( 1 ) Observance of 54th Anniversary Union
Day with greater political essence stressed
Yangon, 9 Jan - A coordination meeting on observance of the 54th Anniversary Union Day
for 2001 was held in the meeting hall of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) this afternoon,
with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Also present at the meeting were Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Tin Oo, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung
Than, the ministers, the Yangon Mayor, the deputy ministers, senior officers of the
Ministry of Defence, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council
Office and departmental heads. Deputy Director-General of Pyithu Hluttaw Office U Sein
acted as master of ceremonies. Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said the purpose of the meeting was to
discuss tasks for observance of the 54th Anniversary Union Day with full political
The 54th Anniversary Union Day is to be observed with the national objectives: All
Union nationals to safeguard the national policy of non-disintegration of the Union,
non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty; All Union
nationals to always keep alive the Union Spirit among them; All Union nationals to strive
together for emergence of a State Constitution leading to a new discipline-flourishing
democratic State; and All Union nationals to oppose and prevent the dangers posed by the
external and internal destructive elements against the stability and modernization of the
State. He said Myanmar is the Union inhabited by national peoples together through thick
and thin, and after the colonialists had waged three aggressive wars, national unity was
jeopardized because of the usurpers' divide-and-rule policy.
The people had to suffer the consequences of that evil legacy even after independence
had been regained, and as the successive governments had not been able to consolidate
national unity, the nation lagged behind in development. As the Tatmadaw, after assuming
the State duties, strove for national reconsolidation and for the national brethren armed
groups to return to the legal fold, all armed groups but one have returned to the legal
fold. Once the nationalities groups had returned to the legal fold they joined hands with
the government in the development projects, and today, progress is being made as envisaged
by the political, economic and social objectives. As the country has become stable and
peaceful and
all national peoples are working together in harmony and unison, the government can pay
emphasis on development of border areas. With the leadership of the Central Committee for
Development of Border Areas and National Races, the government implemented border areas
development projects utilizing large sums of funds, and as a result, border areas are now
witnessing rapid development.
Small villages of border areas in the past are now emerging as modern towns with
splendid buildings, and these results are due to peace and stability of the State and
national consolidation. Continuing, the Secretary-1 said that while the government is
working for consolidation of national unity and vitalization of Union Spirit, some foreign
super power countries employing neo-colonialist tactics and the destructionists group
owing allegiance to them are attempting to interfere in the political, economic and social
The one and only force to fight against the neo-colonialists interfering in the
internal affairs is national unity with Union Spirit, and all Union nationals have to
strive for further consolidation of national unity and vitalization of the Union Spirit
with oneness of mind. For this purpose, he said, the Union Day is observed every year with
full political essence.
He called for formation of the Central Committee, Management Committee and
subcommittees for observance of the Union Day, and urged all to work for observance of the
54th Anniversary Union Day with a deeper political essence than the previous year.
Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than explained the programmes for observance of the 54th
Anniversary Union Day, followed by a general round of discussions. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin
Oo also gave suggestions on observance of the Union Day. The meeting concluded with the
Secretary-1's remarks.
Theravada Patharani Ordination Hall of International Theravada
Buddhist Missionary University opens
Yangon, 9 Jan-The opening ceremony of Theravada Patharani Ordination Hall of
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University and presentation of title of Doctor
of Letters (Honaris Causa) to Rector Sayadaw was held at the Theravada Patharani
Ordination Hall this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Present on the occasion were members of the State Sangha Maha
Nayaka Committee led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja
Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Panindabhivamsa, Heads of Faculty led by Rector of ITBMU Agga
Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Bhaddanta Dr Sila Nandabhivamsa, member of the
State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the mayor, the deputy ministers,
members of ITBMU Council, Pro-rector and professors, Sasana Nug-gaha title recipients,
students of Buddha Dhamma Diploma one-year course and Buddha Dhamma first year B.A course
and guests.
The Secretary-1 unveiled the stone plaque of the ordination hall and sprinkled scented
water on the stone plaque. Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe formally opened the
The Secretary-1 performed the rituals of gold and silver showers to mark the success of
the ceremony. Next, the congregation received the Nine Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Sila Nandabhivamsa and members of the Sangha recited the parittas. In his supplication,
the Secretary-1 said the State Peace and Development Council is endeavouring for the
emergence of a peaceful, modern developed nation day and night and carrying out work for
flourishing the Sasana in accordance with under the Ovada of the Sayadaws.
He said it is necessary for Myanmar that has upheld and promoted Buddha's teachings in
successive eras to propagate genuine Theravada Buddhism in the world. Therefore, the
government opened ITBMU on 9 December 1998. He said lecture halls and meditation halls for
members of the Sangha and men and women students and many religious buildings were
constructed with the donations of the wellwishers.

The Secretary-1 said arrangements were made for construction of the ordination hall in
accord with the Ovada of Ovadacariya Sayadaws led by Chancellor of ITBMU Myingyan Sayadaw
and guidance of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than
Shwe. Cornerstone laying ceremony of the ordination hall was held on 5 February 2000 and
construction was completed on 30 September 2000. The University is splendid with pagodas,
and other religious buildings, he added.
In conclusion, he wished for progress and prosperity of the Union of Myanmar, saying
the people are making donations to build religious structures. Next, the Secretary-1
presented the title of Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sila
The Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers presented offertories to the members
of the Sangha. The Secretary-1 presented four sets of Tipitakat (Gon Shan translation) for
Pitakattaik in Shwedagon Pagoda, State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon), Research
Library of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana and library of ITBMU to
Minister U Aung Khin. Secretary Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee
Abhidhaja Maha Ratha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotikadhaja Magway Sayadaw
Bhaddanta Kumara delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. The Secretary-1, the
commander and the ministers offered " soon" to the members of the Sangha.
( 2 ) Secretary-2 attends Armed
Forces Day Military Band Competition
Yangon, 9 Jan-The 56th Armed Forces Day Anniversary Tenth Tatmadaw (Army,
Navy and Air) Military Band Competition continued at the People's Square this morning.
Before the competition, the band comprising school girls of No 1 Basic Education High
School of Dagon Township demonstrated skill with military and marching songs.
Then, Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Patron of Organizing Committee for Tenth Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Military
Band Competition Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo
presented prizes to leader of the band Ma Khaing Hsu Wai. Afterwards, bands representing
Defence Services Academy, Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Air), Office of the
Commander-in-Chief (Navy), South-East Command and Central Command took part in the
competition. Also present were Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Military Band
Competition Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, high-ranking military officers,
members of Board of Judges, families of Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, Fire
Brigades, Red Cross and Union Solidarity and Development Association, students, teachers
and guests.
( 3 ) Secretary-2 receives
Director of Beijing Tongyi Edible Oil Co Ltd

Yangon, 9 Jan- Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo
received Director of Beijing Tongyi Edible Oil Co Ltd Mr Chen Congzhou and party of
People's Republic of China at Office of the Minister for Livestock and Fisheries at 8.30
am today. Present also were Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung
Thein, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein, Deputy Minister for
Forestry Col Thaik Tun and officials.
Minister meets Ambassador

Yangon, 9 Jan- Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San met Ambassador of Japan Mr Shingeru
Tsumori at the latter's office at 2 pm today. Also present were Director-General U Sein
Than of Cottage Industries Department, Managing Director Daw Khin Swe Soe of Cooperative
Exports and Imports Enterprise, Deputy Director-General U Tin Win of Cooperatives
Department, Adviser Dr Than Htaik and officials.
Minister receives guests from Thailand and Germany
Yangon, 9 Jan-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin
received Vice-Chairman of Astraco Asia Trading Co, Thailand Regional Manager Mr Carmel
Dahar and party at the latter's office at noon today. Also present at the call were
Managing Director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications U Maung Maung Tin and officials.
Similarly, the Minister received Director of Giesecke & Devnient Co, Germany Mr
Andreas W Klemm at 12.30 pm.
Delegation leaves for Vietnam
Yangon, 9 Jan- A Myanmar delegation comprising Executive Committee member of the Union
of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Joint Secretary of Myanmar
Industries Association U Hla Myint and Executive Committee member of Myanmar Timber
Entrepreneurs Association U Myo Tint Than left here by air this morning to attend the
Regional Design Forum to be held in Vietnam from 10 to 13 January. General Secretary of
UMFCCI U Zaw Min Win and officials saw the delegation off at Yangon International Airport.
( 4 ) Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe visit Myanmar Traditional Apparel Show
Yangon, 9 Jan-Myanmar Traditional Apparel Show, organized by University of Culture
(Yangon) sponsored by Ministry of Culture, continued at the National Museum on Pyay Road
today. Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo and wives
of ministers visited the show.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe and party arrived at National Museum at 1 pm
and were welcomed there by directors-general and the rector of University of Culture and
officials and students of the university.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe and party viewed the show of costumes of
national races, dresses of rural traditional and booths of weaving and gold-embroidery. Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe and Daw Khin Than Nwe and party also viewed demonstration of Myanma
traditional novitiation ceremony. After the ceremony, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, signed in the visitors books at the museum.
( 5 ) First Meeting of National Focal Points Working Group on
Peas and Beans Promotion Scheme ends
Yangon, 9 Jan-Delegates of ASEAN member nations and officials of the ASEAN Secretariat
attending the First Meeting of National Focal Points Working Group on Peas and Beans
Promotion Scheme, accompanied by officials of Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation,
Ministry of Cooperatives and Myanmar Pulses and Bens and Sesame Association, arrived at
90,000 acres of contiguous pedisein plantation in Thaiktugan Village, Thongwa Township,
this morning. Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than, Acting Managing
Director of Myanma Farms Enterprise U San Myint and Yangon Division Manager U San Maung
explained cultivation and production of pedisein in Thongwa Township.
They then met the farmers. After that, they visited Kyaikhmawwun Pagoda in Kyauktan.
In the afternoon, they attended the second day session of the meeting. They discussed
programmes for 2001-2002 fiscal year, projects, training courses and holding of the second
coordination meeting. In the evening, Managing Director U Tun Than gave concluding remarks
and the meeting came to a close.
Second meeting of experts on energy sector of BIMST-EC concludes
Yangon, 9 Jan-The Second meeting of experts on energy sector of BIMST-EC, which
comprises Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand, continued for the final day
at the Hotel Equatorial on Alanpya Pagoda Road in Dagon Township today. The future plans
for the energy sector cooperation programme and the implementation of the two projects in
the natural gas and renewable energy sectors were discussed at the meeting. Deputy
Minister for Energy U Tin Tun gave a concluding speech. Secretary-General of the National
Energy Policy Council of Thailand Mr Piromsakdi Laparojkit spoke words of thanks and the
meeting concluded in the afternoon. Deputy Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Thein Aung also
attended the meeting.
( 6 ) Myanmar Health Research
Congress continues
Yangon, 9 Jan-Myanmar Health Research Congress continued for the second day at the
meeting hall of Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) on Ziwaka Street in Dagon
Township this morning. Medical Superintendent of North Okkalapa General Hospital Prof Dr
Myint Maung Maung and Prof Dr Thein Aung of Institute of Medicine-2 presided over the
morning session at which eight papers were presented. Director-General of MRD (Upper
Myanmar) Dr Myint Lwin, Prof Dr Kyi Kyi Thin of Institute of Medicine-1 and Deputy
Director Dr Aung Mon of National Health Laboratory Department presided over the afternoon
session at which seven papers were presented. Altogether 16 research posters and booths of
ten medicine companies were on display at the congress which continues until 12 January.
Minister inspects development tasks
Yangon, 9 Jan- Secretary of Leading Committee for Development of Agriculture Sector
Region-wise Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung, accompanied by
Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U
Kyaw Tin, Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials, inspected
poultry farms in Bokpyin on 6 January evening. At the local battalion, the minister met
officials and discussed construction of Taninthayi-Bokpyin Road. On 7 January morning, the
minister and party inspected Kyaukphyutaung quarry camp. He also met local authorities and
departmental officials. The minister inspected oil palm plantations of Dagon Oil Mill Co
Ltd in Mahe Camp on Bokpyin-Kawthoung Road. Yesterday, the minister and party inspected
oil palm plantations of private entrepreneurs in Bokpyin Township.
( 7 ) Paper-reading session on livestock breeding held
Yangon, 9 Jan-The paper-reading session for development of livestock breeding,
organized by Myanmar Veterinary Science Council and Myanmar Livestock Federation, was held
at International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning, attended by Chairman of Meat
and Fish Breeding and Production Committee Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen
Tin Ngwe and Vice-Chairman Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung
Thein. President of the Council Dr Mya Nyunt gave a speech in the morning session.
Professor Dr Yoshizane Maeda of Kagoshima University of Japan, Prof Dr Toshio Yamamoto of
Heroshima University of Japan, Director Dr Than Hla of Livestock Breeding and Veterinary
Department presented papers. Then, Chairman Minister Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe gave a speech.
Assistant Director Dr Khin Maung Win of Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department,
Manager Dr Zaw Myint and Assistant Manager Dr Myint Wai of Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy
Products Enterprise presented their papers. Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and Dr
Maung Maung Sa gave speeches.
On-job Training Course for immigration
officers opens
Yangon, 9 Jan-The On-job Training Course No 8 for immigration officers of the Ministry
of Immigration and Population was opened at the training hall of the Population Department
on Maha Bandoola Street this morning with an address by Minister for Immigration and
Population U Saw Tun.
Speaking on the occasion, Minister U Saw Tun spoke of the need for service personnel of
the Ministry of Immigration and Population, to be imbued with a sense of Union and
national spirit and to safeguard national culture in building a peaceful, modern and
developed nation; to abide by rules and regulations in the execution of the duties. All
service personnel are to follow the motto of the ministry " Myanmar must exist
as long as the world does " in order to uplift of the dignity of the ministry
and to be royal to the State and the people in discharging the duties wherever they were
assigned; in addition to the duties, they are to actively participate in regional
development with goodwill and in collaboration with local people, he noted.
He called on the service personnel to make concerted efforts in shouldering the duties
and to be good personnel on whom the State and the people can rely. Present on the
occasion were Director-General of Immigration National Registration and Department Col
Maung Htay, Director-General of Population Department Col Tin Yi directors, advisers,
trainees from Head Office and state/division immigration offices.
( 8
Minister for Sports attends opening of 38th ISD Tennis
Yangon, 9 Jan-The 38th Inter-State/Division Tennis Tournament organized by Sports and
Physical Education Department was opened this morning with an address by Chairman of
Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint.
Also present on the occasion were General Secretary of MOC Director-General of Sports
and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik and officials, President of Myanmar
Tennis Federation U Chit Swe and executives. First, the Ayeyawady Division Men's team and
Mandalay Division Women's team, that are champions of the previous year, returned the
championship shields to the Minister. Then, the Minister delivered a speech and opened the
tournament. The minister accompanied by officials arrived at Youth Training Camp
(Thuwunna) and viewed the training of the boxers who are going to take part in the 21st
South-East Asia Sports Competitions and discussed the matters related to training. He also
gave necessary instructions and attended to their needs.
Tiger Myanmar Amateur Open Golf Championship 2001 begins
Yangon, 9 Jan- A ceremony to open the Tiger Myanmar Amateur Open Golf Championship
2001, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by Tiger Beer, was held at
Yangon Golf Club in Danyingon this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Olympic
Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint. Also present were President of MGF
Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, officials, Chairman of Myanmar Brewery Ltd Lt-Col Maung Maung Aye,
General Manager Mr Koh Tai Hong and guests.
Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and General
Manager Mr Koh Tai Hong teed off to open it. On the opening day, Minister Brig-Gen Thura
Aye Myint, Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik,
Ambassador of Singapore Siman Dr Cruz and Mr Koh Tai Hong, Mr Alvin Law, Mr Wong Long
Jean, Mr Terance Ong and Mr Lional Tay took part in the championship. In the men's scratch
event, Zaw Zaw Latt and Myo Min Aung tied at the first position with 73 strokes each. In
the men's handicap event, Myo Min Aung and Myat Htut Lwin were leading with 67 strokes
each. Han Golf Masters sponsors the championship together with Ramada Hotel. The tourney
continues tomorrow.
( 9
) 20 members resign from Kyunsu Township NLD of own accord
Yangon, 9 Jan- Twenty members resigned of their own accord from the National League for
Democracy of Nyaungbee Village-tract Kyunsu Township, Taninthayi Division. Twenty members
of Nyaungbee Village-tract Kyunsu Township NLD, of their own accord, resigned by sending
letters of resignation to Kyunsu Township Multiparty Democracy General Election
Sub-commission and the party concerned on 7 September 2000 as they no longer wished to
participate in party politics of NLD.