( 1 ) Merits shared for donation of golden
jubilee two-storey building
Yangon, 19 Jan - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe attended the merit-sharing ceremony for
the golden jubilee two-storey building at Nyaungdon Chaung on Sagaing Hills in Sagaing at
noon today.

The Secretary-1 and party, together with Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint,
left Mandalay by helicopter and arrived at Sagaing at 11.40 am. The Secretary-1 and party
were welcomed by Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Commander of No 33 LID
Brig-Gen Khin Zaw and officials. The Secretary-1 attended the merit-sharing ceremony for
the golden jubilee two-storey building and supplicated on religious affairs.
It was attended by State Ovadacariya Sayadaw Abhidhaja Agga Maha
Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta Pandita, member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Sayadaw of Laykyun Okkyaung of Sagaing Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sagara, the chairman
Sayadaws of Division and Township Sangha Nayaka Committees and members of the Sangha. Also
present on the occasion were Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of the Secretary-1, Commander
Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife Dr Tin Lin Myint, Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win, ministers, the
Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development
Council Office, departmental officials, division, district and township authorities,
departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the stone plaque of the golden
jubilee two-storey building, and sprinkled scented water on it. The second programme of
the ceremony was held in the golden jubilee two-storey building. Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita
Bhaddanta Sagara invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Then, the Sayadaws and
members of the Sangha recited parittas. In his supplication, the Secretary-1 said that
Sagaing Hills have been famous since the dawn of Myanmar history: Tagaung Period and
Tharaykhittaya Period; it is also a place where venerable Sayadaws have been residing and
where clusters of monasteries have been situated; that place is also teeming with pagodas,
temples and monasteries donated by ancient kings, ministers, wealthy persons and
wellwishers in successive eras. With the passage of time, ancient monasteries and pagodas
fell into a state of dilapidation.
Now the State Peace and Development Council has renovated almost all
the ancient pagodas and monasteries. Along the hills, whitewashed and gilded pagodas have
emerged, and so have monasteries built of bricks. Under the leadership of the State Peace
and Development Council, all the Buddhist citizens have been providing four requisites Ñ
soon, robes, monasteries and medicines Ñ for the members of the Sangha with the aim of
perpetuating Buddha Sasana. The golden jubilee two-storey building, for which the
merit-sharing ceremony was held today, was constructed with the use of K 1 million donated
by U Myint Oo and Daw Khin Mar Htay and 15 wellwishers of Mandalay, and the building was
completed only by 10 %, and due to short of required funds, construction of the building
remained in limbo.
The Secretary-1 added that therefore, he and his family, families of
the Directorate of Defence Services Intelligence and other wellwishers made cash donations
on 11-6-99, and the building has been completed successfully. Then, the Secretary-1, the
commander and the ministers offered alms to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.
Chairman of Sagaing Division Sangha Nayaka Committee (Shwekyin Nikaya) Presiding Sayadaw
of Hanthagiri Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Saddhama Jotikadhaja Agga Maha Pandita Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Nandavamsa delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits. Afterwards,
the Secretary-1 performed the ritual of golden and silver showers.
Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay) building opened to
contribute to uplifting public health care standard of upper Myanmar
Secretary-l attends opening of 47th MMA Conference
YANGON, 19 Jan- Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-l of
the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt accompanied by ministers, Chief
of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office and departmental officials left here for Mandalay by air this morning and arrived
in Mandalay at 9.20 am.
The Secretary-l and party were welcomed there by member of the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, senior military and civil officers, and
members of Union Solidarity and Development Association. Then, the Secretary-1 attended
opening ceremonies of new building of Myanmar Medical Association (Mandalay),the 47th
Conference of Myanmar Medical Association (Central) and Medical Exhibition. First, the
opening ceremony of the new MMA building was held in front of the building.
Also present were Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, Chief of Staff
(Air), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, the
Mayor of Mandalay, depart- mental officials, members of division, district and township
Peace and Development Councils, executive committee members and members of MM[A (Central)
and MMA (Mandalay) and Myanmar doctors.from abroad. First, Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint,
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, President Professor U Ko Lay of MMA (Mandalay)
formally opened the building.

The Secretary-l formally unveiled the stone plaque of the building.
Then, the Secretary- 1 and party inspected round the building and signed in the visitors'
book. Then, the ceremony came to an end. Afterwards, the opening ceremony of the 47th
Conference of Myanmar Medical Association (Central) was held at Yadanabon hall of MMA
(Mandalay). First, master of ceremonies General Secretary Dr U S Kyaw Hla read the
agendas. Then, the Secretary- 1 made a speech. He said in accord with the guidance of the
Head of State the public health care standard of Mandalay is being upgraded gradually to
meet that of Yangon; at present, the grand building of Myanmar Medical Association
(Mandalay) was opened. The opening of the building will contribute to the tasks to uplift
public health care standard of upper Myanmar.
Making of plans to hold MMA conferences also in other major towns of
states and divisions in turn other than in Yangon is in conformity with the State's
endeavours to develop public health care services. Uplift of health and fitness of the
entire nationa1 people is a national requirement at a time when the government depending
on national forces is striving for the nation to get abreast of international nations. Due
to the efforts of the staff of the health sector including physicians, the State is
achieving success-in implementing the national health plans in order to widen the scope of
public health care sector and to uplift the quality of health care services. As the peace
and stability is prevailing in the entire nation, health care services can now cover even
the border areas.
Especially, in its efforts to develop the border areas and national
races, the government is giving priority to the transport, education and health sectors.
The border areas at present are enjoying an unprecedented progress in health care
services. The government is successfully realizing its aims in extending hospitals and
upgrading their quality, in building at least one 200- bed hospital in every major town of
all states and divisions and in installing modern health equipment, providing potent
medicines and reinforcing specialist physicians to district level hospitals in order to
uplift health and fitness of the entire national people and to develop public health care
services in the entire nation.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance to centre
Mandalay in developing health care and medical treatment services in upper Myanmar, as
efforts are being made in line with the guidance, advanced health care services are
flourishing in all treatment, education and diagnosis sectors of the health field in
Mandalay. Systematic efforts are being made on all fronts including extension of medical
and health universities in continuously producing scholars including doctors to cope with
the widening scope of the health care services. Medical conferences are being held and
curricula of medical education has been amended in uplifting the standard of medical
education and enabling it to catch up with the developing international medical studies.
Health research paper reading sessions and workshops are being held in assisting the task.
Plans are under way in implementing a four-year national education
programme which also covers the medical sector for flourishing of an electronic education
based on modern electronic technology and information technology. He elaborated on the
governments efforts in opening further studies in the medical field, saying a Myanmar
doctor has passed the doctorate course in the nation. Experienced physicians of Myanmar
Academy of Medical Science are now effectively taking part in the task to develop the
medical and health sectors. Success has been achieved in taking disease control measures,
uplifting public health care services, setting up rehabilitation centres and organizing
people to take part in health activities such as national immunization days, environmental
sanitation activities and breast-feeding week. Humanitarian organizations such as Maternal
and Child Welfare Association are taking part together with the health staff in child
nutrition activities and malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy and AIDS Centrol campaigns.
The State service personnel, humanitarian organizations and the people
are harmoniously taking part in the health care services down to the grassroots levels and
the results such as the rising standard and the effectiveness of public health care
services, continuous improvement of public health standard, enjoying of longevity among
the people, decrease in maternal and child mortality and development of the health sector
can be witnessed. It can be seen with pride that the qualifications of Myanmar physicians
are further developing day by day. Sophisticated methods can be applied in conducting
advanced and difficult surgical operations. Moreover, due to correct economic policies of
the government, with the development of national economy, the economic life of the people
is improving and rich national entrepreneurs emerging. Private hospitals where modem
medical equipment is used are emerging as well. Therefore, physicians can make best use of
their medical knowledge to a greater extent.
At a time when favourable conditions for the development of the health
sector are emerging, the entire national people are to double their efforts in order to
accelerate the rate of achieving success. Physicians and doctors, who constitute a main
force of the health sector, are playing an increasingly larger role, and the role of
Myanmar Medical Association which has been formed as a national force, has come to the
forefront It is satisfying to see that MMA is standing firmly as a national force and
carrying out working programmes related to improvement of the standard of Myanma medical
science, promotion of the quality of medical treatment, participation in public health
care and sharing knowledge with international physicians. To mobilize physicians and
doctors, to improve the standard of Myanmar medical science and to provide more public
health care services, a new five-storey building of MMA was opened in Year 2000 and a new
building of MMA (Mandalay) inaugurated today.
As regards international cooperation, the annual general meeting of the
Medical Association of South-East Asian Nations was hosted in M§anmar in November 2000,
and it is found that the association could cooperate with those of other ASEAN member
nations in laying down policies designed to attain the highest health standard in the
region. So MMA needs to strive to accelerate the rate of achieving success, to make
further progress and to improve the health standard of Myanmar citizens and Myanmar
medical standard while working for the development of Myanma health sector. The tasks of
physicians and doctors are to save the life of the people and to provide health care to
ensure that the people are free from diseases and enjoy longevity, so theirs is a noble
profession. They need to provide health care for the people in accord with their code of
profession while contributing to the development of the nation. Various branches of study
including medical science are advancing with great momentum, as are science and technology
in the world today. It is found obviously that the majority of the world nations, grabbing
the opportunity of technological advancement, are competing to serve interests of their
own nations and peoples.

As known to the physicians, the Union of Myanmar, swimming with the
tide of international development, is making strenuous efforts day and night to be able to
keep abreast with other nations. As efforts have been made on self-reliance by keeping
national causes in the vanguard, human resources who are well,versed in modern
technologies and can use modern equipment have emerged in all sectors of the nation.
Therefore, all the national people are to continue to work hard in order to be able to
pace with the advancement in technologies, and physicians also need to see to it that
doctors of new generations are efficient in providing treatment, handling new medical
equipment and using new remedies. Although the State Peace and Development Council has
achieved success in striving for the development of thc nation and promoting national
interests with the participation of the entire national people, some big western nations
bent on dominating Myanmar are spreading false and fabricated news through broadcasting
stations under their sway and attempting to belittle the efforts of Myanmar.
They are attempting to mislead the international community into
thinking that in Myanmar, public health standard is very low and diseases are widespread
as a result of poor heath care services of the government Physicians and doctors including
those who are currently in foreign countries need to try to get the international
community to know efforts for improvement of public health standard of the people and the
development of Myanmar medical world, and to get friendly nations to be free from
misleading impressions. Physicians and non-governmental organizations from international
community who have a clear view and cherish the truth have come to recognize the efforts
of Myanmar govrnment for the improvement of the health sector and are cooperating with
Myanmar physicians in providing health care services and performing operations in Myanmar.
All need to cooperate with friendly nations and organizations all the more in order to
maintain these fine traditions. In conclusion, the Secretary-l said "May Myanmar
Medical Association be able to stand firmly and unitedly and to continue to serve the
interests of the nation and the people, and may all the physicians and doctors be able to
strive in unison for the improvement of Myanma medical science, health standard of the
people and efficiency of MMA.
Then, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein accepted medicines and
medical equipment worth US $ 5,000 donated by Yeeshin Company, supporting equipment for
developing medical science worth US $ 3,500 donated by Beximco Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd and
medicines and medical equipments worth US $ 2,500 donated Paediatrician U Htut Sine. Then,
the Secretary-l cordially greeted those who attended the conference. Later, Medical
Exhibition of the 47th Conference of Myanmar Medical Association (Central) was held at new
MMA(Mandalay) building, attended by Secretary-l.
First, Mayor of Mandalay Brig-Gen Yan Thein and Chairman of MMA
(Central) Professor Dr Myo Myint formally opened the Exhibition. Next, the Secretary-l and
party inspected round the booths. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
( 2 ) Secretary-2 visits Yangon
Trade Fair 2001 Myanmar

Yangon, 19 Jan- Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo visited Yangon Trade Fair 2001 Myanmar at Yangon Trade Centre on Upper
Pazundaung Street in Mingala Taungnyunt this evening. Accompanied by Vice-Chairman of
Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa, officials of the State Peace
and Development Council Office and departmental officials, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo
arrived at Yangon Trade Centre at 4.30 pm.

They were welcomed there by Director-General of Directorate of Trade U
Nyunt Aye,Director-General of Border Trade Department Col Nay Win,Managing Director of New
Grace Int'1 Exhibition Services Co Ltd U Kalow Larain and officials. Then, Secretary-2
Lt-Gen Tin Oo and party viewed the booths of the Trade Fair. The Trade Fair continues till
21 January from 9 am to 6 pm daily. Admission is free.
Chief of Staff (Army) attends rehearsal for closing and prize
presentation ceremony of Military Band Competition
YANGON, 19 Jan- The rehearsal of the closing and prize presentation
ceremony of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air)
Military Band Competition was held at the People's Square this morning.
Present were Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of Organizing Committee for Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Aavy
and Air) Military Band Competition Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff
(Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Chairman of Management Committee,for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of Organizing Committee of the Military Band
Competition Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chairman of the
Organizing Committee of the Military Band Competition Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung
Nyo, high-ranking military officers and officials. The competiting teams took part in the
rehearsal of the closing and prize presentation ceremony.
After the rehearsal programme, the Guard of Honour, bagpipe troupes and
school girls of the band troupe of Basic Education High School No 2 in Latha Township
demonstrated their skill.
( 3 ) Cash donated for building
Maha Teja Dhipati Pagoda in Mongpan
Yangon, 19 Jan- A ceremony to present cash for building of Maha Teja
Dhipati Pagoda, which is the replica of Shwedagon Pagoda and to be kept in Mongpan, Shan
State (South), was held at Tatmadaw Dhammayon on Arzani Street, Bahan Township, here, this

The ceremony was attended by Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nakaya
Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Myingyan
Koehsaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sobhita and member Sayadaws, Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Military Affairs Lt-Gen Tin Hla, deputy ministers, senior military officers
of Ministry of Defence and wellwishers. Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Kumara administered the Five Precepts.
The Deputy Prime Minister and senior military officers presented
offertories to Ovadacariya Sayadaws. The Deputy Prime Minister supplicated on building of
the pagoda. The donations totalled K 45.92 million and US$ 59,000 including K 10 million
each by U Soe Myint (Two Horses Co Ltd) and U Aik Lin (Great Nine Co); K 5 million by U
Maung Weik and Family Co; US$ 7,000 by Italian Thai Co Ltd; US$ 5,000 each by RM (Asia) H
K Ltd, MDX Group of Companies and Mitsubishi; US$ 4,000 by Marubeni Co; US$ 3,000 each by
Sumitomo, NKK Corporation, Mitsui & Co Ltd, Europ Continents, Nichimen Corporation,
Kawasaki (KHI) Corporation and Nissho Iwai Corporation; US$ 2500 each by Dr Terapol
Pruksathorn & family and Ms Sivathep Srilekha; US$ 2,000 by Pacific Star Co; US$ 1,500
by Daimaru Ltd; US$ 1,000 each by Ms Pormpan Thareechat, Komatsu & Pacific Pte Ltd and
UMW Corporation SDN, BHD; US$ 500 by Kinsho Corporation; K three million by Light
International Co Ltd; K two million by U Moe Zaw (Myanmar Tractor Trading Co); K one
million each by Mr Ry Tan (MD) Selonic Co Ltd, Mr Somchai (Mahasup Int'l Co) Thailand, U
Thein Tun (Myanmar Golden Star Ltd), U Maung Pyone (Winter Star Co), U Than Aung-Daw Yee
Yee Khin and family, Mr Derek Yang (Lite) Int's Co Ltd and others. The Magway Sayadaw
delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.

The donations for the pagoda to date have amounted to K 75,966,186 and
US$ 63,000. Those wishing to make donation may contact Leading Committee for building of
the Pagoda Deputy Quartermaster-General-1, office of Quartermaster-General (Ph 01-266617),
Managing Director of Myanmar Economic Corporation (Yangon) (01-248934) and Colonel General
Staff (Grade-1) Quartermaster, Eastern Command, Taunggyi, (081-21533).
( 4 ) Yangon
Command distributing farm produce at low prices
Yangon, 19 Jan - Member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected the farms of Yangon Command today. At No 1 Poultry Farm
in Insein, the commander heard a report on progress in raising chicks for meat at No 1 and
No 3 Poultry Farms, production of chicken, quail, pig and poultry farming, distribution of
chicks and future plans, presented by officials.
The commander said at a time when the government is striving to develop
the meat and fish sector with the aim of distributing vegetables, meat and fish to the
public at low prices, battalions and units under the command should contribute to the
task. Together with officials, the commander inspected No 1 Farm. During inspection of No
2 Farm in Hmawby Township, the commander heard a report on facts about the farm. The
commander spoke of the need to produce 20,000 eggs per day and to extend poultry farming.
Afterwards, the commander inspected the cattle farm of the local battalion under the
command, and left instructions.
( 5 ) Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and
Fisheries holds first annual general meeting

Yangon, 19 Jan - The first annual general meeting of Myanmar Academy of
Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fisheries took place at the International Business
Centre on Pyay Road this morning.
Present were Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin,
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for
Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint, Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun, Deputy
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for Electric Power U
Myo Myint, Chairman of Myanmar Academy of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fisheries U
Tin Hlaing, Vice-Chairman Dr Myint Thein and members, departmental officials and guests.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said that at
a time when all-round efforts are being made to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand tall
in the international community and to achieve development of national economy, scholars
and technicians who have a wide range of knowledge and rich experience have been organized
and respective academies formed. It is necessary to produce intellectuals and
intelligentsia of new generation who are outstanding and efficient, can use modern
technology effectively and can keep pace with advancements in technologies.
Therefore, the State has assigned duties to seasoned persons to take a
leadership role. Just natural resources and material development are not enough to build
the nation into a modern and developed one. Human resources of high quality and management
of these resources are of main consequence. So, it is necessary to apply high technology
and natural resources in combination with human resources of high quality. Myanmar economy
is based on agriculture, meat and fish and forest sectors and natural resources, so the
development of these sectors is intimately related to socio-economic development of the
people and development of the nation.
The agriculture, meat and fish and forestry sectors constitute 47% of
the gross national product and 40% of the total export value. So, the more these sectors
develop, the richer the nation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out research and
development programmes and human resources development programmes. Under Myanmar Academy
of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fisheries, there are the academy of agriculture,
the academy of forestry and the academy of livestock and fisheries. They are supposed to
branch out their work in order to ensure domestic sufficiency in food and earn foreign
The minister urged all to make best use of their experience, knowledge
and strong will in striving for the development of modern technology which is of primary
importance for economic development of the nation. Today being Knowledge Age, all are to
work in unity in striving to further broaden their horizons and to develop and disseminate
technology. Then, the ministers and the deputy ministers presented certificates of
acknowledgement to the vice-chairmen of the respective academies. Then, the ministers, the
deputy ministers and the scholars viewed the photos showing activities of the respective
academies. Afterwards, the annual general meeting was held in the morning and afternoon.
The meeting will continue tomorrow.
Rules for Armed Forces Day painting & sculpture competitions
YANGON, 19 Jan- The Painting and Sculpture Competitions Sub-Committee,
with Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt as chairman, under the Poetry and Art
Competitions Organizing Work Committee, today issued rules for painting and sculpture
competitions to be held in hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day.
The painting competition is categorized into six divisions pre-primary
school, primary school (kindergarten, first and second standards), primary school (third
and fourth standards), middle school (from fifth to eighth standards), high school (ninth
and tenth standards, technical and agricultural high schools) and open division. In
sculpture competition, there will be open division only in two genres-wood and plaster.
The entrants are to send their entries with the size of 15 by 20 inches to the pre-primary
and basic education levels art contest, together with two passport size photos.
The entrants of open level painting contest is to send the entry with
size of 20 by 30 inches with two passport size photos. The entries for all levels must be
own creation. The entry for sculpture contest should not be bigger than 36 inches in
height and 24 inches in circumference. The entries are to feature whatever theme the
entrant likes made of wood or plaster. The title of the entrant's choice can be given. The
entrant must inscribe his or her name, National Registration Card number, date of birth,
father's name, occupation, address at the bottom. All entries for painting and sculpture
competitions must feature the 12 national objectives, 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
objectives, the 12 fine traditions of the Tatmadaw. The entries for the painting and
sculpture competitions (open division) are to be sent to U Tin Maung Lwin, Head of Art
Department, University of Culture, not later than 5 March 2001 or Tatmadaw Convention
Centre on U Wisara Road from 1 to 5 March 2001. The entries for painting competition
(other divisions) are to be sent to U Thaung Shwe, Director of Education Planning and
Training Department, Six-Storey Complex Building, not later than 16 February 2001.
Minister inspects factories in Mayangon Township
Yangon, 19 Jan- Minister for Industry-l U Aung Thaung, accompanied by
Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win and officials, this morning
inspected production process of ceramics at No 1 Ceramics Factory of Myanma General and
Maintenance Industries on Thamaing Station Street in Mayangon Township and gave
instructions to officials. Afterwards, the minister presented K 10,000 to U Tha Hla Khine,
who are outstanding in performance.

The minister then inspected ceramics including various kinds of
household items. At the briefing hall, the minister met with officials and left
instructions on boosting production, preparatory work and policy of the ministry. Next,
the minister and party proceeded to No 2 Soap Factory of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries
and inspected functions and environs of the factory. At the briefing hall, the minister
gave instructions on boosting production, obtaining of raw materials, distribution of
finished products, security and prevention of fire hazards.
Inter-Ministry Archery Competitions held
Yangon, 19 Jan- The first Inter-Ministry Myanmar Archery Federation
President's Cup 2001 Archery Competitions were held at Myanmar Archery Training Pitch
(Kyaikkasan) this morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee
Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Member of Board of Patrons of Myanmar
Women's Sports Federation Patron of MAF Daw Khin Hla Hla, President of MAF Dr Khin Shwe
and executives, and sports enthusiasts.
A total of 46 archers from the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of
Home Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the Ministry of Sports and
Yangon City Development Committee are taking part in the competitions, which will continue
until 21 January.
Minister views security and communications equipment exhibition
YANGON, 19 Jan - The third coordinating meeting of Ministry of
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs for 2000;2001 was held at Communications and Postal
Training School this morning.
Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin
arrived at security and communications equipment exhibition sponsored by FISCA Security
and Electric Co Ltd at 9.30 am today and viewed the exhibition. Officials of FISCA
Security and Electric Co Ltd conducted the minister round the exhibition. The minister
viewed the equipment and left there.
Contract signed for production of gold
YANGON, 19 Jan - The No 2 Mining Enterprise of Ministry of Mines and
East Asia Gold Co Ltd signed a contract on production of gold in Wetthay Region in
Thabeikkyin Township, Mandalay Division, at Thiriyadana Hall of Minister's Office at 6.30
pm today.
Present were Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, members of Myanmar
Investment Commission, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Minister for Mines U
Myint Thein and heads of department. Managing Director of No 2 Mining Enterprise U Tin Win
and President of East Asia! Gold Co Mr John B Hite signed the agreement After the signing
ceremony, Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi and Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint presented permits to
( 6 ) Chief of Indian Naval Staff concludes
goodwill visit
Yangon, 19 Jan- Chief of Indian Naval Staff and Chairman of
Chiefs of Staff Committee of India Navy Admiral Sushil Kumar and wife and party,
accompanied by Commandant of Tanin-thayi Naval Region Command Headquarters Commodore Soe
Myint and wife, Defence Attache Col Shakti Gurung and officials, left here for Mandalay
Division yesterday morning.

They were welcomed there by Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye
Myint and wife Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint, the deputy commander of Central Command and wife and
departmental officials. The Indian delegation visited Myanansankyaw Shwenandaw and
Cultural Museum in Mandalay and Defence Services Academy in PyinOoLwin. Commandant of DSA
Brig-Gen Tin Oo extended greetings. Chief of India Navy Admiral Sushil Kumar and party
signed in the visitors' book. They proceeded to Defence Services Technological Institute
where Rector of the Institute Brig-Gen Win Myint extended greetings. The delegation
members signed in the visitors' books. The Indian delegation left PyinOoLwin for Mandalay.
They were welcomed at Mandalay International Airport by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and
wife, and they exchanged gifts.

Then Indian Navy Admiral Sushil Kaman and party left Mandalay for
Bagan-NyaungU by Tatmadaw flight. They were welcomed at Bagan-NyaungU airport by Chairman
of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and wife and senior
Tatmadaw officers. They visited Myanma Lacquerware Institute and Myanma Lacquerware museum
and U Ba Nyein's Lacquerware shop.

Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen
Thein Zaw and wife hosted dinner in honour of Chief of Indian Naval Staff and Chairman of
Chiefs of Staff Committee of India Navy Admiral Sushil Kumar, wife and party at Tatmadaw
Guest House. They exchange gifts. Chief of Indian Navy Admiral Sushil Kumar and party
visited Bagan Archaeological Museum and paid homage to Shwezigon Pagoda this morning.
They arrived back here at 10 am today. Chief of Indian Navy Admiral
Sushil Kumar and party left here by special flight after goodwill visist here this
morning. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
Rear-Admiral Kyi Min and wife Daw Aye Aye, senior Tatmadaw officers, Ambassador of India
Mr Shyam Saran and Defence Attache Col Shakti Gurung and their wives.
Chinese MiIiister tours Shan State, Mandalay Dinsion
YANGON, 19 Jan- Minister of Public Security of the People's Republic of China Mr Jia
Chun Wang and party together with Secretary of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, left here for Kengtung by Tatmadaw aircraft yesterday morning.
They met Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Thein Sein and
discussed matters related to bilateral cooperation on eradication of narcotic drugs and
bilateral friend ship at Mekong Yeiktha, Kengtung. The Minister and party visited
Thitdabin Mountain in Kengtung, the township Market and Maingzin pig breeding farm. They
then visited Mya Nan San Kyaw Shwe Nandaw and U Sein Myint Gold Embroidery Works in
Mandalay this morning. In the afternoon, they proceeded to Bagan Nyaung U and visited the
ancient pagodas in Bagan. They arrived back here in the evening.
( 7 ) Malaysian Minister concludes visit
YANGON, 19 Jan- Minister of Transport of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr
Ling Liong Sik and party left here for home by air this afternoon. They were seen off at
Yangon International Airport by Minster at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Malaysian
Ambassador Dato Mohamad Bin Noh and departmental officials.
Minister receives Thai guests
YANGON, 19 Jan- Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San received Chairman
of Conaid Asia Co Ltd (Thailand) Mr Robert M H Lee and party at his office on Bogyoke Aung
San Street this afternoon.
They discussed matters related to cooperation in economic sector. Also
present at the call were Director-General of Cooperatives Department Col Soe Win,
Director-General of Cottage Industries Department U Sein Than, Managing Director of
Cooperatives Exports and Imports Enterprise Daw Khin Swe Soe and officials of the
Minister receives Chinese Ambassador
Yangon, 19 Jan - Minister for Industry-l U Aung Thaung received
Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Mr Liang Dong who had completed his tour of
duty in Myanmar, at his office this morning. Also present at the call were Deputy
Ministers Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and managing
directors of departments and enterprises and officials.
( 8
) Mayor inspects agriculture and development tasks in Taikkyi
YANGON, 19 Jan- Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U
Ko Lay, together with officials, inspected agriculture and regional development tasks in
Taikkyi Township this morning. The mayor inspected construction of an 18-mile-long earth
road which stretches through Takhwa, Thayetchaung, Zeegon and Sabakhaing, Phalon.
At the basic education primary school in Zeegon Village, the mayor and
officials handed over K 300,000 donated to the fund of Thekkethaung Monastery, K 200,000
by Max Myanmar Co Ltd and five bags of rice by the agricultural and livestock breeding
supervisory committee.
The mayor also donated K 500,000 to the fund of reconstruction of the
primary school in Zeegon Village and Managing Director of Max Myanmar Co Ltd, K 100,000 to
the fund for acquiring uniforms of the teachers and pupils and a wall clock.
The mayor and officials then inspected agricultural work at Zeegon Agricultural Camp.
Tourists arrive on chartered flight, visit Bagan
Yangon, 1 9 Jan- A chartered flight, Ancient Crossroads 1-01 AC 1-01,
with 67 tourists on board, arrived at Yangon International Airport yesterday evening.
The flight left Damascus, Syria, for Yangon under the sponsorship of
Myanma Tourism Services of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Abercrombie & Kent A
& K (Myanmar) Co Ltd and TCS Expeditions Co of United States of America. They were
welcomed at the airport by officials. Divided into two groups, they visited Bagan by Air
Mandalay special flight and regular flight. They will tour Yangon on 20 January. The
chartered flight will leave here for Phnom Penh, Cambodia, at 10 am on 21 January.
Flower Fair continues
Yangon, 19 Jan- With a view to providing assistance for those who are
engaged in growing flowering plants, Flower Fair continued at Minigaladon Park today.
Various kinds of flowers were shown and seedlings of flowers were on sale at the fair.
Books on methods of growing flowers were also available there.
MGF President's Cup Golf Tourney continues
YANGON, 19 Jan- The President's Cup 2001 Golf Tourney continued at
Hanthawady Golf and Country Club in Bago for the second day today. The golf tourney was
held under the sponsorship of Myanmar Golf Federation, Myanmar Professional Golfer's
Association and Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd. Present at the tourney were MGF
executives, guests and golf enthusiasts.
After the second day 18hole play of professional golfers, Soe Kyaw
Naing was leading with 147 strokes, followed by Aung Win (YCDC) and Myint Thaung 147
strokes each, Myint Shwe (YCDC) 149 strokes and Win Naing Tun 151 strokes. In men's
amateur tourney, Zaw Zaw Latt was leading with 153 strokes, followed by Nanda Kyaw (YCDC)
and Aung Aung Kyaw 155 strokes each, Win Htway Hlaing and Zaw Zaw Win were at the fourth
position with 158 strokes each. Khin Thu Thu (YCDC) was leading with 81 strokes in women's
amateur tourney, followed by Kong Sun Young (Korea) 85 strokes and Park Si Wan (Korea) 88
strokes. The third day 18-hole play of professional golfers will continue tomorrow at the
same venue.
( 9
) Drug trafficker sentenced
YANGON, 19 Jan- The Falam District Court sentenced a marijuana
trafficker with 20 years' prison term on 22 December 2000. Acting on information, at 6.15
pm on 31 July 2000,1ocal intelligence unit members and policemen searched the house of
Bannaw in Ti-O Chaung Village, Falam Township and seized one kilo of marijuana kept in the
box. Action was taken against Bannaw, 32, son of U Chwum Hlaing, of Ti-O Chaung Village,
Falam Township, under Section 15/l9(A) of Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances