( 1 ) Cash donated to Shwedagon Pagoda
Yangon, 30 Jan - The 359th cash donation ceremony for all-round
renovation of Shwedagon Pagoda was held at ancient cultural museum tazaung on the platform
this afternoon. Well-wishers presented gold and cash to members of the Pagoda Board of
Trustees for all-round renovation of the Pagoda. Members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees
presented certificates of honour to donors. Then, Ovadacariya of the Pagoda TheingiU
Kyaung-taik Sayadaw of Chauk-htatkyi Kyaung Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Ganthavacaka
Pandita Bhaddanta Nanovasa delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. Altogether
256 well-wishers donated K 6,869,730 for the pagoda.
Agricultural achievement in Magway Division contributes
effectively towards agriculture sector of nation
Laydaingsin Dam commissioned into service in Yenangyoung Township, Magway Division
Yangon, 30 Jan- A ceremony to open Laydaingsin Dam built in Yenangyoung
Township by Magway Division Irrigation Department was held at the pandal near the Dam at
8.45 am today, with an address by Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Also present were Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt
Tin, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Chief of Staff
(Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun, Deputy Minister for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, Deputy
Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and
Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, heads of the State Peace and Development Council
Office and departments concerned, authorities of Magway Division, district and township,
officials, students of Basic Education High and Middle Schools in Magway and Yenangyoung
townships, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and
Auxiliary Fire Brigades, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Working Committee for
Women's Affairs and local people totalling about 8,000. The Secretary-2 delivered an
address at the ceremony. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo said Laydaingsin Dam named after
Laydaingsin Village in Yenangyoung Township will irrigate 1,000 acres, and because of the
dam, the weather in the neighbouring areas will become milder and more pleasant. In
keeping with the guidance of the Head of State, tasks are being implemented for
conservation of forests, growing of trees and utilization of water resources in
Yenangyoung Township, a dry zone in Magway Division.
As Yenangyoung Township has no dense forests, 10 areas are designated
to preserve natural forests while efforts are being made to establish forest plantations
and expand the existing ones in cooperation with local people. Laydaingsin Dam has emerged
as a result of the plans for building 17 dams in Yenangyoung Township and it is covered by
the main project for availability of water. Other dams which have been built are
Hsepaukyoe, Tamabinyoe, Pyaungkhinyoe and Hsadaing-chaung, and Nyaunghla Creek and Dawna
Creek Dams are still under construction. Altogether nine small dams are scheduled to be
built on Dawna Creek. In building dams in the townships of the dry zone, priority is given
not only to commercial benefit, but to supply of water in the respective areas for
long-term benefit of the local people and uplift of their living standards. The purpose of
the project for greening of the nine arid districts is to conserve the ecology of the
districts and improve the weather conditions there through the ways of preservation and
extension of natural forests, establishment of firewood substitute fuel plantations,
utilization of all available water resources and organizing people to use firewood
substitute fuel. The Secretary-2 spoke of the need for the present generation to improve
the environment for the benefit of future generations and cooperate with the government in
the task for protection of environment.
The government has built altogether 20 dams in Magway Division,
including Laydaingsin Dam, and set up 46 river-water pumping stations on the banks of the
Ayeyawady and the Chindwin. He said the dams under construction in the division are Mone
Creek Multipurpose Dam, Salin Dam, Sun Creek Dam and Palin Dam and there are still more
dams to be built. Small dams and lakes numbering over 1,000 built by local authorities and
people on self-reliance basis are also irrigating farms and contributing to the greening
of the region. Because of the emergence of dams and river-water pumping stations, the
farms can now be irrigated and in the very near future, Magway Division will be able to
grow more paddy and produce the crop for its own sufficiency. The weather conditions, he
said, will also improve and the agriculture sector of the division will develop
considerably. He said cotton, beans and pulses, oil crops and sugarcane and kitchen crops
can be grown well in Magway Division.
The division is a reliable one for national economy and successful
cultivation in the division is very useful to the entire agriculture sector of the
country, he said. He spoke of the need for local farmers to fully make use of the
condition created by the government, work hard and seek ways and means to boost production
of crops and per acre yield in irrigated areas. He said service personnel and the people
are to work hard in accord with the correct policies of the government and by doing so,
considerable progress will be made in the country. Dams and bridges were opened, the
State's projects were successfully implemented and economic progress was made due to
stable and correct guidelines of the government and endeavours of the people. Present
condition of Magway Division is different from that of 1988. Progress has been made in
agricultural, forest, industrial and transport sectors. Small dams and lakes were built
most in Magway Division and forest conservation and plantation of new trees were proudly
carried out, he said. Coming 21st century will be the one full of peace, stability, unity
and development if the government, farmers and the people work hard in harmony with cetena
and good heritage will be handed down to new generations, he said. The Secretary-2 called
for maintenance of the dam for durability.

Then, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said
that efforts are being made for the farmers who can boost production from single cropping
to triple cropping. Water plays a vital role in the dry region for the development of
economic and social sector, and the government has implemented water supply projects
throughout the country, and the Laydaingsin Dam is the 117th dam, he said. There are 45
million acres of cultivable land in the country and over 24 million acres of land have
been cultivated. Therefore the government is striving for the development of land
reclamation and water resources, he said. Then, Minister U Soe Tha reported on economic
development in Magway Division. Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw said greening and water supply are essential for Magway Division
because the division is situated in the dry region.
Due to oil exploitation, Yenangyoung Township in which Laydaingsin Dam
is located has hot temperature and rare water for drinking and growing. The dam will be
supported for local greening teaks, water supply for agriculture and regional development.
Then, the chairman, on behalf of local people, thanked the State for arrangements of water
supply projects including Laydaingsin Dam which will support for development of farmers in
Magway Division. Deputy Ministers U Kyaw Tin and Col Thaik Tun gave speeches. Secretary of
Yenangyoung Township USDA U Aung Naing Win spoke words of thanks. Then, Minister Maj-Gen
Nyunt Tin presented bonus for employees of Irrigation Department to officials. Afterwards,
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin unveiled the stone plaque and Magway Division Irrigation
Department U Hok Kyi formally opened the dam.
After the opening ceremony, the Secretary-2 and party had photo taken
together with local people. Next, the Secretary-2 inspected the embankment and the control
tower and then, cordially met local people. Laydaingsin Dam was built on Phaungkwe Creek a
half mile from Laydaingsin Village in Yenangyoung Township. It is an earthen dam and 77
feet high and 2,000 feet long. The dam can storage 4,745 acre-feet of water and supply
water to 1,000 acres of land.
Secretary-2 joins local people in tree-planting ceremonies for
greening of NyaungU, Taungtha, Pakokku Townships, inspects development projects
Yangon, 30 Jan - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo attended the tree-planting ceremonies in NyaungU and Taungtha Townships,
Mandalay Division, and in Pakokku Township, Magway Division, and inspected construction
projects in Magway Division yesterday and today.
Accompanied by ministers, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments, the
Secretary-2 left Yangon for NyaungU by Tatmadaw aircraft yesterday morning. They were
welcomed at Bagan-NyaungU Airport by member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of the Central
Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Brig-Gen Than Tun of Kyaukpadaung Station and other officials. On
their way to Tuyintaung mountain range in a motorcade, the Secretary-2 and party inspected
growing of various trees such as neem, banyan, Myanmar kokko, mezali, bawsky
and thabut on the hillsides of Kangyigon Hill, Swedaw Hill, Thagya Hill, Thetsoe
Hill and Paikhlan Hill. The area of the five hills of Tuyintaung mountain range is 2,760
acres, on which trees have been grown on 430 acres and natural forest reserves cover 120
The Department for Greening of the Dry Zone has grown trees on 430
acres up to 2000-2001, and it is targeted to grow trees on 870 acres in 2001-2002. The
Secretary-2 and party attended the tree-planting ceremony for greening of the Tuyintaung
mountain range organized by the Department for Greening of the Dry Zone near Mya Kan Dam
in NyaungU Township. Also present at the ceremony were local people and villagers of the
town and nearby villages, and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo said the weather in the area, which is in one of the nine arid
districts, has become milder as dams and lakes have been built, and trees grown.

The government is giving encouragement and providing all-out support
for greening of the dry zone, he said and spoke of the need of public cooperation for
greater success. The tree-planting ceremony, he said, was organized to increase public
awareness in the tasks for greening of the area. The government has also made arrangements
for conservation of forests and growing of trees as well as for extensive use of firewood
substitute fuel. He underscored the need for local people to cooperate with the
authorities and forestry personnel to plant trees and keep them grow well for the better
weather conditions in their township. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Agriculture
and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and
National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin and Deputy Minister for Forestry Col
Thaik Tun also spoke.

Then, the Secretary-2 and party joined the local people and USDA
members in sowing seeds. The Secretary-2 and party proceeded to Bagan and inspected the
farms of crops on the sand banks of the Ayeyawady River. Brig-Gen Thein Zaw presented a
report on growing of crops on the Myaynukyuns of the river in Magway Division, and
extension of cultivation of crops on 15,000 acres. The Secretary-2 and party helicoptered
to Taungtha Hill in Taungtha Township where they attended the tree-planting ceremony for
greening of Taungtha Hill. The Secretary-2 urged the local people to participate in the
tree-planting ceremony and to keep the trees to grow well. The Secretary-2 and party later
took part in the sowing of seeds in the earth of the plastic bags.
They proceeded to Tantkyi Hill in Pakokku Township, Magway Division, in
the afternoon. They inspected the plantations of hsithabye on Tantkyi Hill and maintenance
of Mya Kan Lake. Afterwards, they attended the tree-planting ceremony for greening of
Tantkyi Hill held in Mingala Mandat on Tantkyi Hill. The Secretary-2 made a speech.
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Col Thaik Tun spoke of the programmes for greening of the area and
growing of trees. The Secretary-2 and party then sowed seeds in the earth of plastic bags.
The Department for Greening of the Dry Zone has planted trees on 1,591 acres on Tantkyi
Hill since 1995, and made arrangements for growing of trees on with the participation of
the public on 2,000 acres from 2001-2002 to 2005-2006. The Secretary-2 and party left for
Magway where they were welcomed by Acting Commander of No.88 Light Infantry Division
Lt-Col Aung Than Win, Secretary of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Col Myo Aung and other officials. They met with Tatmadawmen and their families of the
regional battalion in Magway.
( 2 ) Secretary-3 attends opening
ceremony of Myanmar Biscuit Factory
Yangon, 30 Jan - Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Win Myint attended the opening ceremony of the Myanmar Biscuit Factory of the
Circus Foodstuff Cooperative Ltd on Yangon-Insein Road in Kamayut Township this morning.

Also present at the opening ceremony were ministers, the
Auditor-General, deputy ministers, departmental heads, officials of the Ministry of
Cooperatives, guests, Managing Director Daw Khin Than Lin and directors of the Circus
Foodstuff Coop Ltd, and workers. Director-General of the Cooperative Department Col Soe
Win explained the salient points about the biscuit factory. The Circus Foodstuff Coop Ltd
was initially producing wafers and biscuits on a small scale before it entered into
contract with the Ministry of Industry1 to lease the Myanmar Biscuit Factory for
producing foodstuff on a commercial scale. The factory as an import substitute industry
has now been under the supervision of the Ministry of Cooperatives. Minister for
Cooperatives U Aung San and Chairman of the Circus Foodstuff Coop Ltd U Aung Myint
formally opened the factory. Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint formally unveiled the signboard
of the factory. Afterwards, the Secretary3 and party inspected the production of
various kinds of biscuits and wafers, and packaging. The factory mainly uses the raw
materials available within the country to produce 43 kinds of biscuits and 20 kinds of
Secretary-3 hosts dinner in honour of UDNR trainees
Yangon, 30 Jan- Patron of Union Solidarity and Development Association
Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint hosted a dinner in
honour of trainees of Primary Teachership Course No 33 of the University for Development
of National Races at Yadana Garden of People's Square and People's Park on Pyay Road at
6.30 pm today.
Present also were Chairman of Management Committee for Excursion Tour
of Trainees of Primary Teachership Course No 33 of UDNR member of the State Peace and
Development Council member of Panel of Patron of USDA Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than,
General-Secretary of USDA U Than Aung, members of Secretariat of USDA U Khin Maung Thein
and U Ko Lay, CEC members of USDA, Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board
Dr Than Nyunt, specially invited guests, Rector of UDNR Col Zaw Min Thein, faculty members
and trainees. Then, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint presented souvenirs to Rector of UDNR Col
Zaw Min Thein, faculty members and trainees. Patron of USDA Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint
presented K 10 million donated by USDA for trainees of UDNR to Rector Col Zaw Min Thein.
Then, on behalf of the trainees, Ma Saw Mya Thein of Kyauktaw Township spoke words of
thanks. Two trainees, on behalf of the trainees, presented commemorative pennant to
General-Secretary of USDA U Than Aung. Later, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint hosted dinner
in honour of the trainees.
( 3 ) MEC Single-Use Syringe
Sales Centre opened
Yangon, 30 Jan- The MEC Single-Use Syringe Sales Centre of Myanmar
Economic Corporation was opened at the sale centre on Pansodan Street in Kyauktada
Township this morning. The ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for
Military Affairs Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace
and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers,
the attorney-general, the Chief of Staff (Navy), deputy ministers, senior officers of
Ministry of Defence, departmental heads of Ministry of Health and invited guests. Member
of Board of Directors of MEC Col Hla Tun and Managing Director of MEC Col Ye Htut cut the
ribbon to open the sales centre.

Then, Lt-Gen Tin Hla pressed the button to open the signboard of the
centre and viewed around the centre with the guests. At the opening ceremony, Brig-Gen Win
Aung Tint reported on construction of the factory, installation of machinery and
production process with computerize and automation system and Deputy Minister for Health.
Dr Mya Oo on prevention of infectious diseases by using disposable syringe and the
ceremony came to an end. The disposable syringes with needle are produced using hi-tech
and standard raw materials from abroad and are sterilized with EO gas. The quality control
is made at production stages. The syringes are checked for reliable by Microbiological
test, Toxicity test and Pyrogen test. They are manufactured at GMP Standard of WHO in
cleaning room with modern machinery made in Germany, to meet German Standard DIN 10398 and
International Standard ISO 7886. The syringe are reliable and suitable for health in all
Progress of Border Areas and National Races Dept and Education
and Training Dept hold coord meeting

Yangon, 30 Jan- A coordination meeting of Progress of Border Areas and
National Races Department and Education and Training Department was held at the Ministry
of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs this morning.
Present were Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races
and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun,
Director-General of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Col Than Swe,
Director-General of Education and Training Department Col Than Win, the deputy
directors-general, directors, principals of Nationalities Youth Resources Development
Degree College (Yangon) and (Mandalay) and officials. Minister Col Thein Nyunt spoke on
works for roads and bridges in border areas, water supply, promotion of education
activities in border areas, effective implementation of health care services, nurturing
youths of border areas, opium substitute crops, extended cultivation of industrial and
perennial crops and speedy implementation of works in accord with the procedures.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun reported on regional development,
education and training, Director-General Col Than Swe on works undertaken and assistance,
Director-General Col Than Win on matters on Nationalities Youth Resources Development
Degree Colleges, Youth Training Schools and Domestic Science Training School, principals
of NYRDDCs on training and principal of central training school on works. Officials also
reported on works undertaken in the regions and tasks being carried out. The minister
ended in the afternoon.
Meeting held to stage Myanmar-Japan Goodwill Cultural Exchange
Variety Show

Yangon, 30 Jan- A meeting was held to stage Myanmar-Japan Goodwill
Cultural Exchange Variety Show to be sponsored by Myanmar-Japan Friendship Association at
Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel this afternoon. Present were Chairman of the association Col Tin
Hlaing and executives, delegates of Japanese cultural troupe, artistes Bogalay Tint Aung
and Gita Lulin U Ko Ko and others. Chairman Col Tin Hlaing made a speech on the occasion.
Then, Vice-Chairman U Khin Shwe and Executive Daw Nu Nu Yi reported on preparations for
the variety show, followed by a general round of discussions. The performance will be
staged at the National Theatre in Yangon on 26 and 27 February. Before the meeting,
Chairman Col Tin Hlaing met with delegate of Japanese cultural troupe at Mya Yeik Nyo
Royal Hotel and discussed matters related to staging the show.
( 4 ) Minister
meets private video producers

Yangon, 30 Jan- Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung met private
video producers at the meeting hall of Myanma Radio and Television this afternoon and gave
instructions on production of TV programmes. Also present were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen
Aung Thein, Director-General U Khin Maung Htay of MRTV and officials and private video
producers. First, the minister elaborated on producing TV programme. Then,
Director-General U Khin Maung Htay also explained the arrangement for production of the
programmes and Director (TV) U Win Kyi and Chief Engineer U Tin Wan the functions of MRTV.
Afterwards, the minister and officials answered the queries.
Third four-monthly coord meeting of Ministry of Health held
Yangon, 30, Jan- The third four-monthly coordination meeting of
Ministry of Health was held at the meeting hall of Medical Research Department on Ziwaka
Road in Dagon Township here this morning, with an opening address by Minister Maj-Gen Ket
Sein. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo,
directors-general and deputy directors-general of departments under the ministry, rectors,
directors, health officers, medical superintendents and officials. The Deputy Minister
also delivered a speech. The directors-general from departments, health officers from
states and divisions, rectors and medical superintendents reported on the work done. The
meeting came to a close with the concluding remarks by the Minister.
Minister meets Chinese Ambassador
Yangon, 30 Jan- Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin met Ambassador
of the People's Republic of China Mr Liang Dong who had completed his tour of duties in
Myanmar at the letter's office at 2 pm today. Also present were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen
Aung Thein Lin and Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and officials.
Minister receives Ambassador of Australia
Yangon, 30 Jan- Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received
Ambassador of Australia Mr Trevor David Wilson at his office this morning. Also present
were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung and Head of Office U Thet Tun.
Minister for F&R meets Chinese Ambassador

Yangon, 30 Jan- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein
received Ambassador of People's Republic of China to Myanmar Mr Liang Dong at his office
at 1.30 pm today. They cordially discussed matters related to mutual interests between the
two countries. Also present at the call was Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw
Kyaw Maung.
( 5 ) Minister inspects Marble Slab Factory in Insein

Yangon, 30 Jan- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win and departmental officials, arrived at Marble Slab
Factory of Myanma Ceramics Industries in Phawgan, Insein Township, this morning. The
minister inspected production process and storage of manufactured goods. Then, the
minister inspected figurines and marble slabs of Nayputaung, Loikaw and Kyaukse and gave
instructions on work. Next, the minister inspected bags of cement sent from Thayet and
Kyangin Cement Plants and gave instructions on minimizing loss and wastage and corruption
in distribution of cement to construction projects.
Minister attends ceremony to hand over new building of Thabyu
Yangon, 30 Jan - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung,
accompanied by officials, attended the ceremony to hand over new building of Thabyu
Village Basic Education High School in Kawa Township this morning.
Present also were departmental officials, executives of Bago Division,
Bago District and Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations, teachers, local
residents and students. Minister U Pan Aung made a speech on the occasion. Chairman of the
School Board of Trustees U San Shwe presented its report to the minister. Then, member of
the School Board of Trustees U Myint Swe presented related document to Assistant Director
of Basic Education Department U Khin Maung Soe. Afterwards, U Khin Maung Soe and wife
presented books and sports equipment to Headmistress Daw Khin San Myint.
Bago Division Assistant Education Officer U Bar Bar spoke word of
thanks. Chairman of Thabyu Association U San Kyi and Headmistress Daw Khin San Myint
formally opened the new building. Then, Minister U Pan Aung met executives of Division,
District and Township USDAs at the school. CEC member of USDA Minister U Pan Aung gave
instructions to officials. The minister also attended the annual general meeting of
Parent-Teacher Association of Basic Education High School in Hleguseik Village in Hlegu
Township. The minister then formally opened the signboard of the school and met official,
parents and teachers.
Cooperatives Ministry holds coordination meeting
Yangon, 30 Jan- The third four-monthly meeting for 2000 to coordinate
work of the Ministry of Cooperatives was held at the meeting hall of the ministry on
Bogyoke Aung San Street here this morning with an address by Minister for Cooperatives U
Aung San. Also present were Director-General of Cooperative Department Col Soe Win,
Director-General of Cottage Industries Department U Sein Than, Managing Director of
Cooperative Exports & Imports Enterprise Daw Khin Swe Soe, the deputy
directors-general of state/division cooperative department, the principals of Cooperatives
Colleges and others. Minister U Aung San called on officials to make concerted efforts for
development of the four main tasks of cooperatives in accord with the four economic
objectives laid down for the emergence of a new, modern developed nation. The first day
session ended in the evening.
U Thein Aung accredited to Algeria
Yangon, 31 Jan - The Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Thein Aung, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Arab Republic of Egypt, concurrently as
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the People's
Democratic Republic of Algeria.
( 6 ) Taungzalat hotel opened in Kalay
Yangon, 30 Jan- The opening ceremony of Taungzalat hotel
in Kalay, Sagaing Division was held at the hotel on 28 January morning, attended by
Commander of Regional Control Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye and wife.
Also present on the occasion were senior military officers, Chairman of
District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Chit, Secretary Maj Myint Lwin and
members, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Aung Kyaw Soe and members,
departmental heads, patron, chairperson and secretary of Township Maternal and Child
Welfare Association and invited guests. Lt-Col Myo Chit and Director of the hotel U
Enzakat formally cut the ribbon to open the hotel. Then, Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye delivered
a speech and the Director spoke words of thanks. A total of K 500, 000 was donated to
Taungphila Golf Club, Indaigyi Village Basic Education High School, Township Maternal and
Child Welfare Association and District Fire Services Department.
CEC member accepts USDA membership
applications in Padaung
Yangon, 30 Jan- Member of Central Executive Committee of Union
Solidarity and Development Association Col Tin Hlaing, accompanied by officials, attended
the prize presentation ceremony for outstanding students and teachers of Padaung Basic
Education High School on 27 January. Patron of Padaung Township Association Col Tin Hlaing
gave a speech and Chairman of the association U Tin Htut and Township Education Officer U
Kyi reported on development of the association and township education matters. Then,
prizes were presented to the outstanding students and teachers. Later, the CEC member
accepted USDA membership applications from Hsinde BEHS, Shwebontha Village-tract and
Ywathaya Village-tract.
( 7 ) Literary talks to mark Sarsodaw Day held
Yangon, 30 Jan- Literary talks to mark Sarsodaw Day for 1362 ME
sponsored by Kyaukse Township Writers and Journalists Association were held in conjunction
with the prize presentation ceremony at Myinsaing Hall in Kyaukse on 20 January. Present
were Chairman of Kyaukse District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein and
members, CEC member of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Khin Maung Tun
(Khin Maung Tun-Lanmadaw) and writers, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council
U Thein Win and members and others. Chairman U Thein Win made an opening speech and
Chairman of Township WJA U Kyaw Than (Maung Khine Kyaw-Kyaukhse) spoke words of thanks.
Then, officials presented prizes to those who are outstanding in literary competitions and
matriculation exams. Next, writers Khin Maung Tun (Lanmadaw), Dr Aye Myat Lwin, Khin Swe
Oo, Dr Ma Tin Win and Maung Sein Win (Padigon) gave the literary talks.
Computer donated to MMA (Mandalay)
Yangon, 30 Jan- A ceremony to donate a computer set for medical
information kiosk to Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay) by Beximco Pharma Co was held
at the MMA (Mandalay) on 19 January. Present were President of MMA (Yangon) Prof U Myo
Myint, Chairman of MMA (Mandalay) Prof U Ko Lay and officials of Beximco Pharma Co. First,
Mr Nadira Firdousi explained the purpose of the donations and presented a computer set for
medical information kiosk to officials. Prof U Myo Myint and Prof U Ko Lay spoke words of
UDNR trainees tour Yangon North District
Yangon, 30 Jan- A total of 269 trainees of Primary Teachership Course
No 33 of University for Development of National Races led by Chairman of Trainees
Excursion Reception and Accommodation Sub-committee Commandant of Defence Services Records
Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint and Rector Col Zaw Min Thein together with Professor Daw Khin
Win and supervisor teachers, visited Yangon North District this morning.
At Myawady TV Station, Commandant Lt-Col Chit Swe and officials
welcomed the trainees and explained the production of the TV programmes. Then, trainees
and the commandant exchanged souvenirs. Officials conducted the trainees round the TV
station. At Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi), Rector Col Win Maung and
officials welcomed them and hosted a lunch to the trainees. At Ohndaw Hall, Rector Col Win
Maung explained the facts about CICS (Phaunggyi). Afterwards, two trainees and the Rector
exchanged commemorative pennants. The excursion group visited Ngamoeyeik Dam. In the
briefing hall, Director of Yangon Division Irrigation Department U Kyaw Thein extended
greetings. They then visited Htauk- kyant Poultry Farm of Production Unit of Yangon City
Development Committee. Later, the trainees visited No 1 Breeding Camp of Yangon Command on
Pyay Road. Staff Officer (Grade-I) (Q) Lt-Col Thein Hsint and officials welcomed them.
In-charge of the camp Maj Ko Ko Aung explained livestock breeding matters.
( 8
) Welfare Committee for Parade Columns of 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day meets
Yangon, 30 Jan- The second coordination meeting of Welfare Committee
for Parade Columns of 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day was held at the meeting hall of
Directorate of Supply and Transport of the Ministry of Defence this afternoon. Chairman of
the committee Director of Supply and Transport Brig-Gen Than Htay gave a speech.
Afterwards, a general round of discussions followed. Then, the meeting came to a close
with the concluding remarks by the chairman.
London Myanmar Open 2001 8-11 Feb
Yangon, 30 Jan- The London Myanmar Open 2001, to be organized by Asian
Professional Golfers Association (APGA) and Myanmar Professional Golfers Association
(MPGA) and to be sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, will be held at
Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon from 8 to 11 February 2001. It is fifth leg of the 2001
Asian PGA Tour Schedule January to June. The total amount of US$ 200,000 will be shared as
US$ 32,300 to the first prize winner, US$ 22,260 to the second, US$ 12,400 to the third
and US$ 10,000 to the fourth respectively. Winner position 65 will receive US$ 500. A
total of 150 golfers comprising 15 Myanmar professional golfers and four amateur golfers
and 131 professional golfers from over 20 countries will take part in the tournament. Kyi
Hla Han who is taking part in the Asian PGA Tour Tournament won Best Asian PGA Tour Order
of Merit Champion in 1999 and Zaw Moe who is taking part in the golf tours in Japan will
also participate in the tournament.
( 9
) Drug trafficker gets 30 years' imprisonment
Yangon, 30 Jan- A combined team comprising members of local
intelligence unit and Taunggyi Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched
the house of Ma Nan Khan Hlaing in Chantha Ward, Taunggyi on 26 July 2000 and seized 6960
stimulant tablets weighing 0.696 kilo. Action was taken against Ma Nan Khan Hlaing, 41,
daughter of U Yauk Khan, of Sabai Pyu Street, Chantha Ward, Taunggyi under Section 15/19
(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Taunggyi No 1 Police Station in
connection with the seizure of the drugs. She was sentenced to 30 years' imprisonment
under Section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Taunggyi
District Court on 30 November 2000.
43,000 WY brand stimulant tablets seized in Kyukok
Yangon, 30 Jan- A combined team comprising members of local
intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, while waiting at Ward 5 of Kyukok (Pangsai),
Shan State (North), nabbed Daw Mar Ywe (a) Daw Ton Ti, daughter of U Zaw Tang of Ward 6,
Kyukok (Pangsai), together with 43,000 WY brand stimulant tablets weighing 4.3 kilos on 20
January. Action is taken against her under the Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances