( 1 ) Enshrinement and Shwehtidaw hoisting
ceremony of Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda in Kanbalu held

Yangon, 8 Feb - The upper reliquary enshrinement ceremony and the
Shwe-htidaw hoisting ceremony of Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda built on Kammabala Hill, Kanbalu
Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, was held at the Pagoda this morning, attended
by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San.
General Maung Aye enshrined the Kakusandha Buddha Image in the upper reliquary and planted
the Seinphudaw atop the pagoda.
Also present on the occasion were Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta Kumara,
member Sayadaws of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee, member Sayadaws of the State
Central Working Committee of the Sangha, Sayadaws of Division and Township Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committees and Sayadaws of the Working Committee of the Sangha totalling 72, Daw
Khin Cho Oo, wife of Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win
Myint, ministers, officials, members of the Pagoda Construction Committee, engineers,
Master of ceremonies Adviser at the Department for Promotion and
Propagation of the Sasana U Min Kyi read out the agenda. General Maung Aye, Daw Mya Mya
San and party and devotees received the Nine Precepts from Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga
Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kavindacara of Myole Kyaungtaik, Lashio.
Devotees then presented paritta flowers, water, sand and thread to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Saya-daws recited religious verses. Devotees sprinkled
paritta water and spread paritta flowers and sand and tied paritta thread on the pagoda
platform. General Maung Aye and Daw Mya Mya San presented the Seinphudaw which will
be hoisted atop the pagoda and offertories to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara. Donor Daw Ohn Kyi,
U Kyaw Nyunt and family presented hngetmyatnadaw and offertories to the Sayadaws. Deputy
Prime Minister Lt-Gen Tin Hla presented Kakusandha Image and Shwezedi and offertories, and
Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win, Konagamana Image and Shwezedi and offertories to the Sayadaws.

Later, the ministers, the senior military officers and donors presented
offertories to the Sayadaws. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara delivered a sermon. The congregation
shared the merits gained. Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win presented gifts to architects who
built the pagoda. Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin supplicated on religious
At the ceremonial procession to present the Seinphudaw, Buddha images,
caskets containing relics and hngetmyatnadaw to the pagoda, General Maung Aye and Daw Mya
Mya San conveyed the Seinphudaw. Donors Daw Ohn Kyi, U Kyaw Nyunt and family conveyed the
hngetmyatnadaw. Lt-Gen Tin Hla conveyed Sasana flag, Shwekya Thingan and a Buddha image in
standing posture. Rear-Admiral Kyi Min and Lt-Gen Kyaw Than conveyed the Buddha image and
the relic casket and the silver Parikkhara and the relic casket respectively.
Commanders Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Maj-Gen Soe Win conveyed Vinaya Pitaka
silver scroll and silver box and the golden pagoda and the image of Shin Upagutta. Then,
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung
Thaung, Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan
Aung, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and
National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla
Myint Swe, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Minister for Science and Technology U
Thaung, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Minister for Education U Than Aung
and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin conveyed sacred objects to be enshrined.
While Padima Buddha Image, Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinphudaw were conveyed
around the pagoda, vocalist U Tun Shwe sang religious songs to the accompaniment of
Mingalar drum troupe. When the master of ceremonies announced that it was the auspicious
time at 9.20 am, the General enshrined Kakusandha Buddha Image in the upper reliquary in
the south of the pagoda. Then, the General enshrined one sacred object after another into
the reliquary. While the General was enshrining Kakusandha Buddha Image into the upper
reliquary, Daw Mya Mya San, wife of the General, Daw Khin Cho Oo, wife of the Secretary-3,
and wellwishers hoisted Hngetmyatnadaw atop the pagoda by means of decorated carriage.
U Kyaw Nyunt and Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Lt-Gen Tin Hla and Lt-Gen Kyaw Than
and Maj-Gen Soe Win and Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin enshrined Buddha images, Dhatu Ceti, Dhamma Ceti
and Pariboga Ceti and four Arahat images into the upper reliquaries in the west, the north
and the east of the pagoda respectively. While images and sacred objects were being
enshrined in the upper reliquaries, Uppathakas recited Gathas. The architects closed the
upper reliquaries and members of the Sangha recited Gathas. The General and party
sprinkled scented water on the upper reliquaries. Then, the Htidaw-hoisting ceremony was
held at the auspicious time, 9.40 am.
The General and party hoisted the Htidaw atop the pagoda. Daw Mya Mya
San, Daw Khin Cho Oo and party sprinkled scented water on Seinphudaw and conveyed it by
means of decorated carriage. The General and party fixed Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinphudaw
atop the pagoda and sprinkled scented water on them. Afterwards, Daw Mya Mya San and party
conveyed Shwekya Thingan and Sasana flag atop the pagoda by means of decorated carriage.
The wellwishers hoisted Htidaws atop 16 encircling pagodas. Then, the General and party
fixed Shwekya Thingan at Hngetpyawphu of the pagoda. Next, the General and party enshrined
sacred objects in Gandakutitaik of Shwesigyi Pagoda.
Later, the silver conch was blown and the auspicious drum and gong were
beaten nine times, which brought the ceremony to an end. The General and wife Daw Mya Mya
San and party and the wellwishers performed the ritual of silver and golden showers. The
General and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party then offered soon to the Sayadaws and members
of the Sangha.
General Maung Aye arrives Kanbalu, pays homage to Maha Shwesigyi

Yangon, 8 Feb - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General
Maung Aye visited Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division, yesterday.
Accompanied by Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min,
Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military
Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, ministers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development
Council Office and officials, the General left here by air for TadaU Township, Mandalay
Division, yesterday.
On arrival at Mandalay International Airport in TadaaU Township in the
afternoon, the General and party were welcomed by member of the Central Command Maj-Gen Ye
Myint, ministers and officials. The General and party then helicoptered to Kanbalu.
At Sasana Beikman of Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda, the General and party paid
homage to Sayadaws led by Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Kumara, who came there to attend the enshrinement ceremony of the upper
reliquary of the pagoda. The General and party then paid obeisance to the pagoda. They
spent the night in Kanbalu.
( 2 ) More practical and effective
measures required in launching control and treatment campaigns against infectious diseases
National Health Committee holds 31st Meeting

Yangon, 8 Feb The National Health Committee held its 31st Meeting at
the Ministry of Health this morning, with an address by Chairman of NHC Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. The Secretary-1 said today's
meeting was held to discuss effective implementation of the guidance given by Head of
State Senior General Than Shwe concerning rural health care project, malaria control and
treatment research project and medicine production. The Head of State has also given
guidance on continuation of the special four-year national education promotion programme
being implemented by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry
of Science and Technology and on laying down of the 30-year long-term plan of the
health sector.
It is required to provide buildings, health aid and medicines for the
effectiveness of rural health care activities, to make organization work for the
flourishing of a system to set up trust funds for medical treatment operations of the
already formed rural care centres and to widely extend effective health education
programmes for the rural people. Scrutiny measures should be taken on doctors and
medicines in applying traditional or western medicine in conducting medical treatment in
rural areas. Programmes should be laid down to enable doctors working in rural areas to
attend courses in order to uplift their studies.
As herbal plants which can be used in controlling malaria have been
found in Myanmar since long ago, the respective ministries should make collective efforts
in cultivating them and producing medicines. More practical and effective measures should
be taken in launching prevention and treatment campaigns against infectious diseases.
The ministries concerned should make coordinated efforts to control
AIDS which came from abroad. Concerning the health sector, priority should be given to
speedy implementation of the tasks conducted in relation to the international sector. NHC
Secretary Director-General of Health Planning Department Dr Kyi Soe explained realization
of the resolutions of the 30th meeting. Director-General of Medical Science Department
Prof Dr Maung Maung Wint reported to the meeting on teaching plans of institutes of
medicine, institutes of dental medicine and medical institute under MSD. Minister for
Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein briefed the participants on AIDS and venereal diseases control
Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint explained in detail the
progress in systematic implementation of AIDS and venereal diseases control programmes.
Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha presented a report on
collection of infant and maternal mortality rate. Director-General of Health Department Dr
Wun Maung reported on the assessment on the cost-sharing health system adopted by the
hospitals. Director-General of Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) Prof Dr Paing
Soe and Director-General of MRD (Upper Myanmar) Dr Myint Lwin explained plantation of
medicinal plants from which malaria vaccine can be deprived and research on malaria and
malaria vaccines. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave suggestions, saying it is required to
take effective control and treatment measures against infection and spread of malaria.
As malaria is immune to some of the medicines, new and more potent
drugs should be used in fighting the disease. Research has already been conducted on local
medicinal plants which can be used in producing potent anti-malaria drugs. Thus, efforts
should be made for speedy implementation of the task to produce medicines from the plants
as planned. Control of contagious diseases such as AIDS should be continued in accord with
the discussion at the meeting. Long-term and short-term plans should be laid down for the
effectiveness in conducting rural health care projects. Also present at the meeting were
ministers, deputy ministers, members of NHC, officials of the State Peace and Development
Council Office, heads of department, directors-general of the departments under the
Ministry of Health and officials.
( 3 ) Secretary-2 attends opening
of multimedia teaching centres at Kyaiklatt

Yangon, 8 Feb - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo, accompanied by Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung
Thein, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Chief of Staff (Navy)
Commodore Soe Thein, Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, deputy ministers, heads of
the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments, left for Kyaiklatt, Pyapon
District, Ayeyawady Division, by helicopter this morning.
The Secretary-2 and party were welcomed by member of the State Peace
and Development Council Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council
Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, authorities of Pyapon district and Kyaiklatt Township
and department heads. The Secretary-2 attended the opening ceremony of the multimedia
teaching centre of Basic Education Middle School in Kyaiklatt. Headmistress Daw Tin Than
and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U May Aung formally opened the multimedia
teaching centre. Director-General of No 1 Basic Education Department U Tin Nyo formally
unveiled the signboard of the centre.

Then, the Secretary-2 and party inspected the visual presenter room,
the computer application room, the computer-aided instruction room, the electronic media
(audio system) room, the language lab, the electronic media video system, the printed
media room and the reading room, and observed the skill demonstration of the pupils.
The Secretary-2 and party also attended the opening ceremony of the
multimedia teaching centre of No 1 Basic Education High School in the same town.
Headmistress Daw Hla Myint and Treasurer of the School Board of Trustees U Than Htay
formally opened the centre. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann formally unveiled the
signboard of the centre. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party inspected the
computer-aided instruction room, the computer application and e-mail room, the visual
presenter room, the electronic media room and the painting and domestic science room, and
watched the skill demonstration of the pupils.

The ceremony to mark the opening of the multimedia teaching centre of
No 1 BEHS was held in Myasandi Hall of the school. The pupils entertained the Secretary-2
and party and guests with songs and dances. Headmistress Daw Hla Myint reported on matters
related to the multimedia teaching centre of the school. Director-General U Tin Nyo
reported on installation of multimedia teaching centres at schools in Ayeyawady Division
and Pyapon District and implementation of education promotion programmes. Deputy Minister
for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, Deputy
Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen
Maung Maung Thein also spoke on the occasion.

Treasurer U Than Htay reported on efforts for the opening of the
multimedia teaching centre and future tasks. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann explained
matters related to implementation of special four-year education promotion plan in
Ayeyawady Division.
The Secretary-2 presented video tapes to be used as teaching aid for
the school. Then, the Secretary-2 gave instructions. Chairman of Kyaiklatt Township Peace
and Development Council U Aung Myint and Treasurer U Than Htay handed over K 2.8 donated
to the funds of construction of the new school building by wellwishers, to Headmistress
Daw Hla Myint. The Secretary-2 also inspected No 1 Basic Education Primary School at
Ward-1, Kyaiklatt.
( 4 ) Myanmar
and Uzbekistan establish diplomatic relations
Yangon, 9 Feb-The Union of Myanmar and the Republic of Uzbekistan,
being desirous to establish relations of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation on
the basis of principles of the Charter of the United Nations and norms of the
international law and in accordance with the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations
and on Consular Relations, have decided to establish diplomatic relations between the two
states on 8th February 2001.
( 5 ) Union Flag conveyed from City Hall to Bayintnaung Sports
Ground in Thongwa
Yangon, 8 Feb - The Union Flag, which rested for one year at the City
Hall, was conveyed from there to Bayintnaung Sports Ground in Thongwa, Yangon South
District, this morning under the Union Flag relay programme in four districts in Yangon
At 6.40 am, Chairman of Yangon City
Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay took out the Union Flag from the silver bowl in the
guest hall of the Mayor's Office after saluting it. The Mayor carried the flag, flanked by
four Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police officers, Union nationals and students to
the designated place in front of the City Hall on Maha Bandoola Street with the
accompaniment of the Myodaw music troupe. The Mayor handed over the Union Flag to Chairman
of Management Committee for Organizing the 54th Anniversary Union Day Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than. The commander
then handed over the flag to Secretary of Yangon South District Peace and Development
Council Maj Myo Thant. Maj Myo Thant carried the flag onto the Union Boat and planted it
in the silver bowl at 6.50 am.
The Union Flag, flanked by four Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and
police officers and Union nationals on the Union Boat, left for Thongwa along Maha
Bandoola Street, Maha Bandoola Bridge, Yamonna Street, Shukhintha Ring Road, Thanlyin
Bridge Approach Road, Thanlyin Bridge and Thanlyin-Bago Road.

Along the road, the Union Flag was accorded rousing welcome by vast
multitudes of people and a great number of members of Township Peace and Development
Councils, the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Police Force, Red
Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association and
Working Committee for Women's Affairs, workers and farmers, teachers and students and
departmental employees waving miniature flags and putting up banners across the roads.
On arrival at the archway of the entrance of Thongwa at 8.20 am, Maj
Myo Than took out the flag from the silver bowl on the Union Boat and carried it, flanked
by four Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police officers and Union nationals, and handed
over the flag to Secretary of Yangon South District USDA U Lwin Oo.

The flag was conveyed by relay teams of Yangon South District USDA,
Thanlyin Township General Administration Department, Thanlyin Township USDA, Thanlyin
Township Fire Brigade, Thanlyin Township Red Cross Brigade, nurses of Thanlyin Township,
Kyauktan Township General Administration Department, Kyauktan Township USDA, Auxiliary
Fire Brigade and other departments and associations. At the archway of Bayintnaung Sports
Ground in Thongwa, the flag was handed over to Chairman of Thongwa Township Peace and
Development Council U Myo Nyunt.
Chairman U Myo Nyunt carried the flag, flanked by the Tatmadaw (Army,
Navy and Air) and police officers and Union nationals and handed it over to Maj Myo Thant
at the designated place in the sports ground. Maj Myo Thant conveyed the flag, flanked by
the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and police officers and Union nationals, and planted it
in the silver bowl on the stage. The Guard of Honour of Yangon Command and over 20,000
people from Thongwa Township and other townships in Yangon South District, saluted the
flag to the strains of the National Anthem played by the military band of Yangon Command.
The sports ground was packed with people who came to salute the flag, and they were
entertained with Myawady Anyeint and documentary films.
( 6 ) Donations for all-round construction
of Mindhamma Hill have amounted to nearly K 140m

Yangon, 8 Feb-Stone sculptors, Myanmar handicraft technicians,
engineers and workers are carrying out carving of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image,
which is kept on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township here and all-round construction of the
Hill from September to date. The carving of the Image has now completed over 90 per cent.
The Hill is crowded with members of the Sangha, nuns and laity including tourists who pay
homage to the Image daily. Wut associations took turns to recite religious verses from 7
am to 10 pm. The Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Information are opening
bookshops there and selling different kinds of books and journals. Generous donations by
public from 5 August 2000 to date totalled K 139,664,720.
( 7 ) Pre-conference of WVO (Chin State) held
Yangon, 8 Feb-The pre-conference of Myanmar War Veterans
Organization (Chin State) was held at Hakha Town Hall at 8 am on 6 February. It was
attended by members of Central Organization Committee of MWVO Deputy Minister for
Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and
Director-General of Directorate of Transport Col Nyan Tun Aung, Patron of Myanmar War
Veterans Organization (Chin State) Chairman of Chin State Peace and Development Council
Col Than Win, Secretary Lt-Col Win Naing and members, members of Supervisory Committee of
MWVO (Chin State), district/township level officials, officials of Chin State Maternal and
Child Welfare Association, Chin State Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's
Affairs, Chin State Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and invited guests. Maj Zat
Argyi (Retd) chaired the conference and Capt Maung Yone (Retd) and Sgt Telephone (Retd)
presided over the conference and Daw Mon The and Daw Me Zein Hsanacted as masters of
The master of ceremonies read out the agenda and opened the conference.
Then, Chairman Maj Zat Argyi (Retd) delivered an opening speech. Capt Myint Soe (Retd),
Capt Sein Min (Retd) and Maj Maung Toe (Retd) of Supervisory Committee for Chin State MWVO
read out three sections of the report respectively. Afterwards, Capt Tin Shwe (Retd) read
out the report on National Politics, Capt Shein Myint (Retd) on National Defence and
Security, Capt Thet Aung (Retd) on Economic Sector, and Capt Ye Mon (Retd) on Community
Works Sector. Chairman Maj Zat Argyi (Retd) made a concluding speech and the ceremony came
to an end with the chanting of slogans. Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War
Veteran Organization presented K 1 million, Chin State Peace and Development Council K
150,000, Mindat and Phalam District Peace and Development Councils K 30,000 each, Chin
State USDA K 20,000, Chin State All-Bus Lines Control Committee K 50,000 for the
Journalists visit New Century Resource Centre, Centre for
Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts
Yangon, 8 Feb-Local and foreign journalists comprising Director-General
U Khin Maung Htay of Myanma Radio and Television, Director (News) of News and Periodicals
Enterprise U Hla Tun, the chief editors of dailies and advisers, President of Foreign
Correspondents Club U Sao Kai Hpa and members viewed New Century Resource Centre and
Centre for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts being opened on Botahtaung Pagoda Road and at the
corner of Merchant and 54th Streets this morning.
At the briefing hall of NCRC, Director-General of Higher Education
Department (Lower Myanmar) U Saw Lwin explained the purpose of the opening of the centres
and the structure of NCRC to the journalists. The study group then inspected Winner
Computer Group booth, Service Centre, World Peace International Co Ltd, CE Technology and
May Kha Computer Sale and Service Centre where they were conducted round by
Director-General U Saw Lwin and officials. They also viewed Computer Training Centre,
e-Education Learning Centre, e-Education Resource Centre and Language Lab, Software
Engineering, Hardware Engineering and Network Engineering. The journalist group proceeded
to the Centre for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts where they were welcomed and conducted round
by Librarian of Yangon University and Head of Ancient Myanmar Literature Affairs Daw Tin
Phone Nwe and officials. They studied ancient Myanmar manuscripts and various kinds of
publications in Myanmar and English there.
( 8
) Health delegation arrives back from India
Yangon, 8 Feb- Myanmar health delegation led by Deputy Minister for
Health Prof Dr Kyaw Myint arrived back here from India by air yesterday evening after
attending the First Meeting on Globa Eradication of Leprosy held in New Delhi on 30 and 31
January 2000.They were welcome back at the airport by Minister Maj- Gen Ket Sein and
officials. On their way home they studied health care services and modern hospitals in
India and Thailand. Delegation members Deputy Director of Health Department Dr Kyaw Nyunt
Sein also arrived back on the same flight.
CPT Minister inspects warehouses
Yangon, 8 Feb-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs
Brig-Gen Win Tin, accompanied by officials, this morning, inspected warehouses on 57th
Street in Pazundaung Township where they were conducted round the centres by Managing
Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin and officials. The
minister and party inspected wireless shed, battery and electrical shed, office equipment
shed, vehicles and their spare parts shed and gave instructions to officials. Then, the
minister also gave instructions on fire prevention measures.
( 9
) 565 stimulant tablets seized in Muse Township
Yangon, 8 Feb - A combined team comprising members of the local
intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, raided the house of Shauk Kyaung (a) Kyauk Si
Chan, son of U Kyauk Pha Chant, in Namtaung Village, Muse Township, Shan State (North) on
22 January, and seized 565 stimulant tablets bearing the words " WY ". Action is
being taken against Shauk Kyaung (a) Kyauk Si Chan under the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotrophic Substances Law.