( 1
) NHC Chairman calls for efforts to improve standard of dental medicine, provide increased
oral and dental health care
21st Myanmar Dental Surgeon Conference opens
Yangon, 24 Jan-The opening of the 21st Myanmar Dental Surgeon
Conference and the second joint meeting of World Dental Federation (FDI) and Myanmar
Dental Association was held at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road this morning, attended by
Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were the ministers, the mayor, members of National Health
Committee, the deputy ministers, the officials of the State Peace and Development Council,
the directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, the rectors, Chairman
of Myanmar Dental and Oral Council and members, resident representatives of UN Agencies,
presidents and officials of MDA, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Maternal and Child
Welfare Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society and FDI, guests, delegates and
The Secretary-1 said a consolidated dental surgeon association is a
national force on which the government relies for national development at a time when the
government has been making endeavours for promotion of national health standard and
widening of public health care service.
He welcomed the holding of the second joint meeting of MDA and FDI at a
time when the Union of Myanmar is promoting international cooperation to keep abreast with
international developments in intellectual and technological fields. Now, he said, the
State Peace and Development Council is making efforts on self-reliance basis for national
development with the strength of national forces and it also fulfils health and fitness of
the citizens as a national requirement. He said health and fitness of the citizens
effectively enhance the momentum of national development and total enjoyment of social
happiness reflects progress of the nation. After laying down the National Health Plans,
systematic arrangements are under way for raising the health standard of the people, he
He stressed the importance of oral health from childhood to adult,
dental diseases control and treatment, modern equipment, potent medicines, public emphasis
on oral disease prevention and implementation of Primary Oral Health Care Project of
Community Health Care Programme. There is shortage of dental surgeons when compared with
the ratio of the population. Therefore primary oral health care project is being
implemented after nurturing primary health workers, he said. Dental surgeons of MDA
branches in states and divisions and private dental surgeons are actively participating in
the project being implemented in 57 townships under the supervision of MDA. The
Secretary-1 urged the dental surgeons to continue to take part in the project as a
national task in the entire nation.
He went on to say that the government has been making arrangements for
producing dental surgeons and improvement of dental medicine. He said another Institute of
Dental Medicine was opened in Mandalay. By doing so, more oral disease prevention and
treatment could be carried out and the ratio of dental surgeons and the population would
become narrower as dental surgeons will be produced two folds.
He spoke at length on implementation of the special four-year project
for promotion of national education in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior
General Than Shwe, opening of modern teaching and learning centres at the Institutes of
Dental Medicine, M.D.Sc course and one year diploma in dental medicine, sending of dental
delegations to international workshops to gain experience and opportunity to exchange
medical research and experience between international dental bodies and MDA.
As eminent dental surgeons are also members of the Myanmar Academy of
Medical Science, they can give suggestions and participate in the tasks for expansion and
modernization of medical training and education, treatment, prevention and research
covered by the master plan for upgrading the national health standard, and providing
extensive and effective public health care. As the government is providing all-out support
for development of dental medicine and public dental health care services, the standard of
dental medicine and public oral health have improved, he noted. The government is also
giving support and encouragement to the Myanmar Dental Association, led by eminent dental
surgeons, to emerge as a consolidated and reliable national force.
With the government's encouragement and support, the Myanmar Dental
Association is today striving for development of dental medical field, increased dental
medical care for the public and career development of the association members. Today, the
Myanmar Dental Association is working in cooperation with the World Dental Federation
(FDI), and it observed the 100th anniversary of FDI in 2000 as in many other countries,
and was able to organize the First FDI-MDA Meeting in conjunction with the MDA's 20th
Conference. The flourishing of the cooperation with FDI resulted in the FDI's recognition
of Myanmar on its map in the year 2000.
As the first step in endeavouring for enumerating the dental and oral
health census all over the country, the MDA and the Japan Association of International
Cooperation for Oral Health cooperated and collected provincial data in Kyauktan Township
as well as carried out emergency treatment. The MDA, he said, is also launching the weekly
medical care field tour, taking care of oral health of the families of the regiments and
units of Yangon Station and Mingaladon Station, registering to have treated over 3,600 and
provided oral health education to over 10,000 in 82 regiments and units within a period of
two months. Continuing, the Secretary-1 spoke of the MDA's efforts to publish
career-related journals and books for continuing education, manuals for doctors and
pamphlets for patients in prevention and control of AIDS, organize seminars and talks and
provide training on modern equipment and new treatment methods.
The MDA, he said, is also constantly studying the changes and
developments in the field of dental medicine in cooperation with the related international
organizations in endeavouring for development of the standard of dental medicine in
Myanmar. The Secretary-1 underscored the need for the MDA to continue striving to achieve
greater progress in its efforts and cater to public dental and oral health more
effectively, expand public oral and dental health knowledge and treatment and promote
public health education tasks. As the proper oral and dental hygiene should be practised
in schools, the MDA is also duty bound to develop the system at schools properly, he said.

He also stressed the need to cooperate with the private entrepreneurs
to acquire modern medicines and equipment, and treatment methods in time to be able to
live up to the international standard, and plan the dental and oral health scheme to cope
with national standard and to bring benefits to majority of people living in rural areas,
and to preserve and promote traditional medical methods for oral and dental health blended
with the Western medicine.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all dental surgeons to strive
their utmost in their respective role for uplift of health and fitness of the entire
nation, to stand as a nation-building association providing reliable public oral and
dental health care, to strive for improvement of the standard of dental medicine providing
increased oral and dental health care, to launch dental and oral health care scheme at
schools and villages all over the country, and to try to keep up with the international

The Secretary-1 accepted K 850,000 worth dental chair and related
equipment donated for Zigon Township People's Hospital and K200,000 for construction of
the MDA building by MDA member Dr Aye Kywe, K250,000 worth air-conditioner for the Zigon
Township People's Hospital and K 250,000 worth sterilizer for the Institute of Dental
Medicine (Yangon) by MDA member Dr Nyunt Hlaing, K100,000 towards the stipend funds of the
students of the Institutes of Dental Medicine and K100,000 for MDA by member Dr Hla Win.
Other donations included K 100,000 toward the stipend funds for the students of the
Institutes of Dental Medicine and K 50,000 for MDA by Dr Myint Sein, K100,000 toward the
funds for paying homage to the aged dental surgeons by Dr Htay Hlaing, K 100,000 for MDA
by Dr Myo Ma, K 50,000 for Myanmar Dental and Oral Council and K 50,000 for MDA by Dr Mya
Mya Aye, and K 150,000 worth air-conditioner for MDA by U Than Win of Win Trading Co Ltd.
Patron of MDA Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein formally opened the Dental Medicine and
Equipment Exhibition. The Secretary-1, ministers and party later went round in the
( 2
) Myanmar Dental Surgeon Conference held
Yangon, 24 Jan-The 21st Myanmar Dental Surgeon Conference was held in
conjunction with the second joint meeting between World Dental Federation (FDI) and
Myanmar Dental Association, at Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road here this morning.
Chairman of MDA Professor Dr Ba Myint and Representative of FDI Dr Raj K Raja Rayan made
speeches on the occasion.
Then, Chairman of Reception Committee Professor Dr Thein Htut extended
greetings and master of ceremonies Dr Htay Myint Oo read out a message sent by Myanmar
Medical Association. General Secretary Professor Dr Myo Win and Treasurer Dr Aye Aye Cho
presented the report of executives and the financial report. Next, dental surgeons paid
respects to aged dental surgeons. The dental surgeons then presented papers after which
the meeting came to a close. Booths of dental medicines and medical equipment were opened.
The paper reading session continues till 27 January.
( 3 ) Myanmar cultural delegation leaves for India

Yangon, 24 Jan-At the invitation of Minister of Tourism and Culture of
India Mr Shri Ananth Kumar, a four-member delegation led by Minister for Culture U Win
Sein left here for India by air this morning to attend the signing ceremony on cultural
cooperation between Myanmar and India. The delegation was seen off at Yangon International
Airport by Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San, Minister at the Prime Minister's
Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Indian Ambassador Mr Shyam Saran, officials of the Ministry of
Culture and family members of the delegation .
The delegation comprises Director-General of Department of Archaeology
U Nyunt Han, Rector of University of Culture (Yangon) U Tin Soe and Rector of University
of Culture (Mandalay) U Sann Win.
( 4 ) Measures for Union Day Flag-hoisting coordinated
Yangon, 24 Jan-The coordination meeting of Decoration Committee,
Messing Committee and Entertainment Committee under the 54th Anniversary Union Day
Flag-hoisting Ceremony Management Sub-Committee took place at Meeting Hall-3 of City Hall
of Yangon City Development Committee this morning. Chairman of Decoration Committee,
Messing Committee and Entertainment Committee under the 54th Anniversary Union Day
Flag-hoisting Ceremony Management Sub-Committee Joint-Secretary of YCDC U Kyi Win made an
opening speech. Then, Deputy Head of Engineering Department (Buildings) Maj Khin Nyein
reported on decoration, Head of YCDC Administration Department U Myint Swe on messing, and
Deputy Head of YCDC Public Relations and Information Department U Soe Win and Deputy
Director of Motion Picture Enterprise U Myint Thein Pe on entertainment. This was followed
by a general round of discussions.
( 5
) Reminder to contestants of literary and photo competitions
Yangon, 24 Jan- The Work Committee for Organizing the 56th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Photo Competitions has already announced that
novel, short story and article competitions will be held. The committee today issued a
reminder to the contestants to send entries to U Ko Ko Htwe, Secretary of Work Committee
for the Competitions, Myanma Radio and Television, Pyay Road, Yangon, not later than 31
January 2001.
( 6 ) Students of Naunghtao Region, Hsihseng Township, tour Yangon
Yangon, 24 Jan-A total of 51 students from Affiliated Basic Education
High School of Naunghtao Region, Hsihseng Township, Shan State (South), together with
Assistant Director of Border Areas and National Races Development Department Capt Win
Maung and officials, toured Yangon this morning.

They were on an excursion in Yangon at the invitation of the Border
Areas and National Races Development Work Committee Chairman State Peace and Development
Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.First, they visited the Shwedagon Pagoda at 7 am,
and U Thein Zaw of the Pagoda Board of Trustees explained the history of the Pagoda. They
made cash donations to it.They later visited the Buddhology Museum and donated cash.
Afterwards, they visited the Maha Wizaya Pagoda where they were briefed on the history of
the pagoda by Head of Office of the Pagoda Board of Trustees U Aung Kyap. They also
donated cash there. In the afternoon, they visited Agricultural Museum and Nursery Market
Festival in Myepadetha Park where they were conducted round the Museum and the Festival by
officials of Myanma Agriculture Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
They also visited Yangon Zoological Gardens and Aquarium.
( 7
) Cash donated for Kawthoung Township development
Yangon, 24 Jan- A ceremony to present cash donated by Asia Wealth Bank
for regional development of Kawthoung Township and to explain banking services to the
people was held at Thahtaykyun Hotel in the township, Taninthayi Division on 2 January.It
was attended by local Operations Commander Col Zaw Min, departmental officials,
townselders , businessmen, Vice-Chairman of AWB U Aik Tun and staff and invited
guests.Then, U Aik Tun presented K 500,000 to Lt-Col Myat Tun Hain who presented a
certificate of honour to him.
( 8 ) 45 armed group members exchange arms
for Peace
Yangon, 24 Jan-The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our
Three National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation for the emergence of a
new, modern developed nation with genuine goodwill.
Realizing the genuine goodwill and endeavours of the government, remnant armed grwp
members, abandoning their destructive acts, which do not benefit the nation and the people
are continuously exchanging arms for peace individually or in groups.
Eighteen armed group members led by Platoon Commander Sawa of No 11
Battalion under No 4 Brigade of KNU armed group, together with 12 family members, and
Private Moe Zaw and Kyaw Nyunt of BCP, together with two family members, bringing with
them twelve assorted weapons 229 assorted rounds of ammunition, 12 assorted magazines, two
mines and there hand grenades, two detonators and one walkie-talkie, exchanged arms for
peace at Coastal Region Command, Private Yekkha (a) Aik Lon of ABSDF at North-East
Command, Sergeant Ali Zuha and U Kyaw Hla- of Communist Party (Rakhine State), together
with a revolver and six rounds of ammunition at Western Command, 2nd Lt L Kaw Htoo of No 8
Battalion, Naw Htoo Saw of No 7 Battalion and Private Saw Maw Ke Htoo of No 2 Brigade of
KNU at Southern Command, and Sergeant Aik Tun, Aik Kun, L/Cpl Aik Kyo and Private Nandi Oo
of SURA, together with two assorted weapons, two magazines and 28 rounds of ammunition, at
Eastern Command, totalling 45 members. Officials concerned at the respective camps
cordially welcomed those who exchanged arms for peace and attended to their needs. More
persons of armed groups are going to exchange arms for peace.
( 9 ) ISD Under-21 Soccer Tourney continues
Yangon, 24 Jan-The first round of the 46th Inter State / Division
Under-21 Soccer Tournament continued at Mandalay for Upper Myanmar Zone and Hinthada for
Lower Myanmar Zone this evening.
In Mandalay Zone, Mandalay Division beat Bago Division 3-0. Kyaw Don of
Mandalay Division won man of the match award. In Hinthada Zone Ayeyawady Division beat
Kayah State 2-0. Zaw Myo Tun of Ayeyawady Division was man of the match. Yangon Division
will meet Magway Division in Mandalay and Sagaing Division will played against Mon State
and Pathein in tomorrow.
Nursery Market Festival, Flower Fair continue
Yangon, 24 Jan-The Nursery Market Festival continued at Myepadetha Park
in Bahan Township today.Seedlings, vegetable plantations and nurseries were shown at the
festival. Agricultural technology books and farm products were sold. At Mway-ein-thu
booth, poultry farming was displayed and veterinary medicines, eggs, cans and milk were on
sale. The Flower Fair of Myanma Agricultural Service continued at Mingaladon Park today.
Various kinds of orchid and flower were displayed at the fair. The visitors can buy any
flowers at the fair.
Horticulture Show continues
Yangon, 24 Jan-The Horticulture Show staged in commemoration of the
53rd Anniversary Independence Day continued at Mindhamma Ground at the corner of Tawwin
and Mindhamma Streets in Mayangon Township here today. The show was packed with visitors
buying fruits, flowers, seedlings and family pets sold at special discount.