( 1 ) Restoration of peace results in
strengthening of Union Spirit in Myanmar
Yangon, 15 Jan-The opening ceremony of Course on Diplomatic Skills for
Senior Officials 2/2001 conducted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs was held at Winzinminyaza
Hall of Shin Ditha Pamaukkha Building of the ministry this morning, attended by
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present were ministers, the Auditor-General, deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, Myanmar Ambassadors,
directors-general and officials of departments under the ministry, course instructors and
The Secretary-1 made a speech. He said:
As the world enters the 21st century, the state of international
relations is characterized by increased interaction and interdependence between the
nations of the world due to rapid pace of the process of globalization.
Moreover, it also coincides with the period where Myanmar's
participation in international affairs is widening and deepening. In view of these
developments, it becomes essential for responsible officials from government ministries to
have a better understanding and knowledge of current international trends and diplomatic
Accordingly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was tasked to organize
courses for government officials and the first Course in Diplomatic Skills for Senior
Officials was held successfully last September in accordance with the guidance of the
leaders. The course served to further enhance the knowledge and abilities of the Senior
Officials and was therefore considered to be of great benefit to the nation. It is my
understanding that taking into consideration the experience and lessons learned from the
first Course, efforts have been undertaken to make the present Course 2/2001 more
comprehensive and I wish to thank Minister U Win Aung and other responsible officials as
well as the lecturers and professors who have devoted their time and energy to ensure the
fulfillment of the objectives and guidelines of the Course.
At the same time, since it is necessary to understand the true
situation in the country, I would like to take the opportunity to present a brief overview
of the conditions in the nation as well as our policy orientation. As you all are aware,
the Government is working night and day to reach the national objective of becoming a
peaceful, prosperous, modern and developed State. Due to determined and selfless
endeavours of the Government, the nation is now on the right path to reach this national
goal which also represents the aspiration of the entire people.
As there cannot be any progress if there is no peace and stability, the
government's first priority is to bring peace, stability, law and order to the country.
Due to the bold policy and initiatives on the part of the Government, the problem of
insurgency that emerged with the regaining of independence is now almost resolved and only
one group, the KNU group, operating out of the border region with a neighboring
country remains outside the legal fold. Our profound hope for all the national brethren to
work together in building a a modern nd developed state and we sincerely hope that the
KNU, as was the case with the other 17 armed groups, would be able to join hands with us
in not too distant future. On our part, we have always kept the door for peace open to all
armed groups. The restoration of peace has also resulted in strengthening of the Union
Spirit in the country, especially among the national races.
In other words, these positive political developments underline the
growing favourable prospects for lasting national unity and national resilience. Although
the western media continues to write about the so-called political instability and
political impasse in Myanmar, the actual situation in the country is very much contrary to
these allegations as it is obvious to everyone that the nations is enjoying peace and
progress as never before and that strengthening of national reconsolidation has laid down
solid foundations for enduring peace and stability in the country. In keeping with our
belief in the inter-relationship between politics and economics of a nation, we hold that
even as political stability is essential for economic development, economic progress can
guarantee lasting peace and tranquility.
Therefore, even as the Government places priority on peace and national
reconsolidation, it is simultaneously endeavouring to achieve economic development and
progress. Today, despite the fact that the nation received practically no development
assistance from abroad, the Government has been able to impart momentum to the economy by
adopting correct economic politics and by combining the strength of the Government, people
and the Armed Forces. Consequently, in 1992-93 to 1995-96 Short-term Four Year Plan; the
economy grew by an avg. 7.5% growth per annum. Similarly, the first four years of the
current 1996-97 to 2000-2001 Five Year Plan saw an average 7.2 per cent annual growth
compared to the Plan target of 6 percent annual growth. In fact, the momentum of the
economy helped to mitigate the most severe negative impacts of the recent Southeast Asia
financial and economic crisis.
Although destructionists elements within and without the country as
well as nations and organizations holding negative views are spreading false impressions
about the economy, the truth of the matter is that the standards of living and the quality
of life of the people are improving day by day and anybody visiting Myanmar can see that
the political and economic picture painted in between media does not reflect the true
situation. similarly, in the social sphere, significant strides have been attained in
raising the morals, morality and patriotic spirit among the people while success is also
being achieved in education and health fields. In accordance with the guidance given by
our leader Senior General Than Shwe, a special four-year education plan is being
implemented to raise the level of education to be on par with other ASEAN nations and we
are confident that this goal will be reached in prescribed time.
Myanmar is renown for its rich natural resources but we believe that
the greatest asset is its human resources which will surely be the prime mover for
national development. Similarly, advancement in medical field meant not only the
availability of modern up-to-date health facilities but also the narrowing of the health
care level between urban areas and the countryside. One significant feature during the
years of Tatmadaw Government is the dramatic availability and improvement of health and
education facilities even to remote corners of the country due to the prevalence of peace
and stability as well as tremendous infrastructure improvement. In implementing these
national construction endeavors, a peaceful and friendly international environment is also
necessary and Myanmar ahs greatly expanded its participation in international activities
in recent years. Indeed, nearly 300 delegations are being dispatched each year to
participate in regional and international conferences to further the national interests of
Even as we look forward to joining hands with all the forces in the
nation in the march towards the national goal to become a peaceful, prsperious, modern and
developed state, it is our earnest desire to establish friendly ties and mutually
beneficial cooperation with all the nations of the world. Allow me to reiterate that
Myanmar will never be a threat to any country nor will it permit its territory to be used
against any nation. As for those nations that have pessimistic and narrow-minded views on
Myanmar, I wish to say that they should try to have a better understanding of the
objective conditions and challenges of the country and that it is time to give up pressure
tactics and sanctions if they wish to see the emergence of peaceful, modern and democratic
state in Myanmar.
It is now generally accepted by most observers that these tactics have
not worked and can be counter-productive since it could hinder the very process of
democratization in Myanmar. Presently, the nation is beginning to achieve sound political,
economic, social and administrative foundations and it is most important that these
nations, even if there are not in a position to assist us, not to impede the progress
being made. Actions that can have a detrimental effect on the march towards the goal we
all desire would only result in delays.
I wish to reiterate that Myanmar would like to develop cordial
relations and cooperation in as many fields as possible with all nations of the world.
Myanmar foreign relations in the 21st century is expected to be more extensive than ever
before. Consequently, not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself but also other
Ministries from various sectors will be much more involved in internationally-related
matters. Therefore, there is a need for the trainees who are attending this Course in
Diplomatic Skills for Senior Officials (2/2001) to strive for the success of this training
course, and also a need to put into practical use the knowledge and experience gained from
this course for the benefit of our country.
In conclusion, I would like to offer my best wishes for the full
realization of the objectives of the training course and; may all the trainees attending
the course become personnel who are outstanding in the discharge of their duties in the
service of our nation and people. Then, the ceremony came to an end. After the ceremony
the Secretary-1 cordially greeted course instructors and trainees. Altogether 36 trainees
are attending the 10-week course.
( 2 ) Chinese Embassy donates
two-storey school building
Yangon, 15 Jan - A ceremony to hand over a new two-storey building of
No 2 Basic Education Primary School, Yankin Township, Yangon East District, to the
Ministry of Education was held at the school this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar
Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt. The new building was donated by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in
commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-Myanmar diplomatic
Also present on the occasion were the ministers, the deputy ministers,
the vice-mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, Ambassador of
PRC Mr Liang Dong and embassy staff, directors-general and chairmen of departments and
boards under the Ministry of Education, the township education officer, the headmaster and
teachers, the band troupe and the pompom troupe of pupils of No 2 Basic Education High
School of Yankin and guests.
At first, the opening of the new school building was held in front of
the school. Minister for Education U Than Aung and Ambassador Mr Liang Dong formally
opened the new two-storey building of the school. The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the
Then, the Secretary-1, the ministers, the Ambassador of PRC and embassy
staff and guests inspected the two-storey school building. Afterwards, a ceremony to hand
over the school building to the Ministry of Education was held in the assembly hall of the
school. Ambassador Mr Liang Dong said:
We have just bid farewell to the 20th Century and usher in the new
millennium. At this auspicious time, we have the pleasure to hold here the hand-over
ceremony of the friendship school donated by the Chinese Embassy to the Ministry of
Education of Myanmar, and I am quite pleased and honoured that we could have with us the
presence of Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and U Than Aung and all of you on this occasion. Presently,
science and technology revolution represented by the formation technology (IT) has brought
mankind into a new era of knowledge-based economy and economic globalization.
How to keep up with the vibrant steps of the development of the time is
a big and tight challenge faced by all nations, particularly by the massive developing
countries. It is evident that nowadays when information and technology develop in a high
speed, the competition among countries is the competition of knowledge and talents in the
long run. To this end, only when we develop more high-quality talents for the nation, can
we face the challenge in an easy manner and follow the pace of time.
The education circles of China and Myanmar have maintained good
communication and cooperation. Especially in recent years, with the joint efforts of both
governments, the exchanges between the education departments of our two countries were
steadily increased and their friendly cooperation were continuously consolidated and
This time, the Chinese Embassy donating the teaching building of the
Yankin No 2 Basic School, indicates a good beginning for the friendly cooperation between
our two countries in the field of education in the new century. I hope this school, which
contains the profound feelings of the Chinese people towards the Myanmar Paukphaws, will
foster generations and generations of successors to carry forward the great cause of
Sino-Myanmar friendship. During the construction of this friendship school, we have
received strong support and kind assistance from the Myanmar Education Ministry, Yangon
municipal government and other departments concerned.
The contractor of this project, Sichuan Railway International Economic
& Technical Cooperation Co Ltd also did a lot of elaborate and conscientious work in
designing and construction. Here I wish also extend my heart-felt thanks to all of them.
At last, I wish the Myanmar education undertaking will be even more prosperous, the
Sino-Myanmar friendship will be ceaseless like the water-flow in the Ayeyawady River, and
may the Sino-Myanmar friendly cooperative relations be steadily consolidated and developed
in the new millennium.
Then, Minister for Education U Than Aung said that in a bid to
implement one of the social objectives calling for uplift of health, fitness and standard
of education of the entire national people, education promotion programmes have been
launched, and efforts are also being made for the emergence of students who are
outstanding in all sectors. At the same time, to ensure that school-age children acquire
basic education and that 80 per cent of these children complete primary education, formal
education programmes have been set into motion.
Education promotion programmes designed to raise the standard of
education up to international level are also being implemented, and now the phase III of
the programmes has been launched. Students, parents and members of the school board of
trustees have had an active part in implementing every phase of the programmes. In
conclusion, the minister spoke words of thanks. Ambassador Mr Liang Dong handed over
related documents to Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung. Afterwards,
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung presented gifts to Ambassador Mr Liang Dong,
Project Manager of Sichuan Railway International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co Ltd
Mr Liu Dong and party.
Then, the Secretary-1 expressed his thanks to the ambassador of PRC and
embassy families. Afterwards, he said that Myanmar and the People's Republic of China
share a long border and both have maintained friendly ties of relationship. Leaders of
both nations have upheld the five principles of peaceful co-existence. Furthermore,
leaders of both nations have exchanged goodwill visits and cooperated in the political,
economic and social sectors. Both nations have also cooperated in the international
affairs. Therefore, the relations between two nations have been regarded not as those of
neighbouring nations but as Paukphaw relations, and efforts are always being made to
provide mutual assistance and encouragement.
The donation of the new school building in commemoration of the 50th
anniversary of the establishment of China-Myanmar diplomatic relations, is living proof of
long-lasting friendship between the two nations. The People's Republic of China has been
providing assistance for the agriculture, economic and transport sectors, and now it has
come to make donations in the education field. This manifests diligence and efforts of the
ambassador of PRC and embassy families and the long-lasting friendship between the two
As of today, in the bilateral relations, a new sector the education
sector has been opened, and it is believed that in future, cooperation in the education
sector will further improve. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 said May friendly ties of
relationship between Myanmar and China be long-last and further strong, may cooperation of
the two nations further improve, and may leaders of the PRC be able to serve the interests
of the nation all the more.
The cornerstone-laying ceremony for the construction of the two-storey
school building was held on 26 June 2000. The new school building, measuring 191 feet by
25 feet, is of reinforced concrete type. The building comprises six rooms, 32 feet by 25
feet, including the office of the headmaster and the altar room on the ground floor and
six rooms, 32 feet by 25 feet, and one five-foot-wide corridor on the first floor. The
building and furniture cost U$$ 150,000.
( 3 ) Privatization Commission
holds 1/2001 meeting
Yangon, 15 Jan-The 1/2001 meeting of Privatization Commission was held
at the meeting hall of the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) of the Ministry of
Defence this evening, attended by Chairman of Privatization Commission Secretary-1 of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present were the ministers,
the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the deputy ministers, officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments and guests. Those present
approved the minutes of the 2/2000 meeting of the commission. Director-General of Project
Appraisal and Progress Reporting Department U Tin Hlaing reported on work done for
resolutions of 1/2000 meeting of the commission. The Secretary-1 and members of the
commission took part in the discussions for approval. Those present reported on
privatization and the Secretary-1 gave suggestions.
Myanmar to host BIMST-EC meeting
Yangon, 15 Jan - A meeting to coordinate hosting of the second meeting
of BIMST-EC trade ministers and the third meeting of BIMST-EC senior officials was held
this afternoon at Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), with an address by Secretary-1
of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present at the meeting were the ministers, the deputy ministers,
heads of department and guests. Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said Myanmar
will host this year's BIMST-EC meeting. First, the senior officials meeting will be held,
followed by the ministers meeting. As Myanmar is a member of BIMST-EC as well as ASEAN, it
has the situation to link the two bodies. The work committee and the respective
subcommittees should be formed to successfully host the BIMST-EC meetings. Minister at
State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel reported to the
meeting on formation of the committees and tasks to host the meetings. Officials of the
subcommittees then explained tasks sector wise. The meeting ended with concluding remarks
by the Secretary-1.
( 4 ) The
56th Armed Forces Day Anniversary Band Competition continues
Yangon, 15 Jan-The 56th Armed Forces Day Anniversary Tenth Tatmadaw
(Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition continued at the People's Square this
morning. Before the competition, the band comprising school girls of No 3 Basic Education
High School of Mingala Taungnyunt Township demonstrated skill with military and marching
songs. Then, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Military Band Competition
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, presented prizes to leader of the band Naw
Thiri. Afterwards, five bands took part in competition playing marching songs today. Also
present on the occasion were high-ranking military officers, members of Board of Judges,
families of Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Brigades, Red Cross and
Union Solidarity and Development Association, students, teachers and guests.
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image Information and
Documentation Committee meets
Yangon 15 Jan-The Information and Documentation Committee for Emergence
of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image held a meeting at Myamna Radio and Television
this evening with an address by Chairman of the Committee Deputy Minister for Information
Brig-Gen Aung Thein.
Also present were members of the committee, historians, officials and
guests. Speaking on the occasion, the deputy minister said the remaining tasks of the
committee should be presented and discussed at the meeting. Ways and means should be
sought to solve difficulties if there is any. Documentation tasks should continue till the
consecration of the Image.
Committee member U Tun Lin Aung reported on accomplishments and the
remaining tasks of the committee. Officials of MRTV, Information and Public Relations
Department, News and Periodicals Enterprise, Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise, Myawady
Literature House, Religious Affairs Department and International Theravada Buddhist
Missionary University took part in the discussions.
( 5 ) Minister inspects factories in Bago Division
Yangon, 15 Jan - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspected
production process at No 2 Paper Mill in Yeni, Bago Division, yesterday. He then inspected
plans to build a 50-ton pulp factory, a 50-ton newsprint factory and a 90-ton chemical
factory. In the afternoon, the minister inspected Zeyawady Distillery and DaikU powdered
glue factory. In the evening, he met with staff of the glue factory and urged them to make
arrangements to boost glucose production. He then presented bonus to the staff for the
outstanding efforts in producing glucose. In Bago, the minister inspected the Winthuza
Shop. This morning, the minister attended opening of the Boiler Technicians Course No 6 in
Mayangon, Yangon Division. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Ministers for
Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun and Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, heads of department, course
instructors and trainees. The minister gave a speech.
( 6 ) All-round renovation of
Alodawpauk Pagoda in Innlay discussed
Yangon, 15 Jan-Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Chairman
of Work Committee Minister for Rail Transporation U Pan Aung and member Deputy Minister
for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and experts inspected all-round renovation of
Alodawpauk Pagoda in Innlay region, construction of Dhammayon and renovation of the pagoda
platform. On the pagoda platform a coordination meeting was held. Commander Maj-Gen Maung
Bo and Minister U Pan Aung spoke on the occasion. Tasks to be done were discussed at the
meeting. The minister and party paid obeisance to Buddha images at historic Mwaydaw Ketku
Pagoda in Taunggyi Township and gave instructions.
Monks, Buddhist devotees, tourists throng Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 15 Jan - Monks, devout people and tourists visited Mindhamma
Hill in Insein Township today. Engineers and workers of the Public Works carried out
construction works such as installation of Lattice Girders on the upper structure of
Gandakuti Kyaung-dawgyi, construction of southern and northern stairways and the retaining
wall. Myanmar handicraft technician U Ohn Tin and party and U Hla Kyu and party were
making handicrafts to be installed at Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi and the northern stairways.
Wut associations recited religious verses from 7 am to 10 pm daily. Book shops of the
Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Information were selling various kinds
of books on the hill. Donations received from 5 August to date amounted to K 128,561,497.
Five pagodas rebuilt by YCDC consecrated
Yangon, 15 Jan-A ceremony to consecrate five pagodas in Bagan
reconstructed by Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay and
wife Daw Khin Khin and YCDC staff was held at the mandats in the pavilions of the pagodas
in Bagan this morning. The reconstructed pagodas are Pagoda No 1056, 1120, 464, 1704 and
1725. Present were Minister for Culture U Win Sein, Mayor U Ko Lay and wife Daw Khin Khin,
Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, member of
YCDC Col Tin Soe and wife, heads of departments of YCDC, Chairman of District Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Khin Maung Oo and local authorities. Members of the Sangha
consecrated the pagodas. Mayor U Ko Lay and wife Daw Khin Khin and YCDC staff took the
Five Precepts from Thatbyinnyu Kyaung Sayadaw Bhaddanta Naninda. Members of the Sangha
recited parittas. Minister U Win Sein, Mayor U Ko Lay and service personnel presented
offertories to members of the Sangha.
Restoration of ancient inspected
Yangon, 15 Jan-Minister for Culture U Win Sein, Director-General of
Department of Archaeology U Nyunt Han, Rector of Mandalay University of Culture U San Win
and officials inspected restoration of ancient pagodas in Bagan on yesterday morning. The
minister inspected cave pagoda No 759/ka, 722/ka and 722/kha, Pagoda No 1725, 1206/ka,
1206/kha and 2631/ka and 2631/kha and gave instructions. He went to excavation site of
King Pyinpyas Palace and gave instructions on preservation and research work.
( 7 ) National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Development of Plan of
Action on Health and Environment held
Yangon, 15 Jan-The National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Development
of Plan of Action on Health and Environment was held at the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda
Road this morning. Present on the occasion were Minister for Health Maj -Gen Ket Sein,
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and
Child Welfare Association Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Vice Chairperson of Myanmar National
Working Committee for Women's Affairs Professor
Daw May May Yi, directors-general of departments under the Ministry of
Health, directors-general and managing directors of related departments, representatives
of UN agencies, NGOs and experts. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein said the Government has laid
down the political, economic and social objectives for national development in which
health assumes an important role. Under the leadership of the State Peace and Development
Council, health and development pro grammes especially in the under-served rural areas and
border areas have been made possible in harmony with the sound economic policies and
extensive development of infrastructure.
He said these programmes are being implemented under the guidance of
the National Health Committee.The National Health Plan (1996-2000) consists of six
programmes and Environmental Health Programme is one of them. Now, the NHP (1996-2001) has
been implemented, he added.
Based on the "Framework for Health and Environment Action
Plan", an outcome of a Regional Consultative Meeting of WHO South-East Asia Region
held in October 1997 in Maldives, the key environmental health issues such as water,
sanitation and water resources, clean air, food safety, solid and hazardous waste disposal
and safe use of chemicals and occupational safety would be discussed at the seminar, the
minister added. These are working plans designed to contribute toward the building of
modern developed nation.
He urged NGOs to draft working plans with the assistance of the State
and cooperation of the people. Next, WHO Resident Representative to Myanmar Dr Agostino
Borra spoke on the occasion. The participants took part in the discussions on environment
and health in Myanmar. The seminar ended in the evening. The seminar continues till 17
( 8
) Information Minister attends conclusion of basic printing course
YANGON, 15 Jan-The concluding ceremony of Basic Printing Course No
2/2000 was held at the hall of GTC printing factory in Aung San, Insein Township this
morning, with an address by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung.
It was also attended by Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung
Thein, Director-General of Myanma Radio and Television U Khin Maung Htay, Director-General
of Information and Public Relations Department U Chit Naing, Managing Director of Printing
and-Publishing Enterprise Col Myint Thein, Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture
Enterprise U Bo Kyi, Adviser at the. Ministry U Kyi Lwin,Adviser U Kyaw Hsan, General
Manager of Printing and Publishing Enterprise Lt-Col Thet Soe, Director (News) of News and
Periodicals Enterprise U Hla Tun, Head of Office of the Ministry Capt Soe Aung and
officials, course instructors and trainees. The minister delivered a speech. Then,
Managing Director Col Myint Thein presented certificates to the trainees and the ceremony
came to an end. Altogether 31 trainees 21 from Information and Publish Relations
Department and 10 from News and Periodicals Enterprise, attended the eight-week course.
The minister also inspected the GTC printing factory.
Exchange Visit Programme of ASEAN Agricultural Cooperatives and
Farmers Organizations begins
YANGON, 15 Jan - A ceremony to open Exchange Visit Programme between
ASEAN Agricultural Cooperatives and Farmers Agricultural was held at the Sedona Hotel in
Mandalay this morning.
Present on the occasion were Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Minister for
Cooperatives U Aung San, senior military officers, Chairman of Mandalay City Development
Committee Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein, members of Mandalay Division Peace and
Development Council, delegates of Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Thailand and Myanmar, officials of the Ministry of Cooperatives and the Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation, principals of cooperative colleges and guests.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister explained salient points on
Myanmar's cooperative sector, saying cooperative activities began in Myanmar in 1905 with
the formation of the credit-cooperative society in Myinmu, Upper Myanmar. He said the
objective of the society is to provide assistance for its members. At present, there are
18,162 cooperative societies in Myanmar. A total of 11,044 agricultural cooperative
societies have been formed in rural areas. Arrangements are under way to enable the
delegates to the programme to observe agricultural activities in Sagaing Division,
Mandalay Division and Shan State.
Last year, Myanmar has exported over 280,000 metric tons of beans and
peas in which 7.2 per cent or over 20,000 metric tons came from the cooperative sector.In
order to increase exports, the Ministry of Cooperatives is taking a leading role in the
endeavours of agricultural producers' cooperatives. ASEAN delegates are requested to find
more markets for the produce. Director-General of Cooperative Department Col Soe Win
extended greetings. The programme continues till 17 January.
( 9
) Drug trafficker gets 15 years
Yangon, 15 Jan-A combined team comprising members of local intelligence
unit, Pathein Anti-Drug Squad and Myanmar Police Force acting on information, searched the
house of Myint Oo in Mya Kwetthit 3rd Street, Hinthada and arrested him together with
151.9 grams of marijuana on 23 April. No 1 Hinthada Police Force filed him under Narcotic
Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Hinthada District Court handed down fifteen
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on him on 19 December 2000.