( 1 ) Mindhamma Hill packed with devotees

Yangon, 23 Jan-Members of the Sangha, nuns, people and students visited
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township today. Stone
sculptor U Taw Taw and sons and group are making the finishing touches of the image.
Joint-Secretary of Working Committee for Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, Commander
Khin Maung Oo (Navy) and technicians are making the sample of thinkyittaw for the image.
The engineers and staff of Building Project Special Group-2 of Public
Works are continuing work to construct the Gandakudi Kyaungdawgyi, southern and northern
stairways and retaining wall. Myanmar handicraft technicians U Ohn Tin and U Hla Kyu and
party are making the finishing touches of the image, the decoration work of Gandakudi
Kyaungdawgyi and southern and northern stairways and Aungchantha Pagoda. Various wut
associations and religious associations recited religious verses.
Members of the Sangha of Pathein presented K 22,850, Ma Su Su Maw of No
5 Basic Education High School of Pathein jade stones and Maj Khin Maung Win (Retired) and
Daw Aye Aye Win K 500,000 to members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees.
Books on religion, and general knowledge, and lawka niti and 2001
calendars were sold at book shops of Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of
Information on Mindhamma Hill. Donations for the Mindhamma Hill all-round construction
project have amounted to K 132,520,805.
Chairman of NHC hosts dinner for Myanmar doctors from USA, UK
Yangon, 23 Jan - Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe hosted dinner in
honour of Myanmar doctors from the United States of America and the United Kingdom, who
attended the 47th Myanmar Medical Association Conference, at Karaweik Palace at 6.30 pm
Present also were Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for
Science and Technology U Thaung, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein,Deputy Minister for
Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Ministers for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and
Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, heads of department of the ministry, Myanmar doctors and
specially invited guests. Artistes presented entertainment programmes to the guests with
Myanma traditional dances at the dinner.
( 2 ) U Kyaw Tint Swe appointed
permanent rep to UN
Yangon, 23 Jan-The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Kyaw Tint Swe as the permanent representative of
the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations, New York.
I & P Minister receives UNFPA official
Yangon 23 Jan-Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun
received Country Director of Myanmar of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Dr Sheila
Macrae at his office at 4.30 pm today. Also present were Deputy Minister U Maung Aung,
Director-General Col Tin Yi of Population Department and officials and Assistant Resident
Representative of UNFPA Daw Khin Ma Ma Aye.
( 3 ) National Seminar on Women's
Health concludes
Yangon, 23 Jan-The final day of the National Seminar on Women's Health,
jointly organized by the Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs of
Ministry of Health, and World Health Organization, was held at the International Business
Centre on Pyay Road here this morning. It was attended by Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA Prof
Dr Daw May May Yi, member of the Working Committee Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and members,
Adviser to the Working Committee Prof Daw Nan Oo, departmental officials from Ministry of
Health, medical superintendents, health officers from states and divisions, professors,
specialists, officials from social organizations and invited guests.
In the morning, Prof Daw Mary Krasu and Prof Daw Khin Mi Mi Lwin
chaired the seminar. Dr Daw Khin Htar Yee made a presentation on Reproductive Tract
Infection, Dr Htar Htar Yee on Infertility and Dr Soe Aung on Cancer of the Genital Tract.
In the afternoon, Prof U Saw Naing and Prof Daw Khin Saw Hla chaired the seminar. Dr Mya
Thida presented the subject on Menopause and Dr Win Myint on Health of Elderly Women. In
the evening, it was chaired by Prof Daw Nan Oo and future tasks for women's health were
discussed. The seminar came to a close with the concluding remarks by Vice-Chairperson
Prof Daw May May Yee.
Reception Sub-Committee for Organizing 54th Anniversary Union
Day meets
Yangon, 23 Jan-The work coordination meeting of Reception Sub-Committee
for Organizing the 54th Anniversary Union Day was held at No 1 Transit Centre
(Bayintnaung) this afternoon. Present on the occasion were Chairman of Reception
Sub-Committee Commander of No 4 Military Region and Commandant of Defence Services Records
Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint and sub-committee members, the chairmen of district/township
peace and development councils concerned and departmental officials.
Chairman of Sub-Committee Brig-Gen Myo Myint made a speech on the
occasion. Then, master of ceremonies Maj Myint Tun reported on formation of the
sub-committee and its tasks. This was followed by a general round of discussion. The
meeting ended with the concluding remarks by the sub-committee chairman. After the
meeting, the sub-committee chairman and members inspected the hostels where the delegates
will be accommodated.
( 4 ) MWJA
Central Executive Committee meets
Yangon, 23 Jan-Meeting 1/2000 of Central Executive Committee of Myanmar
Writers and Journalists Association was held at the meeting hall of MWJA office this
afternoon. Present were Chairman of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Hla
Myaing (Ko Hsaung), Vice-Chairman 2 U Than Maung (Than Maung), Vice-Chairman 3 Col Myint
Thein (Myint Thein Maubin), Secretary U Hla Tun (Hla Tun' Twantway) and committee members.
U Hla Myaing presided over the meeting and CEC member U Khin Swe (Shwe Sun Nyo) acted as
master of ceremonies. First, the chairman delivered a speech. The secretary submitted a
report on implementation of resolutions of CEC meeting 8/2000 and meeting 1/2000 of
supervisory committee for literary fund. Later, general round of discussions followed. The
meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the chairman. At the meeting, Natyekan U
Tin Maung Htwe donated K 90,000 towards literary fund and Maubin Township Peace and
Development Council also donated K 10,000 to the fund.
Work Committee for Ensuring Eradication of Leprosy in Myanmar
Yangon, 23 Jan-The second coordination meeting of the Work Committee
for Ensuring Eradication of Leprosy in Myanmar was opened at the meeting hall of Health
Department yesterday morning. Present on the occasion were Director-General of Health
Department Dr Wan Maung, Director Dr Vijay Kumar Uasa of Directorate of South-East Asia
Region of WHO, Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra, Dr Yo Yuasa of Sasawaka
Memorial Health Foundation of Japan, Mr Jeffery Tan Boon Kheng of the Leprosy Mission
South-East Asia, guests and officials. Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung
made an opening speech on the occasion. Then, Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino
Borra and Dr Yo Yuasa, on behalf of International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Association,
spoke. This was followed by a general round of discussions. The meeting continued today.
( 5 ) Winners in 53rd Anniversary Independence Day Exhibition
Quiz announced
Yangon, 23 Jan- The 53rd Anniversary Independence Day Exhibition
Organizing Committee staged the exhibition at Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road
from 3 to 11 January 2001. A total of 824 contestants took part in the 53rd Anniversary
Independence Day Exhibition Quiz. Of them, six persons submitted nearly correct answers.
The committee will present K 8,333.33 each to them.
They were: Ma Ohnma Aung, 9/LaWaNa (Naing) 005299, Ministry for Progress of Border
Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, Ma Yin Thu Thin, 12/UTaKa (Naing)
139959, No 4, 3rd lane, Ketumala Yeiktha, Ward 4, South Okkalapa, Ma May Htet Kyaw, No 20,
Myothit 2nd Lane, Tamway Township, Maung Bwal Keim Mon, No 16, Kyarkwetthit Street, Tamway
Township, Ma Phyu Phyu Tun, No 205, 35th Street, (Upper Block), Kyauktada Township and Ma
Khin Myanmar, 12/TaMaNa (Naing) 033725 (22/A-2), Byaingyeohsin Street, Tamway Township.
Winners, bringing together with Citizenship Card, must report to Secretary of the
Sub-committee Director U Tun Min of Information and Public Relations Department, 22-24,
Pansodan Street.
Signals Unit holds Military Code of Conduct Competition
Yangon, 23 Jan-The Military Code of Conduct Competition of Signals Unit
were held in four levels at the mess of No 1 Signal Battalion this morning. Altogether 19
officers, 33 WOs, 53 Sgts and Cpls and 53 pvts took part in the competition. Present on
the occasion were Staff Officer (Grade-I) Lt-Col Ye Lwin of Directorate of Signals,
officers, members of the Supervisory Committee and officials.
( 6 ) Shoe factory of Myanmar Sunny Factory
Co Ltd opened
YANGON, 23 Jan-A ceremony to open the shoe factory of Myanmar
Sunny Factory Co Ltd was held at No 247, Thintaikwun U Tun Nyo Street in Industrial Zone 2
of Hlinethaya Township on 19 January morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun,
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Myanmar Mr
Chung Jung Guin, Director-General U Ant Kyaw of Department of Human Settlement and Housing
Development and departmental officials, Chairman of Myanmar Sunny Factory Co Ltd Mr Bong
Shik Suh, Chairman Mr Miki of International Trading Co Ltd, Japan and officials and
First, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun. ROK Ambassador to
Myanmar Mr Chung Jung Guin, Chairman of Myanmar Sunny Factory Co Ltd Mr Bong Shik Suh and
Chairman Mr Miki of International Trading Co Ltd, Japan formally opened the factory.
Then, Managing Director Mr Myung Shi Suh donated K 300,000 each
to the Home for the Aged in Kyaukse and Cancer Hospice, K 100,00 each to Hlinethaya
Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare
Association and Sports funds.
( 7 ) Cash donated for development of Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 23 Jan-A ceremony to present cash donated by Asia Wealth
Bank for all-round development of Taninthayi Division was held at Pale Yadana Hall in
Myeik Township, Taninthayi Division, on 20 January. Present were Deputy Commander of
Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tin Latt, departmental officials, towns elders,
entrepreneurs, Vice-Chairman of AWB U Aik Tun and staff and guests.Vice-President of AWB U
Aik Tun and staff of AWB explained facts about the AWB with the aid of video. Then,
Vice-Chairman of AWB U Aik Tun presented K 500,000 to Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt
who presented certificate of honour to the donor.
UMFCCI President meets executives of Magway Division CCI
Yangon, 23 Jan-President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint met executives of Magway Division Chamber of Commerce
and Industry in Magway on 19 January morning.
First President U Win Myint explained the history of the federation,
local and foreign trade, assistance provided to members of the federation and holding the
conference of the federation. Chairman of Magway Division Chamber of Commerce and Industry
U Tun Hsaing and executives reported on tasks of Magway Division CCI being carried out and
future tasks. All participants took part in the discussions. Then, UMFCCI President U Win
Myint gave necessary suggestions.
( 8
Mayor's cup pet show
Yangon, 23 Jan - The first Mayor's cup pet show, sponsored by Yangon
City Development Committee, was held at a pandal at Mindhamma Ground, at the corner of
Mindhamma and Tawwin roads in Mayangon Township today. Chairman of YCDC Mayor of Yangon U
Ko Lay and wife Daw Khin Khin, officials and others attended the show. Chairman of the
Leading Committee of the Show YCDC member Col Thaung Wai explained the purpose of holding
the show. He then formally opened the show. A total of 125 dogs and 27 cats of local and
foreign strains took part in the show. Special prizes, the best pet prize and clever pet
awards were presented to the winners.
Mayor's Cup Horticulture Show continues
Yangon, 23 Jan-The ninth Mayor's Cup Horticulture Show continued at
Mindhamma Ground at the corner of Tawwin Street and Mindhamma Street today. The show was
packed with those buying flowers and seedlings.
ISD Under-21 soccer tournament continues
Yangon, 23 Jan-The first round of the 46th Inter-State/Division
Under-21 Soccer Tournament continued at Mandalay for Upper Myanmar Zone and Pathein for
Lower Myanmar Zone today. In Mandalay Zone, Kachin beat Magway 2-1 and the man of the
match award went to Lin Tun Oo of Kachin State. In Pathein Zone, Kayin tied Mon and Aung
Zin Latt of Kayin State won the man of the match award. On 24 January, Mandalay will meet
Bago in Mandalay Zone while Ayeyawady will play against Kayah in Hinthada Zone.
Hole-in-one scored at Pun Hlaing Golf Course
Yangon, 23 Jan- Director U Kyaw Paing of SPA/FMI Group of Companies
scored hole-in-one from a distance of 160 yards at Hole No 6 in Pun Hlaing Golf Course on
13 January hitting the ball with Paing Zing 2 club. The ace-score man was playing together
with Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin, Mr Gene Hayden of
Libert Co Ltd and Mr Scab.
( 9
) Two get imprisonment for possession of marijuana
Yangon, 23 Jan- A combined team comprising members of 1Ocal
inte11igence unit and Yangon Anti-Drug Squad searched the house of Min Soe (a) Myint Soe
in Htawanbe Ward of North Okkalapa Township at mid-night on 24 October 1999.
They seized 8.16 kilos of marijuana. Waibagi Police Station filed Min
Soe (a) Myint Soe, 27, son of U Aye Kyaw of 271, Khema 2nd lane, Htawanbe Ward, North
Okkalapa Township and Min Thu (a) Zaw Min Htaik, son of U Soe Myint of Letpadan Ward in
Paungwe Village, DaikU Township, under Sections 15/l9 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law. On 16 December 2000, Yangon- East District Court sentenced
Min Soe (a) Myint Soe to 20 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) and Min Thu (a) Zaw
Min Htaik to five years under Section 15 respectively.