( 1 ) Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of Ambassador of Thailand
Yangon, 6 Feb- Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of
the Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe accepted the credentials of newly-accredited
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Union of Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon at Dagon
Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 11 am today. Also present on the occasion were
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Minister for
Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends Myanmar
National Olympic Council's 1/2001 meeting

Yangon, 6 Feb-Myanmar National Olympic Council held its 1/2001 meeting
at Padamya Hall of the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna this evening, attended by
Chairman of Myanmar National Olympic Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were members of MNOC ministers, members of committee for
ensuring success of Myanmar sports, members of Myanmar Olympic Committee, officials of the
State Peace and Development Council Office, presidents of sports federations, officials of
Sports and Physical Education Department and guests.
Secretary of MNOC Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint reported
on preparations for the XXI South-East Asian Games, arrangements for training, mobilizing
new generation athletes, camp training for XXI SEA Games, formation of supervisory
committees for training, progress of sports during the fourth quarter, future tasks,
opening of course on medical care, construction of playgrounds and gymnasiums and
providing assistance to brilliant football players.
President of Myanmar Football Federation Director-General of SPED U
Thaung Htaik also reported on formation of tentatively selected Myanma football team,
training of players, formation of women football team, 46th Inter-State/Division Under-21
Soccer Tournament and holding of football matches in region-wise. Chairman of Myanmar
Bodybuilding and Physical Culture Federation Secretary of Yangon City Development
Committee Col Myint Aung reported on hosting of the 55th World Bodybuilding Championship
from 21 to 26 November in Yangon.
Those present took part in the discussions for achieving success at the
XXI SEA Games. The Secretary-1 spoke of the need to train the athletes for eight months
before the SEA Games, to select them correctly, to make arrangements for fitness, morale,
good discipline and complete training, to teach them sport psychology and to draw
timetables for preparations and uplift of morale. He said the athletes must know dos and
don'ts of respective sports events and spoke of the need for them to give lectures on
international sports experience and sports techniques. All people young or old expect the
success of sports, especially national sports football, he added. The Secretary-1 called
on the committee, the ministries, departments, sports federations and athletes to make
concerted efforts for the success of Myanmar sports.
Secretary-1 inspects progress of work at Mindhamma Hill

Yangon, 6 Feb- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt arrived at Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in
Insein Township at 6.20 pm today. The Secretary-1 was welcomed by Minister for Religious
Affairs U Aung Khin, technicians, officials and members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees.
First, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt paid homage to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
and inspected progress of work of the image. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt also inspected
all-round construction work of Mindhamma Hill. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave
necessary instructions to officials and left there.
Over K 2m donated to Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda funds
Yangon, 6 Feb- The cash donation ceremony for All-round Renovation of
Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda was held at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin Hall on Kaba Aye Hill this
afternoon. Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Maha Aungmye-bonsan
Kyaung Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Panindabhivamsa and members of the Sangha,
Chairman of Leading Committee for All-round Renovation and Shwehtidaw Hoisting of the
pagoda Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs
Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge,
Director-General Dr Myo Myint of Religious Affairs Department and wellwishers. A total of
14 wellwishers donated K 2,130,000 and 17 gold items for the all-round renovation and
offering gold at the pagoda.
Minister inspects gold plates production process for Kyaikhtiyoe
Yangon, 6 Feb- Chairman of Leading Committee for All-round Renovation
and Shwehtidaw Hoisting of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin
arrived at the office of Myanma Gems Enterprise at noon today. Present were Deputy
Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Deputy Minister for Science and
Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Managing Director U Khin Oo of MGE and members of the Pagoda
Board of Trustees. The minister and party inspected production process of gold plates at
the goldsmith workshop. Managing Director U Khin Oo and officials reported on tasks being
carried out and systematic storage of gold plates in cooperation with officials of MGE,
the Pagoda Board of Trustees and the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The minister gave
necessary instructions and left there at the afternoon. Altogether 64 bullions weighing
1945.18 ticals were obtained by refining gold plates and gold-dusts at MGE from 26 to 30
December 2000. Technicians were assigned duty to produce gold foils by officials of MGE,
the Working Committee for All-round Renovation and Shwehtidaw Hoisting of Kyaikhtiyoe
Pagoda and members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees. During the period from 31 January to 5
February, 236 gold plates of different sizes between 5"x5" and 8"x8"
have been produced. The bullion and gold plates are temporarily kept in the vault of MGE.
( 3 ) Secretary-2 inspects
cultivation of crops, livestock breeding in S Okkalapa, Mingaladon Townships
Yangon, 6 Feb- Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo inspected cultivation of crops and livestock breeding work of local
battalion in South Okkalapa Township and Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital (500-bed)
in Mingaladon Township today.
The Secretary-2 , Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Vice-Adjutant-General
Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and officials went to the local battalion in South Okkalapa Township
and inspected raising of poultry, pigs, cattle, goats and fish.
The Secretary-2 inspected cultivation of nine acres of crops. In
the afternoon, the Secretary-2 and party went to a local battalion in South Okkalapa
Township and inspected raising of pigs and chickens, cultivation of kitchen crops. The
Secretary-2 then gave instructions on extended cultivation of crops and livestock
breeding. The Secretary-2 and party went to Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital
(500-bed) and inspected raising of poultry. They were conducted round the farm by Director
of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han and officials.
( 4 ) Appointment
of Ambassador agreed on
Yangon, 6 Feb- The Government of the Union of Myanmar have agreed to
the appointment of His Excellency Mr Rasoul Eslami as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Union of Myanmar in succession to
His Excellency Mr Ramin Mehmanparast Nodehi. At present he is serving as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Kingdom of
Thailand. He will reside in Bangkok.
Minister receives Chinese Ambassador

Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung received
Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Liang Dong who had completed his tour of
duty in Myanmar, at Myanma Radio and Television at 4 pm today. Also present were
Director-General U Khin Maung Htay of MRTV, Director-General U Chit Naing of Information
and Public Relations Department, Managing Director U Tin Kha of News and Periodicals
Enterprise, Managing Director Col Myint Thein of Printing and Publishing Enterprise,
Advisor to Minister for Information U Kyaw Min and Head of Office Captain Soe Aung.
Minister meets Japanese guest
Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein
received Chief Executive Officer of Global Utility Development Co Mr Toshikazu Nomura and
party at his office at 2 pm today. Also present was Governor of the Central Bank of
Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung.
Minister receives Director of South East Asia Liveaboard Co Ltd
Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin received
Director of South East Asia Liveaboard Co Ltd of Thailand Mr Graham S Frost at his office
at 1 pm today. Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and officials.
Minister receives GM of Sumitomo Corporation
Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs
Brig-Gen Win Tin received General Manager of Sumitomo Corporation Mr T Arai and party at
his office at 1 pm today. Also present were General Manager U Tha Oo of Myanma Posts and
Telecommunications and officials.
UMFCCI President receives foreign visitors
Yangon, 6 Feb-President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint received Managing Director of Itochu Steel Asia Pte
Ltd of Singapore Mr Hiro Fujisawa and Managing Director of Myanmar Steel Industries Co Ltd
Mr Setsuro Mitsugi at his office this afternoon. They discussed matters on economic
development in Myanmar, export and import taxes and investment.
( 5 ) Minister inspects factories, Win Thuza Shop

Yangon, 6 Feb- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and departmental heads, arrived at Bicycle Factory of
Myanma General and Maintenance Industries on Upper Pazundaung Road in Mingala Taungnyunt
Township this morning. The minister inspected production of bicycle parts. The minister
then inspected the performance of the bicycles and gave necessary instructions. Myanma
General and Maintenance Industries of the Ministry of Industry-1 repaired Match Factory
with a view to ensuring production of import substitute goods, and will produce bicycles
soon. Arrangements are being made for building one more factory in Kyaukse. Then, the
minister arrived at Garment Factory No 15 of Myanma Textile Factory in Thingangyun
Township. The minister gave necessary instructions . The minister also inspected Garment
Factory No 16 and Towel Factory No 24. Afterwards, the minister inspected sales of Win
Thuza Shop at the corner of Thitsa and Thumingala Roads in South Okkalapa and left
Minister inspects warehouses of MAPT
Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, accompanied by
Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung and officials,
arrived at the office of the transport section No 3 of MAPT in Botahtaung Township this
afternoon. In the briefing hall, Manager U Tun Hla reported on matters related to
warehouses. The minister gave necessary instructions. Then, the minister and party arrived
at Lanmadaw Township Office of MAPT and inspected the warehouses.
Minister inspects auto-telephone exchanges
Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs
Brig-Gen Win Tin inspected preparations for installation of new digital auto exchange to
replace cross-bar exchange at Maung Taulay Exchange, Hanthawady Exchange, Bahan Exchange
and Thingangyun Exchange today. At the briefing hall of Maung Taulay Exchange, the Chief
Engineer of Yangon Auto Telephone reported on replacement of the old Exchange, contract
signing date and value of the contract and arrangements for installation of new digital
auto exchange in Yangon and three townships. Then, the minister inspected exchange rooms.
The minister also inspected preparations at Exchange rooms in Hanthawady Exchange, Bahan
Exchange and Thingangyun exchange.
Commander attends opening ceremony of 16th Buddha Pujaniya of
Maha Wizaya Pagoda
Yangon, 6 Feb - The opening ceremony of the 16th Buddha Pujaniya of
Maha Wizaya Pagoda and Myanma Traditional Htamane (delicacy made of glutinousrice) Contest
was held at the pagoda this evening, attended by Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than. Present also
were Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint,the secretary and members, other Associations, members of
Pagoda Board of Trustees and officials. First, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint and
member of Pagoda Board of Trustees U Phone Kyaw formally opened the Buddha Pujaniya. Then,
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than visited Gandakutitaik of the pagoda. The Commander then
attended the Myanma Traditional Htamane Contest. Altogether 38 teams took part in the
Myanma Traditional Htamane Contest.
( 6 ) Ambulance for Hlegu Township Red
Cross Society
Yangon, 6 Feb-A ceremony to present an ambulance donated by
Ministry of Home Affairs and No 11 Light Infantry Division to Hlegu Township Red Cross
Society was held at the Minister's Office of the Ministry of Home Affairs at the corner of
Saya San Road and Setmu-1 Road this morning. Present were Minister for Home Affairs Col
Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Home Affair Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Commander of No 11
Light Infantry Division Brig-Gen Myint Swe,directors-general of the ministry, President of
Myanmar Red Cross Society Dr Kyaw Win and EC U Win Lwin, the Commanding Officer of Hlegu
Township Red Cross Society and officials. Minister Col Tin Hlaing presented related
documents to Dr Kyaw Win. Director-General of Prison Department U Kyaw Tun presented K
30,000 to Dr Kyaw Win for an ambulance.
Minister attends opening ceremony of women's breast complaint
diagnosis machine

Yangon, 6 Feb-The opening ceremony of women's breast complaint
diagnosis machine to be placed in the Clinic of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare
Association was held at the multipurpose-building of MMCWA at the corner of Parami and
Thanthuma Streets in South Okkalapa Township this morning.
Present were Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister and officials ,
Chairperson of MMCWA Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and
Dr Kyi Soe and CEC members, honorary patrons, Chairman of Supervisory Committee for Yangon
Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association, wellwishers and guests. Minister Maj-Gen
Ket Sein, Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe and Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe
formally opened it. Then, Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe explained facts about the
Minister inspects construction of Magway bridge
Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun and Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein inspected construction of Magway bridge on 5 February. At
the briefing hall, project engineer Deputy Superintending Engineer U Han Zaw gave a
detailed account of work done and future tasks. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Then the minister inspected Taunggyi-Aunglan road section, Vutkyi bridge and bridge No
4/212. Officials reported on maintenance of the bridge. The minister gave necessary
( 7 ) SEA Nutrition Research-cum-Action Network meeting held
Yangon, 6 Feb-Sixth Meeting of South-East Asia Nutrition
Research-cum-Action Network opened at Traders Hotel at the corner of Bogyoke Aung San
Street and Sule Pagoda Road this afternoon with an opening address by Minister for Health
Maj-Gen Ket Sein. Also present were Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo, officials of
World Health Organization and UNICEF, directors-general of the ministry, rectors and head
of department professors, presidents of Myanmar Medical Association and Myanmar Red Cross
Society, officials of NGOs and delegates of 10 countries in South East Asia. First, the
minister made a speech. Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra also delivered a
speech. Director-General Dr Wan Maung of Health Department and Dr Graeme A Cluhgston of
Head Office of WHO in Geneva extended greetings. Then, the delegates took part in the
discussions. The work committee for nutrition research in South East Asia Region was set
up in 1990. The aim of the committee is to cooperate in research work on nutrition in the
region. The talks continue till 8 February. The work done in the past five years will be
reviewed and plans to study chronic diseases caused by food will be drawn.
Books donated to IPRD
Yangon, Feb 6-Well-wishers donated books to Information and Public
Relations Department libraries at a ceremony at the IPRD head office this morning. Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Director-General U Chit Naing of IPRD, Director-General U
Khin Maung Htay of Myanma Radio and Television, Managing Director U Tin Kha of News and
Periodicals Enterprise, officials and donors attended the ceremony. Myanmar National
Working Committee for Women's Affairs presented 1,150 books worth K 381,000, Traditional
Medicine Department, 1,000 books worth K 400,000, Township Development Committee (Branch
of Information and Public Relations Department), 751 books worth K 51,100, Kaung Thant
Publishing House of No 147, 37th Street, Kyauktada Township, 900 books worth K 153,000,
Saya Dagon of No 25, 140th Street, Tamwe Township, 1,700 books worth K 17,000, Maj Tin Win
(Retired) of 34th Street, Kyauktada Township, 300 books worth K 45,000, Daw Maw San Yu of
Htidan Road, Kyimyindine Township, 300 journals worth K 27,000, U Than Oo of Yan Aung
Street, Sangyoung Township, 900 magazines worth K 19,000, Maj Mya Than San (Retired) of
37th Street, Kyauktada Township, 8,061 books worth K 1,315,610 to the Deputy Minister who
accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to them. The donors explained
the donations and the Deputy Minister expressed thanks.
Minister for Industry-2 inspects factories in Indagaw industrial
Yangon, 6 Feb-Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and officials
arrived at Indagaw industrial zone in Bago Division yesterday evening. Managing Director
of Myanma Industrial Construction Services U Ye Tun, Managing Director of Myanma
Automobile and Diesel Engine Industries U Soe Thein and officials reported on arrival of
machines purchased from the People's Republic of China, programmes for construction of
workshops and test run of machines. The minister then gave instructions. The minister
inspected bearings, test run of the machines and construction of factory for production of
power tillers.
( 8
) Union Day delegates from States and Divisions arrive
Yangon, Feb 6-The Union Day delegates from States and Divisions and
members of Union Solidarity and Development Association arrived here today to attend the
54th Anniversary Union Day flag hoisting ceremony and banquet. Chin State and Rakhine
State traditional cultural troupes and members of USDA arrived here in the morning and
delegates from Taninthayi Division in the evening.
They were welcomed by Chairman of the 54th Anniversary Union Day Observance
Accommodation Sub-committee Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandant of Defence
Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint and members and officials at Yangon
International Airport. They then proceeded to No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung).
UDNR trainees conclude excursion
Yangon, 6 Feb- Trainees of Primary Teachership Course No 33 of
University for Development of National Races, accompanied by Professor Daw Khin Win and
supervisor teachers, left Technical Training School of Myanma Agricultural Machinery
Industries on 2 February morning. In the afternoon, they visited ancient Beikthano city in
Taungdwingyi Township. On arrival at Ayeyawady River Bridge (Magway), Deputy Chief
Engineer (Project) U Han Zaw explained construction of the bridge. At Myathalun Pagoda in
Magway, member of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Ohn Kyi explained the history of the
pagoda. Professor Daw Khin Win presented K 10,500 donated by trainees towards the pagoda
funds. The excursion group presented the commemorative pennant to the PBT. In the evening,
Magway Division Peace and Development Council hosted a dinner at the Town Hall in honour
of the trainees. Commissioner U Aung Win of Magway Division General Administration
Department extended greetings.
Then, two trainees and Commissioner U Aung Win exchanged commemorative
pennants. On 3 February, the trainees arrived at Shwezigon Pagoda in Bagan-NyaungU.
Secretary of NyaungU District Peace and Development Council Maj Myint Thein extended
greetings. Prof Daw Khin Win presented K 1,000 donated by trainees to Chairman of the
Pagoda Board of Trustees U Aung Than. Director U Kyaw Oo Lwin of Bagan Cultural Heritage
Branch of Archaeology Department explained matters related to pagodas and Stupas. The
trainee group visited Myanma Lacquerware Institute and Bagan Archaeology Museum. At Mount
Popa, Brig-Gen Than Tun of Kyaukpadaung Station extended greetings. On 4 February, they
arrived at Kyetmauktaung Dam. In the briefing hall, Staff Officer U Tun Shwe explained
facts about the dam. In the evening, they went to Kinda Dam and Hydel Power Station.
Assistant Director U Aye Ngwe of Irrigation Department and Deputy Divisional Engineer U
Sein Win of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise explained facts about the dam and power
supply. Factory Manager of Kinda Hydel Power Station U Ye Myint Htay also explained the
facts about the power station. Then, the trainees visited the dam and power station.
( 9
) " National Ethnic Groups of Myanmar " published
Yangon, 6 Feb- Publication of " National Ethnic Groups of Myanmar
", the most up-to-date study of the ethnic people of Myanmar was launched at Sedona
Hotel today. With more than 340 photos (58 colour and 296 black & white) of the 129
ethnic groups, the book is the first work of its kind to be published in English. Compiled
by U Min Naing (BA), a laureate of many literary awards, the book described fully the
origins, customs and traditions of the ethnic people of Myanmar. Some of the ethnic groups
like Engs, Dayes and Dayaws have never been fully discovered nor photographed before and
some of the photos contained in the book are rare and never before published. The book is
available at Myanmar Book Centre and its outlets at US $ 25 per copy. For information dial
587 grams of heroin seized in Muse
Yangon, 6 Feb-A team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
local Police Force, acting on information, while waiting at the corner of Asoka and
Namkham Streets, Kaungmu Ward, Muse in Shan State (North), searched Aik Maung and Sai
Thein Nyunt of Manwein Kwetthit, Muse and found 587 grams of heroin kept in 43 plastic
sachets on 19 January. Action was taken against them in accord with Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.
APGA golfers meet journalists
Yangon, 6 Feb- Journalists met top professional golfers Kyi Hla Han and
Zaw Moe of Myanmar and Taimur Hussian of Pakistan who will take part in the London Myanmar
Open 2001 to be held at Yangon Golf Club from 8 to 11 February at the Media Centre of YGC
this afternoon. Present were officials of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd,
journalists, correspondents of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club and guests. First, Kyi
Hla Han, Zaw Moe and Taimur Hussian explained matters related to the present tour and
answered the queries. Afterwards, the Sports Writing Skills Seminar followed. Sports
Columnist of Asian Golfer Magazine, Asian Wall Street Journal, Golf Weekly and the South
China Morning Post PGA Media Officer Mr Simon Wilson recounted his experiences on the
sports writing. Then, Mr Simon Wilson answered the queries.
City Golf tourney- 16 Feb
Yangon, 6 Feb- The Sixth Golf Tournament of City Golf Resort, Yangon
City Development Committee will be held on 16 February 2001. There are seven types of
competitions in the tournament - including the competition for diplomats, the competition
for ordinary (open) members, corporate members and ordinary (Restricted) members, the
competition for foreigner members, the competition for government service members, the
competition for lady members, the competition for junior members (between 13 and 15 years
of age) and, the competition for junior members (under 12 years of age). A wide rang of
prizes, from first to tenth, will be awarded to the competitors. Those who wish to
participate in the tournament are to enroll their names at the reception counter not later
than 12 February 2001.