( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of congratulations to United States of
Yangon, 22 Jan- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of congratulations to the Honourable
George W Bush, on the occasion of his inauguration as the 43rd President of the United
States of America.
Vice-Chairman of State Peace and Development Council General
Maung Aye sends message of congratulations to United States of America
Yangon, 22 Jan- General Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a congratulatory message to the Honourable
Richard B Cheney, on his assumption of the Office of the Vice-President of the United
States of America.
( 2 ) Water-pouring ceremony for
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image held
Yangon, 22 Jan- A water-pouring ceremony for Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image was
held at Gandhakuti Kyaungdawgyi this morning on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where
the Image is to be kept, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were Maha
Gandhavasaka Pandita Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Alodawpyi
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa, ministers, deputy ministers, the vice-mayor of Yangon,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, members
of Mindhamma Hill All-round Construction Committee, experts and members of Mindhamma Hill
Board of Trustees. The congregation received the Nine Precepts from Alodawpyi Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa. At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1 offered scented water to on
the Image. Teingya Htidaw-Hoisting Group played drums and gongs. The ministers and the
deputy ministers poured scented water and paritta water on the Image. The Secretary-1 and
party then paid obeisance to the Image.
Rice donated to Kandaw Mingala Parahita Kyaungtaik in DaikU
Yangon, 22 Jan- A ceremony to donate rice to Kandaw Mingala Parahita Kyaungtaik in
DaikU was held at Kalyana Dhamma Yeiktha of the Kyaungtaik on 20 January morning. Present
on the occasion were Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of
Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye and members, the chairman of DaikU Township Peace and
Development Council and departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and
Development Association, Working Committee for Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare
Association, wellwishers and members of the Monastery Board of Trustees.
The commander and wellwishers paid homage to Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of the Kyaungtaik
Maha Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta Kalyana and offered 10 bags of rice and provisions to the
Sayadaw. Then, the Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. After the
ceremony, the commander inspected the hostel for the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha,
the Soonsarhsaung, the kitchen hall, the hostel for students of the Parahita School, the
messing hall and the classroom of the Monastic Education School. Members of the Monastery
Board of Trustees reported on the tasks undertaken by the Sayadaws and yearly assistance
provided by Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement to 80 orphans and daily
care for them.
The commander gave instructions on greening and beautifying tasks to be carried out in
the compound of the school, systematic maintenance of the buildings and development of the
school and fulfilled its requirements. There are 15 student monks and 80 novices at the
Kyaungtaik. A total of 80 orphas are attending the basic education, vocational training
and handicraft courses. Assistance was provided to university students and 210 needy
schoolchildren from wards in DaikU.
( 3 ) Minister for Cooperatives
receives Japanese guest
Yangon, 22 Jan- Minister for Cooperatives
U Aung San received Managing Director Mr Masataka Kitasaka of Myanmar Association, Japan
at his office at 2 pm today. After the call, the guest presented seven computers and two
colour printers worth over K 3 million for the Myanma Lacquerware Institute in Bagan and
Saungda Weaving School in Amarapura to the Minister. Also present on the occasion were
Director-General of Cooperative Department Col Soe Win, Director-General of Cottage
Industries Department U Sein Than, Managing Director of Cooperative Exports and Imports
Enterprise Daw Khin Swe Soe, Adviser Dr Than Htaik and officials.
Minister for Finance and Revenue meets Vice-Chairman of Gold
Water Oil Co of Indonesia
Yangon, 22 Jan- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein met Vice-Chairman
Mr Benny Soebianto of Gold Water Oil Co of Indonesia at his office this afternoon. They
discussed mutual cooperation. Present on the occasion was Governor of Central Bank of
Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung.
Minister receives MD of Siemens
Yangon, 22 Jan- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Managing Director Dr
Sepp E Tietze and party of Siemens Ltd of Germany at his office this afternoon. Also
present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General U Nyunt Aye
of Directorate of Trade, Director-General Col Nay Win of Border Trade Department, Managing
Director U Min Hla Aung of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading and officials.
Minister for Hotels and Tourism meets foreign visitor
Yangon, 22 Jan- Minister for Hotels and
Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin met Chief Consultant Mr James P Styers of Jim Styers Dolphin
World Company at his office at 1 pm today. They discussed tourism promotion tasks being
implemented under Dolphin Interactive and Survey Programme. Also present were Deputy
Minister Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Director-General U Khin Maung Latt, Managing Director U
Kyi Tun and officials of the ministry and General Manager Dr Phone Win of Shambhala Co
( 4 ) Minister
meets foreign visitors
Yangon, 22 Jan- Minster for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin met Secretary Dr Sepp Tietze of
Siemens Limited, Yangon and party at his office at 10 am today. Similarly, the minister
met Managing Director Mr T C Shin of Myanmar Daewoo Limited at 11 am today. They cordially
discussed matters related to communications. Also present were Managing Director U Maung
Maung Tin of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and officials.
Deputy Minister for Commerce meets Director of Mega Products Ltd
Yangon, 22 Jan- Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan met Director Girish
Wadhwa of Mega Products Ltd and party at the Ministry of Commerce this evening. Present
were Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border
Trade Col Nay Win, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung
and officials.
President of UMFCCI meets Chairman of JCCY
Yangon, 22 Jan - President of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce
and Industry U Win Myint and Secretary-General U Zaw Min Win met with Chairman of Japanese
Chamber of Commerce, Yangon (JCCY) Mr Shigeki Ura at the federation this morning. They
discussed matters related to commerce, investment, export and import taxes and business.
Minister received Ambassador of China
Yangon, 22 Jan - The Minister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr. Liang
Dong at his office at 3 pm today.Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Home
Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung and officials.
( 5 ) Workshop on AFTA Process and AICO Scheme held
Yangon, 22 Jan- The Workshop on AFTA Process and AICO Scheme, jointly organized by
Myanmar Strategic and International Studies, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, National AFTA Unit
and Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council, was held at the Swan Hotel in
Mandalay today.
It was attended by Minister at the State Peace and Development Council chairman's
Office Minister for ASEAN Economic Affairs Brig-Gen Abel, officials from MSIS, Office of
Strategic Studies, Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council, National AFTA Unit,
the President of Mandalay Division Chambers of Commerce and Industry and members and
businessmen. Director-General of ASEAN Affairs Department U Aye Lwin and Executive
Director Dr Mohamed Ariff of Malaysia Institute for Economic Research made speeches.
Minister Brig-Gen Abel delivered an opening address. The workshop continues till 24
Symposium on new HRT approach to urogenital aging held
Yangon, 22 Jan- A symposium on "A new HRT approach to urogenital aging"
was held at Traders Hotel in Yangon on 20 January by Organon. It was chaired by Prof Daw
Mary Krasu, President of Obstetric and Gynaecological Society, Myanmar Medical
Association. First, Dr Ali Baziad, OG from University of Indonesia, Jakarta gave a
presentation on Menopause and hormone replacement therapy, Dr Mya Thida, Consultant OG
from Central Women's Hospital on Cultural concepts of the menopause in Myanmar, and Prof
Daw Than Than Tin, Prof and Head of Department of OG, CWH on Future of HRT in Myanmar, and
Dr Ali Baziad on Clinical experience with an estrogen containing product-Ovestin. Then,
the general round of discussions continued and the symposium came to a close with the
concluding remarks by Prof Dr Daw Mary Krasu.
Workshop on Digestive Endoscopy held
Yangon, 22 Jan- The Workshop on Digestive Endoscopy was held at the Gastroenterology
Department of Mandalay General Hospital from 16 to 18 January. Chairman of Digestive and
Gastroenterology Section of Myanmar Medical Association Professor Dr Khin Maung Win opened
the workshop.
Officials of Ministry of Health and Directorate of Medical Services, specialists of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the rector of Institute of Medicine and scholars were
present. Professor Yoshihiro Sakai of Toho University Ohashi Hospital and Dr Yap Chin Kong
of Singapore General Hospital discussed the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Esophagogastroscopy
and Endoscopic Reterograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP) and Stone in Biliary Tree.
Then, Myanmar and foreign specialists treated 35 patients. The workshop was sponsored by
Digestive and Gastroenterology Section of MMA and Olympic Company of Singapore and
organized by Takeda Janssencilag and OEC company branches.
( 6 ) National Convention Convening
Commission meets
Yangon, 22 Jan- The National Convention
Convening Commission held its meeting at the hall of the commission this afternoon.
Present were Chairman of the Commission Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Vice-Chairmen Maj-Gen Sein Htwa
and Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and commission members. Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin delivered a
speech. National Convention Convening Work Committee and Management Committee reported on
matters relating to the National Convention. The members of the Commission took part in
the discussions. Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin made concluding remarks, which brought the
meeting to a close.
National Seminar on Women's Health commences
Yangon, 22 Jan- The National Seminar on Women's Health, jointly organized by the
Ministry of Health, Myanmar National Working Committee for women's Affairs and the World
Health Organization, was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this
Present were Chairman of Myanmar National Working Committee for women's Affairs
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Minister for
Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Ministers for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr
Kyaw Myint, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Professor Daw
Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Working Committee for women's Affairs
Daw May May Yee, member of the Working Committee Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and members,
Advisers to the Working Committee Daw Khin Than Nwe, Daw Khin Cho Oo and Professor Daw Nan
Oo, Secretary of the Working Committee Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit
Myaing, directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, medical
superintendents and specialists, chairmen of social organizations, officials of the UN
agencies and guests.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen said : This seminar is jointly organized by the World
Health Organization, the Ministry of Health and Myanmar National Committee of Women's
Affairs (MNCWA). This seminar is but one contribution to elevate the health status of
women in Myanmar. It is most rewarding to find an inter-sectorally represented audience
who will be participating actively in the future activities on Women's Health.
Many researches, surveys, dissertations
etc have been conducted in the area of women health. But most results have not been
published or publicized and so decision-makers are unaware of the information, which could
be utilized in the decision-making. The health system needs an evidence-based practice
movement as in most clinical practice, which is based on limited evidence. It requires
that the result of primary research be complied in a methodical way and made accessible to
those involved in the decision-making process. This seminar and the proceedings that
followed is such an attempt. Depending on the outcome of this meeting, I hope, the quality
of life of Myanmar women in the 21st century would be better. This seminar is based on the
life-cycle approach of a woman: encompassing infancy, childhood, adolescence, encounters
during the reproductive ages, malignancies of the genital tract, menopause and elderly.
Therefore the objectives of this seminar are:
(1) To review the literatures on Women's Health in Myanmar.
(2) To disseminate the findings of Women's Health Studies for utilization by
decision-makers and policy-makers concerning Women's Health and
(3) To produce recommendations and future direction beyond the millennium in the field
of Women's Health. I hope you will enjoy the topics, the speakers, and take an active part
in discussions, suggestions and future directions for Women's Health in Myanmar. In
discussing the future vision, I would like to highlight a few points, which could be
included for consideration. They are -
* Public/private partnerships or multiple partnerships
* Community participation
* Capacity developments
* Quality care and last being
* The information technology
With the explosion of the information technology, our future action should be based on
evidence, which could be derived from the Internet based interactive health communication
technologies and expert systems. Furthermore, information and knowledge management is
deemed the heart of the health care workers' professional, intellectual and practical
activities. In conclusion I wish to thank the organizers of this seminar and the
participants who will be faithfully listening, deliberating, sharing experiences and
Then, residential representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra made a speech. At the
seminar, resource persons submitted papers on growth and development in infant and
childhood, adolescent health in Myanmar, abortion, maternal morbidity, maternal mortality,
fertility regulation and sexually transmitted diseases. The seminar will continue
Plant Safety Training Course No 10 opens
Yangon, 22 Jan- A ceremony to open the Plant Safety Training Course No 10 was held at
No 1 Oil Refinery (Thanlyin) this morning. Present were Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun
Thi, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Aung, departmental officials, trainees and officials.
The minister gave an opening speech. Altogether 18 trainees of plants from Myanma Oil and
Gas Enterprise are attending the four-week course. After the opening ceremony, the
minister and party attended the opening ceremony of the oil tank which can store 6.6
million gallons of diesel built at the refinery. The oil tank was built by employees of
MOGE. The minister presented K 100,000 as bonus to workers who participated in the
construction of the tank. The minister then inspected No 1 Oil Refinery (Thanlyin) and the
Tar Factory.
( 7 ) Ministers inspect Kanthaya Hospital
Yangon, 22 Jan - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Minister for Health
Maj-Gen Ket Sein inspected Kanthaya Hospital on Natmauk Street this morning. The ministers
met with Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Director-General U Nyunt Aye and
officials, Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung and officials at the
hospital, and coordinated work programmes of the hospital. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw
Hsan reported on functions of the hospital and Director-General Dr Wan Maung on future
tasks. Then, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and officials inspected the hospital. The ministers gave instructions.
Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs open courses
Yangon, 22 Jan- A ceremony to open Basic Electronic Course, Technical Requirement of
Outside Plant Engineering Course and Introduction to Data Communication Course was held at
the Telecommunication and Postal Service Training School with an address by Minister for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin.
Also present were the managing director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, the
director-general of the Posts and Telecommunications Department, the general manager of
Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, the principal of the training school, course
instructors and 45 trainees. The minister said that in building Myanmar into a peaceful,
modern and developed nation, it is imperative that a lot of natural resources are required
and that so are qualified human resources; so, courses are being opened to enhance the
quality of employees. The minister urged the trainees to work hard at the courses.
Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation inspects railroad
Yangon, 22 Jan- Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation U Pe Than inspected
construction of Mandalay Station on 15 January. The deputy minister inspected
Mandalay-PyinOoLwin railroad and gave instructions on maintenance of sections and bridges
and arrangements for greening of PyinOoLwin Station. On 16 January, the deputy minister
inspected railroad from PyinOoLwin to Lashio and gave instructions on Gokhteik Viaduct. He
also gave instructions on repair of the tunnels and bridges on Lashio-Mandalay section. He
inspected Ywahtaung Locomotive Workshop, KhinU-YeU-Budalin-Monywa section and Hsinphyushin
Bridge. He met Myanma Railways officials in Mandalay.
Basic literacy campaign (3-Rs) coord meeting held
Yangon, 22 Jan- A ceremony to coordinate the basic literacy campaign (3-Rs) was held at
Myanmar Literacy Resource Centre of Myanmar Education Research Bureau this afternoon, with
an address by Chairman of Leading Committee for Education Affairs Minister for Education U
Than Aung. Also present were Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt and
officials. All participants took part in the discussions. Then, the minister and party
proceeded to Myanmar Academy for Arts and Science Association at the Resource Centre and
met President U Than Oo and members.
( 8
) Commander inspects construction of Kengtung-Tonta-Mongpyin-Takaw Road
Yangon, 22 Jan- Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander
of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein, accompanied by departmental officials,
inspected Mongpyin-Takaw section of Kengtung-Taunggyi Road being repaired by Road
Construction Group-5 of Public Works on 16 January afternoon. The commander gave necessary
instructions on the work. On 17 January morning, the commander left Mongpyin by car and
inspected the paving of Mongpyin-Tonta section with gravel, production of gravel stones
and repair of Tonta-Kengtung section. The commander then left instructions on timely
completion of the work and the digging of drains, and attended to requirements.
Union Day Flag Hoisting Subcommittee meets
Yangon, 22 Jan - The 54th Anniversary Union Day Flag Hoisting Subcommittee held a
meeting at Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Office this afternoon. Present at
the meeting were Chairman of the 54th Anniversary Union Day Flag Hoisting Subcommittee
Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Secretary of the Subcommittee
Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, local
authorities, officials of the Subcommittee and others. Chairman of the Subcommittee Deputy
Commander Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint gave a speech at the meeting. Officials of the respective
bodies also took part in the discussions. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the
deputy commander.
Special Refresher Course No 1 for District Level Judges
Yangon, 22 Jan- The closing ceremony of the Special Refresher Course No 1 for District
Level Judges was held at the Supreme Court (Yangon), here, this morning. Present on the
occasion were Deputy Chief Justice U Than Oo, Supreme Court Justices U Khin Myint, Dr Tin
Aung Aye, U Chit Lwin and U Tun Shin, the director-general of Supreme Court (Yangon),
directors, advisers, deputy directors and guests. Chief Justice U Aung Toe said the course
was conducted with the aim of turning out qualified judges on whom the people win
confidence. In administration of justice, the judges are to make correct decision after
realizing the respective procedures and laws, he said. He spoke of the need to make
correct decision on cases in accord with the law. The two-week course was attended by 31
Prizes presented to outstanding trainees of Journalism Course
Yangon, 22 Jan- A ceremony to present prizes to outstanding trainees of Journalism
Course 1/2000 was held at the training hall of the New Light of Myanmar Daily building in
Botahtaung Township this morning. Present were Managing Director U Tin Kha of News and
Periodicals Enterprise, Principal U Kyaw Hsan of Journalism Course, officials and
trainees. Speaking on the occasion the managing director urged the trainees to make
greater efforts during the course. The managing director presented prizes to outstanding
trainees in writing the article " Uto, agriculture livestock breeding farm and
resort". Later, the principal presented prizes to the trainees who got full marks in
the subject " Extensive use of modern media".
( 9
) Sports News
Minister for Sports meets outgoing PRC Ambassador

Yangon, 22 Jan- Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen
Thura Aye Myint met Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Liang Dong who had
completed the tour of duty in Myanmar at his office this afternoon.
Minister inspects training of selected Myanmar athletes
Yangon, 22 Jan- Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen
Thura Aye Myint arrived at Padomma Sports Ground in Sangyoung Township this morning. The
minister inspected training of tentative Myanmar soccer team which will take part in the
XXI South East Asia Games. Then, the minister inspected training of tentative Myanmar
volleyball team and weightlifting team and gave necessary instructions to the coaches.
Soe Kyaw Naing emerges first in MGF President's Cup 2001
Yangon, 22 Jan- A ceremony to present prizes to winners in the Myanmar Golf Federation
President's Cup 2001, organized by MGF and Myanmar Professional Golfers' Association and
mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, was held at Hanthawady Golf and
Country Club in Bago, Bago Division, yesterday evening. Present on the occasion were
President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi and executive committee
members, guests and spectators. After the fourth round, President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing gave
a speech at the prize presentation ceremony.
Then, Brand Manager Daw Mya Sein Yi of Myanmar Brewery Ltd presented prizes to Nearest
to the Pin winner professional golfer Yin Htwe and Tiger Putting Challenge winner amateur
golfer Soe Thein; Corporate Affairs Manager U Myint Thein of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar
Pte Ltd presented prize to Maung Lamin Aye who stood first in the London Chipping event;
Director U Khin Maung Myint of Yangon Airways presented prizes to daily best golfers Myint
Thaung who scored 69 strokes in the first round, Myint Than 73 in the second round, Myint
Thaung 71 in the third round and professional golfer Aung Win (YCDC) 71 and amateur golfer
Win Htwe Hlaing 71 in the fourth round; Joint Deputy Managing Director Maj Paw Khant of
Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd presented from first to fifth prizes to Cho Eun Ju
(Republic of Korea) with 210 strokes, Kong Sun Young (ROK) with 212, Cho Hee Soo (ROK)
with 229, Park Si Wan (ROK) with 234 and Than Than Aye with 237 respectively in the
women's handicap event and Group Brand Manager Mr Bob Orteger of Rothmans of Pall Mall
Myanmar Pte Ltd presented first and second prizes to Khin Thu Thu (YCDC) with 240 and Kong
Sun Young (ROK) with 251 in the women's scratch event. Similarly, General Secretary U Aung
Kyi presented first, second and third prizes to Nanda Kyaw (YCDC) with 309 strokes, Win
Htwe Hlaing with 309 and Zaw Zin Win (Han Golf Masters) with 309 in the men's amateur
division respectively. Likewise, President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented first, second and
third prizes to Soe Kyaw Naing who scored 293 strokes, Aung Win (YCDC) 293 and Myint
Thaung 293 in the men's professional division respectively. Then, Managing Director Mr
Arend Ng of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd presented cheque to Soe Kyaw Naing who
stood first in the professional division and gifts for Hanthawady Golf and Country Club to
Managing Director Lt-Col Lay Myint of the Golf Club.