( 1 ) Senior General Than Shwe sends message
of congratulations to Ghana
Yangon, 11 Jan- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace
and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar has sent a message of
congratulations to His Excellency Mr John Kufuor who was sworn in as the President of the
Republic of Ghana on 7 January 2001.
Foreign Heads of Government send felicitations to Senior General
Than Shwe
The following are messages of felicitations from Foreign Heads of State
and Government sent to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, on the occasion of the
53rd Anniversary Independence Day of the Union of Myanmar.
From HE Mr Bashar Al-Assad, President of the Syrian Arab
On the occasion of the National Day of your country, I have great
pleasure in extending my sincere felicitations to Your Excellency and to the people of
Myanmar. I avail myself of this opportunity to express my best wishes for Your
excellency's good health and happiness and for the progress and prosperity of your people.
From HH Amad Bin Essa Al-Khalifa, Amir of the State of Bahrain: It is with much pleasure
that I send Your Excellency and the people of the Republic of Myanmar warm felicitations
on the occasion of your country's Independence Day, together with my wishes for your
happiness, and further progress to the people of Myanmar.
( 2 ) Secretary-1 inspects all-round
construction works on Mindhamma Hill
Yangon, 11 Jan - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office, arrived at Mindhamma Hill, on which Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept
for public obeisance, this evening.
He was welcomed there by Minister for Immigration and Population U Saw
Tun, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Minister for
Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, officials of Mindhamma Hill All-round Construction
Committee, sculptors and artists, and members of the Board of Trustees. First, the
Secretary-1 paid obeisance to the Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image.
After inspecting the documentary photos on the carving work and
progress of work in construction of buildings, he gave instructions. He later inspected
the samples of marble slabs for the floor of the Gandhakuti Kyaungdawgyi, in which the
image will be kept, and other construction works such as construction of the Gandhakuti
Kyaungdawgyi, the southern stairway, and retaining walls, carving of other Buddha images
to be kept on Mindhamma Hill, and designs of the King Lion statues to be placed at the
entrance of the stairways. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 gave suggestions on all-round
construction works on Mindhamma Hill.
( 3 ) Management Committee for
Observance of 54th Anniversary Union Day meets
Yangon, 11 Jan - The Management Committee for Observance of the 54th
Anniversary Union Day for 2001 held a meeting at Pyithu Hluttaw Building this afternoon.
Chairman of the Management Committee member of the State Peace and Development Council
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than addressed the meeting. Also present
were members of the Management Committee and officials.
The commander said that the meeting will form and will assign duties to
12 subcommittee chairmen of the bodies. The responsible persons on the subcommittees have
experiences and will be able to solve problems if any, he said. The commander urged all to
put forward any difficulties they had faced within previous years. The commander said that
working plans will have to be drawn up systematically, and the subcommittees need to
cooperate in solving difficulties. The commander called on all to make concerted efforts
for celebrating the 54th Anniversary Union Day in accord with the objectives. Secretary of
the Management Committee Director-General of the Office of the Pyithu Hluttaw U Myint
Thein reported on formation of 12 subcommittees and officials on the tasks to be done by
the subcommittees. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
Commander attends Armed Forces Day Military Band Competition
Yangon, 11 Jan- The 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative
Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Band Competition for 2001 continued at the people's
Square this morning.
Before the competition, the band comprising school boys and girls of
the Institute of Education of Kamayut Township demonstrated their skills, singing martial
and marching songs.
Then, Chairman of the Committee for Organizing the Competition
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo presented awards to the leader of the band Ma
Khaing Phyo Su. Afterwards, bands representing Northern Command, No 88 Light Infantry
Division, No 77 LID, No 55 LID and No 11 LID participated in the competition.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Management Committee for
Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Patron of the Committee for Organizing
the Competition Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Brigadier-General
Staff (Operation) Brig-Gen Myint Swe, senior military officers, members of the panel of
judges, guests, families of Tatmadawmen, members of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association, teachers and students.
Commander inspects agricultural work in Hmawby
Yangon, 11 Jan- Member of the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than inspected agriculture and livestock breeding tasks and regional
development tasks in Hmawby Township, Yangon North District, this evening.
The commander arrived at Hmawby Hsan Hall
in the vegetable production and poultry farming special zone of Yangon Division at 4.30
pm, and was welcomed by members of the special zone supervisory committee. The commander
met with members of the special zone supervisory committee and national entrepreneurs.
Deputy Director of the Irrigation Department U Myo Lwin reported on progress of work in
building roads in the special zone, Deputy Director of Yangon Division Development Affairs
Committee U Thein Htut on construction of streets in the special zone-3, Division
Commissioner of Yangon Division General Administration Department U Thein Swe on
reclamation of land and progress of ploughing work and Yangon Division Agricultural
Manager U San Maung on agricultural work and the condition of surfacing streets with
The national entrepreneurs reported on their requirements. Then, the
commander spoke of the need for the special zone supervisory committee to coordinate
greening work with the national entrepreneurs and to attend to their needs. The water from
Ngamoeyeik Dam has been channelled into the special zone-1 and the national entrepreneurs
also need to dig artisan wells. Next, the commander inspected progress of agricultural
work and fulfilled the requirements of the officials. Afterwards, the commander inspected
vegetable patches in the special zone-1 and construction of chicken-runs which can hold
5,000 poultry. In the special zone-1, over 1,600 acres of land have been placed under
( 4 ) Commander
attends final rites of Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Khanti
Yangon, 11 Jan- The final rites of Presiding Nayaka of Myoma Pariyatti
Sarthintaik, Sittway, Rakhine State, member of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Sasana Dhaja Siripavara Dhammacariya Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Khanti, age 77,
vasa 55, was held at Baho Mandat Sankyaung of Dontaikkwin, Northern Ywagyi Ward, the
township, on 9 January afternoon.
It was attended by Chairman of Rakhine State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Committee Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Canda and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Rakhine
State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Maj-Gen Aung Htwe,
Commander of Danyawady Naval Region Command Headquarters Brig-Gen Myat Swe, senior
military officers, the chairman of Organizing Committee for the final rites, Commissioner
of Rakhine State General Administration Department U Khin Maung Myint, departmental
officials, Rakhine State Religious Officer U Myint Tun and officials and local residents.
Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Canda administered the Five
Precepts. Then, messages of condolence sent by the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee and
the Ministry of Religious Affairs were read out. Afterwards, the commander and wife and
officials presented 700 bags, 700 fans, 100 blankets and offertories donated by
departmental personnel and local residents to 700 members of the Sangha. Sayadaw Agga Maha
Pandita Bhaddanta Canda delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained. The
final rites of the Sayadaw were held at 6.30 pm on 9 January.
South-West Command Commander tours wetland area in Kyonpyaw
Yangon, 11 Jan - Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of the South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann inspected wetland
farms in Pathein and Maubin Districts on 7 January.
He inspected land reclamation work at the wetland areas in Khayaykan
Village-tract, Kyonpyaw Township, Pathein District, and gave instructions. He later went
to Khanaw Village, Pantanaw Township, Maubin District. During his meeting with township
departmental officials, townselders, service personnel and members of social organizations
at Khanaw Village, he gave instructions on agriculture, livestock breeding, education,
health and regional development tasks. At Khayaykan Village Peace and Development Council
Office, he gave instructions on cultivation of crops in the wetland areas, and realization
of the target for cultivation of summer paddy and cold season crops.
Commander attends extempore talks competition
Yangon, 11 Jan- An extempore talks competition to mark the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, organized by Shan State (South) Union Solidarity and
Development Association, was held at the Town Hall in Taunggyi on 9 January morning.
It was attended by Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council
Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Maung Bo, senior military officers, members of Shan
State Peace and Development Council, USDA members, members of the Board of Judges and
competitor USDA members. The commander made an address on the occasion. The commander and
officials presented prizes to the winners and greeted the competitors.
Commander, President of UMFCCI meet private entrepreneurs in Mon
Yangon, 11 Jan- Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council
Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit Maung met executives of Mon
State Chamber of Commerce and Industry and entrepreneurs at the meeting hall of Mon State
Peace and Development Council on 9 January afternoon.
Present were Secretary of Mon State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw and members U Kyin Pe and Police Col Thein Lin, President of the Union
of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry U Win Myint and executives,
President of Myanmar Rice Dealers Association U Nyein, Acting President of Mon State
Chamber of Commerce and Industry U Tin Maw, Vice-President U Chan Sein, Secretary U Nyan
Win and executives. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit Maung made a speech. President
of UMFCCI U Win Myint explained the assistance of UMFCCI for private entrepreneurs. Then,
President U Win Myint looked into the requirements of the entrepreneurs and executives of
Mon State CCI.
( 5 ) K 1.2 million donated for orphans and disabled children
Yangon, 11 Jan - A ceremony to make cash donations to training schools
for orphans and disabled children under the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of
Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement was held at the ministry on 6 January morning.
Present were Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Director-General of the Fire Services Department Col Myint Tun,
Director-General of the Relief and Resettlement Department U Than Oo, Director of the
Social Welfare Department U Khin Maung and officials, wellwishers U San Win and Daw Tin
Tin Yee and family of No 106, 7th Street, Mingalar Ward, Pyinmana and heads of youth
training schools under the Social Welfare Department. Wellwisher U San Win explained the
purpose of donation. Then, the wellwishers presented K 200,000 each to Kyimyindine School
for the Blind, Shwegondaing Day Care Centre, Kaba Aye Youth Training School, the training
school for the girls, Hngetausan Youth Training School and the vocational training school
for women. The minister accepted the donations and presented a certificate of honour to
the wellwishers .
Minister inspects agriculture, livestock farms in Kawthoung
Yangon, 11 Jan - Secretary of the Leading Committee for Regional
Agricultural Development Minister at the Prime minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung,
accompanied by Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and
Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin and officials, inspected development services in Kawthoung
First, he inspected farmers' vegetable farms undertaken with the
supervision of Kawthoung Township Peace and Development Council. The chairman of the
Township Peace and Development Council and farmers conducted him round the farms. He left
instructions on extension of such farms for sufficiency of vegetables for townspeople. The
minister and party proceeded to the agriculture and livestock breeding farms established
in joint venture with the base tactical operations regiment and inspected the vegetable
farms, poultry and pig farms, and left instructions on extension of farms.
Later, they toured the private and cooperative poultry, duck and prawn
breeding farms. Together with Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein,
Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung held discussions with Kawthoung District and Township
departmental officials, entrepreneurs of livestock and agriculture farms, fishery
entrepreneurs, and managers of edible oil palm farms at the meeting hall of the Regional
Station. He spoke of the projects being implemented for development of Taninthayi
Division, and gave suggestions on boosting production for local sufficiency of rice and
extension of agriculture and livestock breeding farms.
Minister meets Chinese guest

Yangon, 11 Jan- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung met Deputy
General Manager of China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation Mr Liu Zhongjun
and party at his office this evening. Present also were Deputy Minister for Industry-1
Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, directors-general and officials.
CEC member meets USDA members
Yangon, 11 Jan- Centarl Executive Committee member of the Union
Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing,
accompanied by member of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Division
Commissioner U Thein Swe and Police Commander of Yangon Division Police Force Police Col
Tin Win, met secretaries and members of Kungyangon, Kawhmu and Dalla Township USDAs at
respective townships yesterday morning.
Also present were the secretary and executives of Yangon South District
USDA, the deputy commissioner of Yangon South District, the district police commander and
township police officers, school heads, members of the school board of trustees and
townselders totalling over 300. Minister Col Tin Hlaing made a speech on the occasion and
presented books to the officials. Then, the minister inspected Township Administration
Department Offices and police stations in the townships. The minister cordially met with
staff families and gave instructions to them.
( 6 ) Renovation work at Mann
Shwesettaw Pagoda inspected
Yangon, 11 Jan- Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development
Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, accompanied by departmental officials, paid homage to
Shinbinswele Yokeshindaw Buddha Image, which was conveyed from Mabein Township, Shan
State, in Minbu on 6 January.
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw donated cash towards the fund of the pagoda. Then,
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspected roads, bridges and canals along Natyay-kantaung bypass in
Ngaphe Township and gave instructions to officials. Then, the Chairman met local residents
and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association in Goatkyi Village, Ngaphe
Township and looked into requirements. Chairman Brig-Gen Thein Zaw also inspected
renovation of Ahtet Settawya and Koekhankyi Tazaung, and construction of the retaining
wall and guest houses in Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda in Minbu (Saku) and gave instructions to
Mayor inspects agriculture, livestock breeding tasks in
Uto-Kya-in region
Yangon, 11 Jan- Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U
Ko Lay accompanied by responsible officials inspected progress of vegetable plantations
and 25-ton rice mill, test-production of paddy husk briquettes and river-water pumping
project of Water Resources Utilization Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation,
near Taung Yat Zeegon Village, Uto-Kya-in region in Taikkyi Township and gave necessary
instructions this morning.
The Mayor arrived at the plantations in Uto region in Taikkyi Township
and inspected onion, chili, egg-plants, bitter gourd, gourd and papaya plantations. He was
welcomed and conducted by the responsible officials. He gave necessary instructions on
transporting the vegetables to the tax-free markets and distributing them at cheap prices.
Then, the Mayor inspected milling of 25-ton rice mill and gave instructions on minimizing
the wastage and completion of the tasks in time. The Mayor also inspected test-production
of briquette factory.
The officials welcomed and reported to him on quality, cost and time of
the paddy husk briquettes produced in four methods. The Mayor gave necessary instructions
to the responsible officials on transporting the products to the tax-free markets and
minimizing the wastage. Afterwards the Mayor headed for Taung Yat Zeegon, Kya-in region in
Taikkyi Township and inspected pumping the water from Hline river and was reported on
water-pumping with two sets of water pump for 500 acres of land. After giving instructions
there, the Mayor visited Basic Education Primary School, Zeegon Village and presented K
500,000 for the school.
( 7 ) Scholarship winners, Myanmar literature award winners
Yangon, 11 Jan- Scholarship winners from the University of
Culture and Myanmar literature award winners under U Ohn Pe Literary Award for 2000 were
announced today.
Scholarship winners from the University of Culture are Ma Thet Nwe Win
(second year Music) and Maung Min Thu (second year Painting). Myanmarsar award winners are
Ma Nima Soe (first year Myanmar) and Maung Win Zaw Oo (first year Myanmar), of the
University of Distance Education, Hinthada Branch, Ma Thi Thi Oo (first year Myanmar) of
UDE, Yangon East University Branch and Maung Aung Myo Hsan (first year Myanmar) of UDE,
Pakokku Branch. The winners are to contact Sarpay Beikman on Merchant Street, Yangon, Ph
240048, 252560 and 283611.
Independence Day Exhibition concludes
Yangon, 11 Jan- The
53rd Anniversary Independence Day Exhibition held at Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U
Wizara Road in Dagon Township was crowded with members of the Sangha, people, members of
Union Solidarity and Development Association, students and tourists on the final day
today. Endeavours to establish the first, second and third Myanmar empires and activities
of the national leaders throughout the independence struggle, endeavours of the
ministries, development of the State and narcotic drugs eradication task were exhibited at
the booths.
Research paper-reading session of MHRC continues
Yangon, 11 Jan - The research paper-reading session of the Myanmar
Health Research Congress continued at the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) on
Ziwaka Street, Dagon Township, for the third day and fourth day yesterday and today.
Resource persons and researchers presented 16 papers on the third day session and 15
papers on the fourth day, and replied to the questions raised by the observers. On the
final day session tomorrow, awards for the best three research papers and the best poster
will be presented.
( 8
) Tiger Myanmar Amateur Open 2001 continues
Yangon, 11 Jan- Tiger Myanmar Amateur Open 2001 sponsored by Myanmar
Golf Federation and Tiger Beer continued at Yangon Golf Club this morning. Present were
President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, General Secretary U Aung Gyi and executives,
officials of Myanmar Brewery Ltd, guests and golf enthusiasts.
Myanmar B team was leading with 445 strokes in team-wise competition,
followed by Myanmar A team with 452 and Thai team with 467. In women's amateur tourney,
Khin Thu Thu (YCDC) was leading with 150 strokes. Kong Sun Young (ROK) with 161 and Pauk
Si Wan (ROK) with 164, followed by Khin Mar Nyunt with 165; Nanda Kyaw was leading with
222 strokes in men's scratch play, followed by Zaw Zin Win with 223 and Zaw Zaw Latt, Win
Htwe Hlaing and Thein Zaw Min tied with 226 each. Nanda Kyaw was leading with 206 strokes
in men's handicap play, followed by Zaw Zaw Aung and Zaw Zin Win with 210 each and Thein
Zaw Myint with 211. Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd and Ramada Hotel are also official sponsors.
The tourney continues tomorrow.
( 9
) 20 Minbu (Saku) NLD members resign of own accord
Yangon, 11 Jan- Twenty members resigned from the National League for
Democracy of Minbu (Saku) Township, Magway Division. Twenty members of Minbu (Saku) NLD,
Magway Division, of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to Minbu
(Saku) Township Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party
concerned on 11 May 2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.