( 1 ) Seinphudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw installed
atop Kyaikwaing Pagoda
YANGON, 14 Jan- A ceremony to install Seinphudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw
atop Aparazita Hsandawshin Kyaikwaing Pagoda was held at the pagoda in Mayangon Township
this morning. Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
attended the ceremony and supplicated on religious affairs.
Present on the occasion were member Sayadaws of the State Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committee, member Sayadaws of Division and Township Sangha Nayaka Committee,
Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the pagoda board of trustees, the ministers, the deputy ministers,
the vice-mayor,officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, members of
Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, Township Maternal and Child Welfare
Association, Township Writers and Journalists Association, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Red
Cross, members of the pagoda board of trustees and religious associations.
Member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Naga Hlainggu Kalaywa
Tawya Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Jagarabhivamsa invested the congregation with
the Nine Precepts.
Then, upathakas presented paritta flowers, water, sand and thread to
the Sayadaws. Next, the Sayadaws recited parittas. Afterwards, upathakas bolt the paritta
flowers, water, sand and thread, and spread, sprinkled and tied them within the precincts
of the pagoda. In his supplication, the Secretary-l said that the State Peace and
Development Council is carrying out all-round renovation of pagodas and Buddha images in
the entire nation. Similarly, the council is renovating ancient pagodas and Buddha images
in Yangon.
It is learnt that Aparazita Hsandawshin Kyaikwaing Pagoda was enshrined
with sacred relics of the Buddha and renovated and revered by ancient monarchs. In the
later days, the Sayadaws, the pagoda boards of trustees and Buddhist devotees have
renovated the pagoda. The Secretary-l said that in December 1990, he himself visited the
pagoda and gave instructions on formation of the committee for all-round renovation of the
pagoda, and it has undergone renovation works such as extension of the pagoda platform,
the building of the wall, the repairing of prayer halls and the offering of Shwethingan.
He added that as Seinphudaw and Hngebnyatnadaw were in a deteriorating
condition, Ovada was sought-from the Sayadaws to renovate them. With the use of K 3.5
million of the pagoda fund and the donations of wellwishers, arrangements have been made
to install Seinphudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw worth over K 5 million atop thc pagoda.
Then, thc Secretary-l offered Seinphudaw and Hngetmyatnadsw to Sayadaw
Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Zagarsbhivamsa. Afterwards, the Secretary1, the ministers and
the deputy ministers offered alms to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha. Sayadaw Agga
Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Zsgarabhivamsa delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of
merits gained for good deeds. Next, the second programme was held on the platform of the
pagoda Then, the Secretary-l conveyed Seinphudaw and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung
Khin, Hngetmyatnadaw around the pagoda.
The Secretary-l sprinkled scented water on Seinphudaw and
Hngetmyatnadaw. Patron of Mindhamma Hill Board of Trustees U Shein Aung Bo conveyed
Seinphudaw and Hngetmyatnadsw with the decorated coach. The Secretary-l installed
Seinphudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw atop the pagoda and sprinkled scented water on them. The
Secretary-l performed the ritual of silver and golden showers.
MEC Chairman visits New Century Resource Centre, Resource Centre
for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts
YANGON, 14 Jan- Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-l of
the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt this afternoon visited the New
Century Resource Centre (NCRC) and the Resource Centre for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts (
RCAMM) of the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) of the Ministry of Education.
Accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council,
the Secretary-l first arrived at the New Century Resource Centre on Botahtaung Pagoda Road
in Botahtaung Township, where he was welcomed by Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi
Aung, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Minister for Education U Than Aung,
Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyunt, Deputy Ministers for
Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, Directors General and chairmen of
departments, committees and boards under the Ministry of Education, rectors and principals
of universities and colleges and officials.
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected computers, electronic devices,
technology-related books and papers, and application of the electronics displayed by
Winner Computer Group, World Peace International, CE Technology and Maykha Group at NCRC.
Later, he went round in the computer training centre, e-Education
learning centre, e-Education resource centre, language lab and computer training hall.
Later, he proceeded to the Resource Centre for Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts at the corner
of Merchant Street and the 54th Street in Botahtaung Township, where they were welcomed by
Librarian of the Universities Central Library Daw Tin Phone Nwe and officials. They went
round in the room where the newspapers, Journals and magazines published between 1872 and
1948 were displayed, and the reading room on the ground-floor, the manuscript display
room, multimedia room, the palm-leaf manuscript maintaining room, and the ancient object,
palm-leaf manuscript and stone inscriptions display room on the first-floor, the palm-leaf
manuscript storerooms on the second floor, and the learning centre, resource centre and
the room for keeping books and documentaries on the South-East Asian nations and Myanmar
on the third-floor.
Missionary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vepulla of Japan
makes cash donation for flourishing of Sasana

YANGON, 14 Jan- A ceremony to present K 8,501,278 donated by missionary
Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vepulla of Japan towards the funds of Buddhist
Literary Award and Award for Passing Religious Examination to the Ministry of Religious
Affairs was held at the three-storey Maha Sasana Vepulla Kyaungdawgyi in Gyartawya Street,
Myoma Ward, Bahan Township, this morning, attended by Secretary-l of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The ceremony was attended by Chairman Sayadaw of Shwekyin Nikaya Joint
Shwekyin Sasanabaing Presiding Sayadaw of Thirimanda Sankyaung Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru
Bhaddanta Rajindabhivamsa and members of the Sangha, ministers, deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, and departmental heads, among
others. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Rajindabhivamsa invested the congregation with the Five
On behalf of the donor Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vepulla of
Japan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Sasana Vepulla Kyaung U Tin Maung Win
presented the cash donation to Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, who handed it over to
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin.
Afterwards, Secretary- 1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, the ministers and the
deputy ministers presented offertories to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha. In his
supplication to the Sayadaws, the Secretary-l said missionary Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vepulla
has resided in Kaba Aye Zedi Kyaungtaik in Moji, Kyushu, Japan, since 1957, and carried
out missionary tasks for 35 years, and published six treatises on Theravada Buddhism in
Japanese. The Sayadaw made the donation of K 8,501,270 K 8.5 million to mark his 85th
birthday and K 1,270 to mark the year 1270 ME in which he was born.
The purpose of the donation, he said, is for flourishing of Buddhist
literature, upgrading of Pariyatti literary standard, and improvement of education of
Myanmar youths. Director-General of Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint read out the
paper on formation trust fund supervisory committee for the Agga Maha Pandita Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Vepulla's Buddhist Biterary Award and Award for Passing Religious
Examination.Afterwards, missionary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Vepulla of Japan
spoke of the purpose of making the cash donation.
Tipitakadhara Tipitaka Kovida Dhammabhandhagarika Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Sirindabhivamsa delivered a sermon followed by sharing of merits. The Secretary- 1 and
party offered 'soon' to the Sayadaws.
( 2 ) Secretary-2 receives Chinese

YANGON, 14 Jan- Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo received the visiting Chairman of China National Building Materials
Equipment Cooperation, China Mr Lian Jisan and members at the Guest House of Ministry of
Defence at 1 pm today.
Together with the Secretary-2 were Deputy Minister for Construction U
Tint Swe, senior military officers from Ministry of Defence, President of the Union of
Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint and officials.
Secretary-2 attends Armed Forces Day military band competitions
YANGON, 14 Jan- The 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative
Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Military Band Competition continued at the People's
Square this morning. Before the competition, the band comprising school girls of No 4
Basic Education High School of Ahlon Township demonstrated their skills with martial and
marching songs. Then, Chairman of the Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of Organizing Committee for Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy
and Air) Military Band Competition Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff
(Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo presented prizes to leader of the band Ma De Wee San.
Afterwards, five bands took part in the competition, and played
marching songs today. Also present on the occasion were Chief of Staff (Navy) Captain Soe
Thein, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Military Band Competition
Vice-Ajuntant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, high-ranking military officers, members of the
panel of judges, families of Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Brigades,
Red Cross and Union Solidarity and Development Association, students, teachers and guests.
Secretary-2 gives OPV to children in Hmawby Township
YANGON, 14 Jan-A ceremony to give oral polio vaccine and vitamin A to
children of under five for the second round of the Sixth Year National Immunization Days
was held at Sayasan Hall of Myanma Rice Research Department, Myanma Agriculture Service in
Hmawby Township this morning, attended by Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo. The Secretary-2 gave oral polio vaccine to the children from Nos 1
and 2 Wards. Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Chief
of Staff Navy) Captain Soe Thein, Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo and officials gave
oral polio vaccine and vitamin A to the children.
Provisions donated to four monasteries in Hmawby Township
YANGON, 14 Jan- Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) families and wellwishers
donated provisions to The-in-gu Vipassana Kamahtan Kyaungtaik and Koelonkwin Dhammayon
Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Hmawby Township, Sasana Wunhsaung Kyaungtaik and Maygawady
Moegaung Zedidaw Pariyatti Sarthintaik this morning.
The ceremony was held at The-in-gu Vipassana Kamahtan Kyaungtaik in
Hmawby Township and it was attended by Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development
Council Chief of Bureau of Special Operations and Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo.The
congregation received the Eight Precepts from State Ovadacariya and Presiding Nayaka of
Nan Oo Kyaungtaik Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Pandi.
The Secretary-2 and party presented offertories to the Sayadaws. Chief of Staff (Navy)
Captain Soe Thein, Officiating Colonel Air Staff (Mechanical) Lt-Col Ye Chit Pe and
Assistant Adjutant General Lt-Col Tin Oo presented offertories to Saddhammajotikadllaja
Bhaddanta Pandi. Then, Yangon City Development Committee, Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council, families of Hmawby Station, Yangon North District and the Township
Peace and Development Councils, Myanma Salt and Marine Chemical Enterprise of Ministry of
Mines and wellwishers presented 295 bags of rice, 50 viss of edible oil, 500 viss of salt,
1,795 bottles of traditional medicines, two bags of gram and 53 tubes of toothpaste to the
Padana Navaka Sayadaws.
Then, The Sayadaw of Nan Oo Kyaungtaik delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of
merits gained, and the ceremony came to an end.
( 3 ) Health Minister gives OPV
to under-five children

Yangon, 14 Jan-Minister. for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein together with Director General of
Medical Science department Prof Dr Maung Maung Wint, Rector of Institute of Dental
Medicine Dr Paing Soe, officials of the Ministry, President of Myanmar Red Cross Society
Dr Kyaw Win, Director of Rotary International Dr Kenneth E Collins and wife Mrs Di E
Collins and Deputy Director Mr Norasath Panthmanan, visited gathering points to feed oral
polio vaccine for Sixth National Immunization Days (second round) this morning. First, the
minister and party arrived at No 1 Basic Education High School in Kyimyindine Township.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council U
Myint Soe, the Township Health Officer Dr Than Than Nwe and officials, the Township
Education Officer Daw Myat Myat Mu, members of various social organizations and students.
Dr Than Than Nwe reported on giving oral polio vaccine and vitamin A to the children
under five and presented a souvenir to the minister. There the minister and party gave
oral polio vaccine and vitamin A to 53 under five children. A total of 6,573 under-five
children were given oral polio vaccine at 32 gathering points in the Township.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to No 2 BEHS in Sangyoung Township where they
were welcomed by Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council U San Win, the
Township Health Officer Dr Tin Ohn Kyaw, Headmistress Daw Khin May Gyi and members of
various social organizations.
The minister and party heard report on work of giving oral vaccine by Health Officer Dr
Ohn Kyaw. The minister and party gave oral polio vaccine and vitamin A to the children. A
total of 9,243 under-five children were given oral polio vaccine at 31 gathering points in
the Township.
Afterwards, they arrived at Pre-primary School on Kanbawza Street in Bahan Township,
and they were welcomed there by Director General of Social Welfare Department U Sit
Myaing, the Township Health Officer Dr Thein Lwin and officials, members of social
organizations and students. The minister and party gave oral polio vaccine to the children
there. A total of 5043 under-five children were given oral polio vaccine at 19 gathering
points in the Township.
Similarly, the minister and party visited the gathering points of Kamayut Township,
Insein Township, Shwepyitha Township; Dagon Township, Mingala Taungnyunt Township and
Botahtaung Township.
( 4 ) Minister
arrives back from Brunei
YANGON, 14 Jan-At the invitation of the minister of Industry and Primary Resource of
Brunei, a Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Hotels and Tourism Maj-Gen Saw Lwin who
attended the Ministerial Level ASEAN Tourism Forum 2001 (AFT) held in Bandasari Bagawan,
Brunei, arrived back here this evening. They were welcomed back at the airport by Minister
for Transportation Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint
Kyu and officials from departments and enterprises under the ministry.
Ambassador accredited to Malaysia
YANGON, 14 Jan- The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council
of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Hla Maung, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Kingdom of Thailand as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to Malaysia.
( 5 ) Minister inspects bridge construction
Yangon, 14 Jan- Minister for Construction Maj- Gen Saw Tun, accompanied by officials,
inspected Thaleikkyi, Thaleiklalay and Chaungdwin bridges in Ayeyawady Division yesterday.
Afterwards, he proceeded to construction site of Dedaye Bridge. Deputy Superintending
Engineer U Khin Maung Win reported to the minister on work. The minister gave necessary
instructions. Dedaye Bridge is located on Dedaye Kungyangon-Kawhmu motor road across
Ayeyawady (Toe) River. Approach bridge of Dedaye bank is 1365 feet cong and that on
Kungyangon bank is 1300 feet. Total length of the bridge is 4088 feet. It has 28 feet wide
motor road plus two pedestrian lanes. Permitted weight for each vehicle is 60 tons.
Clearance under the bridge is 390 feet wide and 36 feet high.
Youths of YETC recount experience
YANGON, 14 Jan - The youths who took part in the activies of Year 2000 Youth Educative
Training Camp recounted their experience in the meeting hall of the multi-purpose building
of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association at the comer of Thanthuma and Parami
Streets in South Okkalapa Township this morning.
Vice-Chairperson of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe made a speech. Then, the youths
recounted what they had studied at the camp. The Camp was opened by MMCWA, and the
ceremony to recount the experience of the youths was organized by Yangon Division
Material and Child Welfare Association.
( 6 ) Oral Polio Vaccines given
to children in Yangon
YANGON, 14 Jan- An Oral Polio Vaccines supplying team led by Dr Daw
Khin Win Shwe, wife of Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-l of the State
Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, together with Daw Yin Yin Myint, wife of
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Patron of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare
Association Daw Marlar Tint, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Women's Affairs
Committee Dr Daw May May Yee, Director-General of Medical Research Department (Lower
Myanmar) Dr Paing Soe and wife and officials from Ministry of Health arrived at the ha11
of Ahlon Township this morning.
They were welcomed by Secretary of Yangon West District Peace and
Development Council Maj Chit Nyunt and officials. The team gave OPV to children in the
township today. Altogether 5,177 children were given OPV. Then the team went to Hong Kong
Wedding Reception Hall in Latha Township and gave OPV to 1,877 children.
Sixth National Immunization Days observed
YANGON, 14 Jan- Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Ayeyawady
Naval Region Command Headquarters, in conjunction with Botahtaung Township Health
Department, held the Sixth (Second Time) National Immunization Days.
Present were Daw Aye Aye, wife of Commander-in-Chief (Navy)
Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Daw Khin Aye Kyin, wife of Chief of Staff (Navy) Captain Soe Thein,
wives of senior navy officers, Chairperson of Botahtaung Township Maternal and Child
Welfare Association Daw Kyi Kyi Than, members of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association and families.
Oral polio vaccine was given to 254 children of under five. Under the
supervision of Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Mingaladon Air Base Headquarters,
a ceremony to observe the Sixth National Immunization Days was held at the air base this
Present were member of the Central Executive Committee of Myanmar
Maternal and Child Welfare Association Daw Khin Swe Nyunt, wife of member of the State
Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, Daw May Yee Tin,
wife of Chief of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Commander of the Air Base Brig-Gen Thein
Myint and wife Daw Myint Myint Yee, wives of officers and families. The under-five
children of families of the Air Base were given oral polio vaccine. Maintenance Air Base
MCWA observed the Sixth National Immunization Days at the Air Base this morning. A similar
ceremony was held in Ministry of Defence, Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital (
500-bedded ), Mayangon Township, Lanmadaw Township and others townships this morning.
( 7 ) Minister inspects construction of Mandalay University of
YANGON, 14Jan-Minister for Culture U Win Sein inspected construction of Mandalay
University of Culture near Honcho Village, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division,
yesterday. He was accompanied by Director-General of Archaeology Department U Nyunt Han,
Rector of Mandalay University of Culture U San Win and officials. In the briefing hall of
the construction site, Rector U San Win reported to the minister on the funds, and
preparations for opening the classes at the university in the forthcoming academic year.
Project Director U Tin Tun Aung of Myanma Industrial Construction Services of Ministry of
Industry-2 reported on progress of work in construction of the university, and the
on-going and future tasks.
The minister gave suggestions on the tasks for greening of the campus and agriculture
and livestock breeding work on the vacant land. He later inspected the completed buildings
and gave instructions on opening of classes in time for the 20002001 academic year. He
also inspected the bronze casting of famous composer Nandawshay Saya Tin statue to be
placed at Mandalay National Theatre.
( 8
) Minister for Industry-1 tours Mandalay Division
YANGON, 14 Jan-Minister for Industry-l U Aung Thaung visited Paleik Newsprint Mill
Project in Sintgaing Township, Mandalay Division, yesterday morning. The minister gave
instructions on the project.
Then, the minister went to the site chosen for construction of the textile mill to be
undertaken by Myanma Textile Industries between Shwedha and Webyintha villages. The
chairman of Yamethin District Peace and Development Council and Managing Director of
Myanma Textile Industries U Oo Thein Maung reported on the project.
Member of the Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association U Aung Thaung met with the secretaries and executives of Yamethin District
USDA and Yamethin, Pyawbwe and Tatkon Township USDAs and discussed internal and
international affairs and organizational work. The minister also visited Winthuza Sale
Centre in Pyinmana in the evening. Then, he met with trainees of Basic Multiplier Course
No 5 for USDA Executives. Afterwards, he inspected the office of Lewe USDA.
( 9
) Yangon bustling with holiday activities
YANGON, 14 Jan- Pagodas were crowded with members of the Sangha and
Buddhist devotees, and parks and recreation centres with holiday-makers in Yangon today.
Devotees were seen paying obeisance to the Shwedagon Pagoda. They offered flowers, water
and lights to the pagoda and made donations to the fund of the pagoda
Similarly, Sule which is holding its 89th Buddha Pujaniya Festival,
Botahtaung Kyaikdaeup, Koehtatgyi, Ngahtatgyi, Kyaikkhauk ( Thanlyin ) Kyaikhmawwun
(Kyauktan) Pagodas were packed with members of the Sangha and pilgrims. Likewise, the
People's Park and the People's Square, Yangon Zoological Gardens, Thakayta Shukhintha and
Myakyuntha Amusement Parks and Kandawmingala Park were teeming with holiday-makers
mdividua11y or in group.