( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe gives guidance
to USDA course graduates USDA engaged in human resource development by constantly
conducting cultural, proficiency and national affairs course for the youths
Participation of the citizens very important in building
peaceful, modern and developed nation
Yangon, 31 Jan-Patron of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe today gave guidance at the conclusion of the
USDA Training Course No 1 on Myanmar and International Studies, USDA Executives Advanced
Management Course No 8 and Advanced Accountancy Course No 1.
The following is a translation of the guidance given by Senior General
Than Shwe:
Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's guidance
* The third five year short-term plan will be implemented from 2001-2002 to
2005-2006. As in the previous economic plans, it will be implemented with the public
* Due to the favourable conditions, the coming short-term five-year plan is
hoped to gain success and help strengthen the national economy.
* The nation's political, social and defence capabilities should be built
with the success of the economic plans. Endeavours to gain strength in such sectors is a
national cause concerned with the entire national people.
* Peace, stability and high living standard are the eternal national
* Fundamental factor of the global economic progress based on human
intelligence. Thus, intelligence has become the resource of the nation.
* Wide-scale implementation of e-Education system will lead to emergence of
excellent learning and teaching opportunities overcoming all the time and geographical
* It is the united national force that has to bring about national

The Senior General then cordially greeted the trainees and had morning
meal together with then in Byint-naung Hall. After posing for photos together with the
trainees, the Senior General left.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends Htidaw
hoisting ceremony of ancient Bagan pagodas

Yangon, 31 Jan-Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the
State Peace and Development Council Office and department heads, left here by Tatmadaw
aircraft yesterday morning and arrived at Bagan-NyaungU at 8.40 am yesterday.
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party were welcomed at Bagan-NyaungU
Airport by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Commander of
Kyaukpadaung Station Brig-Gen Than Tun, military and civil officers and members of Union
Solidarity and Development Association.
Then, Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the Htidaw hoisting
ceremony of ancient pagodas No 887, No 2497, No 2498 and No 867 in Bagan ancient cultural
region.Also present were Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint, the ministers and the
deputy ministers, departmental officers, members of Division, District and Township Peace
and Development Councils, wellwishers, members of Union Solidarity and Development
Association, local people and officials.

The htidaw hoisting ceremony of No 887 Pagoda renovated by wellwishers
Maj Zaw Naing Oo and wife Dr Daw Khin Thanda Myint was held. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
presented Seinbudaw of No 887 pagoda to Alodawpyi Sayadaw Maha Ganthavacaka Agga Maha
Saddhama Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Ariyayamsa. The Secretary-1 sprinkled scented water on the
Seinbudaw, Shwehtidaw and Hngetmyatnardaw of the pagoda. Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
fixed the Seinbudaw atop the pagoda and Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the Hngetmyatnardaw.
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt performed the ritual of golden and silver showers to mark
the success of Htidaw hoisting ceremony of No 887 ancient pagoda.
The Secretary-1 also attended the htidaw hoisting ceremonies of ancient
pagoda No 2497 and No 2498 in Bagan. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented Seinbudaw of
No 2497 Pagoda to Alodawpyi Sayadaw Maha Ganthavacaka Agga Maha Saddhama Jotikadhaja
Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt sprinkled scented water on the
Seinbudaw, Shwehtidaw and Hngetmyatnadaw of the pagoda.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint hoisted
the Htidaw and Hngetmyatnadaw atop the pagoda and sprinkled scented water on the
Seinbudaw, Shwehtidaw and Hngetmyatnadaw of the pagoda. The Htidaw hoisting ceremony of No
2498 pagoda was held. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented Seinbudaw of No 2498 Pagoda
to Alodawpyi Sayadaw Maha Ganthavacaka Agga Maha Saddhama Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta
Ariyavamsa. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt sprinkled scented water on the Seinbudaw,
Shwehtidaw and Hngetmyatnadaw. of the pagoda. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and Commander
Maj-Gen Ye Myint hoisted the Htidaw and Hngetmyatnadaw atop the pagoda and sprinkled
scented water on the Seinbudaw, Shwehtidaw and Hngetmyatnadaw of the pagoda.
Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party attended the consecration
ceremony of No 883 Pagoda in Bagan sponsored by Alodawpyi Sayadaw and members of the
Sangha. The Secretary-1 also attended the Htidaw hoisting ceremony of No 867 Taungguni
Pagoda in Bagan. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented Seinbudaw of the Pagoda to
Alodawpyi Sayadaw Maha Ganthavacaka Agga Maha Saddhama Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa
and sprinkled scented water on the Seinbudaw. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and ministers hoisted the Seinbudaw, Shwehtidaw and Hngetmyatnadaw of
cycling pagodas atop the pagoda and sprinkled scented water on the Seinbudaw, Shwehtidaw
and Hngetmyatnadaw of the pagoda. The Secretary-1 performed the rituals of golden and
silver showers to mark the successes of the htidaw hoisting ceremony of Taungguni Pagoda.
Afterwards, the merits sharing ceremony for htidaw hoisting of No 887, No 2497 , No 2498
and No 867 Taungguni Pagodas and the third Buddha Pujaniya of Dhamma Rajaka Pagoda was
held at the Tazaung of Dhammma Rajaka Pagoda.

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe attended
the ceremony and presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Alodawpyi Sayadaw Maha
Ganthavacaka Agga Maha Saddhama Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa administered the Five
Precepts. Members of the Sangha recited metta sutta. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and
wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Then, the
commander, the ministers and the deputy ministers presented offertories to members of the
Sangha. Later, wellwishers presented cash for construction of Dhamma Rajaka Pagoda.
Managing Director of Kanbawza Bank U Zaw Win Naing presented K 1
million ; Metro Asia Co K 1 million; Shwe Than Lwin Co K 1 million; U Yan Naing-Daw Ma Ma
Lay (Taunggyi) K 500,000; Asia Express Co K 500,000; U Tha Toe Hein-Daw Soe Malar K
500,000; AyonU Construction Group K 500,000; U Aung Kyaw Lwin-Daw Phyu Phyu Khaing K
300,000; Aung Pinle Co K 300,000; Olympic Co K 300,000; Tetkham Construction Group K
300,000; Maj Kyaw Kyaw and family K 300,000 and Myanmar Marketing Research and Development
Co Ltd K 100,000 to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt who presented certificates of honour to

Members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees presented replica of Dhamma
Rajaka Pagoda to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Then, member of State Cetral Working
Committee of the Sangha Bagan-NyaungU Gukyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Jagara
delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, wife Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe, the Commander and the ministers offered " soon " to members
of the Sangha at Maha Aungmyay Bawdi Yeiktha Alodawpyi Kyaung in Bagan. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt and party together with Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint left Bagan-NyaungU by
helicopter for Yezagyo and arrived at Shinmadaung Region in Yezagyo at 1 pm.
The Secretary-1 and party arrived at Shinmadaung Sandawshin Shwemuhtaw
Hsutaungpyi Pagoda and were welcomed by Division, District and Township Peace and
Development Councils, departmental officials and members of USDA. First, Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt paid homage to Shinmadaung Thayatkham Buddha image. The Secretary-1
presented offertories to Shinmadaung Sayadaw U Kavindo. Then, Minister for Forestry U Aung
Phone reported to Secretary-1 on greening work for Shinmadaung region being undertaken by
Arid Zones Greening Department of Ministry of Forestry, location, area, plan targets,
plantation area, conservation area, condition of rainfall, future programme, regional
transport and water supply.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave instructions to them. Shinmataung
region lies between Yesagyo and Myaing townships and includes Shinmataung and
Kyaukhtat-taung forest reserves whose areas are 14,995 acres and 10,752 acres
respectively. There are 4,826 acres of plantations in Shinmadaung forest reserve and 1,426
acres in Kyaukhtattaung forest reserve. Four nurseries were established and plans for
further greening of the forest reserve are now under way. The Secretary-1 and party went
to Agricultural and Forest Training School jointly established by the Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation and OISCA-International of Japan in Pakhangyi region. Project
Director Mr Okamura of OISCA reported on cultivation of paddy and wheat. Deputy Minister
for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on situation of the trainees,
conducting courses and others. Mr Okamura also reported on qualifications of the trainees,
sending them for further studies, cultivation and production, plantation of trees.
The Secretary-1 said assistance of OISCA is very useful for regional development and
spoke of the need to cooperate in realization of the objective of the OISCA-
International. The region which is a hot and dry faced shortage of water for cultivation
in the past despite the Chindwin River which flows through it. Agricultural activities
have improved in the region with greater acceleration due to various methods, such as
implementing of pumped water projects and dam projects, for ensuring water availability.
The OISCA-International is providing cultivation techniques, conducting
farming, forestry and domestic science courses and sending trainees to the courses run by
OISCA-International in Japan. Trainees should strive to be skilled in the techniques to
serve their community. They should make efforts for progress of agricultural, livestock
breeding and greening activities in their regions. After presenting vegetable seeds to Mr
Okamura, the Secretary-1 inspected farming activities and fertilizer-making material. At
Sithushin Pagoda in Pakhangyi old town, the Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to the
Buddha images and presented donations to the pagoda.

In Pakokku, they inspected the e-Education Learning Centre of No 2
Basic Education High School. In the evening, they paid homage to Dhammayaza and Shwesigon
pagodas in Bagan-NayungU. Together with Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the Secretary-1 and
party visited Kinwunmingyi Monastery at Mindaingpin Village in Pale Township the next day.
After paying respects to the Sayadaws of the monastery, they inspected old treatises,
records and tombs of British military officers killed by Myanmar patriotic leader Bo Tha
Kyi in the battle. They also studied the history of Hero Bo Tha Kyi. They then attended
the ceremony to open the multi-media teaching centre of Pale Township BEHS. In the
afternoon, they inspected a pumped-water station at Letpanbaw village in NyaungU Township.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung and officials reported to
the Secretary-1 on cultivation of crops with water irrigated from the station and
requirements to extend 4,000 acres of irrigated crops. At Nagayon Pagoda No 1192, the
Secretary-1 and party inspected preservation of murals and other artistic decorations. The
pagoda is being jointly renovated by Archaeology Department and UNESCO. They then visited
the Bagan Archaeological Museum and inspected the open-air theatre near Bu Pagoda. They
arrived back here in the evening.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 attends opening
of multimedia teaching centres

Yangon, 31 Jan-Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee
Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party,
accompanied by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, left Bagan- NyaungU by helicopter this morning
and arrived at Mintaingbin Village in Pale Township, Sagaing Division, at 8.50 am. Then,
Secretary- 1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party proceeded to the Basic Education High School in
Mintaingbin Village to attend the opening ceremony of multi-media teaching centre there.
Secretary- I Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party were welcomed by members of Division, District
and Township Peace and Development Councils, heads of department, Township Education
Officers, school heads, teachers, members of School Board of Trustees and students. Then,
Headmaster of the BEHS U Than Tun and Chairman of School Board of Trustees U Hsan Win
formally opened the multimedia teaching centre of Mintaingbin Village BEHS.
Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt unveiled the signboard of multi-media
teaching centre. The Secretary-l and party inspected computer skill room, audio media
language lab, control room monitor centre, audio visual mutual system room, listening
room, printed media reading comer, art room, domestic science room and fine arts room.
Then, the opening ceremony of multimedia teaching centre of Mintaingbin BEHS was held at
the school. The 9th Standard school girl Ma Toe Toe Aung spoke words of thanks. Township
Education Officer of Pale Township Daw Ohn Yi and Chairman of School Board of Trustees U
San Win reported on their activities for the emergence of multimedia teaching centre.
Afterwards, Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented the video tapes to Headmaster U Than
Tun. Then, Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered a speech .

The Secretary-l said Mintaingbin Village in Pale Township is the native
place of Kinwun Mingyi U Kaung and it has historical tradition. The; village produced
continuously brilliant persons, he said. He said education promotion programmes aimed at
bringing about all-round education, promoting of education of international standard and
narrowing education gap between urban and rural regions are being implemented and
achievements have been made with the cooperation of the people, the School Board of
Trustees and regional authorities. Moreover, he said, the four-year special project for
promotion of national education is also being implemented. He urged students, teachers,
regional authorities and members of the School Board of Trustees to strive for
success of the plan. The Secretary-1 had photo taken together with teachers,
members of the School Board of Trustees and students. The Secretary-l and party went to
Pale Township by helicopter.The Secretary-l attended the opening ceremony of multimedia
teaching centre at the Basic Education High School in Pale Township, Sagaing Division.
Headmaster U Tin Hla and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Khin Aung formally
opened the centre.
The Secretary-l then unveiled the; signboard of the centre. The
Secretary-l inspected computer skill room, language lab, control room monitor centre,
audio visual mutual system A, B, C and D, electronic media (audio system), printed media,
handicraft room, art studio and music room and observed skill demonstration of the
students. Headmaster U Tin Hla reported on progress of the school and Chairman of the
School Board of Trustees U Khin Aung on efforts for opening of the centre.

The Secretary-l presented teaching aid video tapes for the school to
Headmaster U Tin Hla. The Secretary-l expressed thanks to the people, the School Board of
Trustees and regional authorities who participated in the opening of the centre. He said
the region including Pale Township is a fertile region. Progress in agriculture has been
made due to dams and reservoirs built by the government and water flowing wells.
There are good prospects for raising of quality of life and economic development, he
added. For success of the education promotion programmes being implemented with the aim of
promotion of education to international level, all-round education development and
narrowing the education gap between urban and rural regions, multi-media teaching centres
were opened at BEHS in Pale with the participation of the people, members of the School
Board of Trustees and regional authorities, he said.
He said students are primarily intelligent and brilliant and
their intelligence will be improved by making use of modern teaching aids. Now, the
education gap between urban and rural areas has become narrower and schools in rural areas
get opportunity as the same teaching methods as in the cities with the aid of modern
teaching equipment. Students from townships passed the previous matriculation
examination were among first to tenth positions. It can be said that the education gap
between urban and rural areas has become narrower, he said.
The government presented gold medals and cash award to those who passed
the 2000 matriculation examination from first to tenth positions, he said. As the
government lays down plans for turning out students with high qualification in building a
modern developed nation, it is necessary for students, teachers, regional authorities and
members of the School Board of Trustees to participate in the plans in unison, he said.
The Secretary-l had photo taken together with teachers, members of the School Board of
Trustees and students.
( 4 ) Leading
Committee for Observance of 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day meets
Yangon, 31 Jan-Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day held its fourth meeting at the hall of the Ministry of
Defence this afternoon with an address by Chairman of the Leading Committee Chief of
Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo. Chairman of Management
Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commander of Yangon
Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Minister for Labour Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe, senior military officers,
chairmen and members of Work Committees and guests.
Chairman of the Leading Committee Lt-Gen Tin Oo said various work
committees are to report on tasks undertaken and requirements. Armed Forces Day ceremony
does not concern the Tatmadaw only but it is the State-sponsored ceremony concerning the
entire people, he said. He said members of the committee should be mindful of the fact
that every year the Armed Forces Day ceremony marks the Tatmadaw's impressive image in the
world. Efforts are being made in building the Tatmadaw to be a strong, qualified, modern
and capable one. In order to realize the goal, the Tatmadaw is to be built with four main
tasks, which are, training, administration, welfare and morale, he said. Back to the
historical course of independence struggle and the Tatmadaw, it is obvious that Myanma
Tatmadaw is not on ordinary armed force but a patriotic one, he added.
Lt-Gen Tin Oo elaborated on the fine traditions of the Tatmadaw. He
called for efforts to show such traditions at the Armed Forces Day ceremony. Joint
Secretary of the Leading Committee Assistant Adjutant-General Lt-Col Soe Min reported on
the resolutions of the third meeting and implementation of work.Commander Maj-Gen Khin
Maung Than reported on measures undertaken by the Work Committee and tasks to be carried
Chief of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Win Myint reported on
preparations for the parade,Minister Maj-Gen Tin Ngwe on display of booths, Secretary of
Work Committee for Literary and Art Competition Lt-Col Myint Saw of the Office of the
Commander-in-Chief (Air) on works undertaken, Chairman of Work Commit- tee for Literary
and Photo Competition Deputy Minister for Information U Thein Sein on competitions and
officials on arrangements for the booths. Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Vice-
Quartermaster-General Brig- Gen Kyaw Win and heads of departments reported on work being
undertaken and tasks to be carried out. Lt-Gen Tin Oo then gave instructions and the
meeting ended in the evening.
Secretary-2 attends cash donation ceremony for public welfare
Yangon, 31 Jan -A ceremony to present cash for public welfare services
being undertaken by Thanmyanthu Economic Enterprise was held on the first floor of Yangon
City Hall at 3.30 pm today, attended by Secretary- 2 of the State Peace and Development
Council Chief of Staff (Army) and Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Present also were the ministers, the deputy ministers, the Vice-Mayor,
senior Tatmadaw officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and
departments, officials of Thanmyanthu Economic Enterprise, well-wishers and officials.
First, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo spoke words of thanks. Then, Director of Resettlement
Brig-Gen Aung Thein explained public welfare tasks being carried out by the enterprise.
Well-wishers presented cash to the officials.
The Ministry of Industry-2 presented K 300,000; Daw Khin Htet Aung (Moe
Htet Myanmar Co) K 1 million; Khunhnit Thonelone Artificial Limb and Brace Services K
337,500; Seintharaphu Transport K 250,000; U Maung Maung, U Maung Maung Sein and brothers
(Great Wall Traditional Medicine Co) K 200,000 and 50 wall clocks worth K 50,000; U Soe
Tint-Daw Yin Nu ( Soe Electrical Equipment Co) K 200,000; Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma
Theingi Daw Se (Ngwese Co Mandalay) K 50,000 and 50 Longyis, 50 shirts and 50 blankets
worth K 75,000; U Tin Win-Daw San Win (KN Co Ltd) K 100,000; U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay
Nyunt (BTB Co Ltd) K 100,000; Patron of Crab Entrepreneurs Association U Mya Oo and party
K 100,000; Thanmyanthu Transport Services (Mawlamyaing) K 100,000; U Than Naing-Daw Kyi
Kyi Swe (Thamada Thingantaik) K 50,000; U Tun Shwe-Daw Thin Thin Swe (Tun Shwe Wa
Traditional Medicine) K 50,000 and others wellwishers K 500,000 to Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin
Oo, the ministers and the deputy ministers.
Thanmyanthu Economic Enterprise Winyadana Transport Services and
Lasanda Printing Ink and Stationery Trading presented cash to the principals of Mary
Chapman School for the Deaf, Schools for the Blind (Insein and Kyimyindine), Disable
Training Schools (Youth & Adult) on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road for the schools funds.
After the ceremony, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo cordially greeted the well-wishers.
( 5 ) Outstanding Tatmadawmen (Air) honoured

Yangon, 31 Jan-A ceremony to honour officers and other ranks who won
prizes in Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) sports.tournaments held in 2000 and Tatmadaw (Air)
Military Code of Conduct and Extempore Talks Competition in commemoration of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, was held at the Maintenance Air Base this morning, with an
address by Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than. Also present were Chief of
Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Air Base Commanders, senior military officers, squadron
leaders, officers and prize winners.
Holding of London-Myanmar Open Golf Tourney coordinated
Yangon, 31 Jan-Leading Committee for Holding Year 2001 London-Myanmar
Open Golf Tournament held its coordination meeting at the Ruby Hall of National Indoor
Stadium-l this morning, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Commit- tee
Minister for Sports Brig- Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Also present were Director-General of Sports and Physical Education
Department U Thaung Htaik, President of Myanmar Golf Federation Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and
executives, guests, members of Sub-committee for Holding the Tournament, departmental
personnel and officials. Brig-Gen Win Hlaing reported on holding the tournament, followed
by a general round of discussions. Then, the minister fulfilled the requirements.
( 6 ) Trainees of UDNR honoured
Yangon, 31 Jan-Chairman of Management Committee for Excursion
Tour of Trainees of Primary Teachership Course No 33 of University for Development of
National Races member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than
greeted the trainees of UDNR at No-1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) this evening.
Also present were Chair- man of Civil Service Selection and Training
Board Dr Than Nyunt and members, the Deputy Commander of Yangon Command, the members of
the Management Committee, the chairmen and members of Sub-committees, the
Directors-General, the Managing Directors, senior military officers, the Rector of UDNR,
the Pro-Rector and faculty members, the Directors, members of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council, departmental personnel, trainees and guests. The Shwegabar Anyeint of
Yangon Command presented entertainment to the audience.
Then, the Commander presented cash prize for the trainees to Rector of
UDNR Col Zaw Min Thein.
UDNR trainees continue excursion in Yangon

Yangon, 31 Jan-The trainees of Primary Teacher- ship Course No 33 of
University for Development of National Races led by Rector Col Zaw Min Thein, accompanied
by Professor Daw Khin Win and supervisor teachers, continued excursion in Yangon today.
The trainees were welcomed at No 1 Thanlyin Refinery Plant of Myanma Petrochemical
Enterprise, Ministry of Energy, where Manager the factory and responsible officials
welcomed and explained facts about the factory to them. Then, the trainees looked around
thc factory. The excursion group then paid homage to Sandawshin Kyaik khauk Pagoda in
Thanlyin Township and made donations for the pagoda trust fund.
Afterwards, they arrived at Shukhintha Amusement Park of YCDC in
Thakayta Township where they were welcomed by member of YCDC U Aung Soe, Head of Parks and
Playgrounds Department U Nyunt Pe and officials. After taking recreation in the park, they
were served with lunch by YCDC. The trainees were welcomed and briefed on the facts about
Myanma Radio and Television by Deputy Director- General Lt-Col Thein Aung of MRTV and
officials. A trainee spoke words of thanks and two trainees presented commemorative
pennant to the Deputy Director-General.
Commander inspects livestock breeding
Yangon, 31 Jan-Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chair-
man of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected livestock breeding farms being undertaken by Yangon
Command this morning.
On arrival at the No 2 Poultry Farm in Hmawby Township, Yangon
Division, the commander was welcomed by officials concerned. At the briefing hall, In
charge of the farm Maj Myat Nyein reported on eggs production and extension of raising the
poultry, Secretary of Yangon Command Farm Work Committee Col Thein Hsint on extension of
raising the poultry and distribution and extensive production of RIR chicks.
The commander stressed l the need for officials to make concerted
efforts in order to produce over 20,000 eggs and over 1,000 viss of chicken per day from
No 2 Farm, to meet the demand Battery Cage system is being used in the farm in accord with
the project to raise over 2 million broilers at battalions and units under the command.
Then, the commander inspected work being carried out at No 2 Poultry Farm and left
instructions on reduction of poultry mortality rate and sanitation work to officials.
( 7 ) Chief Justice receives PRC Ambassador
Yangon, 31 Jan-Chief Justice U Aung Toe received Ambassador of
the People's Republic of China Mr Liang Dong who had completed his tour of duty in
Myanmar, at his office this afternoon. Also present at the call was Director-General of
Supreme Court U Tin Aye.
List of successful candidates of
Tipitakadhara Selection Examination announced
Yangon, 31 Jan-The Religious Affairs Department today announced the
list of members of the Sangha who passed treatises in the written and oral Tipitakadhara
Selection Examination. The Tipitakadhara Selection Committee of the Religious Affairs
Department of the Ministry of Religious Affairs held the 53rd Tipitakadhara Selection
Examination from 30 December 2000 to 29 January 2001. A total of 35 members of the
Sangha passed the oral exam while 15 members of the Sangha got through the written exam.
( 8
) All-round construction tasks at Mindhamma Hill continue
Yangon, 31 Jan- Mindhamma hill in Insein Township, where Lawka Chantha
Abhaya Labha Muni image is kept, was crowded with the members of the Sangha and devotees
from far and wide today.
Stone Sculpture Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Taw Taw and sons
continued carving the image. All-round construction tasks for the image to look sublime
have been 90 per cent completed. Engineers, workers of Buildings Construction Project
Special Group-2 of Public Works continued construction of Gandhakuti Kyaungdawgyi,
Southern and Northern stairways and the retaining walls.
Decoration works were carried out by Myanmar handicraft technicians U
Ohn Tin and group, and U Hla Kyu and group.
Wut associations recited parittas from 7 am to 10 pm daily in
turn. Devotees, pilgrims, members of the Sangha from far and near paid obeisance and
donated cash to the image. Bookshops of Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of
Information are 7opened at the hill. Donation Centre is opened at the hill from 7 am to 9
pm daily and donations made by the public have amounted to K 136,265,486 from 5 August
2000 to date.
( 9
) Drug traffickers get 15, 21 years
Yangon, 31 Jan-A team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
local Police Force, acting on information, searched the boat anchored in front of
Waihinmoe Fish Purchase Centre in Shwehintha Ward, Kawthoung and arrested drug owners Aung
Than 71 of Myothit Ward, Myeik, Nay Win Hlaing, 23 of Yekanthaung Village, Kyunsu
Township, Ohn Pe (a) San Yu, 30 and Thein Tun, 34 of Sakhanthit Village, Kyunsu Township,
and their accomplice Aye Tun, 25 of Inlaykan Ward, Myeik together with 25 100milliitre
bottles of NEC, 84 bottles of Kocotdyl, 96 bottles of Phensedyl totalling 205 bottles of
20.5 Liters of narcotic syrup.
Action was taken against the five in accord with Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law. The Kawthoung District Court handed down 21 years'
imprisonment's under Section 20 (B) on Aung Than, Nay Win Hlaing, Ohn Pe and Thein Tun,
and 15 years' imprisonment under Section 20 (B)/21 on Aye Tun on 18 January 2001.
230 drug cases in December
Yangon, 31 Jan-Authorities concerned exposed 230 drug-related cases in
December 2000. Tatmadaw members seized 240. 269 Kilos of opium in one case,2A Kilos of
heroin and 10 Kilos of brown opium in one case, 165.3234 Kilos of low- grade opium and
9.306 Kilos of marijuana one case, 1,020,860 stimulant tablets in six cases, 23882.0508
Kilos of Chemical powder and 2273 Litres of acetic anhydride in two cases and 71611.966
Litres of chemical liquid in eight cases.
Myanmar Police Force members seized 0.1905 Kilo of opium in eight
cases, 0.1701 Kilo of heroin in 75 cases, 0.1625 Kilo of opium oil in two cases,0.5343
Kilo of low-grade opium in seven cases, 7.5379 Kilos of marijuana in 22 cases, 0.5 Litre
of Phensedyl in one case,31876 stimulant tablets in 16 cases, 0.001 Kilo of stimulant
powder in one case, 41 cases for failure to register and three other cases. Tatmadaw and
MPF members seized 4.1642 kilos of opium in four cases, i.839 kilos of heroin and 0.0003
kilo of opium oil in 16 cases, 0.6591 Kilo of low-grade opium in one case, 26.2075 kilos
of marijuana in six cases and 111813 stimulant tablets in 16 cases. Action has been taken
against 302 persons 253 men and 49 women in connection with the cases during the period.
Stimulant tablets seized
Yangon, 31 Jan-A team comprising members of local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, while waiting at the corner of Phoyaza and
Saya Chone Streets, Ward 35 in Dagon Myothit (North), arrested Tun Maung of Daewun (East),
Maha Aungmyay Township, Mandalay, together with 5,000 WY brand stimulant tablets on 13
January. Action has been taken against him under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Sub-
stances Law.
New puma at Yangon Zoo
Yangon, 31 Jan-Under the animals exchange programme between Yangon Zoo
logical Gardens and International Centre for Gibbon Studies of USA, a female puma arrived
here by air today. It will be shown at the zoological gardens here.