( 1 ) Foreign Heads of State and Government
send felicitations to Senior General Than Shwe
The following are messages of felicitations from foreign Heads of State
and Government sent to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, on the occasion of the
53rd Anniversary Independence Day of the Union of Myanmar.
From HE Bro Colonel Maummar Al-Gadafi, Leader of the Great
Al-Fateh Revolution, Great Socialist people's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya:
On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Union of Myanmar, it
gives me great pleasure to extend on my behalf and the people of the Great Socialist
people's Libyan Arab Jamahiriva our warmest greetings and sincere wishes for your
excellency's good health and happiness and to the friendly people of the Union of Myanmar,
progress and prosperity. From HE General Emile Lahoud, President of the Republic of
Lebanon: In my own name and on behalf of the Labanese people I would like to convey to
your excellency, on the occasion of the National Day, my sincere congratulations as well
as best wishes of happiness and success to your excellency and prosperity to the people of
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects
construction of Drug Elimination Museum

Yangon, 12 Jan - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office, inspected construction of Drug Elimination Museum and ground preparation work at
the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township this morning.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt arrived at the construction site of Drug
Elimination Museum at 11.30 am and was welcomed by Chairman of the Work Groups Supervisory
Committee of Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Deputy Minister for Home Affairs
Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Secretary of CCDAC Director-General of Myanmar Police Force
Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and members, heads of department and work committee members and
police officers.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung
reported to the Secretary-1 on progress of work, construction of concrete roads and
greening of its environs and cultivation of flowers and Police Maj-Gen Soe Win on
preparations for exhibition, U Aung Cho Min of FMI on earthwork and Managing Director of
Fortune International Ltd (Agent of LG Elevator and Escalator) U Mya Han on installation
of elevator. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt looked into the requirements. Then, Secretary-1
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected construction of Drug Elimination Museum and earthwork work and
gave suggestions.
( 3 ) Secretary-2 attends opening
of Thathana Beikmandawgyi in Labutta and multimedia teaching centre in Ngaputaw

Yangon, 12 Jan- A ceremony to open Thathana Beikmandawgyi in Labutta
Township, Myaungmya District, Ayeyawady Division was held there at 11 am yesterday,
attended by Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Also present were Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development
Council Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, ministers, deputy ministers, division, district
and township level departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and religious associations,
well-wishers and guests.
At the auspicious time, Commander Maj-Gen
Thura Shwe Mann and Chairman of Myaungmya District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col
Tin Aye formally opened the building. Then, a ceremony to share merits for the opening of
Thathana Beikmandawgyi was held in the building. Chairman of Labutta Township Sangha
Nayaka Committee (Thudamma) Presiding Sayadaw of Bawdi Kyaungtaik Bhaddanta Indo-bhasa
administered the Five Precepts. The members of the Sangha recited parittas. Later, the
Secretary-2, officials and well-wishers presented provisions to Sayadaws. Chairman of
Labutta Township Sangha Nayaka Committee (Shwekyin) Presiding Sayadaw of Layhtat
Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Maha Gantha Vacaka Pandita Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Nagavamsa
delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits.
Next, the Secretary-2 and party performed the rituals of golden and
silver showers to mark successful completion of the ceremony. Then, the Secretary-2 and
party left Labutta for Chaungtha and Ngwehsaung beaches by helicopter and inspected
private hotel business and prawn breeding work there. The Secretary-2 and party arrived at
Ngaputaw, Pathein District, by helicopter and attended the opening ceremony of multimedia
teaching centre of Ngaputaw Basic Education High School. Also present were Commander
Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of State Peace and
Development Council Office, heads of department, the township education officer, the
headmaster and members of School Board of Trustees, officials of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, students and guests.
First, Headmaster U Sein Kala and Chairman of School Board of Trustees
U Nyunt Sein formally opened the centre. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party went round
in the computer aided media room, computer training and e-mail room, electronic media
room, reading corner, language lab, fine arts and domestic science rooms, and viewed the
skills demonstration of the pupils. The opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching
centres continued in the school's assembly hall later. The headmaster explained efforts
for opening of the centre. The Chairman of School Board of Trustees spoke of the
endeavours for opening the multimedia teaching centre. Then, the Secretary-2 spoke of the
need to harmoniously make efforts for uplift of education of the students. Wellwisher Ma
Ei Ei Htay Myint donated K 500,000 to the headmaster and a member of the School Board of
Trustees for the school. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party, teachers, members of the
School Board of Trustees and students posed for documentary photographs. Then, the
Secretary-2 and party arrived in Danubyu and inspected fishing breeding work of Annawa Tun
Company. The Secretary-2 and party arrived back here at 6 pm.
Farming and mangrove conservation in Pyapon and Myaungmya
Districts, Ayeyawady Division, gaining progress
Yangon, 12 Jan - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo inspected livestock breeding undertakings and mangrove forest conservation
in Pyapon and Myaungmya Districts, Ayeyawady Division, on 10 January.
 Accompanied by
Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West
Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung
Thein, Minister at the Prime minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Chief of Staff (Navy),
Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development
Council Office and heads of department, the Secretary-2 inspected Gyowa Kyangin Model
Farming Village in Pyapon District in the morning.
After inspecting chicken and pig farms at the village, the Secretary-2
and party met local people at the middle school. Local authorities and farmers reported to
the Secretary-2 on setting up of poultry farms at Gyowa Kyangin and Gyowa Htalon villages,
progress in raising of nearly 60,000 chicks and 300 pigs, plans to extend farming at the
villages and requirements. Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun explained plans
to provide pedigree strains, feedstuff and medicine for progress of farming in the region.
Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann presented a summary report on the agricultural and
livestock undertakings in Ayeyawady Division and looked into the requirements of the
farmers. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo expressed pleasure in seeing the developing
agriculture- plus-livestock farms at the village, speaking of the need to encourage other
villages to conduct farming on manageable scale. Plans will be made to provide assistance
to the village farms.
At Byonhmwe Island in Bogalay Township, Ayeyawady Division, the
Secretary-2 and party visited mangrove plantation and protected forest conservation camp.
At the briefing hall, the Secretary-2 heard a report on mangrove forests conservation on
Meinmahla and Byonhmwe islands and situation of protected forests, conservation of 29
species of mangroves at Byonhmwe Island (Kadonkan) Mangrove Project, conservation of
crocodiles and future plans presented by Deputy Minister Col Thaik Tun and officials. The
Secretary-2 looked into the requirements, saying effective efforts are required for
success of the mangrove conservation task and for extending staff welfare and health care
tasks. Meinmahla Island Sanctuary in Bogalay Township, Pyapon District, was established in
1994 in order to conserve the 29 species of mangroves, to protect the breeding area of
fish, prawn, crabs and turtles, to conserve the endangered crocodiles of the region, to
create a home for waterbirds and to develop ecotourism.
The Secretary-2 and party then inspected the prawn farm of BTB Company
near Pyinsalu and Tepingaing villages in Laputta Township, Myaungmya District. Officials
briefed them on meat, fish and prawn production of the district, setting up of farms to
breed prawns and future plans. Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein explained plans to
provide technical and material assistance. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann explained the
current situation and prospects of prawn breeding in Ayeyawady Division. After inspecting
the farm, the Secretary-2 cordially greeted the officials. The company is setting up prawn
farms on a 319.8-acre plot in the region. It is now breeding over 400,000 shrimp fry in
six two-acre ponds. On arrival at Hainggyi Island, the Secretary-2 and party were welcomed
by Acting Commander of Panmawady Naval Region Command Capt Aye Pe, Tatmadaw members and
families, local authorities, departmental personnel and members of Union Solidarity and
Development Association and maternal and Child Welfare Association. Secretary-2 Chief of
Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Commander Maj-Gen Thura
Shwe Mann and party then cordially greeted Tatmadawmen and families of the Naval Region
Secretary-2 attends provisions-offering ceremonies in
Yangon, 12 Jan- A ceremony to offer provisions to Saddhamma Jotikayon
Kyaungtaik, Visuddhayon Kyaungtaik, Annawa Kyaungtaik, Sanpya Kyaungtaik, Thayettaw
Kyaungtaik, Pathaman Kyaungtaik and Mayangyaung Kyaungtaik in Hainggyikyun, Ngapudaw
Township, Ayeyawady Division, by families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), was held
at Dhamma-rekkhita Dhammayon of Panmawady Naval Region Command this morning, attended by
Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Bureau of Special
Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Also present on the occasion were Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen
Thura Shwe Mann, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Minister
at the Prime minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of
Staff (Air), deputy ministers, the acting Commander of Panmawady Naval Region Command
Headquarters, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of
department, officers and the rank and file of the command and families and wellwishers.
The Secretary-2 and party received the Five Precepts from Annawa Kyaungtaik Sayadaw
Bhaddanta ‚andara . Then, the Secretary-2 and party presented provisions and
offertories to members of the Sangha. Next, Annawa Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta
‚andara delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained for good deeds.
Secretary-2 attends opening of new building of Haigyikyun BEHS
in Ngaputaw
Yangon, 12 Jan- The opening ceremony of Ayekari Kyuntha building of
Haigyikyun Basic Education High School in Ngaputaw Township, Ayeyawady Division, was held
at the school yesterday morning, attended by Secretary-2 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Present also were Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe
Mann,ministers, deputy ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the Chief of Staff (Air), the
acting Commander of Panmawady Naval Region Command Headquarters, heads of department, the
Headmistress and teachers, members of Parent-Teacher Association, the Union Solidarity and
Development Association and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, members of School
Board of Trustees, wellwishers, the band troupe, students and guests. Headmistress Daw Tin
Yi explained efforts for the opening of Ayekari Kyuntha building. Commander Maj-Gen Thura
Shwe Mann spoke words of thanks and officials extended greetings. Headmistress Daw Tin Yi
presented commemorative pennants to Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo and officials.
Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo presented
teaching aid to school heads for Hainggyikyun BEHS, Ayoeda Basic Education Middle School,
Panmaw Basic Education Middle School and affiliated Kyaukchaung BEHS. Acting Commander of
Panmawady Naval Region Command Headquarters Captain Aye Pe, Director-General of No 1 Basic
Education Department U Tin Nyo and Headmistress Daw Tin Yi formally opened the Ayekari
Kyuntha building. After the ceremony, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo had a cordial meeting with
those present.
Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr
Kyaw Myint inspected Haigyikyun people's Hospital this morning. The Secretary-2 and party
proceeded to Thamehla Kyun (Turtle Island) in Ngaputaw. At the briefing hall, Acting
Commandant of Panmawady Naval Region Command Captain Aye Pe and Deputy Director-General of
Fisheries Department U Hla Win explained the location of Thamehla Kyun (Turtle Island),
condition of turtle breeding and conservation and officials of Forest Department and
Fisheries Department on conservation of forest and arrangements to be made for turtle
conservation. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo attended to their needs and inspected young
turtles to be released into the sea.Then, the Secretary-2 presented gifts to service
personnel and posed for souvenir photo together with them. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo and
party left there by helicopter for Labutta.
( 4 ) Commander
tours Hmawby, Htantabin, Taikkyi Townships
Yangon, 12 Jan - Member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, together with Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and division-level departmental officials, inspected regional
development work and agricultural work in Hmawby, Htantabin and Taikkyi Townships in
Yangon North District, this morning.
 The commander
went to the tax-free market of Hmawby Station at Hsatthwataw Village, Hmawby Township, at
7.15 am. The commander inspected the market, cordially conversed with shopkeepers and
buyers, and coordinated sale of vegetables at reasonable prices. Next, the commander
proceeded to Kyogon River Water-Pumping Project being undertaken by Yangon Division Water
Resources Utilization Department.
Head of Yangon Division Water Resources Utilization Department U Myint
Soe reported on progress of work. After that, the commander inspected ploughing work for
cultivation of summer paddy on the fields by the main canal. Later, the commander went to
the installation site of Fixed-Type Water Pump at Kyogon River Water-Pumping Project.
Officials reported on progress of work.
The commander gave instructions on timely completion of the project,
cultivation of summer paddy and the digging of irrigation canals. Afterwards, the
commander went to Ngabatyoe Farm of Dagon Agricultural Group at Bawlekyun in Htantabin
Township. Director of Dagon Agricultural Group Dr Moe Mya Mya reported on the condition of
digging fish ponds on 2,000 acres of land, cultivation of summer paddy on 200 acres, the
green gram on 700 acres and sesame on 200 acres at Bawlekyun region and cultivation of
summer paddy on 500 acres and pulses and beans on 100 acres. Then, the commander inspected
the construction of Bawle earth road, five miles and one furlong long, 11 feet high and 24
feet wide, and the building of the bank of the fish pond with heavy machinery.
Later, the commander met with local farmers in the briefing hall of
Dagon Agricultural Group. Chairman of Htantabin Township Peace and Development Council U
Thaung Han reported on agricultural matters and regional development tasks of the
township. The local farmers reported on their requirements for construction of summer
paddy and cold season crops. The commander proceeded to the construction site of fish
breeding ponds being undertaken by Lin In Shin Company Ltd near Thabyegon Village,
Bawlekyun region. Managing Director Daw Win Win Khaing reported on the condition of the
digging of fish ponds on 800 acres of land. The commander attended to requirements and
inspected the digging of fish ponds. The commander also attended the collective ploughing
ceremony for the growing of summer paddy on the fields of farmers U Kyaw Hsaing and U San
Kyin at Yebawthoung Village. At Yebawthoung Briefing Hall, the commander met with national
entrepreneurs engaged in digging fish ponds and local farmers.
The commander gave instructions on cultivation of summer paddy, beans
and pulses and oil crops at Hleseik, Bawlati, Dattawgon and Yebawthoung village-tracts at
Bawlekyun region. He also urged national entrepreneurs to dig fish ponds at Bawlekyun and
Aikkalaung regions. Fish ponds will be built on a total of 6,000 acres at Bawlekyun and
Aikkalaungkyun regions. Next, the commander inspected summer paddy fields of the Ministry
of Home Affairs and construction of Tawlati Ywatha Road. The commander observed the
collective ploughing work for cultivation of summer paddy with Thabyedan River
Water-Pumping Project at Tawpin Village. Then, he inspected Thabyedan River Water-Pumping
Project. In the briefing hall of the project, the commander met with departmental
officials of Taikkyi Township and local farmers. Chairman of Taikkyi Township Peace and
Development Council U Myint Than reported on cultivation of summer paddy on 41,156 acres
out of 70,000 targeted acres in Taikkyi Township, oil crops on 10,700 acres out of 17,400
targeted acres and beans and pulses on 34,087 acres out of 43,600 targeted acres and
regional development tasks.
The local farmers also reported on their requirements for cultivation
of summer paddy. The commander attended to their requirements. Afterwards, the commander
inspected the laying of laterite on the one-mile-and-seven-furlong-long section of
Bawlatisankin Road and the condition of building a bridge. The commander also paid homage
and offered alms to Abbot Sayadaw of Bawlati Village Monastery Bhaddanta Einda.
( 5 ) H & T Minister leaves for Brunei
Yangon, 12 Jan- At the invitation of the
Minister of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei, Minister for Hotels and Tourism
Maj-Gen Saw Lwin and Deputy Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Naing
Bwa left for Brunei by air this morning, to attend the Fourth Meeting of ASEAN Tourism
Ministers to be held in Bandar Seri Begawan on 13 January and ASEAN Tourism Forum 2001
(ATF). They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for Transport
Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein
Htwa, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and officials of
departments and services under the ministry.
Sports Minister receives Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Jan- Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman Minister for Sports
Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint received Ambassador of Pakistan Mr Mian Yusuf Shah at his office
this morning. Also present were Myanmar Olympic Committee General Secretary
Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik and officials.
CPT Minister meets Chinese guests
Yangon, 12 Jan- Minister for
Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin met factory manager of Shandong
Electric Cable Group Co, Shandong Province, people's Republic of China, Mr Song Yi Jan and
party at his office this morning. Also present at the call were Chairman of Myanmar
Pioneer Star Co Ltd in Yangon Maj Tin Myint (Retd), Managing Director of Myanma Posts and
Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin and officials.
Minister receives Ambassador
Yangon, 12 Jan- Minister for Education U Than Aung received Ambassador
of Pakistan Mr Mian Yusuf Shah at his office this afternoon. They discussed functions on
educational cooperation. Also present at the call were Deputy Ministers for Education
Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt and officials of the ministry.
Pulses & Beans and Sesame Merchants Association meets
Yangon, 12 Jan- The Myanmar Pulses and Beans and Sesame Merchants
Association held the 1/2000 executive committee meeting, here, yesterday. The meeting
formed various committees. Sub-committees of the Association in States and Divisions will
soon be formed.
( 6 ) Entries invited to Armed
Forces Day Poetry Competition
Yangon, 12 Jan- Hailing the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day which
falls on 27 March 2001, the Poetry Competition Organizing Sub-committee of the Work
Committee for Poetry and Art Competition chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe
Nyunt announced rules for the poetry competition.
All works must be based on the national objectives and objectives of
the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and twelve noble traditions of the Tatmadaw. The
competition will be categorised into the open long poem level-1 and level-2 and open short
poem level-1 and level-2. Short poems must be between 100 and 300 lines and the long ones
between 1,000 and 2,000. The poems must be composed in consonance with Myanmar culture and
literature. Those who won first, second and third prizes in the previous competitions are
to enter the level-1 and those who have not won prizes are to enter the level-2. The
competitors may portray the work based on not only historical events of Konbaung Period
(AD 1824-1885), British Period (AD 1885-1948), Independence Period (AD 1948-1988), the
State Law and Order Restoration Council and the State Peace and Development Council Period
(1988-to date) but also nation-building endeavours, peace efforts and narcotic drugs
eradication tasks of the State Peace and Development Council. The competitors must submit
two copies of the work together with curriculum vitae, two licence photos and one colour
postcard to Daw Cho Cho Than, Secretary of the Sub-committee, Sarpay Beikman, No 529/531,
Merchant Street, not later than 31-1-2001.
Armed Forces Day commemorative colour photo competition to be
Yangon, 12 Jan- The Work Committee for Organizing the 56th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Photo Competition will hold the colour photo
competitions under two titles. A contestant may take part with four entries for each
title. The entries with the size of print 10" x 12" must be own creation and
must not be prize-winning works at any other competition. Captions and data are to be
provided on a separate sheet. Handsome prizes will be given to the first, second and third
prizes as well as consolation prizes to the winners. The entries are to be sent to U Tun
Min, Director, Information and Public Relations Department, No 22-24, Pansodan Street,
Yangon, not later than 17 February 2001.
( 7 ) Tatmadaw, people destroy illegally-grown poppy plantations
Yangon, 12 Jan- The State Peace and
Development Council is resolved to eradicate narcotic drugs as national duty. With the
management of the local military commands, the combined teams comprising members of local
intelligence units, Myanmar Police Force and local people have been destroying poppy
plantations illegally grown in remote areas of Shan State and Kayah State beginning
September 2000.
From 9 December 2000 to 5 January 2001, a
total of 105 acres of poppy plantations in Pinlaung Township, 85 acres in Nyaungshwe
Township, 120.7 acres in Monai Township, 4 acres in Loilem Township, 152.27 acres in
Hopong Township and 9 acres in Phekhon Township of Shan State (South), 816.96 acres in
Muse Township, 374.8 acres in Kutkai Township, 38 acres in Namkham Township and 78 acres
in Mangtung Township of Shan State (North) and 141 acres in Loikaw Township of Kayah State
totalling 1,924.63 were destroyed. During the opium growing season in 2000-2001, poppy
plantations illegally grown in Myanmar' 582.1 acres in Pinlaung Township, 433 acres in
Phekhon Township, 174.92 acres in Monai Township, 557.5 acres in Loilem Township, 152.27
acres in Hopong Township, 102.41 acres in Nyaungshwe Township, 54 acres in Mongshu
Township, 155 acres in Leikha Township, 46.5 acres in Mongpang Township and 311.5 acres in
Hsihseng Township of Shan State (South), 855.6 acres in Muse Township, 374.8 acres in
Kutkai Township, 38 acres in Namkham Township and 78 acres in Mangtung Township and 141
acres in Loikaw Township of Kayah State have been destroyed.
( 8
) Best research papers and poster win prizes
Yangon, 12 Jan - A ceremony to present prizes for research papers
submitted at Myanmar Health Research Congress was held at the meeting hall of the
Department of Medical Science (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Street in Dagon Township this
Present were Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Director
of Medical Services Brig-Gen Mya Thein Han, directors-general, deputy directors-general,
rectors and officials of departments under the Ministry of Health, resource persons and
guests. The deputy minister for health made a speech. Chairman of the Committee for
Presenting Prizes for Research Papers Professor Col Daw Marlar Than explained selection of
prize-winning research papers. The research paper on the establishment of reverse
transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique and its application for dengue
virus serotype-specific diagnosis in Myanmar, the research paper on evaluation of
pre-hospital antivenom in management and outcome of Russell's viper (Daboia russelii
siamensis) bites cases admitted to Taungdwingyi hospital, the research paper on
self-medication practice for common minor ailments in urban and rural community of Hlegu
Township, and the poster showing the use of local larvivorous fish: An appropriate simple
technology for malaria control in southern part of coastal Myanmar won the best basic
research paper prize, the best applied research paper prize, the best health system
research paper prize and the best poster prize respectively. Professor Dr Mya Oo, Brig-Gen
Mya Thein Han and officials presented prizes to outstanding researchers.
Prizes presented to winners in Tiger Myanmar Amateur Open Golf
Yangon, 12 Jan- The prize presentation for the Tiger Myanmar Amateur
Open Golf Championship 2001, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by
Tiger Beer, continued for fourth day at Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon this morning.
Present were Minister for Sports Brig-Gen
Thura Aye Myint, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and officials. Officials presented
prizes to Best Gross winners and Best Nett winners. President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing
presented first, second and third prizes to Myanmar B, Myanmar A and Thai teams
respectively in the men's team event. Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented first
and second prizes to Khin Thu Thu (YCDC) (223 strokes) and Park Si Wan (Korea) (241) in
the women's event and prizes to overall runner-up individual 72 holes winner Win Htwe
Hlaing (298) and overall champion-individual 72 holes winner Nanda Kyaw (296). Thai team
captain Mr Proug Nut presented souvenir to the MGF President. General Manager Mr Koh Tai
Hong and U Aye Cho of Yangon Golf Club exchanged gifts. Similarly, gifts were presented to
Managing Director professional golfer U Chan Han of Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd which
organized the Tiger Myanmar Amateur Open Golf Championship 2001.
Myanmar snack competition on 20 January
Yangon, 12 Jan- With the aim of preserving Myanmar traditional food,
Myanmar snack competition will be held at International Business Centre on No 88 Pyay
Road, Hlaing Township on 20 January from 7 am to 12 noon. There will be no limitation on
the kinds of snacks. The best five snacks will be awarded and the competition is open to
( 9
) Over 2.6m stimulant tablets seized in Kengtung
Yangon, 12 Jan- A combined team comprising members of local
intelligence unit, Kengtung Anti-drug Squad, local Police Force, Criminal Investigation
Department, Special Investigation Department and Customs Department, acting on
information, at Naungnon check point in Kengtung at 1.15 pm on 2 January this year,
stopped two 10-wheel Nissans trucks with number plates 3Kha/5930 and 2Kha/3952 and seized
2,629,000 stimulant tablets' 709,000 from the former and 1,920,000 from the latter.
Then, the Kengtung Police Station filed Satit, at the wheel of the
former, 45, son of U Ei Ta, of No 65, Joephyu Road, Kantha Block, Taunggyi, Khin Maung
Gyi, spareman, 30, son of U San Tun, of No Da/30, Daw No Two Block, Loikaw, Sai Nyi,
in-charge, 56, son of U Khe Hsaing, of No 136, YehtwetU Road, Yay-aye-kwin Block,
Taunggyi, Win Myint, owner of the car, 44, son of U Paw San, of No 40, Kyaing-in Block,
Ward 5, the same town, Zaw Win, at the wheel of the latter, 30, son of U Ko Lay, of No 41,
Shwehintha Road, Kanthaya Block, Taunggyi, Tun Yee, spareman, 28, son of U Maung San, of
Hante Village, Bhamo, and Aung Zaw Min, spareman, 22, son of U Than Myint, of Kyaungyisu
Wapya Block, Taunggyi under Section 15/19(A)/21of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law.
Two men jailed for possessing marijuana
Yangon, 12 Jan- The Toungoo District Court punished two illicit drug
possessors giving them prison terms on 20 December 2000. The case was that members of
local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched Thein
Win (a) Myo Win and Soe Yaza in front of Zayatgyi Village Hospital, Htantabin Township, at
6.50 pm on 19 August 2000 and seized 4.3271 kilos of marijuana kept in the basket. The
Zayatgyi Police Station filed Thein Win (a) Myo Win, 23, son of U Nyein Maung, of
Kayinchaung Village, Toungoo Township, and Soe Yaza, 20, son of U Lay Win, of Thabyaylu
Village, the same township, under Section 15/19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law. The Toungoo District Court heard the case and sentenced Thein Win (a) Myo
Win to 12 years in prison under Section 19(A) and Soe Yaza to 10 years in prison under
Section 19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.