( 1 ) Secretary-2 inspects rehearsal for
Military Band Contest opening ceremony
Yangon, 7 Jan-The rehearsal for opening ceremony of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces
Day Commemorative Tenth Military Band Contest was held at the People's Square this
morning. Chairman of Leading Committee for Observance of the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces
Day Patron of Tenth Military Band Contest Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Chief of
Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo inspected the rehearsal.
Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Management Committee for the Contest
Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chief of Armed Forces Training
Maj-Gen Win Myint, Chairman of Organizing Committee for the Contest Vice-Adjutant General
Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, Provost Marshal Brig-Gen
Saw Hla, Director of Military Training Brig-Gen Aung Kyi, Director-General of Myanmar
Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win, Director-General of Fire Services Department U Myint
Tun and officials. Band troupes of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) rehearsed for the
Afterwards, Guard of Honour Band, Military Band, MPF Band and Myanmar Fire Brigade
Band presented skill demonstrations.
Secretary-2 attends prize presentation ceremony of Ministry of
Yangon, 7 Jan-A ceremony to present prizes to outstanding students who are offspring
of Tatmadaw members (Army, Navy and Air) and passed their examinations in 1999-2000
academic year, was held at the hall of the Ministry of Defence this afternoon, attended by
Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Bureau of Special
Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo. Also present on the occasion were
directors of departments and offices under of the Ministry, senior military officers,
parents officers and other ranks and outstanding students. The Secretary-2 spoke on the
occasion. Then, the Secretary-2, the directors and senior military officers presented
prizes to 131 outstanding students 61 in Basic Education Primary level , 13 in Middle
School level, three ninth standard students, 46 tenth standard students and eight
university/college students. The ceremony came to a close at 2.30 pm.
Last date for marching and military song competition extended
Yangon, 7 Jan-Sub-committee for organizing military and marching song competition has
invited entries to the 56th Anniversary Armed Forces Day commemorative military and
marching songs composing competition. The Sub-committee is a body of the Work Committee
for holding poetry and art competition, headed by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt.
Marching song composing competition includes open division and military song competition
has level 1 and level 2. In addition to the first, second and third prizes, special prizes
will be awarded in both competitions.
Rules and regulations for composing of the marching songs are as follows: Composing of
songs should be based on the Twelve National Objectives the objectives of the 56th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve traditions of the Tatmadaw. Anyone can compete
in military song competition. There are level-1 and level-2 in the competition. Composers
and vocalists of level-1 are not allowed to take part in the level-2. Those who had won
first, second or third prizes in the level-2 will be allowed to participate only in the
level-1. Entrants in individual or group categories are allowed to compose only one song
each. Marching songs must be composed in accord with the composing system. Military songs
must be Myanmar tune and Myanmar style. All songs must be four to six minutes long.
Entries must be sound singing with complete music. Each reel or tape is
permitted to record only one song. Suitable title of the song can be given. Ten
copies of typed song and the original copy of the music notes should be presented together
with the recorded cassette tape or reel. Brief biography of the composer and
vocalist is to be sent together with three passport-size (2"x2 1/2') colour photos.
Tentatively selected persons will be announced to take part in the final
competition. Entries are to be sent to U Ko Ko Htwe, Secretary of the Sub-committee for
organizing military and marching song competition, Myanma Radio and Television, Pyay Road,
Yangon, not later than 16 January 2001.
( 2 ) Appointment of Ambassador
agreed on
Yangon, 8 Jan-The Government of the Union of Myanmar has agreed to the appointment of
Mr Oum Maolanon as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Thailand
to the Union of Myanmar.
Mr Oum Maolanon was born on 25 March 1949 and graduated from Thammasat University of
Bangkok, Thailand, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations. He joined
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand in 1971 and has served in various capacities
in the Ministry as well as in Thai Embassies in Jakarta and Washington and at the
Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations Office in Geneva. In 1998, he served
as Deputy Director-General of the Department of Economic Affairs and from 1999 he has been
serving as Deputy Director-General of the Department of Information at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Thailand. Mr Oum Maolanon is married.
( 3 ) Magway Division War Veteran
Organization holds pre-conference
Yangon, 7 Dec-The pre-conference of Myanmar War Veteran Organization (Magway Division)
was held at Magway City Hall at 9 am today, attended by Patron of Myanmar War Veteran
Organization (Magway Division) Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council
Brig-Gen Thein Zaw. Also present on the occasion were members of Central Organizing
Committee of Myanmar War Veteran Organization Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe
Win Maung, Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa and
Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing, senior military officers in
the division, members of supervisory committee for the organization, division level
officials, chairmen of township Peace and Development Councils, executives of USDA,
Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Women's Affairs Work Committee in Magway
Division, members of Myanmar Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Myanmar Writers
and Journalists Association, merchants association and economic enterprises, officials and
invited guests. Lt-Col Myint Tun (Retd) chaired the conference with Lt-Col Tin Ngwe
(Retd), and Maj Tin Hlaing (Retd). Daw Tin Moe Kyi and Daw Thein Kyu Myint acted as
masters of ceremonies.
The master of ceremonies read out the agenda and opened the conference. Then, Lt-Col
Myint Tun delivered an opening speech. Capt Aung Kyi (Retd), Maj Tun Sein (Retd) and Maj
Kyi Than (Retd) of Supervisory Committee for War Veteran Organization (Magway Division)
read out three sections of the report respectively.
Afterwards, Maj Sein Hlaing (Retd) read out the report on National Politics, Maj Maung
Maung Nyein (Retd) on National Defence and Security, Capt Thet Aung (Retd) on Economic
Sector, Capt Tin Myint Aung on Social Welfare and Capt Saw Sein Tun (Retd) on Community
Works Sector. Chairman Lt-Col Myint Tun (Retd) made a concluding speech and the ceremony
came to an end with the chanting of slogans.
Central Organizing Committee of MWVO presented K 1 million, Magway Division Peace and
Development Council K 100,000, District Peace and Development Councils K 100,000, Myan-mar
Police Force (Magway Division) K 60,000, Magway Division Development Committee K 50,000,
Magway Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association K 50,000, Asia World Co Ltd K
50,000, Contact Co K 50,000, Magway Division USDA K 30,000, Magway Division Red Cross
Society K 30,000, Bureau of Special Investigation K 30,000, Magway Division Transport
Association K 1 million, Magway Division Agricultural Produce Trading K 50,000, Pyay Maha
Agricultural Co (Natmauk) K 20,000 for Magway Division WVO.
( 4 ) Trade
Training Courses to open soon
Yangon, 7 Jan- The Trade Training Courses will be opened for those wishing to discharge
duty at factories and mills by Nawarat Education Family. Interested persons may attend
Fitter, Welder, Plumber, Surveying, Site Carpentry, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning,
Electrical Installation and Computer Aided Draughting courses. Classes of HND engineering
course will be opened for those who passed the matriculation examination and the basic
education high school examination. Applications will be submitted to Student Affairs
Department, Nawarat Education Family, 82, Anawrahta Street, phone 250225.
( 5 ) Sunflower and sesame cultivation demonstrated in Hmawby
Yangon, 7 Jan-A ceremony to demonstrate sunflower and sesame cultivation through
irrigation was held at Shwemyaya Village-tract in Hmawby Township, Yangon North District
this morning, attended by member of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Police
Col Tin Win, Chairman of District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col San Ma Tu and
division/township level departmental officials, members of Union Solidarity and
Development Association and peasants. Chairman Lt-Col San Ma Tu, Yangon Division Myanma
Agriculture Service U San Maung, Head of Land Records of Yangon Division U Naing Win,
officials from Yangon Division Water Resources and Irrigation Departments explained the
system. The officials attended to the matters related to construction of bridge and water
supply put forward by the peasants.
Then, the irrigated by Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Ye
Hla and Township Agricultural Services Manager U Thein Lwin at the plantation of Peasant
Daw Hla Myint. Afterwards, Lt-Col Tin Win and party attended the ceremony to collectively
cultivate summer paddy at Kyunchaung Village in Phalon Kankon Village-tract, Taikkyi
Township. Police Col Tin Win, Lt-Col San Ma Tu and members of Supervisory Committee for
Cultivation made speeches. The cultivation of summer paddy and winter crop in Taikkyi
Township was reported by Taikkyi Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Than and
general round of discussions followed. After sowing paddy and ploughing the fields with
120 cows and 20 tractors, the ceremony came to an end.
Yangon bustling with activities
Yangon, 7 Jan-Today is Sunday, an office holiday, and pilgrimage centres were crowded
with Buddhist devotees and members of the Sangha, and recreation and amusement centres
with holiday-makers. Laypersons and members of the Sangha, including tourists, thronged
the pagodas such as Shwedagon, Maha Wizaya, Sule, Botahtaung Kyaik-day-up, Koehtatgyi,
Chaukhtatgyi, Ngahtatgyi, Thanlyin Kyaikkhauk Sandawshin, Kyaikmhawwun Yaylezedi, and were
seen paying reverence to the pagodas, keeping precepts, counting beads, practising
meditation, offering flowers, water, lights and incense sticks and making donations.
Likewise, People's Park and People's Square, Yangon Zoological Gardens, Thakayta Amusement
Park, Myakyuntha Amusement Park and Kandawmingala Park were teeming with holiday-makers.
( 6 ) Cash and kind donated to
Yangon, 7 Jan- Happy (Juice) of Happy International Co Ltd presented soft drinks to No
4 Military Region and Maternal and Child Welfare Association of Defence Services Records
Office at the meeting hall of DSRO this morning. Commandant of DSRO and Commander of No 4
Military Region Brig-Gen Myo Myint and wellwisher Managing Director U Kyaw Thaung gave
speeches. Then, the wellwisher presented K 200,000 for No 4 Military Region to Commandant
Brig-Gen Myo Myint and K 200,000 and 10 dozens of orange soft drinks to MCWA of DSRO to
Chairperson Dr Thi Thi Aye.
Independence Day Exhibition continues
Yangon, 7 Jan- The 53rd Anniversary Independence Day Exhibition, organized by the
Sub-committee for Organizing the 53rd Anniversary Independence Day Exhibition, continued
at Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road in Dagon Township this morning. Teachers,
students, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association and the public visited
the exhibition. Struggles for building of the first, second and third Myanmar empires and
activities for independence struggle, documents related to the Independence Day on 4
January 1948, culture and development of the State, ministries and narcotic drugs
eradication booths were displayed at the exhibition. There are quizzes on computers and
quizzes on the paintings in the exhibition. Various kinds of books were sold at the
bookshops of News and Periodicals Enterprise, Information and Public Relations Department
and Sarpay Beikman. The exhibition will be kept open free of charge to the public from 9
am to 5 pm until 11 January.
( 7 ) USDA CEC member meets executives and organizers
Yangon, 7 Jan- Member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity
and Development Association U Aung San met with organizers and executives at the office of
Thingangyun Township USDA this morning. First, organizers reported to the EC member on
organizational work. Then, the EC member made a speech. First, he urged the organizers to
carry out the tasks systematically. He also stressed the need to zealously take part in
activities that strengthen the association.
( 8
) Provisions donated to monasteries in Yankin Township

Yangon, 7 Jan- Families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers
offered provisions to Pyinsanikaya Sasana Beikman, Aung Chantha, Maha Sandathuriya and
Aungthukha monasteries in Yankin Township this morning. Deputy Minister for Labour
Brig-Gen Win Sein, senior military officers, officials and guests attended the ceremony at
Sasana Beikman Monastery. On behalf of the families of Tatmadaw, Commandant of Camp
Commandant's Office Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein, General Staff Officer (Grade-I) (Navy) Cmdr
Aung Thaw and Officiating Colonel Air Staff (Mechanical) Lt-Gen Ye Chit Pe offered rice to
the Presiding Nayaka of the monastery.
Wellwishers then donated provisions to Saya-daws and K 400,000 to through the deputy
minister and officials. Deputy Director of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Col
Kyaw Myint supplicated on the purpose of the donations. Next, Ashin Pannasihabhivamsa of
the monastery delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. After the ceremony,
Shwesin Yadana Gold & Jewellery Shop owner U Tin Oo-Daw Hla Myint and family offered
" soon" to the Sayadaws.
Merit-sharing of Ngadatgyi Pagoda, Buddha Pujaniya held
Yangon, 7 Jan- A ceremony to share merits for all-round renovation of Maha Thakya
Atula Manaung Ngadatgyi Pagoda was held in conjunction with the opening of the archway and
100th year Buddha Pujaniya at the pagoda in Bahan Township this afternoon. Present were
Secretary of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja
Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Magway Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kumara and members of the Sangha,
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen
Thura Myint Maung, Commandant of DSRO and Commander of No 4 Military Region Brig-Gen Myo
Myint, Director-General of Myanma Police Force Police Maj-Gen Soe Win and officials,
members of Pagoda Board of Trustees, wellwishers and guests.
Myanmar Buddhist delegation arrives back
Yangon, 7 Jan- A Myanmar Buddhist delegation led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha
Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Arinnabhivamsa arrived back here
by air yesterday evening after paying a missionary visit to the Lao People's Democratic
Republic. The Sayadaw and party were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by
Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and officials.
( 9
) 26 members resign from Labutta Township NLD of own accord
Yangon, 7 Jan- Twenty-six members resigned of their own accord from the National
League for Democracy of Thabyugon Village-tract, Labutta Township, Ayeyawady Division.
Twenty-six members of Thabyugon Village-tract, Labutta Township NLD, Ayeyawady Division,
of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to Labutta Township
Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party concerned on 19 March
2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.