( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe sends messages
of sympathy to India
Yangon, 26 Jan- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace
and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of
sympathy to His Excellency Shri KR Narayanan, President of the Republic of India, on the
loss of life and property as a result of the devastating earthquake which occurred in the
western region of India on 26 January 2001.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 attends
dinner to mark success of Second Myanmar Women's Conf

Yangon, 26 Jan- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the dinner to mark the success of Second Myanmar Women's
Conference hosted by Chairman of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Minister
for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, at Karaweik Palace at 7 pm
The dinner was attended by member of State Peace and Development
Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin
Maung Than,Ê ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Chairman of Yangon
City Development Committee the Yangon Mayor, the deputy ministers, officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, members of MNCWA and Work
Committee, advisers, members of the Committee for Organizing the Second Myanmar Women's
Conference, delegates from states and divisions and guests.
( 3 ) Myanmar Women's Conference
Yangon, 26 Jan- The Second Myanmar Women's Conference sponsored by
Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs concluded at International Business Centre
on Pyay Road here today.
Present were Chairman of MNCWA Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and committee members, Vice-Chairperson of MNCWA and Member
of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, the
working committee advisers Daw Khin Than Nwe, Daw Khin Cho Oo and advisers, the working
committee secretary and members, delegates from the state/division working committees,
departmental heads, officials of Social Welfare Department, members of Union Solidarity
and Development Association, officials of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association
and NGOs and guests. Member of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe presided over the morning session and Secretary of Information Group of
the working committee Daw Than Than Win and Joint Secretary of Young Women's Group Daw Nan
Myat Nila Aung acted as masters of ceremonies.
Meeting Chairman Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe made a speech on the occasion.
Next, member of Mon State Women's Affairs Working Committee Daw Tin Tin Aye presented the
report of the working committee, member of Mandalay Division Women's Affairs Working
Committee Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint the report of the working committee, Chairman of Southern
Shan State Women's Affairs Working Committee U Kyaw Mya the report of the working
committee, and Chairman of Northern Shan State Women's Affairs Working Committee U Sein
Oke the report of the working committee, followed by a general round of discussions.
Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Professor Daw May May Yi presided over the afternoon session
and spoke on the occasion.
Then, Chairman of Eastern Shan State Women's Affairs Working Committee
U Maung Maung presented the report of the working committee, Chairman of Yangon Division
Women's Affairs Working Committee U Thein Swe the report of the working committee,
Chairman of Rakhine State Women's Affairs Working Committee U Khin Maung Myint the report
of the working committee, and Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Women's Affairs Working
Committee U Than Win the report of the working committee, followed by a general round of
discussions. The conference resumed at 3.30 pm. Chairman of MNCWA Minister for Social
Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa stressed the need to implement the
instructions given by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt at the opening of the conference as the future tasks and the conference came to a
Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development holds
coordination meeting
Yangon, 26 Jan- A coordination meeting of Ministry of National Planning
and Economic Development was held at the meeting hall of National Archives Department on
Pyidaungzu Yeiktha Road this morning with an address by Minister for National Planning and
Economic Development U Soe Tha.
Also present were directors-general, deputy directors-general,
directors of departments under the ministry, deputy directors and staff officers of states
and divisions. First, the minister made a speech. He gave a detailed account of the
national economic development, average growth rate during shor-term plan and
implementation of tasks during the period up to the end of December in fiscal 2000-2001
which is the final year of five-year short term plan. He then continued that the nation
saw a rise in foreign trade during the first nine months of the fiscal when compared to
that of the previous year resulting from the increase in the value of exports and import
control measures.
If this situation can be maintained the economic development will
exceed its targets at the end of the fiscal. Thus, the average annual economic development
rate will remarkably exceed the set target. Moreover, social and economic development of
the people will gain greater momentum. He urged the staff of states and divisions offices
of the ministry to cooperate with other departments in order to exceed the economic
targets. Then, a general round of discussions followed. The meeting came to a close in the
afternoon with concluding remarks by the minister.
Forestry Ministry to put 200,000 acres of natural forests under
effective annual protection, conservation project yearly
Yangon, 26 Jan - The Ministry of Forestry held the third four-monthly
work coordination meeting at Myanma Timber Trade Centre this morning.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone said the
Forest Department should enhance its efforts in curbing illegal timber trading, setting up
special quality teak plantations, gathering adequate amount of quality strains and
conducting teak tissue culture. The ministry should strive to meet the targets in
manufacturing wood-based products, he said, urging division level officials to give
supervision in implementing the projects in their areas. He then discussed matters
relating to upgrading of the Kandawgyi National Garden. Concerning the tasks of the Dry
Zone Greening Department, he said the annual natural forest protection and conservation
should be extended up to 200,000 acres.
The DZGD should set up 25,000 acres of forest plantations yearly and
should make an assessment of the accomplishments in implementing the 30-year project in
greening the respective divisions and the districts, he said. The Survey Department should
cooperate with the neighbouring countries in demarcating the border and erecting the
border posts in time. SD staff should seek better and cost-effective means in switching
from Lambert land survey system to Universal Transverse Marcator Projection System. Also
present at the meeting were officials of the Office of the Ministry of Forestry, Planning
and Statistics Department, FD, DZGD, Myanma Timber Enterprise and SD under the ministry
and Union of Myanmar Forest Products Joint-Venture Corporation Ltd.
( 4 ) Minister
receives Director of Pansea Hotel (Yangon)

Yangon, 26 Jan - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin
received Director of Pansea Hotel (Yangon) Mr Patrick Robert at his office this morning.
The hotel construction project in Bagan was discussed. Also present were Deputy Minister
for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Managing Director U Kyi Tun and officials.
A & I Minister meets Chinese Ambassador
Yangon, 26 Jan- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt
Tin met Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Liang Dong who had completed his
tour of duties in Myanmar at his office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning. They
discussed matters related to promotion of cooperation in technology between the two
countries. Also present at the call were heads of departments and enterprises under the
ministry and responsible persons.
( 5 ) Refined gold of Kyaikhtiyoe
Pagoda in safe keeping
Yangon, 26 Jan - The general renovation of the historic and splendid
Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda is now under way under the aegis of the Government in accordance with
the ovada of the State Ovadacariya Sangha Maha Nayaka Sayadaws.
The Myanma Gems Enterprise has refined the old gold plates and gold
leaves of the pagoda to be offered again as the Shwethingan. To implement the renovation
tasks properly, respective work groups were formed with MGE officials, pagoda trustees and
technicians. As regards various tasks, cleaning of the gold plates were carried out from
26 to 29 December 2000, refining of the gold plates from 26 to 30 December 2000 and
refining of the gold leaves from 28 to 30 December 2000. Altogether 58 gold bullions
weighting 14.61 viss were obtained by refining 1,493 gold plates. Similarly, six gold
bullions weighing 4.83 viss were obtained by refining gold leaves. The pagoda trustees
have kept the refined gold bullions weighing 19.4518 viss in wax-sealed and locked boxes.
The boxes are being kept in the large iron boxes which have been locked and wax-sealed.
These large boxes are kept in the fire-proof vault of MGE.
Plans under way for all-round renovation and Shwehtidaw
hoisting of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda
Yangon, 26 Jan- A meeting was held to coordinate for all-round
renovation and Shwehtidaw hoisting of Kyaikhtiyoe Pagoda at the Ministry of Religious
Affairs this afternoon.

Speaking on the occasion, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin
said the Kyaikhtiyoe is among the most sacred pagodas for the Buddhists in Myanmar. The
historic pagoda has existed throughout the successive periods. Thus all-round renovation
is required for the perpetuation the pagoda. Once the pagoda was visited by only a few
number of pilgrims as the area where the Kyaikhtiyoe is situated had fallen under the
control of insurgents. During the period, security could be ensured for visitors during
the time of the pagoda festival only.
The insurgency in the area became weakened in the later period and the
government had been able to control the region; thus, the pagoda was again crowded with
pilgrims. At present, pilgrims can travel by car up to the pagoda platform. In accord with
the advice of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt to
renovate the pagoda in all sectors and to hoist the Shwehtidaw, the Panel of Patrons in
which the Ovadacariya Sayadaws and the Secretary-1 are members, the Leading Committee led
by the Minister for Religious Affairs, and the respective work committees have been formed
to implement the tasks. Chairman of the Pagoda All-Round Renovation and Shwehtidaw
Hoisting Work Committee Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko
reported to the meeting on planting of the central pivot, enshrinment ceremony of the
lower reliquary, plans to renovate the pagoda and to hoist the Shwehtidaw and formation of
the committees at different levels. Vice-Chairman of the Work Committee Deputy Minister
for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge explained the stages in laying down a plan to
hoist the Shwehtidaw.
Chairman of the Pagoda All-Round Renovation and Shwehtidaw Hoisting
Financial Committee Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung briefed
the meeting of the functions of the committee. The respective departmental officials, on
behalf of the Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council, took part in the
discussions, followed by a general round of discussions. The meeting ended with concluding
remarks by Minister U Aung Khin. Also present at the meeting were Deputy Minister for
Construction U Tint Swe, Deputy Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Thein Aung, Deputy Minister
for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun,
heads of department, chairmen of Thaton District and Kyaikhto Township Peace and
Development Councils, members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees and guests.
Industry-1 Ministry staff urged to boost soft drinks production
Yangon, 26 Jan - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspected soft
drinks factories in Yangon today. Accompanied by Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen
Thein Tun and officials, the minister inspected production process at Ahlon Soft Drinks
and Ice Factory of Myanma Foodstuff Industries in Ahlon this morning.

After inspecting the cleaning process of empty bottles and soft drinks
bottles which were ready for distribution, the minister met staff of the factory. All
should strive to boost production as the fiscal 2000-2001 is soon to be ended, he said,
speaking of the need to distribute the products up to Monywa, Salingyi, Myaing, Shwebo,
Katha and Naba and to strictly observe the principles laid down by the ministry. At the
Diamond Soft Drinks Factory on Wadan Street, Lanmadaw, the minister and party inspected
cleaning and filling of the bottles, quality control, production of liquid soda and
distribution sectors. Quality control should be conducted in accord with the international
standard, he stressed, adding, staff should strive to increase production and to
distribute the products at reasonable prices.
The minister then inspected production of soft drinks with the use of
lead containers, the environs of the factory and extension of a factory building. At 10
am, the minister attended conclusion ceremony of the Financial Management Course No 1/2000
at the training hall of the Ministry of Industry-1. He then presented prizes to trainees
for their outstanding performance in the course and certificates to the trainees who had
completed the course. The thirty-six trainees attended the nine-week course.
Minister attends coordination meeting of DAD
Yangon, 26 Jan - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt attended the second day coordination meeting
between Development Affairs Department and State/Division DADs at the meeting hall of DAD
in Botahtaung Township this morning. Also present were Deputy Ministers for PBANRDA U Kyaw
Tin and Brig-Gen Than Tun, the Director-General of DAD, directors and officials. Directors
of states and divisions presented their reports. The Director-General presented a
supplementary report. Minister Col Thein Nyunt made a speech on the occasion. Then,
executive officers from states and divisions visited Hanthawady nursery garden, the
horticultural show in Mindhamma ground, the flower fair in Mingaladon Park and the nursery
market festival in Myaypadetha Park.
( 6 ) Minister attends coordination meeting

Yangon, 26 Jan - A coordinating meeting on export of Myanma
agricultural produce in time and exceeding the targets was held at Myanma Agricultural
Produce Trading (Head Office) this morning, attended by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi
Sone. Managing Director of MAPT U Min Hla Aung presented report of MAPT to the meeting.
Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone gave suggestions to officials. Then, the minister arrived at No
3 Bran Oil Mill in Insein Township. At the briefing hall, factory manager and officials
presented reports to the minister. The minister inspected the mill and digging of fish
pond in the mill compound and looked into the requirements.
Transport Minister inspects staff welfare shops
Yangon, 26 Jan- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe together
with Deputy Minister U Pe Than and officials inspected staff welfare shops of the ministry
being opened at the jetty of the mouth of Bayintnaung Creek this morning. The shops are
selling foodstuffs, kitchen and house-hold goods at reasonable prices. Myanma Marine
Products Trading is also selling sea fish and salted fish there. The minister and party
inspected the compound of the jetty and gave instructions to the officials on building new
shops at the vacant land and ensuring instant flow of goods at the shops. The minister
then proceeded to Institute of Marine Technology and inspected completion of building new
mess that can accommodate 300 students and hostel which can hold 150 students and left
necessary instructions.
Minister inspects Central Women's Hospital

Yangon, 26 Jan- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and officials, inspected Central Women's
Hospital at 10 am today. The minister and party inspected work of medical record division
at the hospital. Medical Superintendent Dr U Shwe Owe and officials conducted the minister
round the division. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein also inspected disease diagnostic division,
blood bank, special ward, cost-sharing room, medicine shop, special intensive care unit,
obstetric and gynaecology ward, paediatric unit at the hospital and gave necessary
instructions to officials. Then, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein met Medical Superintendent Dr U
Shwe Owe, professors, lecturers, heads of the division and gave necessary instructions to
Officers of State/Division Accounts Offices hold third coord
Yangon, 26 Jan- Officers of State and Division Accounts Offices under
Audio-General Office held the third four-monthly coordination meeting at the meeting hall
of the office this morning. Present were Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, Deputy
Auditor-General U Khin Win, Director-General Daw Thin Thin of the Auditor-General's
Office, officials and officers of State and Division Accounts Offices. Auditor-General
Brig-Gen Tin Aye gave a speech. Officers of State and Division Accounts Offices reported
on auditing, strength of staff, welfare matters for staff and construction of offices.
After hearing the reports, the Auditor-General, the Deputy Auditor-General, the
Director-General of the Auditor-General's Office and officials explained matters related
to their sectors. Then, Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win explained staff welfare
programme. Later, the Auditor-General gave the concluding remarks.
( 7 ) Union Day Reception Sub-committee meets
Yangon, 26 Jan - The 54th Union Day Organizing and Reception
Sub-committee held its coordination meeting at No 1 Transit Centre (Bayintnaung) this
afternoon. Chairman of the Sub-committee Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandant of
Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint gave instructions on cooperation for
the transport and convenience of Yangon excursion of delegates who will attend the
celebration of Union Day. Then, master of ceremonies Maj Myint Tun reported on forming
excursion group of Reception Sub-committee and work being done, followed by a general
round of discussions. Chairman Brig-Gen Myo Myint left instructions on messing,
accommodation and health care services for the delegates.
First Aid Ordinary Level Course opens in
Yangon, 26 Jan- The opening ceremony of First Aid Ordinary Level Course
No 1/2001 sponsored by Seikkan Township Red Cross Society was held at the meeting hall of
Rule Enforcement Committee Office for Crab Merchant Association in Seikkan Township this
Executive Director of Myanmar Red Cross Society Col Aung Than, Deputy
Director of Yangon Division Fire Services Department U Mya Thein, Chairman of Seikkan
Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Kyi, Secretary of Township Union
Solidarity and Development Association U San Kyaw, Chairman of Township Red Cross Society
Dr Zaw Moe Khaing, Patron of Rule Enforcement Committee for Crab Merchant Association U
Myat Oo made the speeches on the occasion.
Then, Chairman of Rule Enforcement Committee for Crab Merchant
Association U Mya Nyein presented 25 membership applications to Col Aung Than.
Joint-Secretary of Crab Merchant Association U Tint Lwin presented K 50,000 to Chairman of
Township Red Cross Society Dr Zaw Moe Khaing for Township Red Cross Society. Treasurer of
Rule Enforcement Committee for Crab Merchant Association U Lwin Maung Win presented K
20,000 to Commander of Township Red Cross Society Police Captain Kyaw Myint. Adviser of
Myanmar Red Cross Society Dr Daw Ma Ma Yi presented one bag of milk powder to Chairman of
Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Kyi for Basic Education Primary
Schools in Seikkan Township.
On-job Training Course for Officiating Law Officers concludes

Yangon, 26 Jan- The On-job Training Course No 2/2000 for Officiating
Law Officer Grade-4 concluded at the training hall of the Attorney-General-s Office this
morning, with an address by Attorney-General U Tha Tun. Also present were Deputy
Attorney-General U Khin Maung Aye, Director-General Dr Tun Shin, officials, instructors
and trainees. Attorney-General U Tha Tun presented first, second and third prizes to Daw
Mi Mi Aung, Daw Kaythi Aye and Daw Soe Soe Moe respectively.
Nursery Market Festival, Flower Fair continue
Yangon, 26 Jan- The Nursery Market Festival of Myanma Agriculture
Service continued at Myepadetha Park in Bahan Township today with a view to extending help
to the growers. Seedlings, farm produce, seeds and books on agriculture were on sale. A
manageable scale poultry farming was on display at Mwayeinthu booth, and vet medicines,
milk were also sold. Flower Fair of MAS also continued at Mingaladon Park today. Hybrid
orchids, roses and other flowers were on sale. The fair is providing the flower growers
with agricultural methods, young flower plants and other agricultural equipment.
( 8
) Myanmar surgeons successfully perform kidney transplant in Mandalay
Yangon, 26 Jan- The renal transplant was performed for the first time
at the operation theatre of Kidney Surgical Unit of Mandalay General Hospital at 8.37 am
Present were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, Deputy
Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win, Tactical Operations Commander Col Tun Kyi,
Secretary of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Ohn, Secretary of
Mandalay City Development Committee Lt-Col Maung Pu, Director-General Dr Wan Maung of
Health Department, Rector Dr Soe Tun of Mandalay Institute of Medicine, Medical
Superin-tendent of the hospital Dr Win Shein and officials. Patient Ma Marlar, 33, has
been suffering from the renal disease for about one year.
Though her kidney had been cleaned with the machine for over 100 times,
she could not free from the disease. Father U Aung Thein, 53, donated his one kidney to
his daughter, the patient. For surgical kidney transplantation, tissues of the donor and
the patient can be checked up in Yangon. In conducting the kidney transplantaion,
Director-General Dr Paing Soe of Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) led the renal
medical specialists group.
First, Professor Dr Sai Lun Maung, Assistant Surgeons Dr Tun Tun and Dr
Than Win Zaw of Urosurgical Unit of Mandalay General Hospital led by Professor Dr Than Aye
of Urosurgical Unit of Yangon General Hospital, accompanied by nurses led by Senior Nurse
Daw Myint Myint Aye, started surgical kidney operation to take out the one kidney from
donor U Aung Thein at 8.37 am and successfully completed at 10 am. Anaesthetists who took
part in the operation were Professor Thant Zin and Dr Khin Khin Nyein, Dr Kyi Kyi San, Dr
Aye Ko and Dr Ar Yu of MGH led by Professor Dr Tin Myint of YGH. Professor Dr Than Aye
together with Dr Min Thu and Nurse Daw Mai Thangsh maintained the kidney. Specialists Dr
Toe Lwin and Dr Win Myaing led by Dr Than Aye, accompanied by operation theatre nurse Daw
Kyu Kyu Mon and nurses performed the surgical operation to transplant a kidney on patient
Ma Marlar at 10.16 am and substituted at 11 am. The transplant was successfully completed
at 1.10 pm.
Knowledge about education and health for schoolgirls lectured at
Sangyoung BEHS No 2
Yangon, 26 Jan- Talks on knowledge about education and health for
schoolgirls, telecast with Data Broadcasting System by CCTV under the sponsorship of the
Ministry of Education, the Basic Education High School No 2 of San-gyoung Township and the
Ranbaxy Pharmaceutical Company, was held in conjunction with the prize presentation
ceremony at the Data Broad-casting System Room of the school at 1 pm today.
Present on the occasion were Director (Finance) U Kyaw Thin of No 3
Basic Education Department, Deputy Director U Nu (Education), Assistant Director (School
Health) Dr Thet Thet Zin, officials of Ranbaxy Pharmaceutical Company, social
organizations, the headmistress, teachers and schoolgirls. Headmistress Daw Khin May Gyi
and Country Manager Mr Neeraj Sharma of Ranbaxy Pharmaceutical Company gave speeches.
Then, Senior Assistant Teacher Daw Hla Hla Tin, Chairperson of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Section of Myanmar Medical Association Prof Dr Mary Krasu and Dr Marlar Thaung gave
lectures on health education to students who were in the nine classrooms with the medium
of televisions. Afterwards, 450 schoolgirls from nine class-rooms answered the questions
of the lectures. Officials presented prizes to students for their outstanding performance
in the lectures. Then, Country Manager Mr Neeraj Sharma presented K 25,000 towards the
funds of the school to Headmistress Daw Khin May Gyi.
Naunghtao Region students continue Yangon excursion
Yangon, 26 Jan- The students from Affiliated Basic Education High
School of Naunghtao Region, Hsihseng Township, Shan State (South), supervised by Assistant
Director of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department Capt Win Maung, toured
Yangon for the third day today. They first visited Hlinethaya City of Industry this
morning. Deputy Director of Department for Human Settlement and Housing Development U
Myint Swe briefed them on the city with the audio visual aid at Kanaung Hall. They visited
Tokyo Pipe Factory and Good Morning Bread Factory of Myanmar Mason Ltd in the city, and
viewed FMI City Housing Complex by car. In the afternoon, they visited Myanma Radio and
Television, the National Museum and Myanma Traditional Apparel Show there on Pyay Road.
They also visited Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein
Township and made cash donations there.
Manipur culture troupe arrives
Yangon, 26 Jan- Under the culture exchange programme between the two
countries and in commemoration of the 52nd Founding Anniversary of the Republic of India,
a 23-member Manipur cultural troupe of India arrived here this afternoon to present
entertainment in Myanmar. The cultural troupe members were welcomed at Yangon
International Airport by officials of Indian Embassy and Fine Arts Department. During
their stay in Myanmar, they will present entertainment to the public at the National
Theatre in Yangon on 27 and 28 January and at the National Theatre in Mandalay on 29
( 9
) 2001 National Hockey Tournament ends
Yangon, 26 Jan- Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and President of Myanmar Hockey Federation
Commander of No 4 Military Region Commander of Yangon Station Commandant of Defence
Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint attended the prize presentation ceremony for
the 2001 National Hockey Tournament sponsored by MHF and Lin Thissa Trading Co Ltd at
Theinbyu Tennis Court this evening. Also present were Director of Sports and Physical
Education Department U Maung Win, diplomats of foreign embassies and officials. In the
final match, Central Command and DSRO played a 1-1 draw. After the final match, Brig-Gen
Maung Nyo presented championship trophy to Yangon City Development Committee team,
Vice-President of MHF U Tun Than Tun presented second prize to DSRO team, Director U Maung
Win presented third prize to Central Command team and Managing Director U Zaw Lin of Lin
Thissa Trading Co Ltd presented gifts to them.
Myanmar youth tennis team leaves for Colombo
Yangon, 26 Jan-Tentatively selected Myanmar youth tennis team this
evening left for Colombo Sri Lanka, to take part in South East Asian Youth Tennis
Qualifier to be held there. The team selected by Myanmar Tennis Federation comprises two
youth sportsmen-Maung Nge Hnaung and Maung Tayza Tun and two youth sportswoman- Ma Yadana
and Ma Chit Su Yi of Women's team of Ministry of Defence. Fourteen Countries South East
Asian Youth Tennis Qualifier is held in turn every year in a country in South East Asia.
It took place in Rawapundi, Pakistan, last year. Ma Yadana and Ma Chit Su Yi took part in
the match. The qualifier is held with the aim of promoting friendship among youths of
South East Asian countries and improving tennis techniques.
10th Anniversary of IPRD observed
Yangon, 26 Jan- The 10th Anniversary of Information and Public
Relations Department of Ministry of Information was held at the meeting hall of IPRD Head
Office on Pansodan Street on 24 January morning. Present were heads of department,
officials of state and division, district and township IPRD, outstanding staff,
outstanding students, service personnel and guests. Director-General of IPRD U Chit Naing
made a speech. The director-general then presented first, second and third prizes to
Pakokku, Thayet and Bago District IPRD offices in management sector, first, second and
third prizes to Minbu District, Thayet District and Ayadaw Township Offices in mobile
library work and first, second and third prizes to Pyapon, Loikaw and Minbu District
Offices in multi-plier library course. Deputy Director-General of IPRD U Aung San
presented prizes to outstanding students and personnel.
Industrial Production Cooperatives in Yangon Division holds
coord meeting
Yangon, 26 Jan- Under the leadership of Yangon Division Cooperative
Department, Industrial Production Cooperatives in Yangon Division held a coordination
meeting at Thanlyin GEC meeting hall of Yangon South District this afternoon. Deputy
Director U Sein Win of Yangon Division Cooperative Department presided over the meeting.
Staff Officer U San Yi of Hline Township Cooperative Department submitted the paper on
improvement for quality products of industrial production cooperatives and production on a
commercial scale. Staff Officer U Kyi Soe of Dagon Myothit (North) Township Cooperative
Department and Staff Officer U San Lwin of Kyimyindine Township Cooperative Department
took part in the discussions. Then, the meeting laid down six matters and came to a close.
Prospect-paying ceremony of IM-2 students on 1 April
Yangon, 26 Jan- The third respect-paying ceremony of students who
attended the Institute of Medicine-2 in 1969-1976 academic year will be held on 1 April.
The students may contact Dr Yu Kyi, phones 709426 and 225490, Dr Tin Tun Oo-Dr Khin Moe
Moe, phones 200512 and 202089, Dr Aung Zaw Myint, phone 525388, Dr Daw Hla Kyin, phone
540689 and Dr Toe Lwin-Daw Myint Myint Yi, phone 250234 in time.
Drug trafficker gets 30 years
Yangon, 26 Jan- A combined team comprising members of local
intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force stopped and searched a Jeep (SFG 3/13/99),
driven by Bo Bo, which was on its way from Kalay to Tiochaung Village at Lwebwa Ward in
Tiddim and seized heroin weighing 64.29 grams hidden in a backpack on 6 June 2000. Tiddim
Police Station took action against passenger Lyan Za Mon, 31, son of U Sha Hyan Katt, of
Lyanna Village, Falam Township under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psycho-tropic
Substances Law in connection with the seizure of the drug. Falam District Court sentenced
30 years' imprisonment to him under Section 19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law on 14 December 2000.