( 1 ) Secretary-1 accepts jade Buddha image,
five Arhat statuettes

Yangon, 28 Jan- A ceremony to donate a Buddha image and five Arhat
statuettes made of jade to Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt by jade entrepreneur Daw Pale of Phakant region, Kachin State, was held at the
prayer hall on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township this morning. The Buddha image and Arhat
statuettes were donated for public obeisance at Gandakuti Taik of Lawka Chantha Abhaya
Labha Muni Image.
Present on the occasion were Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of
the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of Mindhamma
Hill All-round Construction Committee, scholars, members of the Hill Board of Trustees and
wellwisher Daw Pale and family. On behalf of wellwisher Daw Pale, U Han Shein reported on
the purpose of the donation. Then, wellwisher Daw Pale and family presented the Jade
Buddha Image and five Arhat statuettes to the Secretary-1.
Then, the Secretary-1 expressed words of thanks. He said that the
marble stone which is being carved into Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image emerged from
Sakyin Hill at which ruby, sapphire and other precious stones were mined in the past; the
marble stone is of good quality and there are colours suffused with sapphire and ruby in
some parts of it. He also praised that it was a meritorious deed that Daw Pale and family
donated the Buddha image and Arhat statuettes made of their jade stone mined from the
world-renown Phakant region. He wished wellwisher Daw Pale and family good health, wealth,
happiness and prosperity.
The jade Buddha image in Dhamma ‚akka Mudra, is 8.5 inches high. Each of the five
Arhat statuettes is five inches high. Then, the Secretary-1 paid reverence to Lawka
Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image. He also inspected the carving of the Image, progress of
the Mindhamma Hill all-round construction tasks and gave necessary instructions.
Secretary -1 attends opening of Myanmar Automobile Group Co Ltd
Yangon, 28 Jan-A ceremony to open Myanmar Automobile Group Co Ltd was
held at No 38, Bayint Naung Road, Mayangon Township this morning, attended by Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present were ministers,
deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office, departmental officials, Chairman U Kyaw Win of Myanmar Automobile Group Co Ltd and
members of the Board of Directors, entrepreneurs and guests. First, Minister for Commerce
Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw and Chairman U
Kyaw Win of Myanmar Automobile Group Co Ltd formally opened the Myanmar Automobile Group
Co Ltd.
Then, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt formally unveiled the sign- board of the company. Afterwards, the Secretary-1
and party viewed various kinds of tyres and alloy wheels exhibited at the showroom. Later,
a ceremony to explain the activities and business of Myanmar Automobile Group Co Ltd and
set-up of Myanma Automobile and Spare Parts Entrepreneurs Association was held at the
building of Myanmar Automobile Group Co Ltd.
First, Chairman U Kyaw Win of Myanmar Automobile Group Co Ltd gave an
account of the establishment and structure of the company, functions, main aim, the role
of automobile and spare parts and work, tasks being implemented and future tasks of the
company. Then, U Moe Kyaw elaborated on matters related to the set-up of Myanma Automobile
and Spare Parts Entrepreneurs Association work implemented, aims and the main tasks of the
The Secretary-1 called for systematic establishment of the association,
promotion of the efficiency of the association aiming at building a developed industrial
nation, letting those who focus on national benefit, have experience and innovation in the
Later, the Secretary-1 accepted 100 tyres worth K 1 million donated by
Chairman U Kyaw Win, 25 tyres worth K 650,000 donated by Vice-Chairman U Khin Sein. Then,
the ceremony came to a close. Various kinds of tyres and alloy wheels are on sale at the
company from 9.30 am to 5 pm daily, except Sunday and gazetted holidays. The Secretary-1
and party proceeded to the construction site of Chantethtan Vegetarian Chinese Buddhist
Missionary Temple at No 451, Pyay Road. They were welcomed there by Minister for Religious
Affairs U Aung Khin, Secretary of Board of Trustees of the temple U Hla Aung and
officials. The Secretary-1 went round the temple.
( 2 ) Secretary-2
inspects poultry farms in Insein, Mingaladon Townships
Yangon, 28 Jan-Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo inspected RIR poultry farms here this morning. The Secretary-2 met officials
of Meat and Fish Extended Production Committee at Livestock and Veterinary Department in
Insein Township.
He gave instructions on production of meat and fish according to the
objectives of the project, RIR poultry farming, extension of poultry farming, organization
and education on prevention of diseases for chicken in rural areas and distribution of
feedstuff & veterinary medicines. Chairman of Meat and Fish Extended Production
Committee Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe and Vice-Chairman
Minister for Livestock & Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein reported on inspection
tours of states and divisions and progress of works.
The Secretary-2 then gave necessary instructions. The Secretary-2 and
party went to Aung Hlaing Moe chicken sale centre of U Myint Shein-Daw Than Than Myint in
Ywama West Ward in Insein Township.
U Myint Shein reported on breeding and distribution of RIR chicken and hatcheries.
Chairman of chicken breeding and distribution sub-committee Deputy Minister for Commerce
Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan reported on arrangements for providing feedstuff and reducing prices of
pedigree chicken.
The Secretary-2 then gave instructions. At 11 am, the Secretary-2 and
party went to Maung Maung Than poultry farm on Phanset Street in Ywama West Ward in Insein
Township and inspected it. U Maung Maung Than reported on distribution of RIR chickens and
arrangements for reducing prices. The Secretary-2 then gave instructions. Thence, the
Secretary-2 and party proceeded to poultry farm of Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Product
Enterprise in Pyinmabin, Mingaladon Township.
The Secretary-2 inspected breeding of foreign species of chicken.
Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein reported on establishment of the farm and research
works. General Manager of LFDPE U Than Shwe reported on tasks on breeding of RIR chicken.
New species of chicken suitable for Myanma soil and climate are being raised on
experimental scale at the Pyinmabin farm.
( 3 ) Newly-found fossilized
remains of Pondaungia Primates provide more significant evidence
Myanmar, French scholars, palaeontologists, geologists carry out exploration, research on
new finds
Yangon, 28 Jan -A team of French palaeontologists, and the scholars and
geologists of the Office of Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry
of Education discovered more highly significant fossilized remains of the anthropoid
primates during their expedition and exploration in the vicinity of Bahin Village and
Magyeegan Village in Myaing Township, Magway Division, and Mogaung Village, Pale Township,
Sagaing Division, from 5 to 24 January 2001.
The fresh finds include a full-fledged right lower jaw of the
Pondaungia bearing one canine, three front molars and three rear molars, and one piece of
the left arm-bone measured at 8-9 centimetres in length of the Pondaungia Primate in the
vicinity of Bahin Village, one molar of the lower jaw of the Pondaungia Primate in the
vicinity of Mogaung Village.
One right lower jaw bone of the Pondaungia Primate was found near
Mogaung Village in 1998. Though both the formerly-and newly-found right lower jaw bones
are equal in size, the new one is found to be slightly more solid with more teeth. The
molar also unearthed in the vicinity of Mogaung Village is found to be that of a younger
primate with more significant evidence than the earlier finds of the same category,
providing more clues for better classification.
In addition to the fossilized remains of the Pondaungia Primates, the combined team of
scholars and palaeontologists also unearthed the jaws of the anthracotheriidae, a pair of
left and right lower jaws of the brontotheriidae and rhinocerotidae, the jaw of the
tragulid, molars of the carnivore, the jaw and teeth of the rodent, the jaw and teeth of
the lizard, a pair of left and right lower jaws of the turtle, and the jaw and teeth of
the crocodile. The new finds provide better evidences than the former ones.
Professor Dr Jean Jacques Jaeger of Montpellier University led the team
comprising Dr Bernard Marandat, Dr Yaowalak Chaimanee, Mr Gregoire Metais and Mr Rodolphe
Tabuce of France arrived in Yangon on 4 January this year on a mission to explore
fossilized remains in the vicinity of Bahin and Magyeegan Villages, Myaing Township,
Magway Division, and Mogaung Village, Pale Township, Sagaing Division. They got down to
the task together with the scholars and geologists of the Office of Strategic Studies of
the Ministry of Defence, and the geologists of the Ministry of Education from 5 to 24
The Office of Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defence has started
exploration and study of the fossils of the Pondaungia Primates as early as March in 1997
together with the geologists of the Ministry of Education. The scholars and geologists
unearthed the fossilized remains of the Primates in Pondaung area and have found evidences
as to the existence of the Anthropoid Primates, the origin of human beings, in Pondaung
area. Myanmar scholars and geologists cooperated with French palaeontologists in 1998, and
the combined teams toured and explored the area, and carried out research on the finds.
The team of French palaeontologists, and the scholars carried out research at the National
Museum till today. They are returning home tomorrow.
( 4 ) Chinese
delegation arrives
Yangon, 28 Jan- An 11-member delegation of the National People's
Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China led by member of the Standing Committee
of the National People's Congress (NPC) and Vice-Chairman of the NPC Foreign Affairs
Committee Mr Xu Dunxin arrived here by air this morning. The delegation was welcomed at
Yangon International Airport by Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win,
Chinese Ambassador Mr Liang Dong and staff of the Chinese Embassy and officials of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr Xu Dunxin was accompanied by member of NPC Education,
Science, Culture and Public Health Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Beijing Municipal
People's Congress Mr Tao Xiping, Vice-Chairman of the Ninxia People's Congress Mr Ma
Changyi, Vice-Chairman of the Qinhai Provincial People's Congress Mr Gesang Duojie,
Vice-Chairman of the Hangzhou Municipal People's Congress Mr Jiang Fudi and officials from
the NPC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.
The Chinese delegation called on Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U
Khin Maung Win at his office at 2 pm and discussed matters of mutual interest. At 3 pm, it
called on Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win hosted dinner at Kandawgyi Karaweik Palace in honour of
the visiting delegation.
( 5 ) Ovada sought for all-round renovation, Shwehtidaw hoisting
of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda
Yangon, 28 Jan-Ovadacariya Kyaikhti-hsaung Sayadaw Agga Maha
Saddhammajoticadhaja Bhaddanta Panadipa gave counsel on all-round renovation of
Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda and hoisting of Htidaw at his Zotethoke Village monastery
in Bilin Township yesterday. Present on the occasion were Chairman of the Work Committee
for all-round renovation of Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda and hoisting of Htidaw Deputy
Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister for
Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Khin Shwe,
Chairman of Bilin Township Peace and Development Council U Khin Zaw and officials.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko said committees at different levels were formed
to carry out works for all-round renovation of Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda and hoisting
of Htidaw.
He spoke on arrangements to hoist Htidaw of the pagoda during the month
of Tabaung and to keep jewels donated at the pagoda by the people in Kyaikhtoyo Museum in
Kyaikhto Township. Deputy Minister U Nyi Hla Nge reported on hoisting of the Htidaw,
offering Shwethingan and laying of floor on the pagoda platform. Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw
then gave counsel. Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Khin Shwe-Daw San San Kywe
and family presented five viss of gold, Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Thein Win and wife
Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Ni of Shwe Thanlwin Co one viss of
gold and U Ohn Myint-Daw San Myint one viss of gold.
The deputy ministers accepted the gold. The deputy ministers and party
and Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw visited Kyaikhtihsaung Pagoda, Kyaikdaiyon Pagoda, Varuna
Nagaraza Htupa Pagoda, Kaylatha Pagoda and Myathabeik Pagoda. They inspected renovation of
the pagodas and wellwishers donated cash to the Sayadaw.
The deputy ministers and regional authorities discussed works for
all-round renovation of Hsandawshin Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda and hoisting of Htidaw. With the
counsel of State Ovadacariya Sayadaws, the Myanma Gems Enterprise has refined the old gold
plates and gold leaves of the pagoda to be offered again as the Shwthingan.
The pagoda trustees have kept 64 bullion's weighing 19.4518 viss
obtained by refining gold leaves in wax-sealed and locked boxes. The boxes are being kept
in the large iron boxes which have been locked and wax-sealed. These large boxes are
temporarily kept in the fire-proof vault of MGE. Refined gold and today's gold donations
will be used in the Shwethingan offering of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda in the month of Tabaung.
The deputy ministers inspected arrangements to replace flooring and preparations for
hoisting of Htidaw and offering Shwethingan.
Minister inspects all-round renovation of Pawdawmu (Shinphyu)
Buddha Image in Padaung
Yangon, 28 Jan-Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing together with
officials inspected construction of all-round renovation of Pawdawmu (Shinphyu) Buddha
Image in Padaung, Pyay District, Bago Division (West), on 26 January. The minister heard
reports on completion of building the archway of the Image, lion statue and Gandakutitaik
by Engineer of Tawwin Construction Co U Soe Thein. Then, member of the Board of Trustees U
Mya Khaing reported on financial statement and the minister fulfilled the requirements.
The historic marble Image is 5 feet 1 inch in height and it was carved in the time of King
Alaungsithu. All-round renovation of religious edifices is under way.
Htidaw hoisting ceremony of Shwezigon Pagoda in Thaton held
Yangon, 28 Jan-A ceremony to hoist the
Seinphudaw, Htidaw and Hnatmyatngadaw atop the Atula Shwezigon Pagoda in Thaton, Mon State
was held this morning, attended by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, local
authorities, invited guests and people. The congregation received the Nine Precepts from
member of the State Sangha Mahanayaka Committee Sayadaw Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita.
The Minister together with the public conveyed the Seinphudaw (diamond orb), Htidaw
(sacred umbrella) and Hnatmyatngadaw around the pagoda clockwise. At the auspicious time,
Teingya Htidaw Hoisting Association conveyed the Seinphudaw, Htidaw and Hnatmyatngadaw
atop the pagoda. The members of the Sangha consecrated the pagoda, followed by sharing of
merits gained and the ceremony to an end. The Minister and party offer " soon
" to the members of the Sangha.
( 6 ) Minister inspects factories in
Yangon, 28 Jan- For boosting production and exceeding the target
of factories of the Ministry of Industry-1 in 2000-2001 fiscal year, Minister for
Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen
Kyaw Win and departmental officials, inspected factories in Thanlyin Township today.
The minister arrived at Glass Factory in Thanlyin this morning and
inspected storage of diesel and white and black sand, the Sodium Silicate Factory and the
site chosen for construction of Bottle Factory. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister inspected production process of the factory. Officials reported on
measures for fire prevention and placement of machines. Afterwards, the minister went to
Plastics Packaging Factory of Myanma General and Maintenance Industries on Thilawa Road
and inspected the factory.
At the Corrugated Iron Sheet Factory, the minister inspected production
process. At 10.30 am, the minister proceeded to No 2 Shoe Factory and met officials at the
briefing hall. At noon, the minister inspected Paper Packaging Factory and left necessary
instructions. At 1 pm, the minister inspected No 19 Garment Factory of Myanma Textile
H& T Minister inspects hotels in Tachilek
Yangon, 28 Jan-Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin
together with officials inspected Allure Resort Hotel Project being developed with cent
per cent investment by Myanmar Allure Co Ltd in Tachilek yesterday. The minister gave
instructions to the officials. Then, the minister met with departmental personnel,
hoteliers and entrepreneurs of tourism services at the meeting hall of Golden Triangle
Hotel in Tachilek, and left necessary instructions. The minister also inspected Strand
Hotel, Golden Lake Hotel and Elephant Hotel there.
( 7 ) Khittaya Association holds annual meeting
Yangon, 28 Jan- The respect-paying ceremony, the ceremony to
honour literary award winners and the annual meeting of Khittaya Association was held at
its Dhammayon, east of Shwedagon Pagoda this morning. Honorary Patron of the association
Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing paid homage to aged persons and presented
certificates of honour to those who won National Literary Award and Pakokku U Ohn Pe
Literary Award. Minister Col Tin Hlaing gave a speech and presented gifts for all aged
persons to Division Commissioner (Retd) U Sein Chaw. Then, Col Tin Hlaing presented
certificates of honour and gifts to National Literary Award winner U Than Oo and Pakokku U
Ohn Pe Literary Award winner U Ba Tint. Afterwards, Minister Col Tin Hlaing-Daw Khin Hla
Hla and family and President of Myanmar Rice Millers Association U Win Myint presented K
100,000 each to the officials. Next, the prize presentation ceremony for the outstanding
students was held.
Manipur cultural entertainment
Yangon, 28 Jan-Under the cultural exchange programme between Myanmar
and India, Manipur cultural troupe from India, presented entertainment for the final day
at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street, here this evening sponsored by Embassy of
India in commemoration of the 52nd Founding Anniversary of the Republic of India. It was
attended by the director-general of Fine Arts Department and departmental officials,
Indian Ambassador Mr Shayam Saran and embassy staff, the Ambassadors and Charge d'
Affaires ai in Yangon, distinguished guests and people. The troupe will present
entertainment programme at the National Theatre in Mandalay tomorrow.
( 8
) USDA CEC member tours Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 28 Jan-Member of Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for
Immigration and Population U Saw Tun, accompanied by officials, met with the chairman of
Nyaungdon Township Development Committee, the secretary of the township USDA and the head
of the township Immigration and National Registration Department, at the office of
township INRD this morning. The minister gave instructions on all-round development,
greening and maintenance of roads of the township. He inspected thriving kitchen crop
plantations in the compound and left instructions.
The minister then arrived at Danubyu BEHS, and his wife Daw Yee Yee May
and he donated books on knowledge to the school through Headmaster U Kan Thein. He
proceeded to Sankin Village by motor-boat and met the chairman of the village Peace and
Development Council, USDA members, members of Myakyaikpyan Pagoda Board of Trustees and
townselders at the village. He gave instructions on renovation of the Pagoda and
maintenance of relics and Buddha images. Afterwards, a ceremony to present cash for
renovation of the Pagoda was held.
The donations totalled K 1.36 million including K 500,000 by Yuzana
Construction Co; K 100,000 each by families of the Ministry, Daw Tin Tin Win and family, U
Aye Lwin and family of Kyauktaing Village, people of Sankin Village; K 50,000 each by
owner of ShweU Daung cheroot factory Daw Khin Kyi, owner of Kyaunggabar cheroot factory U
Thein Tun-Daw Tin Tin Oo and family, owner of Hteiktan gold shop U Han and family and
others. The minister and the chairman of the Pagoda Board of Trustees accepted the
donations. The minister and party arrived back here in the evening.
Sangyoung BEHS No 1 holds prize presentation ceremony
Yangon, 28 Jan- The prize presentation ceremony of Sangyoung Basic Education High
School No 1 was held at the school hall this morning. Present were Daw Khin Khin Lay, wife
of the Minister for Information, Township Education Officer Daw Kyaing Kyaing Tun, members
of School Board of Trustees and Parent-Teacher Association and prize winning students. TEO
Daw Kyaing Kyaing Tun, Headmistress Daw Aye Aye Mon and Chairman of SBT U Thein Myint gave
speeches. Then, Daw Khin Khin Lay, Daw Kyaing Kyaing Tun, Daw Aye Aye Mon and officials
presented prizes to outstanding students. Afterwards, old students who won prizes in the
Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions presented entertainment to those present
at the ceremony.
( 9
) Trainees of UDNR Primary Teachership Course No 33 tour Yangon
Yangon, 28 Jan-Trainees of Primary Teachership Course No 33 of
University for Development of National Races led by Rector Col Zaw Min Thein, accompanied
by Professor Daw Khin Win and supervisor teachers, continued excursion in Yangon today.
The trainees were welcomed at Memorial to Fallen Heroes on Arzarni Road
in Bahan Township by Chairman of Maintenance Sub-Committee for Memorial to Fallen Heroes
Commandant of Defence Services Records Office Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen
Myo Myint and officials. They saluted together with the Guard of Honour to the National
Flag and were briefed on the facts about the memorial by Company Commander of Guard of
Honour Maj Kyaw Thura. The trainees saluted the fallen heroes and then Brig-Gen Myo Myint
presented souvenirs to them. Then, they headed for the Shwedagon Pagoda where U Thein Zaw
of Head of Department of the Pagoda Board of Trustees explained the history and all-round
renovation of the pagoda to them.
The trainees donated cash for the pagoda and went round the pagoda once
clockwise and left for Dagon University where Rector Dr Maung Thin and officials welcomed
them. They were briefed on the facts about the university by the Rector in the Convocation
Hall. They later viewed the booths of the academic department.
Afterwards, they visited University of Culture where they were welcomed by pro-rectors,
professors, Heads of Departments, lecturers and tutors and students. Pro-Rector (Admin) U
Myat Thura and Pro-Rector (Academic) Daw Khin Hla Htay explained academic systems in
respective fields to them. The trainees were also entertained with Myanmar cultural dances
and marionette, and conducted around the university.
The trainees arrived at National Indoor Stadium-1 of Sports and
Physical Education Department, Ministry of Sports where Director-General U Thaung Htaik
and officials welcomed them. Then, they were served with lunch. Deputy Director U Nyan Tun
explained facts about the stadium to them who later observed the skill demonstrations of
athletes of Myanmar Martial Arts Federation, Myanmar Chinlon Federation, Myanmar
Acrobatics Federation and Myanmar Volleyball Federation. They also visited Mingalar Market
of Markets Department of YCDC in the afternoon. The excursion group and the In-charge of
the market exchanged commemorative pennants.