( 1 ) Secretary-1 receives Director of Joint
Intelligence (J-2) of Royal Thai Armed Forces
Yangon, 1 Feb -Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies and Director of Defence Services Intelligence
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt received the visiting Thai delegation led by Lt-Gen Winai Phattiyakul,
Director of Joint Intelligence (J-2), Supreme Command Headquarters of Royal Thai Armed
Forces, at Dagon Yeiktha of the Ministry of Defence at 3 pm today. Also present together
with Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt were Deputy Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies
and Deputy Director of Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, senior Tatmadaw
officers and Defence, Army and Air Attache of Thai Embassy Col Chaiwat Satondee.
( 2 ) Education Minister receives
Chinese Ambassador
Yangon, 1 Feb-Minister for Education U Than Aung received Ambassador of
China to Myanmar Mr Liang Dong, who had completed tour of duty in Myanmar, at the hall of
Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) at 2.30 pm today. They cordially discussed
matters related to cooperation in the education sector between the two countries. Also
present at the call were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt and
officials of the ministry.
( 3 ) Minister for Mines inspects
Steel Mill in Mandalay
Yangon, 1 Feb-Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint arrived at Mandalay
Airport where General Manager of No 1 Steel Mill U Saw Moe Myint and officials welcomed
him on 30 January morning. The minister and party headed for marble production site of No
3 Mining Enterprise and Nawarat Mineral Co Ltd in Madaya and inspected production process
there. Then, officials briefed the minister on production with the help of charts. After
leaving instructions, the minister and party proceeded to No 1 Steel Mill where they were
briefed on production by the general manager. The minister urged them to try to exceed the
set target, and presented cash to the staff who succeeded in repairing the 500 KV
generator. The Minister inspected Mandalay branch of the ministry and gave instructions on
greening tasks and growing of kitchen crops.
Course in Basic Diplomatic Skills opens
Yangon, 1 Feb-A ceremony to open Course No 3 in Basic Diplomatic Skills
conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was held at the Wunzin Minyazar Hall of the
Ministry this morning, with an address by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung. Also
present on the occasion were heads of department of the Ministry, Myanmar Ambassadors,
senior diplomats, the rectors and professors of the Universities in Yangon and trainees.
The eleven-week course comprises subjects of Protocol, International Conferencing,
International Etiquette's, International Correspondence, Negotiation Techniques and
( 4 ) Workshop
on Review of Existing Cost-Sharing Schemes Practised in Hospitals opens
Yangon, 1 Feb - The Workshop on Review of Existing Cost-Sharing Schemes
Practised in Hospitals, jointly organized by the Ministry of Health and the World Health
Organization, was opened with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein at the
health employee training school in Dagon Township this morning.
Also present were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo,
directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, Representative of WHO Dr
Agostino Borra, rectors, directors, heads of state and division health departments,
medical superintendents and guests. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said that national health
plans are in course of implementation in accord with the national health policy, and in
this regard, basic strategies of preliminary health care are being applied; the
cost-sharing system, according to which the public pay part of the cost of health care,
has been put into practice; although the cost-sharing system has been introduced since the
end of 1993, there are still some people who don't know the purpose of the system; though
some people know the system very well, there are weaknesses in implementation work.

The minister added that although the cost-sharing system has been
practised, free medical care is being provided for the poor and needy; to give free
medical care to the poor and needy, trust funds amounting to over K 307.5 million have
been set up in 398 hospitals; arrangements are being made to give free medical care to the
poor and needy with the use of the trust funds; in Year 2000, about 550,000 poor and needy
patients were given free medical care with the use of over K 200 million. Then,
Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra made a speech. The workshop will continue
Extension of oil palm plantation research stressed
Yangon, 1 Feb - Chairman of the Leading Committee for Region-Wise
Agricultural Development Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung
inspected regional development undertakings in Taninthayi Division yesterday.
Accompanied by Secretary of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development
Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Nyo and members of the Subcommittee for Agricultural Development
in Taninthayi Division, the minister visited the Applied Research Centre of Myanma
Perennial Crops Enterprise in Shwedu Ward, Myeik. Division Officer of MPCE U Zaw Win
briefed the minister and party on emergence of the centre, its functions, the oil palm
cultivation research programme and future tasks of the centre. After inspecting the
functions of the centre, the minister spoke of the need to extend research on perennial
crops including oil palm. At Myeik-Taninthayi-Mandaing Road Project, the minister and
party observed construction of the earth road, production of granites and paving of
granites on the road.
In meeting with the project engineers, the minister stressed the timely
completion of the earth road, the building of bridges and the laying of granites. During
the tour, the minister visited the thriving oil palm plantations of the national
entrepreneurs in the township. Asia World Company is planting oil palm at Khonmaw village,
Myannaingmyint, at Zawei village, and Shwe Kanbawza Company, at Htonkha village in the
township. At his meeting with officials of the farms, the minister looked into the
requirements and took pest control measures and conducting weeding work.
( 5 ) UMFCCI officials meet foreign guests
Yangon, 1 Feb-Vice-President of UMFCCI U Htain Win, Secretary General U
Zaw Min Win and executives met Trade Commissioner Ms Judy Bennett Smith of New Zealand
Trade Development Board at UMFCCI office at 12.35 pm today and discussed matters on
cooperation, investment and scholarship. They also met a delegation led by Executive
Manager Mr Jacob Soetoyo of the Geist Companies, Indonesia at 1.30 pm today and discussed
matters on export and import between the two countries.
Deputy Minister inspects Myama Insurance
Yangon, 1 Feb-Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun
arrived at Myanma Insurance this afternoon. He was welcomed by Managing Director Col Thein
Lwin and officials. The deputy minister met with the staff and heard the report on the
functions of Myanma Insurance by Col Thein Lwin. Then, he inspected various sections of
Myanma Insurance.
( 6 ) Rules for Armed Forces Day painting
& sculpture competitions
Yangon, 1 Feb-The Painting and Sculpture Competitions
Sub-Committee, with Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt as chairman, under the Poetry
and Art Competitions Organizing Work Committee, today issued rules for painting and
sculpture competitions to be held in hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day.
The painting competition is categorized into six divisions pre-primary
school, primary school (kindergarten, first and second standards), primary school (third
and fourth standards), middle school (from fifth to eighth standards), high school (ninth
and tenth standards, technical and agricultural high schools) and open division.
In sculpture competition, there will be open division only in two
genres wood and plaster. The entrants are to send their entries with the size of 15 by 20
inches to the pre-primary and basic education level art contest, together with two
passport size photos. The entries of open level painting contest are to send with size of
20 by 30 inches with two passport size photos. The entries for all levels must be own
The entries for sculpture contest should not be bigger than 36 inches
in height and 24 inches in circumference. The entries are to feature whatever theme the
entrant likes made of wood or plaster. The title of the entrant's choice can be given. The
entrant must inscribe his or her name, National Registration Card number, date of birth,
father's name, occupation, address at the bottom. All entries for painting and sculpture
competitions must feature the 12 national objectives, 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
objectives, the 12 fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
The entries for paining competition ( other divisions ) are to be sent
to U Thaung Shwe, Director of Education Planning and training Department , 22/24, Pansodan
Street, Yangon, no later than 14 February 20001.
Deputy Minister & Vice-Mayor inspect nurseries, plantations
Yangon, 1 Feb - Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint
Maung and Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa,
together with officials concerned, inspected the plantations and nursery farms of the
Gardens, Parks and Sportsground Division of YCDC today. The officials reported on progress
of work relating to nurseries and saplings of various shady trees at Myakantha Nursery at
6.5th Mile in Mayangon Township, Hanthawady Nursery on Kyundaw Road in Kamaryut Township
and Kandaw Mingala Park in Dagon Township. The deputy minister and the vice-mayor gave
necessary instructions for extension of work, minimizing loss and wastage, preventing
plants from pests and insects.
( 7 ) Mayor inspects agricultural and construction work
Yangon, 1 Feb - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U
Ko Lay, accompanied by officials, inspected agricultural and construction work at Yangon
City Recreation Centre in Taikkyi Township this morning. First, Mayor U Ko Lay inspected
cultivation of summer paddy, Marubini plantations and kitchen crop plantations. Then, the
Mayor instructed officials to build Kya-inn YwaU Ayechan Sibin Pagoda and to hold the
Htidaw-hoisting ceremony of the pagoda. Mayor U Ko Lay then inspected construction of the
sluice gate of Kyointamyin Reservoir and water storage of the reservoir. He urged the
officials to construct the sluice gate with the head regulator, supply water for
cultivation of summer paddy in Kya-inn and Udo regions and make arrangements for diversion
of water into Hlaing River during the rainy season.
UDNR trainees conclude excursion in Yangon
Yangon, 1 Feb-The trainees of Primary Teacher-ship Course No 33 of
University for Development of National Races led by Prof Daw Khin Win together with
faculty members, left here by car this morning. They were on an excursion in Yangon to
study modernization and development projects and work on building of the nation. Rector of
the University Col Zaw Min Thein presented a commemorative pennant to Deputy Director of
Directorate of Supply and Transport of Ministry of Defence Col Myint Ohn at No-1 Transit
Centre (Bayintnaung) the trainees were put up.
The trainees were seen off by Vice-Chairman of Yangon Division Peace
and Development Council Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Chairman
of Reception Sub-committee for Excursion Tour of the trainees Commandant of Defence
Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Secretary of Management Committee Acting
Director-General of Civil Service Selection and Training Department U Hla Kyi, Deputy
Director Col Myint Ohn, Commander of No 1 Motor Transport Battalion Lt-Col Hla Htay,
Commandant of No-1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) Lt-Col Tin Kyaing and officials.
( 8
) Reminder for entries to Colour Photo Competition
Yangon, 1 Feb-The Working Committee for Organizing the 56th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Photo Competition has announced the colour
photo competition to be held under two titles. Entries must be print photo with the size
of 10" x 12". Data and caption are to be provided in a separate sheet which is
to be attached to the entries. The entries must be own creation and must not be prize
winning work in any other competition. A brief biography of the contestant is to be
attached to. Handsome prizes will be given to first, second and third as well as
consolation prize-winners. Entries are to be sent to U Tun Min, Director ( Information and
Public Relations), Information and Public Relations Department, 22/24, Pansodan Street,
Yangon, not later than 14 February 2001.
( 9
Mass sports month movement 2000-2001 concluded
Yangon, 1 Feb-The mass walking movement of January 2000-2001 for final
week took place at Sports and Physical Education Institute in Kyaikkasan Ground yesterday
morning. General Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of Sports and
Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik and officials, Director of Sports and
Physical Education Institute U Kyaw Soe Myint, trainees, Chairmen of Tamway, Bahan and
Yankin Township Peace and Development Councils, members of Township Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross
Society and Fire Brigade and students totalling 7,000 participated in the movement. The
activity started at Kyaikkasan Ground and finished at the same venue. Then,
Director-General U Thaung Htaik presented the best movement award and honorary awards to
officials of Tamway, Yankin and Bahan Townships. Officials also presented prizes to
outstanding winners in the movement.
Tatmadaw Shooting Tourney ends
Yangon, 1 Feb-A ceremony to present prizes to the winners of the 40th
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's Shield Shooting Tournament was held at the shooting
range of the local regiment in PyinOoLwin Township this morning. It was attended by Deputy
Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, Commander of PyinOoLwin Station Brig-Gen
Tin Oo, senior military officers, shooting teams and guests. Yangon Command won the
championship shield, Defence Services (Air) second and North-East Command third.