar Thingan to Mula Shwesigyi Pagoda. Then,
wellwisher U Kyaw Nyunt donated Buddha images in the Sasana Beikmandaw and the ordination
Wellwisher Daw Ohn Kyi also offered Shwekyar Thingans to a Bodi Buddha image in the
compound of the pagoda. Then, the General and wife offered "soon", fruits and
flowers to Maha Muni, Shinkyaw Muni, Shwebontha Muni and Yanaungmyin Muni Buddha images.
Afterwards, the consecration ceremony was held. Adviser to the Religious Affairs
Department U Min Kyi supplicated on the brief history of the pagoda.
Then, Sayadaws consecrated the pagoda. Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara administered the
Nine Precepts. The General himself donated a fan as offering of Cetiya, Cetiya Sambhara,
Cetiya Parivara, Cetiyangana, Cetiya Pakara, Cetiya Sambaddha and area of the Ceti to Maha
Shwesigyi Pagoda in front of members of the Sangha to Magway Sayadaw. Magway Sayadaw
delivered a sermon and the General and wife and party shared merits gained. Then, the
General and wife and party donated rice to Sayadaws. Afterwards, the General and wife and
party offered "soon" to Sayadaws at the Sasana Beikmandaw. Yesterday evening,
the General and wife and party paid obeisance to Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda. Then, the General
and wife and party attended the release of hot air balloons to mark the successful
completion of enshrinement and Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony of the pagoda.
At 11 am today, the General and wife and party left for Alaungdaw Kathapha National
Park in Kani Township where they were welcomed by Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone,
Tactical Operations Commander Col Hla Ngwe and officials. The General and wife and party
paid homage to Ashin Maha Kathapha statue and offered gold foil at the statue. Then, the
General and wife and party visited Ashin Maha Kathapha Cave. Afterwards, the General and
party visited Alaungdaw Kathapha National Park. The General gave instructions on measures
for conservation of the trees and maintenance of natural beauty. Area of Alaungdaw
Kathapha National Park is 397,026 acres or 620.35 square miles.
The park is located in Mingin Township of Kalay District and Kani Township of Monywa
District, Sagaing Division. Pahtolon and Taungdwin forest reserves are included in the
area of the park. The park was established on 21 July 1983 with the aims of conservation
for perpetual existence of various bio-species, observation for relationship between
zoological species and geophysics, keeping the park as the Natural Laboratory, existence
and streaming use of natural resources, supporting for natural tourism industry and people
to be noticed on value of natural resources and forest products. Then, the General and
wife and party paid homage to Nayaka Sayadaws of the Alaungdaw Kathapha Board of Trustees
and donated provisions to the Sayadaws. The General then presented donations towards the
funds of the Alaungdaw Kathapha Board of Trustees. At 1.20 pm, they left for Monywa by
helicopter. After that, the General and party left Monywa by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived
back here at 4.50 pm.
( 3 ) Myanma culture encompasses
literature, languages, beliefs, social mores and cultural identities of all national races
Entire nationals urged to make harmonious efforts for success of
third short-term five-year national economic plan
Secretary-1 meets Union Day delegates
Yangon, 9 Feb - Chairman of the Committee for Organizing the 54th Anniversary Union Day
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt met delegates to
the Union Day celebrations at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thingangyun Township this
Also present on the occasion were member of the Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than,
ministers, deputy ministers, senior military officers and officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office.
The Secretary-1 extended greetings to the delegates and said that as is known to all,
the leaders of national races signed the Panglong Agreement in 1947 to manifest Union
Spirit which lay dormant in the hearts of all the national people; the Union Day
celebrations which will be held very soon with full political essence and in accord with
national objectives, commemorate the 54th Anniversary of the signing ceremony of the
Panglong Agreement.
The leaders of national races signed the Panglong Agreement in unison on 12 February
1947, thereby significantly demonstrating national solidarity. As a result, all the
national races managed to remove the over-100-year-long colonial rule with strong Union
Spirit and Myanma independence struggle reached its zenith of success. Therefore, 12
February which bears full political significance, was designated as Union Day, and on that
day of every year, Union Day celebrations are held to keep Union Spirit alive and dynamic.
In retrospect, since time immemorial, national brethren have been living on the soil of
Myanmar, sharing weal or woe and " keeping eggs and nest intact." All the
national races, born on the soil of Myanmar since many million years ago, are the national
brethren of the Union. The ancestors of nationals migrated the length and breadth of the
nation in search of greener pasture and clear water. With the passage of time, there have
been differences in their languages, traditions, utensils and modes of dress due to
topographical conditions. However much different the names of national races are, the
national brethren are, of course, a big family based on Union Spirit which has been
existing in the course of history. History witnesses this fact. The word " Myanmar
national " does not represent only a national race but all the national races such as
Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan residing in the Union. Similarly,
the word " Myanma culture " encompasses literature, languages, beliefs and
social mores and cultural identities of all the national races. Therefore, all the
national races, living under the flag of the Union, are required to cooperate in
safeguarding the sovereignty of the State with Union Spirit Ñ a combination of spirit to
help one another in times of difficulties and to strive for the development, peace and
tranquillity of the State. A study of the history of the Union of Myanmar shows that
Myanmar national people were subjected to torture and exploitation of colonialists for
over 100 years. After independence was regained in 1948, the act of colonialists designed
to sow discord triggered divergent ideologies and attitudes among national races, and they
got into conflicts and fought one another. At a time when the nation was to be rebuilt,
nation-building endeavours failed to meet with success.
Due to lack of stability and peace and tranquillity in the nation, Myanmar lagged
behind in development after the World War II, compared to some Asian nations. The Union of
Myanmar abounds in land resources, marine resources and natural resources. Agricultural
work has been carried out on over 24 million acres of land, and there have remained over
19 million acres of fallow and virgin land, and there are many rivers, creeks and lakes,
and the coastal region from Rakhine Coastal to Taninthayi Coastal stretches over 1,385
miles. Myanma waters are teeming with fish, prawns and marine resources. Almost the entire
nation including hilly regions is covered with forests, and rich in oil, natural gas and
minerals. However, the Union lagged behind in development because of lack of unity,
stability, peace and tranquillity and security. If there had been no national solidarity,
the national brethren would have suffered more and more. This being the case, the Tatmadaw
strove to achieve national reconsolidation. As a result, national solidarity, which could
not be achieved in any periods in the past, has already been built. When stability and
peace and tranquillity have reigned in the nation, economic development plans have been
laid down and implemented. The first short-term four-year plan was laid down and
implemented during the 1992-93 fiscal year. Though it was targeted to achieve 5.1 percent
of average GDP growth rate, up to 7.5 percent was achieved. Starting from the 1996-97
fiscal year, the second short-term five-year plan was implemented.
The Secretary-1 said The second short-term five-year national economic plan which began
in fiscal 1996-97 was targeted to achieve six percent annual average rise in GDP. But the
nation saw a 7.2 percent increase in GDP at the end of fiscal 1999-2000 during the fourth
year of the plan. The five-year plan will end in March 2001 and according to the
statistics, it is expected to achieve over eight percent GDP growth. Based on the
successful results of the first short-term four-year plan and the second short-term
five-year plan, the third short-term five-year national economic plan has been laid down.
It will begin in fiscal 2001-2002. It is certain that as in the previous economic plans,
the aims of the third economic plan will be achieved if all the national people make
harmonious efforts together with the government in implementing it. If success will be
achieved as projected, the nation will gain further progress based on the already achieved
good economic foundations; and it is sure that it will reach the status of a modern and
develop nation in the near future.
In laying down plans for national development and modernization, the State is giving
priority to make rapid progress of the entire nation including the rural and border areas.
Efforts are being made for progress of all sectors including transport, agricultural,
livestock breeding, education and health sectors for all-round development of the border
areas which lagged behind progress in the past. From 1989 to 31 December 2000, the
government spent over K 20.054 billion for this purpose. As it is required to give
priority to smoothness of the transport and social relations sectors in carrying out
border areas development task in order to promote social relations, understanding, trust
and amity among the national people, the government has built all-weather roads and
bridges in the areas and expanding the mass media services to further cement the friendly
ties among the national people.
The government had already spent over K 11.160 billion in building roads and bridges in
border areas from 1989 to 31 December 2000. Similarly, over K 409.9 million has already
been used in promoting the education sector of the regions. Myanmar is initiating the
e-Education system included in the special four-year national education promotion
programme; and the system will enable the national people of any place to get access to
higher education.
All the national brethren have already known that some neo-colonialist nations of the
west group were jealous of the developing social life and the success that has exceeded
the expected targets in implementing the national economic plans which are being achieved
together with the flourishing of Union Spirit of Myanmar. They are thus imposing economic
sanctions and applying pressure on her and trying to sow seeds of mistrust among the
national races to destroy the national solidarity.
The Secretary-1 quoted the address delivered by Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Senior General Than Shwe at the ceremony to give guidance to trainees
of Primary Teachership Course No 33 of the University for Development of National Races
which was held on 29 January 2001, as saying, The UDNR trainees should always strive to
organize the people with the conviction to ensure peace, stability and progress in the
nation, to make the nation more powerful and to enhance the spirit of national solidarity
and the Union Spirit. According to the events of the past and the present, it can vividly
be seen that some big neo-colonialist countries that want to dominate and manipulate
Myanmar are trying to destroy the spirit of national solidarity and the Union Spirit,
which are the true internal forces of the Union, in order to weaken the Union and to put
it under their influence.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the delegates
should organize the people at the places they are residing for promotion and propagation
of the spirit of national solidarity and the Union Spirit. In conclusion, he urged the
delegates to seriously uphold the objectives of the Union Day For all the nationals
to safeguard the national policy non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration
of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty; perpetual flourishing of the Union
Spirit among the entire nationals; for all the nationals to strive in harmony and unison
for emergence of an enduring State constitution leading to emergence of a new
discipline-flourishing nation; and for all the nationals to ward off with national
solidarity the danger of destructionists from inside and outside the nation who are
disturbing the State stability, peace and development as the national task and to
strive more for the interest of the Union and the entire nationals. The Secretary-1 then
cordially greeted the Union Day delegates.
Secretary-1 inspects Union Day dinner arrangements, rehearsal of
traditional cultural troupes
Yangon, 9 Feb-Chairman of Central
Committee for Organizing the 54th Anniversary Union Day Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt this evening inspected arrangements being made for
the Union Day dinner and the full-dress rehearsal of the dances of cultural troupe members
of national races, which will be staged at the dinner.
The Secretary-1 arrived at the Presidential Residence compound on Ahlon Road at 5.15
pm. First, the Secretary-1 inspected arrangements for Union Day dinner and gave
instructions to the officials. Then, the Secretary-1 and party watched full-dress
rehearsal of the dances of members of traditional cultural troupes. Afterwards, the
Secretary-1 cordially greeted the members of the troupes and left in the evening.
( 4 ) Myanmar
required to extend cooperation with friendly nations holding same view on national
economic development
Yangon, 9 Feb - The Ministry of Commerce held the third four-monthly meeting at the
ministry this afternoon with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, directors-general and managing directors of departments and
enterprises under the ministry, officials, personnel of the Union of Myanmar Federation of
Chambers of Commerce and Industry and guests.
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone explained the basic policies and aims of the
ministries and its subordinate bodies, exports and imports sector wise, progress of work,
paddy purchase, border trade, welfare programmes and accomplishments. Secretary-1 said at
present the entire nation is launching harmonious efforts in enabling Myanmar to get
breast with other nations and for rapid development of national economy and rising of
living standard of the people. In this circumstance, the sector of the State service
personnel, who are playing a leading role in realizing the national policies and economic
plans is vital; and the success of the functions of the government departments discharging
duties of the economic sector has become the main factor. At present, the developing
nations have formed organizations region wise to ward off the attempts of some big nations
to dominate and manipulate them and to overcome the challenges as an effective force.
In this situation, Myanmar which is making efforts on self-reliance basis to catch up
with international nations should extend economic cooperation with friendly nations
holding common views in strengthening and developing the national economy. Annual average
GDP growth of 7.5 percent was achieved in implementing the four-year plan from fiscal
1992-93 to 1995-1996. The estimated annual average GDP growth during the five-year plan
from fiscal 1996-97 to 2000-2001 is over eight percent. Thus the projected annual average
GDP growth for the third short-term five-year plan from fiscal 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 is
10 percent. As the trade sector contributes 23.9 percent to the entire national economy,
it is the second largest after the agricultural sector.
The aims of the trade sector of the third national economic plan are to give priority
to importing capital goods, to import foodstuff and raw materials in accord with the
requirement, to increase the ratio of the cooperatives and the private sector in import
business, to reduce deficit and to increase surplus in export and import business and to
reduce the government sector and to increase the cooperative and the private sector in
export business.
Thus, staff of the trade sector should always strive to realize the national economic
plans as projected. On the other hand economic development, equal progress of external
trade, increase of foreign exchange income, stability of kyat partly depend on the success
of the functions of the Ministry of Commerce. The ministry should give priority to
extending new markets abroad, finding new markets for new export items and stability of
regular markets, which are the most important tasks of the ministry. As the agricultural
products which are the main export items and the base of Myanmar's economy are seasonal
products whose prices depend on the changes in weather and markets; they need regular
markets to get the deserving prices. Thus the staff should always strive with the
conviction that the nation's exports will gain good prices in the world only if regular
markets can be set up. The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture should
make coordinated efforts to set up an export oriented production system.
The Secretary-1 elaborated on the requirements in penetrating international markets,
saying priority should be given to value-added goods in extending the nation's exports. As
the nation relies more on the private sector in export and import business, efforts should
be made for progress of the business in accord with the policy of the State. To be in
conformity with the new nation, the government has adopted the market-oriented economic
system since 1988 .At present the government is still making efforts to put the nation on
the correct economic path.
Although it has been 12 years since the adoption of the new economic system, no
dramatic changes can be seen in the respective sectors of the GDP. The production sector
is contributing 60.3 percent to the GDP, the trade sector, 20.9 percent and services
sector 18.8 percent. At a time when the services sector is not in the leading position as
in the developed nations, the trade sector plays a vital role in the national economy.
Export business helps promote domestic production, improve the balance of payments,
increase foreign exchange reserves and strengthens the stability of kyat and investments.
Though Myanmar's export value is rising, there are ups and downs in export growth. The ups
and downs are based on production export goods and export and market opportunities.
The Secretary-1 explained the systems of Asian nations which give priority to the
exports. He spoke of the need to designate the annual export amounts and export rates and
to reduce deficits. This is the task of all the staff of the ministry. In adopting the new
economic system, rules and regulations have been amended in accord with the situation, he
said, elaborating on the news rules and principles of the national economic sector.
Staff of the ministry should curb the person who are taking advantage of the weak
sectors of the trade rules in trying to seek self gains. In addition to the regular trade
from the sea, border points have been opened in extending the border trade, speaking of
the need to root out illegal trade at the border. Border Areas Rules Enforcement Groups,
One-Stop Service Groups, Cargo Inspection Groups and Price Scrutiny Groups have been
reformed at border points in Tachilek, Myawady, Kawthoung, Muse and Tamu regions to
systematically check men and vehicles which pass through the gates and to collect taxes.
In comparison with the taxes levied in November when border region discipline
maintenance committees did not take systematic measures and those in December when the
committees took systematic measures, it is found that the taxes have increased four times
at Tachilek area and seven times at Myawady area. The import and export lists showed that
the value of import in Tachilek area decreased one time, and illegal exports have been
reduced. In Myawady area, the value of illegal import has been reduced six times, and the
export has been increased to some extent. This can be attributed to the change of working
system and measures. To ensure the extensive trading among neighbouring nations through
border areas and to set trading on the normal course, Myanmar currency, the currencies of
the neighbouring nations and US dollars are allowed to be used in trading. Therefore, it
is estimated that border trade will improve more than previous years. The Secretary-1 also
stressed the importance of keeping correct import and export data.
The Secretary-1 urged officials at different levels to supervise purchase, transport,
milling and storage of paddy in agricultural produce trading. Efforts are to be made to
export surpluses of Myanma rice. In this regards, extensive marketing methods are to be
applied. International trade is improving rapidly, and officials of departments concerned
are to study new trading methods such as E-Commerce. To increase import volume
necessitates dissemination of information about competing nations and trading partners to
import entrepreneurs and the providing of efficient services which can enable import
entrepreneurs to do their business speedily. In addition to regional economic cooperation,
trading is being carried out with Trade Pact, Economic Cooperation Agreement and Economic
Partnership Agreement. The significant events in Asian region are American-Vietnam trade
agreement, Singapore-Australia trade agreement, Singapore-Japan economic agreement, talks
on Singapore-American trade agreement, India-Indonesia economic cooperation agreement,
China's efforts to join WTO.
Therefore, all need to study trade agreements of the nations in the region and the
talks organized by WTO. Now, the businesses of national entrepreneurs are thriving, and
the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, which can organize
national entrepreneurs, has come into being. Therefore, the dynamic strength of the
private sector is to be used for the economic development of the nation. Measures are to
be taken to ensure that national entrepreneurs can make full use of rights and privileges
and chances in order to be able to do business within the framework of law and rules and
regulations. National entrepreneurs are also required to actively cooperate with the
economic organizations of the State. UMFCCI is to be nurtured and encouraged to become a
dynamic economic force which can serve national interests. The federation is, in turn, to
strive to establish more contact with international chambers of commerce and industry,
especially with the families of ASEAN.
In the process of globalization which has emerged with the advances in electronic and
communication technology, the financial market and the trade sector have become related to
each other the world over. So, the economic departments of the State and the private
sector are to cooperate in striving to be able to keep pace with the international trend,
to compete with other nations in the international market and to use electronic and
communication technology in Myanma economic sector. As is known to all, some big Western
nations, wishing to dominate Myanmar, are attempting to disrupt the economic development
of Myanmar by imposing economic sanctions, preventing international investment and
spreading false and fabricated news designed to prevent tourists from visiting Myanmar.
At that time, Myanmar, relying on its national forces, are striving for the development
of production work and trading. The efforts have met with success, which shows the
national strength of Myanmar people. Myanmar is working on a mutually beneficial basis
with friendly nations, neighbouring nations and trading partners, and success has been
achieved to some extent. The economic cooperation with the nations in the region, ASEAN
member nations and BIMST-EC member nations is improving day after day. Border trade which
is being carried out with five neighbouring nations is thriving. With the development of
border trade and improvement of commercial activities in the region, the State does not
need to care about external instigation and disturbances.
With the use of the strength of natural resources, Myanmar will extend regional
commercial activities as well as border trade. Not only is border trade a business, but it
also further cement friendly ties of the two nations. So, emphasis is to be laid on
systematic development of border trade within the framework of laws and rules and
regulations. The Secretary-1 urged all to cooperate with entrepreneurs in striving to
achieve the objectives of increasing import volume, to issue trading rules and
regulations, to disseminate information about international commercial activities, to
provide efficient services related to dissemination of information and technical advice,
to amend commercial laws and by-laws to be in conformity with the times and to study
commercial activities which necessitate knowledge about information technology.
The Secretary-1 then urged employees of the Ministry of Commerce to strive for the
flourishing of commercial activities as a national task. Just as the ministry plays a main
role in striving for the economic development of the nation, it also needs to cooperate
with other economic organizations of the State and entrepreneurs. Therefore, all are to
strive for the success of national economic plans and the realization of national goals
and to bear strong moral character. At a time when the entire national people are joining
hands with one another in striving to enable the nation to keep abreast with other nations
in terms of development, all the employees of the Ministry of Commerce are to work hard
and to take innovative measures. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 exhorted all to strive for
the development of national economy and the State and improvement of living standard of
the people from the economic sector, to strive to enable the State to be financially
strong, to cooperate with the private sector in striving for the further flourishing of
trading with other nations and the further thriving of commercial activities based on
electronic technology, and to make efforts with national outlook for the economic
development of the State with the aim of enabling it to be independent and to stand tall
among other nations.
Secretary-1 visits 54th Anniversary Union Day Exhibition
Yangon, 9 Feb- A ceremony to open the
54th Anniversary Union Day Exhibition was held at Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara
Road in Dagon Township at 8 am today, attended by Chairman of Central Committee for
Observance of the 54th Anniversary Union Day Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The exhibition, organized by the Sub-committee for Observance of 54th Anniversary Union
Day Exhibition, was opened with National Objectives All Union nationals to safeguard the
national policy of the non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national
solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty; All Union nationals to always keep Union
Spirit alive among them; All Union nationals to strive together for emergence of a State
Constitution leading to a new discipline-flourishing democratic State; and All Union
nationals to oppose and prevent the dangers posed by the internal and external destructive
elements against the stability and modernization of the State.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman
of the Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers, deputy ministers, Others
Associations, officials of the exhibition, teachers, students and guests. First,
Chairman of the Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein formally
opened the exhibition. Then, the Secretary-1 and party viewed the central booth, the booth
on Myanmar the origin of human beings, the booths of ancient Myanmar kingdoms, the
emergence of Union Day and the cultural traditions of national races, the booth of Union
of Myanmar today comprising booths of Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Rail
Transportation, Ministry of Construction and the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control,
the drug elimination booth of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the booth of the present
political and social developments (We shall stand ever united booth). The Secretary-1 and
party left the exhibition at 9.10 am. At the exhibition, various kinds of books are
available at book shops at reasonable price. The book shops remain open at the Tatmadaw
Convention Centre in commemoration of the 54th Anniversary Union Day from 9 am to 5 pm
daily up to 18 February. Admission is free.
( 5 ) 1,940-foot Gonnyindan Bridge linking Pyapon and Kyaiklat
commissioned into service
Yangon, 9 Feb - Gonnyindan Bridge linking Pyapon and Kyaiklat Townships in Ayeyawady
Division was commissioned into service this morning, with an address by Secretary-2 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo. The Secretary-2 said the reinforced
concrete bridge on Pyapon-Bogalay Road is 1,940 feet long. The construction of the
facility with a two-lane road has cost millions of kyats. Since 1988, 29
over-180-foot-long bridges have been built in Ayeyawady Division to ensure smooth
transport in the region. Dedaye, Wakema, Shwelaung and Daka bridges are under construction
at present. In addition to Gonnyindan Bridge, the 30th bridge in the division, other
bridges such as Khanaung, Thaleikkyi, Thaleikkale and Chaungdwin bridges will be opened
He quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe's guidance as saying, " Roads and
bridges are being built as the transport sector is vitally important for national
development. The nation cannot become a modern and developed one without infrastructures.
Roads in a region as well as those linking other regions are required for regional
progress. Only when the transport sector is good, will the economic, social and
administrative sectors of a region improve."
In accord with the guidance, 35 roads
extending from the north to the south and 45 roads crossing the nation from the east to
the west totalling 80 have been built as Union Highways. The bridges have also been built
on the highways. Due to these efforts, transport between all the regions including border
areas has become smooth, thereby contributing to the flourishing of Union Spirit.
Ayeyawady Division now has over 1,300 miles of motor roads, but it had only 463 miles
before 1988. In addition to building transport facilities in the division, the government
has built Nan-kathu Dam and Panhline, Mezali, Wadaw and Htani sluice gates for the
progress of the agriculture sector in the region. Kunchaung Dam No 2 is under construction
at present in the division.
Feasibility study is being conducted to build two more dams in the division. Due to the
irrigation facilities, the division can cultivate multiple cropping and can put the
largest number of acres under monsoon and summer paddy in the nation. Thus, the division
can continue to stand firmly as the nation'' rice bowl. Cultivation of other crops which
grow well in the division has been extended. Over 240,000 acres of virgin and fallow lands
and wetlands have been granted to 29 private companies which have already put nearly
50,000 acres under monsoon and summer paddy, beans and pulses, edible crops and jute.
According to the three-year project which began in 2000-2001, the private companies have
set up 10,000 acres of prawn breeding ponds. Thus, the division has become not only the
main cultivation region but also the reliable region for the fish and meat sector.
The Ayeyawady Division as well as all the states and divisions of the Union are
developing with greater momentum. As efforts are being made for proportionate progress of
all the regions, the nation is on the tract to develop with high momentum. Development and
pride of the nation depends on the unity of the national people, their hard work,
goodwill, discipline and preservation of national characters.
Thus, the people of the division should strive with the spirit to love the Union.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann said opening
of the bridge ensures an easy transport between Yangon and Maubin, Kyaiklat, Pyapon,
Bogalay, Kyaikkadon, Seikma and Ama. Progress of the transport has led to development of
the social and economic sectors of the division. Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun
said the bridge was built on Gonnyindan River near Htingwin village, Kyaiklat Township.
The motor road on it is 28 feet wide.
Also present were ministers, Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, local
authorities, departmental personnel, others and local people totalling over 35,000.
The Secretary-2 presented gift to Superintending Engineer of the Project U Htay Myint.
Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann and Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened the bridge.
The approach structure of the bridge is 1,440 feet long. The length of the main body is
500 feet. It can withstand up to 60 ton load. The Secretary-2 and party also attended
opening of the 180-foot Thaleikkyi Bridge in Kyaiklat Township, the 100-foot Thaleikkale
Bridge, the 236-foot Chaungdwin Bridge and the 100-foot Khanaung Bridge.
( 6 ) Union Day Flag conveyed from Yangon
South District to Yangon West District

Yangon, 9 Feb-The Union Flag, which rested overnight on the stage in Bayintnaung Sports
Grounds in Thongwa Township, Yangon South District, was conveyed from there to Kyimyindine
Township, Yangon West District, this morning by the Union Flag relay teams. The Flag
conveying programme started in the sports grounds this morning with the attendance of
Secretary Maj Myo Thant of Yangon South District Peace and Development Councils and
members, the chairmen of Township Peace and Development Councils and members, departmental
officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Police
Force, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Women's Affairs Committee and social
organizations and the public.
They saluted the Union Flag with the Guard of Honour of Yangon Command while the
military band of the command played the National Anthem. Later, Secretary Maj Myo Thant
took out the Union Flag from the silver bowl on the stage at 6.45 pm, and carried it
flanked by the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police officers and Union nationals. He
handed it over to Chairman of Thongwa Township Peace and Development Council U Myo Nyunt
who was waiting at the designated place in the sports grounds.
The Flag relay team led by Chairman U Myo Nyunt conveyed the Flag and handed it over to
Secretary Maj Myo Thant. Afterwards, Secretary Maj Myo Thant flanked by the Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) and police officers and Union nationals conveyed the Flag and handed
it over to Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung
Maung Shein at the archway of the sports grounds.
At 7 am, Chairman Col Maung Maung Shein planted the Flag on the silver bowl on Union
Boat, and left for Kyimyindine Township, Yangon West District. Along the route to
Kyimyindine Township, the Union Flag was accorded a rousing welcome by thousands of people
including members of Red Cross, USDA, Fire Brigade, social organizations and students.
The Union Boat which conveying the Flag arrived at the welcoming archway in Sangyoung
Township at 8.40 am where it was saluted by the band troupes of students of No 2 Basic
Education High School, Sangyoung. Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein took out the flag from
the silver bowl and conveyed it flanked by the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police
officers and Union nationals. He handed it over to District Commissioner of Yangon West
District General Administration Department U Yan Myo Aung Thein. The Flag relay team led
by District Commissioner U Yan Myo Aung Thein carried and handed it over to the relay team
led by Secretary of Yangon West District USDA U Tin Win. Secretary U Tin Win handed it
over to Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein at the archway in front of Salin Sports Ground
in Kyimyindine Township where 18,000 people saluted the Union Flag. Chairman Lt-Col Maung
Maung Shein flanked by Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police officers and Union
nationals carried the Flag and planted it in the silver bowl on the stage in Salin Sports
Ground. The people in Yangon West District came to the sports ground and saluted the Union
Flag. The visitors were entertained to movies and anyeint in the evening.
Union Day delegates continue excursion
Yangon, 9 Feb-Union Day delegates, members of cultural troupes and Union Solidarity and
Development Associations from states and divisions, together with Commandant of No-1
Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) Lt-Col Tin Kyaing and officials, this morning attended the
opening of the 54th Anniversary Union Day Exhibition at the Tatmadaw Convention Centre and
the ceremony at which Chairman of Central Committee for Organizing the 54th Anniversary
Union Day Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
extended greetings at National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna. Chairman of Myanmar Olympic
Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint also extended greetings to them.
Then, commemorative pennants were exchanged, and the delegates watched the demonstrations
of members of sports federations and left there in the afternoon.
( 7 ) Medical equipment donated to MH-2
Yangon, 9 Feb-A ceremony to donate medicines and medical equipment for warded
patients at No 2 Military Hospital (500-bed) was held at the Hospital this morning. Deputy
Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and wife Daw Khin Swe Myint and
family presented medicines and medical equipment worth K 100,000; Capt Khin Zaw (Retd) of
Toe Mandalay Travelling Services and wife Daw Mi Mi Kyaw Lwin and family medicines and
medical equipment worth K 300,000 and Capt Myint Soe (Retd) of Meiktila Hotel medicines
and medical equipment worth K 100,000 to Chief of Treatment Division Col Ye Thwe who
presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers and expressed gratitude.
( 8
) Minister of External Affairs of India to visit Myanmar
Yangon, 9 Feb-At the invitation of U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Union of Myanmar, Shri Jaswant Singh, Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of
India, will pay an official goodwill visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near future.
( 9
) Narcotic drugs seized in PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 9 Feb-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar
Police Force, acting on information, on 23 January this year, searched the house of Haw
Twan Paung (a) Kaw Hla and arrested Haw Twan Paung, son of U Chein Po Chan, of Ward 8,
Hninsi Street, Padetha Myothit, PyinOoLwin, Mandalay Division, and Yan Tar Phar, son of U
Yan Cho Kho, of Yugoslat Ward, Ward No 3, the same town, and Ma Kyu Kyu Khaing (a) Twan
Sein Kyu, daughter of U Twan Maw Khaing, of Hninsi 2nd Street, Padetha Myothit, who were
there to buy narcotic drugs, together with 17,000 stimulant tablets, 0.004 kilogram of
heroin, 0.0407 kilogram of opium oil and 0.049 kilogram of opium residue. Action was taken
against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.