( 1 ) State Peace and Development Council
Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of congratulations to President of the
Yangon, 20 Jan-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe has sent a congratulatory message to Her Excellency
Madame Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the Republic of the Philippines, on her
assumption of office.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 calls on all
teachers to cultivate habit of constantly going on learning modern technologies
Special Refresher Course No 9 for Basic Education Teachers opens
at CICS (Upper Myanmar)
Yangon, 20 Jan-The opening of Special Refresher Course No 9 for Basic
Education Teachers was held yesterday in Yadana Hall of the Central Institute of Civil
Service (Upper Myanmar), PyinOoLwin Township, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education
Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also
present were members of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay
Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Chairman of Sagaing
Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win, ministers, the Chairman
of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers,
the Mayor of Mandalay, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and
Development Council Office, heads of department, members of Division, District and
Township Peace and Development Councils, Rector of CICS (Upper Myanmar) Col Aung Hsan Win,
the Pro-rector, department heads, instructors and trainee teachers.
The Secretary-1 said as all of us know the State Peace and Development
Council has been making efforts for emergence of a peaceful modern developed nation, in
line with the historical trend, objective conditions of the nation and the people, future
prospects and changes in international situations, after laying down political, economic
and social objectives which accentuate the essence of the Union. Political, economic and
social objectives have met with success gradually, and all of us can now enjoy the
benefits due to the correct policies that promote national interests practically, he said.
He said that rapid development has also been brought about in border
areas where national races are living, as a result of achieving political stability and
tranquillity on the basis of national solidarity. In the economic sector, emphasis has
been placed on economic progress after laying down economic policies and plans based on
national forces. Basic economic foundations have emerged and so has an economic force
comprising national entrepreneurs who are rich and efficient, he said.
He noted that the success of Myanmar's economic endeavours have not
come up to the expectation, and progress is slow due to some big nations and the
expatriate group relying on those nations and committing subversive activities. Wanting to
influence Myanmar, they have fabricated propaganda in collaboration with some news
agencies, applied pressure and imposed sanctions with the use of much money and power.
He said that the government is exerting continued efforts to promote
the interests of the nation and the people by making the best use of already-achieved
economic foundations, no matter how much pressure they put on the government and how they
are imposing economic sanctions. He added that the government will continuously strive for
the promotion of national interests in cooperation with ASEAN member nations, neighbouring
countries and friendly nations in the economic sector. He said Myanmar is making concerted
efforts for development of electronic and information communication technologies.
Moreover, Myanmar is also implementing the tasks for
strengthening of national internal forces, national awareness, spirit and efficiency in
social sector, he added. Education promotion programmes for development of students who
are the source of national internal forces in accord with social requirements and
promotion of education up to international level are successful. Skill demonstration of
the students showed the good results of the education promotion programmes on the recent
School Family Day, he added.

The Secretary-1 spoke on introduction of e-Education in Myanmar through
computer networks and satellite links, opening of over 200 learning centres nationwide and
telecasting of Electronic Data Broadcasting System jointly carried out by the Ministry of
Education and Ministry of Information.
He spoke of the need to prepare the tasks to deal with advantages and
disadvantages of globalization without harming the national interest in the process of
international technological development. As the government's educational promotion
programmes today cover the tasks beyond the classroom teaching system, all teachers are
dutybound to promote the habit of constantly going on learning modern technologies with
the aim of using them in the tasks for national development and lead their pupils and all
other citizens in this task, he said. After the opening ceremony, the Secretary-1
cordially met with the trainee teachers. Altogether 1,003 teachers of states and divisions
are attending the five-week course.
( 3 ) Secretary-1 inspects
regional development tasks in Mandalay, Magway
Yangon, 20 Jan - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected regional development tasks in Mandalay and Magway Divisions
yesterday and today. The Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by member of the State Peace
and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, attended the opening ceremony of Special Refresher Course No 9
for Basic Education Teachers at the Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) in
PyinOoLwin Township, Mandalay Division, yesterday afternoon.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party went to the Central Fire-Fighting
Training School of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement in PyinOoLwin,
Mandalay Division. They were welcomed there by Director-General of Fire Services
Department U Myint Tun, Principal Col Kyi Win and officials. Lecturer of Yangon
Technological University U San Kyu reported on construction of the school administration
office building and the 110-foot-high reinforced concrete training tower and other
construction tasks.

Next, the Secretary-1 inspected cultivation of crops and vegetables in
the compound of the training school by car. The Secretary-1 and party proceeded to
National Kandawgyi Park in PyinOoLwin., They were welcomed by Minister for Forestry U Aung
Phone, Commandant of PyinOoLwin Station and Defence Services Academy Brig-Gen Tin Oo,
senior military officers, Chairman of Woodland Co U Win Aung and officials. Chairman of
Woodland Co U Win Aung reported on arrangements to upgrade National Kandawgyi Park,
reconstruction of streets in the park, construction of a fountain, Rainbow Viewing Deck,
the growing of flowers on an island in Lake-1, construction of wooden railings and a
wooden bridge at the entrance of Phayalaykyun and View Plaza, the building of the approach
road to Visitor Centre, construction of archways, the growing of bamboo trees around the
lake, the setting up of nurseries and Workshop outside the park, the growing of flower
beds,the raising of birds and construction of Timber Jungle Walkway in the swamp area.
Secretary-1 inspects regional development The Secretary-1 gave
instructions on the work. In the briefing hall, Minister U Aung Phone reported on tasks
for upgrading National Kandawgyi Park, Chairman U Win Aung on implementation of the
project phase I for upgrading the park from 1-9-2000 to 7-1-2000 and arrangements for the
project phase II. Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung
reported on measures to be taken for the conservation of the lake, and Commander Maj-Gen
Ye Myint gave an additional report. The Secretary-1 gave instructions.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party went to the construction project of
Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) under the Ministry of Health in PyinOoLwin.
They were welcomed by Director-General of Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) Dr
Myint Lwin, Managing Director of Myanma Industrial Construction Services U Ye Tun and
officials. Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein reported on progress of implementation of
the project, the location of the project, areas, the condition of the staff and research
on traditional medicines.
Director-General Dr Myint Lwin also reported on matters related to
doing research, and Managing Director U Ye Tun on matters related to staff quarters, water
and power supply and construction of the administration office building and the research
building. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint gave an additional report.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on the work. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party
inspected construction of Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) and the growing of
herbal plants.
In the evening, Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe
attended the dinner hosted by the Chairman of the Committee for Organizing the 47th
Myanmar Medical Conference of Myanmar Medical Association at the Novotel Hotel at the foot
of Mandalay Hill. Also present were Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Win Myint, Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint, ministers, the
chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Chief of Staff (Air), the
Mayor of Mandalay, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office, heads of department, division and district authorities, rectors, professors,
Chairman of MMA (Central) Professor U Myo Myint and executives, Chairman of Myanmar
Medical Association (Mandalay) Professor U Ko Lay and executives, Myanmar doctors abroad
and members of the association.
The Secretary-1 and party stopped for the night in Mandalay. The
Secretary-1 and party, together with Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, attended the opening and
merit-sharing ceremony of the new building of PhaungdawU Parahita Monastic Education
School at Dawnabwa Ward, Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay, this morning. Then, they left
Mandalay by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at Magway at 9.50 am. They were welcomed at
Magway Airport by Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Thein
Zaw, military officers and civilian officials and members of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association.
The Secretary-1 and party visited Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) Project on
the bank of Magway. In the briefing hall, Deputy Chief Engineer (Project) of Public Works
U Han Zaw reported on progress of work, and Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and Deputy Minister for
Construction U Tint Swe gave additional reports.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected the project site and gave instructions.
Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) links Mingalar Road, Magway, on the east bank of the Ayeyawady,
and Phaya Koehsu Kon, Htaukshabin Village, Minbu, on the west bank. The main structure of
the bridge is 6,969 feet long, and the approach structure 2,020 feet long. The lower
structure of the bridge is built of reinforced concrete, and the upper structure of steel
frames. The bridge with a 28-foot-wide motor way can support 60-ton loads.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party went to the site chosen for
construction of a new airport near Hsataingkan Village, Magway Township. They were
welcomed by Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and officials. In the
briefing hall, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint reported on the layout plan of the new
airport, and Brig-Gen Thein Zaw on supply of water from the Ayeyawady and Yin Creek for
the surrounding areas of Magway. The Secretary-1 gave instructions on the work. The
Secretary-1 and party left Magway by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived back here in the
( 4 ) MEC
Chairman attends opening ceremony of PhaungdawU Parahita Monastic Education High School in
Yangon, 20 Jan-The opening and merit-sharing ceremony of PhaungdawU
Parahita Monastic Education High School on Dawnabwa Ward in Aungmyay Thazan Township,
Mandalay, was held in front of the school this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar
Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Also present were Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Masoeyein Taikthit Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa and member
Sayadaws, chairmen Sayadaws of Division and Township Sangha Nayaka Committees, Headmaster
of PhaungdawU Parahita Monastic Education High School Bhaddanta Nayaka (BSc, Chem), member
of Patron Sayadaws, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay
Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, the Chairman
of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, department heads, members of
Division, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials,
members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, teachers, students and guests.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Education U Than Aung and Deputy Chief of
Mission of Japanese Embassy Mr Yoshihiko Kamo formally opened Japan-Myanmar friendship

Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt pressed the button to unveil the
signboard of the school. Later, merits sharing ceremony of PhaungdawU Parahita Monastic
Education High School was held at the second floor of the school. Vice-Chairman of State
Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Masoeyein Taikthit Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Sirindabhivamsa administered the Five Precepts.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and ministers
presented offertories to members of the Sangha. Chairman of Mandalay Division Sangha
Nayaka Committee Myataungtaik Shwewawin Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sasanabhivamsa delivered
a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. The three-storey school building, is 100 feet in
length, 33 feet in width and 34 feet in height. It was built with the donation of US $
80,000 under the Grassroots Grant Assistance Scheme, US $ 4,200 by UNWA and K 10 million
by Myanmar.
Secretary-1 inspects construction tasks at Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 20 Jan - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected tasks for the emergence of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni
Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township at 7.00 pm today. On arrival at Mindham-ma
Hill, the Secretary-1 was welcomed by Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council
Office U Arnt Maung, Joint Secretary of the Committee for All-round Construction of
Mindhamma Hill Cmdr Khin Maung Oo (Navy), committee members, scholars, officials and
members of Mindhamma Hill Board of Trustees. The Secretary-1, together with Maha
Gandhavacaka Pandita Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Agga Maha Saddhama Jotikadhaja Alodawpyi
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa, paid homage to Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image. Then,
the Secretary-1 inspected progress of work in carving the Image and other construction
( 5 ) Political, economic, social progress being achieved mainly
due to national consolidation
Secretary-2 attends review meeting on 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Commemorative Military Band Competition
Yangon, 20 Jan - A review meeting on the 2001 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Commemorative Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition was
held in Pyidaungsu Hall on Kyaikkasan Grounds this afternoon, with an address by Chairman
of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Tenth Military Band Competition Chief of the
Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Also present at the meeting were Chairman of the Management Committee
for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of the Committee for
Organizing the Tenth Military Band Competition Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin
Maung Than, Patron of the Organizing Committee Chief of the Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen
Win Myint, Chief of Staff (Navy) Commodore Soe Thein, Chairman of the Committee for
Organizing the Tenth Military Band Competition Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo,
Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors of the Ministry of Defence
Services Directorates, members of the Board of Judges for the Tenth Military Band
Competition, departmental heads, managers and leaders of the competing military bands, and
members of the bands.
Lt-Gen Tin Oo said it was the day of honour as the Tenth Military Band
Competition had been successfully held and awards presented to the deserving bands.
He said the competition started in 1992 with five competing bands and
in the tenth competition, the number of competing bands had reached 51. He noted that as
the bands had improved skills, the tenth competition had to be divided into four classes,
and spoke of the need for the other training units and schools to be prepared to send
their bands in the next year's competition. Every independent, sovereign State has its
State Military Band as the honour, and the State Military Band plays the National Anthem.
In exchange of visits by the State leaders, the State Military Band, with the Guard of
Honour, has to play the national anthems, and thus, the State Military Bands can play the
tunes of the national anthems of various world's nations.
Usually, all the State guests and foreign nations' leaders see and hear
the standard of the State Military Band as soon as they arrive a country, and thus, every
nation forms the State Military Band and trains it to be always talented and skilful.
Myanmar with many friendly nations in the world is seeing more and more visits by State
Leaders and Heads of State year after year, and the State Military Band is formed to be
modern, and new generation members of the bands are being trained. Whoever hears the
military band playing, he feels encouraged and determined to safeguard the nation and
religion, as the tune revitalize his military might and valour and in him, it is
stimulated the spirit to shoulder the national defence duty.
National defence duty, he said, has already been instilled in the mind
of all citizens, and the military band is able to stimulate and revitalize it. Lt-Gen Tin
Oo also spoke of the discovery of the high primate fossils belonging to the time dating 40
million years back, high standard of ancient culture, causes of falling under the colonial
rule and efforts for reconsolidation of national unity after independence had been
He noted that today's political, economic and social developments of Myanmar are the
results that have accrued from national consolidation, and he expressed belief that
Myanmar can be one of the top countries of the world if efforts are to be made with
oneness of mind and same conviction. He said the Tatmadaw must be constantly strong and
brilliant to be able to safeguard the nation being built to be peaceful, modern and
developed, and a modern Tatmadaw must always keep on undergoing training and be vigilant
and battle-ready.
Myanmar, he said, is not only participating in the international tasks
on equal terms with other members of the United Nations but also actively taking part in
the ASEAN tasks as a member upholding the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. He
noted that if the nation should face a danger owing to the new challenges, the Tatmadaw
will necessarily confront it together with the entire people.
The duty of defending the nation is an inherent duty of the entire
national people. All the national people are imbued with national pride and national
spirit. It is the duty of military band troupes to evoke national pride in the national
people. It is encouraging to see that there are 140 band troupes of basic education high
schools in Myanmar today. As the Ministry of Education is holding band troupe
competitions, the quality of the band troupes of basic education school students is
This year, the number of military band competitions has increased, and
the band troupe competition for basic education schools has been held with the
participation of ten band troupes. Arrangements are to be made to enable the school band
troupes to undergo training as Tatmadaw band troupes do. It is necessary for Myanmar
Police Force and Fire Services Department to form one more band troupe each.
If the band troupes of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), Myanmar
Police Force, Fire Services Department and students of basic education school play
together, the sound of the collected band troupe can surely evoke the spirit of defending
the nation in the entire national people. In conclusion, the Secretary-2 urged all to
strive to uplift the spirit of defending the nation with military band troupes, to try to
reach the international level and to widen the scope of knowledge of the military band.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chief of Armed Forces Training
Maj-Gen Win Myint and Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo reported on matters related
to the competition. Military band expert Maj Khin Maung Hla (Retd) gave suggestions on the
Secretary-2 and wife visit Myanmar Traditional Snack Competition

Yangon, 20 Jan- Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo and wife Daw Khin Than Nwe visited Myanmar Traditional Snack Competition at
International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning. Accompanied by Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chief of Staff
(Navy) Commodore Soe Thein and officials, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo and wife Daw Khin Than
Nwe arrived at the competition at 11 am. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo and wife Daw Khin Than
Nwe viewed Myanmar Traditional snack shops at the competition and gave suggestions.
( 6 ) Chief of Staff (Army) attends prize
presentation ceremony of Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition
Yangon,20 Jan- The prize presentation ceremony of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition
was held at the People's Square this morning, attended by Chairman of Leading Committee
for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of Organizing Committee for
Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition Chief of Bureau of Special
Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Also present on the occasion were Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of
Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Chairman of Management Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of Organizing Committee for Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy
and Air) Military Band Competition Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than,Chief of Armed Forces
Training Maj-Gen Win Myint,Judge Advocate-General Maj-Gen Thein Soe, Chief of Staff (Navy)
Commodore Soe Thein, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Military Band Competition
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, senior Tatmadaw officers, Military attaches of
foreign embassies, officials of various sub-committees, Tatmadawmen and their families and
students and guests.
Chief of Staff (Army) Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo presented best prize to
leaders of military band of No 15 Operations Control Command team at division D level,
first, second and third prizes to winning leaders of military bands of Defence Services
Institute of Medicine, Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School and Defence
Service Combat Training School at division C level, first, second and third prizes to
winning leaders of military bands of Chief of Staff (Army) attends prize presentation
North-East Command, Northern Command and North-West Command in division B level, and best
prize to winning leader of military band of Commander-in-Chief of (Navy) in division A
level. Officials presented best and first, second and third prizes to winning leaders of
military bands of No 6 Training Depot, Defence Services Combat Training School, Defence
Services Institute of Medicine, No 6 Operations Control Command, Eastern Command, Coastal
Region Command, North-East Command and Commander-in-Chief (Navy).
Then, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo spoke on the occasion. The band troupes
of No 2 Basic Education High School in Latha, No 1 BEHS in Hmawby Township and
Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Office, North-East, Defence Services Institute of Medicine and
Guard of Honour and bag pipe of military band demonstrated their skill. Then, Secretary-2
Lt-Gen Tin Oo presented souvenir gifts to Defence Attache of Japanese Embassy Col Hirofumi
Yusa, on behalf of the military attaches of foreign embassies.
Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo and Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than
presented prizes to leaders of No 2 BEHS Latha, Guard of Honour and Military band Troupe.
Wellwishers U Aung Naing presented K 334,000, U Khin Maung Htoo 15 ochestra music stand
worth K 450,000 and U Maung Maung Kyi-Daw Tin Tin Cho 2000 record books worth K 250,000 to
Chief of Staff (Army) Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo for prize winning leaders and band
troupes. Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than presented prizes to winning leaders of band
troupes. Afterwards, Chief of Staff (Army) Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo presented prize to
military band expert Maj (Retired) Khin Maung Hla.
( 7 ) Secretary-3 inspects gem mining camps in Mogok Township,
pays obeisance to Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda in Kanbalu Township, gives counsel to officials

Yangon, 20 Jan-Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Minister for
Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung and
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments left here by
the Tatmadaw flight yesterday and arrived at Mandalay International Airport at 9.30 am.
The Secretary-3 and party were welcomed at the airport by member of the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win,
military officers, Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein, departmental officials, members
of District and Township Peace and Development Councils and officials of Division,
District and Township Union Solidarity and Development Associations.
The Secretary-3 and party, together with Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay
Win went to Kyaukpyatthat Sanpya Village in Mogok Township by helicopter. The
Secretary-3 and party were welcomed by Tactical Operations Commander Col Than Hlaing,
directors of the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, members of Township Peace and
Development Council, members of USDA, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross
and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, teachers and students. The Secretary-3 and party went to
Kaday Kadar gem mining site of UMEHL in Kyaukpyatthat Sanpya Village in Mogok Township. U
Hoke Kyi reported on mining of gems, geological conditions, future tasks, prospects and
machinery and U Saw Void Tun of Thureintaung gem mining camp on gems blocks and earth
The Secretary-3 then gave instructions. The Secretary-3 observed raw
gems and inspected mineral dressing plant and gem sorting. The Secretary-3 and party went
to Mogok Township where they were welcomed by commanding officer of regional battalion
Lt-Col Sein Win, military officers, departmental officials, members of Township Peace and
Development Council, USDA members and national entrepreneurs. The Secretary-3 and party
proceeded to guest house of Panshow-nga-yant-in gem mining camp in Mogok Township.
Director of UMEHL Lt-Col Sein Than reported on gem mining in cooperation with UMEHL and
national entrepreneurs, gem production for fiscal years and high-quality gems, machinery
and strength of staff and profits.
The Secretary-3 gave instructions to the national entrepreneurs. The
Secretary-3 and party inspected washing of gems at the Panshow-nga-yant-in gem mining
camp. They went to Mandalay by helicopter and spent the night there. The Secretary-3 and
party together with Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation
Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone left Mandalay by helicopter for
the site of Shweli Bridge (Nga-O) in Katha Township. They were welcomed by Brig-Gen Kyaw
Oo Lwin of Bhamo Station, departmental officials, USDA members and students. Assistant
Engineer U Kyaw Lin reported on the project .
The Secretary-3 gave instructions on completion of the project as
scheduled. The Secretary-3 and party went to Kanbalu Township where they were welcomed by
Tactical Operations Commander Col Min Swe and officials. The Secretary-3 and party paid
obeisance to Maha Shwesigyi Pagoda. Chairman of Shwebo District Peace and Development
Council Lt-Col Than Han reported on construction of the pagoda and religious structures,
preparations for holding of hoisting of Htidaw. Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win gave a
supplementary report. The Secretary-3 gave instructions to officials and members of the
Pagoda Board of Trustees. He paid obeisance to Buddha images in the precincts of the
pagoda and inspected religious buildings. The Secretary-3 and party arrived back here in
the evening.
( 8
) Chinese Minister tours Yangon
Yangon, 20 Jan-Minister of Public Security of the People's Republic of
China Jia Chun Wang and party together with Police Chief of Staff Police Brig-Gen Zaw Win
visited the Shwedagon Pagoda and made a cash donation this morning. They then proceeded to
National Indoor Stadium in Thuwunna where they were welcomed and conducted round the
Stadium by Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint. Myanmar selected women's
volleyball team presented a demonstration. The visiting Minister and party took part in
body-building physical exercise there. Afterwards, they visited Thanlyin Bridge. In the
evening, they visited Pun Hlaing Golf Resort in Hlinethaya Industrial Zone and Drug
Elimination Museum on Kyundaw Street.
English Proficiency Course concludes
mittee for Women's Affairs and Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association,
concluded at the meeting hall of MWEA on Shwedagon Pagoda Road, Dagon Township, this
afternoon. Present on the occasion were Advisers at MNW-CWA Daw Khin Than Nwe and Daw Khin
Khin Lay, Vice-Chairperson Professor Daw May May Yee, the patrons and advisers of MWEA,
Chairperson of the association Daw Sein Sein, Vice-Chairpersons Daw Thet Yi and Daw Khin
Khin Myint, guests and trainees. MNWCWA Health Chapter and MWEA Adviser Professor Daw Yi
Yi Myint made a speech on the occasion. Advisers Daw Khin Than Nwe, Daw Khin Khin Lay and
Chairperson Daw Sein Sein presented certificates to the trainees, who completed the
course. Then, on behalf of the trainees, a trainee spoke words of thanks.
Pre-Conference of Shan State (East) War Veteran Organization
Yangon, 20 Jan-The Pre-Conference of Shan State (East) War Veteran
Organization of Myanmar War Veteran Organization, was held in the town hall of Kengtung,
Shan State (East) this morning, attended by member of the State Peace and Development
Council Patron of Shan State (East) War Veteran Organization under Myanmar War Veteran
Organization Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein.
Also present on the occasion were MWVO Central Organizing Committee
members Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Deputy Minister for Labour Brig-Gen Win
Sein, senior military officers, Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council members,
Shan State (East) WVO Supervisory Committee members, Shan State level departmental
officials, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Shan State (East)
Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee, Shan State (East) Women's
Affairs Working Committee, delegates from eight townships of Shan State (East) and guests.
Meeting Chairman Lt-Col (Retd) Thet Hnin Oo made a speech on the
occasion. Reports of the pre-conference were read out by the WVO organizing Committee
members. This was followed by a general round of discussions. Then, the pre-conference
laid down seven future tasks and placed two matters on record. The Pre-Conference ended
with the concluding remarks by Meeting Chairman Lt-Col (Retd) Thet Hnin Oo. At the
ceremony, K 2 million were donated to Shan State (East) WVO.
( 9
) 34 members of KNU exchange arms for peace

Yangon, 20 Jan-The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our
Three National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation for the emergence of a
new, modern developed nation with genuine goodwill. Realizing the genuine goodwill and
endeavours of the government, remnant armed group members, abandoning their destructive
acts, which do not benefit the nation and the people, are continuously exchanging arms for
peace individually or in groups.
Twelve armed group members led by Platoon Commander Hwayt Laphe (a)
Hnokekhan Hmwe of No 2 Company of No 10 Battalion under No 4 Brigade of KNU armed group,
together with 22 family members totalling 34, bringing with them ten assorted weapons, 198
assorted rounds of ammunition, 14 assorted magazines, nine mines and hand grenades, four
members electronic detonators, one walkie-talkie, exchanged arms for peace at the Tatmadaw
camp in Mittasanpya Village, Dawei Township, Taninthayi Division, on 9 January.

A ceremony to exchange arms for peace by 34 members of armed group led
by Platoon Commander Shwe Laphe (a) Hnokekhan Hmwe was held at the sports ground of
Mittasanpya Village, Dawei Township on 17 January, attended by Brig-Gen Maung Oo of Dawai
Station and senior military officers, Dawei District/Township level departmental officers,
members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross, Maternal and Child
Welfare Association and local people totalling over 2,000. Brig-Gen Maung Oo extended
greetings on the occasion.
Then, on behalf of 34 persons who exchanged arms for peace, U Hwayt
Laphe handed over arms and ammunitions to Brig-Gen Maung Oo.Next, Brig-Gen Maung Oo
presented cash and kinds assistance to 34 personal who exchanged arms for peace. On behalf
of those who exchanged arms for peace, U Hwayt Laphe spoke words of thanks after which the
ceremony came to a close. After the ceremony, Brig-Gen Maung Oo and officials cordially
greeted those who exchanged arms for peace and attended to their needs. More persons of
armed groups are going to exchange arms for peace.
MGF President's Cup Golf Tourney continues
Yangon, 20 Jan-The President's Cup 2001 Golf Tournament organized by
Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional Golfers' Association and mainly sponsored
by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, continued at Hanthawaddy Golf and Country Club
in Bago for the third day this morning. After the third-day 18-hole play of professional
golfers, Myint Thaung was leading with 218 strokes, followed by Soe Kyaw Naing 221 strokes
and Aung Win (YCDC) 222 strokes.
In men's amateur tourney, Zaw Zaw Latt was leading with 231 strokes.
The runner-up was Zaw Zin Win (Han Golf Masters) with 233 strokes and Aung Aung Kyaw stood
in the third position with 235 strokes. Kong Sun Young (Korea) was leading with 164
strokes after the second-day 18-hole play in women's amateur tourney, followed by Khin Thu
Thu (YCDC) with 165 strokes and Cho Hee Soo (Korea) and Park Si Wan (Korea) tied at 174.
The tour is being officially co-sponsored by Tiger Beer, Yangon Airways, Canon, Star Cola
(MGS-Beverages), Wilson, Callaway (Pan-West), Precept (Eastern Pro), Srixon (KM Golf
Centre), Ping (Pan-Dagon) and Champion Golf Shop with the aim of turning out new
generation golfers who can bring honour to the State. The fourth-day 18-hole play
continues tomorrow there.