( 1 ) Chief of Staff (Army) attends Armed
Forces Day Military Band Competition
Yangon, 18 Jan- The 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Tenth Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition continued at the People's Square this
morning. Before the competition, the band comprising school girls of No 4 Basic Education
High School of Botahtaung Township demonstrated skill with marching songs. Then, Chairman
of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of
Organizing Committee for Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition
Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo presented prizes
to leader of the band Ma Thiri Zaw
Afterwards, bands representing No 2 Training Depot, Defence Services
Technological Institute, No 16 Operations Control Command, Defence Services (Army) Combat
Training School (Bayint-noun), No 15 Operations Control Command and No 6 Training Depot
took part in the competition. Also present were Chairman of the Organizing Committee of
the Military Band Competition Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, high-ranking
military officers, members of Board of Judges, guests, families of Tatmadawmen, members of
Myanmar Police Force, Red Cross Society, members of Seikkan Township Union Solidarity and
Development Association, teachers and students.
( 2 ) Transport matters discussed
between Myanmar and Malaysia
Yangon, 18 Jan- Myanmar and Malaysia held a discussion on transport
sector at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Transport at 4 pm today. Present were
Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw
Myint, Minister of Transport of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Ling Liong Siki, Ambassador of
Malaysia Dato Muhammad bin Noh and delegation members. They discussed matters pertaining
to transport sector between the two countries. The Malaysian Minister and party,
accompanied by officials, visited the Shwedagon Pagoda in the afternoon.
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin receives Pakistani guests
Yangon, 18 Jan-Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt
Tin received President of Pakistan-Myanmar Friendship Association Mrs Shirin Niazi and
party at his office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this afternoon. They discussed matters related
to bilateral cooperation. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Agriculture
and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung and officials concerned.
H & T Minister receives Pakistani economic delegation
Yangon, 18 Jan-Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin
received President of Pakistan-Myanmar Friendship Association Mrs Shirin Niazi and party
at his office this morning. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister for Hotels and
Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and officials and Counsellor of Pakistani Embassy Mr A U
Minister meets Pakistani delegation

Yangon, 18 Jan- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met President
of Pakistan-Myanmar Friendship Association Mrs Shirin Niazi and party at his office at 9
am today. The Minister also received Ambassador of People's Republic of China Mr Liang
Dong together with Economic and Commercial Counsellor Mr Jin Honggen at 11 am. Also
present at the call were Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Managing
Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung, Deputy Director-General of
Border Trade Department U Thein Lwin and officials.
( 3 ) Malaysian Transport
Minister arrives

Yangon, 18 Jan-Minister of Transport of Malaysia Dato Seri Dr Ling
Liong Sik and party arrived here by air this morning to visit Myanmar. They were welcomed
at Yangon International Airport by Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint,
Malaysian Ambassador Dato Mohammad bin Noh and officials. Minister for Transport Maj-Gen
Hla Myint Swe hosted a dinner in honour of the Malaysian Minister and party at Karaweik
Palace Hotel this evening.
Pakistani delegation visits UMFCCI
Yangon, 18 Jan- Pakistani delegation led by President of
Pakistan-Myanmar Friendship Association Mrs Shirin Niazi and Vice-Chairmen of Union of
Myanmar Federation Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Htain Win and U Win Aung and
General Secretary U Zaw Min Win and executives held discussions at the headquarters of
UMFCCI this afternoon. They discussed economic, trade, investment and private industry
sectors in the two countries.
( 4 ) Monks,
nuns, Buddhist devotees crowd Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 18 Jan- Members of the Sangha, novices, nuns, devout people and
tourists visited Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township today, where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha
Muni Image is kept for public obeisance. Engineers and workers of the Public Works carried
out construction works such as building of Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi, the southern and
northern stairway and the retaining wall. Stone sculptor U Taw Taw and sons and party
continued carving the Image. Myanmar handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and party and U Hla
Kyu and party were making handicrafts to be installed at Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and the
northern stairway. A Wut association led by U Tin Oo of Myittanyunt Ward, Tamway Township,
recited religious verses from 7 am to 8 pm today. Rector Sayadaw of the International
Theravada Buddhist Missionary University Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma
Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Dr Silananda Bhivamsa, accompanied by Director-General of Religious
Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint paid homage to the Image in the evening. Thirithudhamma
Jotadhara Thihathudhamma Manijotadhara U Kyaw Min of Pyay Road, Sangyoung Township,
donated K 99,999 to the funds of all-round development tasks of the Image. Book shops of
the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Information were opened at the hill.
Donations received from 5 August to date amounted to K 129,689,936.
Bhumi Phassa Mudra Marble Buddha Image kept for public obeisance
in Lashio, Kutkai, Muse
Yangon, 18 Jan- Bhumi Phassa Mudra Marble Buddha Image donated by the
Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Union of Myanmar to the Chinese Buddhist Association
of the People's Republic of China, was conveyed round in Lashio, Shan State (North), for
public obeisance and then to Kutkai on 15 January. Along the way from Lashio to Kutkai,
the people of the villages paid obeisance and made donations.
The Buddha image arrived at Hsenwi in the afternoon. After being kept
overnight at Kutkai for public obeisance, the Buddha image was consecrated on 16 January
morning. The consecration ceremony at Kutkai Town Development Hall was attended by
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Tactical Operations Commander Col Soe Yi,
Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of Sasana U Sann Lwin and
officials, among others. Sayadaws headed by Kutkai Zeyathukha TatU Kyaung Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Kavidhaja consecrated the Buddha image and invested the congregation with the
Nine Precepts. Minister U Aung Khin and officials offered robes and alms to the Sayadaws.
Then, the Buddha image was conveyed to Muse. In Muse, the Buddha image
was kept at the temporary Sankyaung in the compound of Shwe Nandaw Travel Centre for
public obeisance. The image was consecrated in Muse yesterday morning. It was kept for
public obeisance till this morning and conveyed to Shweli of the People's Republic of
( 5 ) Work under way to build Thandaung thriving hill station
Yangon, 18 Jan - A coordination meeting between Thandaung Hill Station
Construction Project Committee of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs and local entrepreneurs was held at the meeting hall of the
ministry today.
It was attended by Chairman of the Committee Minister for Progress of
Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Secretary of the
Committee Director-General of Development Affairs Department Col Myo Myint, local
entrepreneurs and officials. 
Minister Col Thein Nyunt said that people usually go on holiday on the
beaches and hill stations, and that Thandaung Hill Station, which lies in the southern
part of Myanmar, is being built like PyinOoLwin and Kalaw Hill Stations for
holiday-makers. It is convenient to go on holiday to Thandaung now, and on completion of
both the uphill and the downhill roads, which are now under construction, Thandaung can be
reached from Toungoo by car in one hour.
Due to its pleasant location and weather conditions, Thandaung used to
be a hill resort in the past. It is a good place for rest and recreation not only for
Myanmar people but also for tourists, and the government has granted the land use free and
will share the cost for services such as building roads and water and power supply. He
urged the local entrepreneurs to strive for building Thandaung to become a thriving hill
station. Director-General Col Myo Myint explained the progress of work in implementing
town development task and various conditions relating to emergence of a hill resort,
followed by a general round of discussions. The project to build Thandaung to become a
hill station covers the tasks of paving streets in town and construction of a department
store, cinema, market and gardens. Altogether 20 local companies are engaged in the
Minister inspects sea prawn breeding work
Yangon, 18 Jan-Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung
Maung Thein met with heads of Yangon Division Fisheries Department and Kayan Thongwa
Fisheries Department at the Office of Thongwa Township Fisheries Department and gave
necessary instructions. The minister and party proceeded to Paikhsi-Mayan Dam Construction
Project site and left instructions on formation of the breeding zones. Then, the minister
and party made a field inspection there. Next, the minister met with officials of the
companies, which are engaged in sea prawn breeding in Kyauktan Township and left
Minister visits central fire-fighting training school
Yangon, 18 Jan - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
Maj-Gen Sein Htwa visited the central fire-fighting training school at Zeebingyi,
PyinOoLwin Township, Mandalay Division, on 15 January. The minister inspected the
construction of the administration office building and the training tower and cultivation
of vegetables and perennial crops in the compound of the school. Next, the minister
observed the trainees doing the drill.
Yesterday morning, the minister inspected the poultry and pig farms of
the school. The minister also met with Principal of the training school Col Kyi Win, the
vice-principal and officials and discussed matters related to training, administration,
agriculture and livestock breeding. Next, the minister proceeded to Mandalay Division
Social Welfare Department and met with employees. Then, he inspected the nursery section,
the training school for girls and the women development centre and gave instructions on
the teaching of academic subjects and domestic science.
( 6 ) Office work efficiency promotion
course concludes
Yangon, 18 Jan - The concluding ceremony of the office work
efficiency promotion course No 1 was held in the meeting hall of the Ministry of Commerce
on Strand Road this morning with an address by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone.
Also present on the occasion were Director-General of the Directorate of Trade U Nyunt
Aye, Managing Director of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Min Hla Aung, departmental
officials and trainees.
The minister said that the efficiency of government employees is very
important to implement one of the economic objectives Ñ the initiative to shape the
national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and national people; the subject
focusing on 12 national objectives is one of the subjects taught at the course during the
period of six weeks, and so the trainees have understood the essence of national spirit,
basic qualities needed for promotion of efficiency and the duties to be discharged by
every citizen for the development of the State; the accounts section is of great
importance for a department; funds are to be used in accord with rules and regulations;
matters related to maintenance of discipline and office work have been taught at the
course. In conclusion, the minister urged the trainees to systematically work in the
interests of their departments and the State. Then, the minister presented first, second
and third prizes to outstanding trainees. Altogether 60 trainees attended the six-week
Minister inspects social welfare work in Mandalay
Yangon, 18 Jan-Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
Maj-Gen Sein Htwa arrived at office of Head of Mandalay Division Social Welfare Department
and discussed work being done with the head and principals and officials of the training
centres. Then, the minister gave instructions. The minister together with officials went
to Day Nursery and Women Development Centre in Mandalay Township and left specific
instructions on shelter and food, health, education and studies of vocation of the
Minister for I & P inspects departmental work
Yangon, 18 Jan - Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw Tun,
together with Deputy Minister U Maung Aung and officials, inspected the functions of the
departure form issuing section on the ground floor of Immigration and National
Registration Department on Pansodan Street this morning. The minister urged officials to
discharge their duties correctly, systematically and speedily and to keep the office clean
and tidy. Then, the minister inspected the service personal affairs record section on the
first floor, and had a cordial meeting with the employees. Next, the minister inspected
the computer section of the department on 37th Street, and met with deputy directors and
officials in the meeting hall of the department.
( 7 ) Commander attends opening of GAD office building in
Yangon, 18 Jan- The opening ceremony of the new office building
of Aungmyay-thazan Township General Administration Department was held in front of the
office on Strand Road in Aungmyay-thazan Township on 16 January morning. Present were
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command
Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Chairman of Mandalay City
Development Committee Brig-Gen Yan Thein, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay
Win, senior Tatmadaw officers, the secretary of Division Peace and Development Council,
departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Fire
Brigade, Red Cross Society, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and working committee
for women's affairs, service personnel of Township GAD, local residents and guests.
Township GAD Officer U Aye Kyu explained the construction of the office
building. Then, Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and Minister Col Tin Hlaing formally opened the
office building. The commander, the minister and party inspected the building. The
Commander, together with Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein
Htwa, attended the opening ceremony of the children all-round development centre of
Pre-Primary School No 1 under Social Welfare Department in Chanayethazan Township.
Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and party
inspected the centre. Then, Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa made a speech. Minister Maj-Gen
Sein Htwa and the headmistress accepted K 461,300 donated to the fund of the centre by
well-wishers K 100,000 by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
and K 199,500 by old students. The commander, the minister and party attended the opening
ceremony of multi-training centre of Mandalay School for the Deaf and Dumb in Chanmyathazi
Township. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint made a speech. The president of Kyoshin Co Ltd handed
over related documents to Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa. Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa spoke
words of thanks and presented gifts to the wellwisher.
Commander inspects Winphan Dam Project
Yangon, 18 Jan - Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council
Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit Maung inspected Winphan Dam
Project in Mudon Township, on 14 January morning. Accompanied by officials, the commander
looked into the requirements in construction of a sluice gate, a diversion canal and a
conduit. The commander and party then inspected paving of Thanbyuzayat-Ye motorway. In the
afternoon, the commander and party presented cash assistance to warded patients at Lamain
Station Hospital. The commander attended to the requirements put forward by officials of
Maternal and Child Welfare Association. At Sanpya Village in Ye Township, the commander
met local authorities and local elders and discussed development of health and education.
The commander then inspected paving of Thanbyuzayat-Ye motorway near Ye and a 16-bed
station hospital at Kyaung Ywa village. At the Kyaung Ywa Village Peace and Development
Council Office, the commander met local authorities and local elders. Discussions were
centred on development of regional health, education and transport sectors.
( 8
) Cash donated to Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association
Yangon, 18 Jan-A ceremony to present cash to the funds of Myanmar
Writers and Journalists Association was held at the meeting hall of MWJA, Sarpay Beikman
Building, No 529, Merchant Street, this afternoon. It was attended by Chairman of MWJA U
Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and CEC members, wellwisher U Maung Maung Oo (Hein Latt), Chief
Editor of Popular Journal, and members. U Maung Maung Oo (Hein Latt) presented K 100,000
towards the funds founded to provide ailing writers through Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko
Hsaung) who presented a certificate of honour to the wellwisher. A total of K 2.66 million
has been provided to 203 ailing writers up to December 2000. Those wishing to make cash
donations May dial 252417.
( 9
Press conference on London Myanmar Open Golf Tourney held
Yangon, 18 Jan- The London Myanmar Open Golf Tournament will be held
from 8 to 11 February 2001 at Yangon Golf Course, Danyingon, here, under the sponsorship
of Asian Professional Golfers Association (APGA) and Myanmar Professional Golfers
Association (MPGA) with Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd as the major supporter.
A press conference on the London Myanmar Open Golf Tournament was held
at Ruby Room of Renaissance Inya Lake Hotel here at 2 pm yesterday. Present on the
occasion were Myanmar Golf Federation President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, Vice-President U Chit
Khaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi and Executive Committee members, News and Periodicals
Enterprise Director (News) U Hla Tun, Directors of the Sports and Physical Education
Department, journalists from Foreign Correspondents Club, officials of the News and
Periodicals Enterprise, Managing Director Mr Arend Ng and members of board of directors
from Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, Secretary U Chan Han and Executive Committee
members of MPGA and guests.
First, President of Myanmar Golf Federation Brig-Gen Win Hlaing
delivered a welcoming address. He said the event would be played from 8 to 11 February
2001 and as in the previous years. All could expect a strong international field, and last
year's winner Jamie Kingston's fantastic score of 19 under par would be bettered. He said
the golfing public will surely be treated to an exciting four days of championship golf,
adding they are hoping for a Myanmar win with the top two international stars Kyi Hla Han
and Zaw Moe coming back. Next, Managing Director Mr Arend Ng of Rothmans of Pall Mall
Myanmar Pte Ltd, APGA Tournament Director Mr David Parkin and MPGA Secretary U Chan Han
explained matters on the Myanmar Open (APGA) golf tournament due to be held from 8 to 11
February 2001. Mr Arend Ng said, " We are truly delighted to be associated with one
of Asia's most revered national opens and we strongly believe that the London Myanmar open
acts as a catalyst for the growth of golf in Myanmar. As part of our strategy, Rothmans of
Pall Mall Myanmar have also launched the Myanmar London Golf Tour in 1998 and I'm pleased
to note that it has been very successful to date." He said he was extremely pleased
to welcome back Myanmar's golfing legend, Kyi Hla Han, whose participation will surely add
to the popularity of golf in Myanmar.
Next, Mr David Parkin said: Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar, the Myanmar
PGA and the Asian PGA, all three parties have backed the event so enthusiastically that
the success of the event would not be possible without their presence. The London Myanmar
Open has evolved so magnificently through the years and has now become what is truly a
much-anticipated tournament for our professional golfers. Players are always eager to play
in Myanmar as there is so much to offer here. Over the past few years, we have been given
some great memories of the event with frantic finishes to decide the winner. Asian PGA
history was also made in Myanmar when in 1996.
Thailand's Boonchu Ruangkit back-to-back victories to become the first
ever player to successfully defend a title on our circuit. Last year South African James
Kingston won by a massive 10 shots which was the second biggest margin of victory in the
six year's of the Asian PGA tour and he will be here this year to defend his title."
Then, questions raised by journalists were replied by officials concerned after which the
press conference came to a close. The golf tournament will give away prizes worth 200,000
US dollars including 32,300 US dollars as the first prize, 22260 US dollars as the second
prize and 12,400 US dollars as the third prize.
Commander attends opening of MGF President's Cup Golf Tournament
Yangon, 18 Jan-A ceremony to open the Myanmar Golf Federation
President's Cup Golf Tournament 2001, co-organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar
Professional Golfers' Association and sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd,
was held at Hanthawaddy Golf and Country Club in Bago Division this morning, attended by
member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Southern Command Maj-Gen Tin Aye.
Among the spectators were President of Myanmar Golf Federation Brig-Gen
Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Kyi and executives, officials from Rothmans of Pall
Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, invited guests and golfers. The golfers took position at No 1 Tee
and Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and Corporate Affairs
Manager U Myint Thein of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd formally opened the
tournament and the first-day 18-hole play was started. After the first round, Myint Thaung
is leading in the professional golfers level with 69 strokes (three under par).
The runner-up is Myint Shwe with 72, and Aung Win, Aung Zaw Moe and Soe Kyaw Naing tie
at the third place with 73 each. In the amateur level, Zaw Zaw Latt and Kyaw Swa Lin share
the first place with 75 strokes each. The runners-up are Aung Aung Kyaw and Aung San Win
with 77 each, and Soe Lin Aung and Soe Paing Win stand in the third place with 78 each.
The official co-sponsors of the golf tournament are Tiger Beer, Yangon Airways, Canon,
Star Cola (MGS Beverages), Wilson, Callaway (Pan-West), Precept (Eastern Pro), Srixon (K M
Golf Centre), Ping (Pan-Dagon) and Champion Golf Shop, and Han Golf Masters organized the
tournament. The second round of the tournament continues tomorrow morning.
Victorious Tatmadaw volleyball team honoured
Yangon, 18 Jan-A ceremony to honour Defence Services men's volleyball
team that won championship cup in the year 2000 National Championship Volleyball
Tournament, was held at the meeting hall of Defence Services Records Office at noon today.
It was attended by Vice-Chairman of Defence Services Sports and Physical Education
Committee Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chairman of Tatmadaw Volleyball
Committee No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint and members, officials and
invited guests. Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Brig-Gen Myo Myint made speeches. Tatmadaw
volleyball team Manager Capt Min Zaw recounted experiences. The team manager presented
championship cup to Brig-Gen Myo Myint. Then, Tatmadaw Sports and Physical Education
Committee presented K 30,000 and Tatmadaw Volleyball Committee K 30,000 to the victorious
volleyball team.