( 1 ) Secretary-1 attends skill
demonstration ceremony of outstanding students
Yangon, 5 Jan - The outstanding students of the 2000-2001 School Family Day exhibited
their skills at the National Indoor Stadium-1, Thuwunna, this morning. Chairman of the
National Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen
Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony.
Also present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, ministers,
members of Myanmar Education Committee, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and
Training Board, the Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing School Family Day
Celebrations Minister for Education and members, deputy ministers, officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department, diplomats of foreign embassies,
officials of UN agencies, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under
the Ministry of Education, rectors and principals of universities and colleges, township
education officers in Yangon Division, school heads, teachers and parents, members of the
school boards of trustees, guests, students and departmental officials.
Girl students Ma Thin Wut Yi Aung and Ma Ei Mon Oo of No 2 Basic Education High School
of Sangyoung Township acted as masters of ceremonies for the Myanmar programme and Ma May
Yi Mon Aung and Ma May Thitsa Lwin for the English programme. When girl student Ma Hnin
Wut Yi of the middle school of Yankin Education College made a request for starting the
programmes, students released gas balloons.
Afterwards, student of the University of Culture Ma Thuza Aung sang "
Pyin-nya-the-tha-yadana " (only education is treasure) composed by Academy Gitalulin
U Ko Ko in honour of the School Family Day, and student girls of No 2 BEHS of Kamayut
Township performed dances.
Next, the flag-bearing troupe of students of No 6 BEHS of Botahtaung Township and the
band troupe of No 1 BEHS of Mandalay exhibited their skills. Then, the state and division
flag-bearing troupe of boy students of No 6 BEHS of boy Botahtaung Township and the band
troupe of No 2 BEHS of Hlinethaya Township exhibited their skills. Students who are
outstanding in academic subjects, school activities and all-round activities for the
2000-2001 academic year marched past.
The boy students of No 6 BEHS of Botahtaung Township holding the School Family Day
flags, and the band troupe of the girl students of No 8 BEHS of Mawlamyine demonstrated
their skills. The students who won prizes for their all-round outstanding performance at
the 2000-2001 matriculation examination then marched past.
Next, the band troupe of the middle school of Yankin Education College, the
flag-bearing troupe of No 6 BEHS of Botahtaung Township and the band troupe of No 3 BEHS
of Bago demonstrated their skills.
The outstanding students who ranked from 1 to 10 at Secretary-1 attends the 2000
matriculation examination marched past. Afterwards, the band troupe of No 4 BEHS of
Mandalay demonstrated their skills. The students who won prizes at the literary
competitions marched past. Then, the band troupe of BEHSs of Monywa demonstrated their
The ceremony ended with the song " Towards the 21st Century " and skill
demonstrations of students. Chairman of MEC Secretary-1 Lt- Gen Khin Nyunt cordially
greeted the students.
( 2 ) School Family Day further
raises students' efforts, stipulates them to emulate outstanding ones
Yangon, 5 Jan- The prize-distribution ceremony of the School Family Day Celebration was
held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall this afternoon, addressed by Chairman of Myanmar
Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt. Also present were Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen
Tin Tun, ministers, the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, the Auditor-General, the
Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, members of MEC, deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of department,
diplomats, military attaches of foreign missions, officials of UN agencies, heads of
departments and organizations under the Ministry of Education, rectors, principals and

Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said that it is very encouraging to see the
skill demonstration of students in such sectors as sports, culture and arts, adding that
these sights indicate that the education promotion programmes being implemented
harmoniously by the State and the people are meeting with success.
He said that at present the government is utilizing natural resources most effectively,
and with the participation of the entire people, it is developing the nation in order to
keep abreast of other nations. Priority is being given to continuous emergence of
brilliant human resources, the main force playing a primary role in striving to develop
the nation.
At present, electronic and information technologies are advancing with immeasurable
acceleration in the world, and technological development is making for globalization. Due
to changes and advance in electronic and information technologies, science and
technological development is having an influential effect on respective sectors such as
education, health and administration and making for the development of these sectors.
All the national forces are required to be endowed with modern technological skills so
as to be able to effectively strive for national progress. Moreover, it is necessary to
create opportunities which will enable them to study continuously and to use the
electronic equipment and information technology.
At a time when globalization is taking place, preservation of national character,
national identity and Myanmar traditions and culture is a national requirement. The
education promotion programmes are being implemented for emergence of an education system
which can fulfil the needs of the education sector that is the basic requirement for human
resources development. Beginning from 1998-99, education promotion programmes are being
implemented in view of uplifting the morale and moral conducts of students, innovative
skills, national dignity and integrity and the will to cherish, safeguard and preserve the
cultural heritage, promoting and propagating Union Spirit and emergence of an all-round
education system and flourishing of a learning system based on electronic and mass
communication technologies. In line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than
Shwe, beginning from 2000-2001 academic year, the special four-year education promotion
programme is being implemented with a view to connecting the basic education and higher
education sectors and developing the qualified human resources sector.
According to the four-year programme, efforts are being made for the emergence of
E-Education or Electronic Education system, which applies computer science, information
technology and mass communication equipment. In accord with the e-Education system,
arrangements are under way to set up computer networks such as world wide web, wide area
network and local area network to study information and technologies of the world nations
through wireless or satellite links. At the school family day festival, booths on
E-Education is being opened; and the New Century Resource Centre where E-Education
techniques are available was set up.
The Electronic Data Broadcasting system covering 203 learning centres at various basic
education schools in the country was launched on 1 January 2001. Development of the
e-Education system will lead to enabling the entire national people to get access to
lifelong learning and continuing education. As the government is systematically
implementing education promotion programmes step by step, the education sector is gaining
progress with greater acceleration within a short time. Thus, the school family day
ceremonies are being held annually to demonstrate the brilliant skills of students
produced by the new education system. The school family day ceremonies also highlight the
encouragement given to the students by the State and the people. The school family day
ceremonies will accelerate the efforts of the brilliant students, uplift the generosity of
the people, parents, members of school board of trustees and wellwishers, and promoting
the students will to emulate other student families and to strive harder.
In addition to the various occasions including e-Education in Myanmar Exhibition, the
school family day festival also included paper reading sessions, boat races and recitation
of religious verses. The most significant achievement of the school family day ceremony is
the establishment of the New Century Resource Centre and Electronic Data Broadcasting
System and launching of the e-Education system in Myanmar for the first time.
In trying to develop Myanmar education to be on a per with international standard,
perpetuation of Myanmar traditions and culture and national identity has become a national
requirement. Thus, Ancient Myanmar Manuscripts Centre was also opened. Outstanding and
qualified students are emerging as changes can be made in the education sector with added
momentum. The students should also strive to uplift their qualifications to be able to get
along well with the all-round education promotion programmes.
They should strive with utmost efforts at a time when the government is creating
education opportunities. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged the award -winning
outstanding students to strive more to become worthy children of the nation who will build
and safeguard the new nation and who will realize the national benefits; the teachers to
nurture their pupils to be qualified in all sectors, to uplift their education to meet the
international level, to strengthen and promote their spirit and to possess a strong
national outlook; the people to render assistance in enabling students to possess
international level education and to serve the national interest; and the entire national
people to make a continuous learning at a time when the government has set up an education
system enabling people of all ages to get access to international level education at any
time and place.
Minister for Education U Than Aung said School Family Festival has been held all across
the country since 1998-99 academic year. Over 280,000 education family employees and
teachers, and over 7 million students are taking part in activities of the festival
together with the people.
During the festival, various contests, exhibitions, paper reading ceremonies, music and
variety shows were held. At this ceremony, prizes will be presented to outstanding
students. In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, special four-year plan has
been laid down and implemented starting from 2000-2001 academic year for uplift of
national education.
The projects carried out in basic education sector were curriculum development, opening
of special courses for teachers, making students take part in all round development
activities of education, training of the students at multimedia centres, giving the
students vocational education, scrutinizing of outstanding students and making
arrangements for every child of school going age to be able to go to school.
And the projects implemented in higher education sector were opening of courses by
Human Resources Development Departments at universities and colleges, providing of modern
equipment for opening of 203 Electronic Learning Centres, linking with five international
universities and universities in South East Asia, opening of Electronic Learning Centres,
Computer Training Centres, Electronic Resources Centres and Language Laboratories and
extension of Multi-disciplinary Subject in under graduate and post graduate courses and
extension of post graduate programs including M Research.
Then, Secretary-1 of Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt presented prizes to outstanding tenth standard
students of 2000-2001 academic year and posed for photograph together with them. Deputy
Prime Minister Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin presented prizes to outstanding eighth
standard students of 2000-2001 academic year and posed for photograph together with them.
Deputy Prime Minister Lt-Gen Tin Tun presented prizes to outstanding tenth standard
students who won prizes in academic subjects in 2000-2001 academic year and posed for
photograph together with them. Afterwards ministers, deputy ministers, officials and
private entrepreneurs presented prizes to outstanding students. Then, basic education
students sang the song " Batsone Pyinyagoyi, Dohlanchi " and the ceremony came
to an end.
( 3 ) Secretary-2 visits Myanmar
Traditional Apparel Show
Yangon, 5 Jan- Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo
visited Myanmar Traditional Apparel Show, organized by University of Culture (Yangon)
sponsored by Ministry of Culture, at the National Museum on Pyay Road this evening.
Accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, Secretary-2
Lt-Gen Tin Oo arrived at the National Museum at 4.30 pm.

The Secretary-2 and party were welcomed there by Minister for Culture U Win Sein,Chief
of Staff (Air) Maj-Gen Myint Swe,heads of department and students of University of Culture
(Yangon). Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo viewed the show of costumes of national races, dresses
of Bagan, Inwa, Nyaungyan, Konbaung, Amarapura and Yadanabon periods, dresses of ladies of
University in pre-war and post- war periods and demonstration of Myanma traditional
noviation ceremony. Then, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo presented prizes to students who
rendered help in the demonstration of the show at the National Museum. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen
Tin Oo fulfilled the requirements and signed in the visitors book at the museum.
( 4 ) Minister
for Foreign Affairs hosts New Years reception for Diplomatic Corps of foreign embassies in

Yangon, 5 Jan-Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar U Win Aung hosted a
reception for diplomatic corps of foreign embassies in Yangon for the New Year 2001 at the
ministry at noon today. It was attended by heads of diplomatic corps of foreign embassies
in Yangon, heads of UN agencies, Myanmar ambassadors and departmental heads of the
Minister U Win Aung made a speech on the occasion: He said:
We have left behind the year 2000 or Y2K in modern appellation, and are preparing
ourselves with new resolute determination to create a better future for the world we live
in despite shortcomings and weaknesses. With the advancement of globalization, developing
countries are encountered with the threat of being marginalized, while developed countries
are enjoying the benefits of this process.
However, we in Myanmar, with limited technology and available resources, are trying our
utmost not to be left far behind in the economic and technological progress. We have
recently inaugurated e-Education on the first day of new year with the use of Electronic
Data Broadcasting System in 203 learning centres throughout the country. It is a modest,
but important step for Myanmar in this era of Knowledge based society where sustained
efforts are needed to be exerted to keep pace with the development of modern information
At the same time, we are enjoying today unprecedented peace and tranquility throughout
the length and breadth of the country conducive to its economic development endeavours.
The market-oriented economic policy implemented since the inception of the present
government is now gaining momentum with the growth of private sector. While these State is
giving top priority in the improvement the basic infrastructure of the country, private
sector is involved intensely in agriculture production and small and medium scale
The recent inauguration of Shwepyitha Bridge brings to 119 numbers of bridges of 180
feet in length and above built by the government. About one thousand miles of rail tracks,
more than three thousand eight hundred miles of motor roads and over 115 dams have also
been built during the time of this government. We are proud to say that all these
achievements are made with our own resources, human, technology and financial , while we
are being imposed with sanctions by some western countries and in the absence of external
assistance for development.
We have spent more than 20 billion Kyats in developing the basic infrastructure of the
border areas, uplifting the economic opportunities for betterment of life of our brethren
there and establishing the necessary education and health care facilities. The improvement
in infrastructure has not only changed the economic life of many people bur it has also
resulted in the strengthening of the Union Spirit or sense of national identity among the
national races.
Due to out relentless efforts, our economy grew by 10.9 percent in 1999/2000. During
the Five Year Short-Term Economic Plan from 1996-97 to 2000-2001, we achieved an average
of 7.2 percent GDP growth compared to the planned target of 6 percent annual growth.
Likewise, in term of inflation, which used to be about 30.36 percent in October 1999, we
were able to bring it down to 3.59 percent last year. Excellency, Let me turn to the
achievement of our foreign policy objectives and Myanmar's efforts in consolidating
friendship and understanding with all the countries of the world.
As in the past, we continue to practice our independent and active foreign policy based
on sincerity and genuine friendship towards all nations, irrespective of size and
proximity. We always try to build stronger good-neighbourly ties with all our immediate
neighbours as well as with the countries in the region. Many important high-level visits
took place between Myanmar and countries of Asia during last year. In June 2000, General
Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, visited China, a
country with which we enjoy Paukphaw relationship.
His visit also marked the Golden Jubilee of the establishment of diplomatic relations
between Myanmar and China. On our western front, we have further cemented our relationship
with our neighbour India. The visit of General Maung Aye to India in November last year
was very significant since exchange of high-level visits between the two countries has not
been taken place for some years. It has resulted in consolidating friendship and bilateral
cooperation between the two countries.
General Mange Aye also had the opportunity to renew friendship and good-neighbourly
ties with Lao when he paid an official visit there in December 2000. Likewise. Lt-Gen Khin
Nyunt, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council's visit to Pakistan in June
2000 also represents a milestone in our relations with that country.
The visit has consolidated the happy relations we enjoy with Pakistan. Among the
dignitaries that visited Myanmar last year are Cambodian Prime Minister Mr Hun Sen,
Vietnamese Prime Minster Mr Phan Van Khai and Chinese Vice-President Mr Huu Jintao who
came here in February, May and July respectively. Recently, we have the pleasure of
receiving Prime Minister Dr Mahathir in town. Myanmar's participation in regional
cooperation has been gaining impetus since she became a member of ASEAN in 1997. Myanmar
played host to a member of ASEAN Ministerial meetings, including the Third ASEAN
Ministerial Meeting on Youth, which was convened in Yangon last November.
During the same month, in the latter half, our Chairman Senior General Than Shwe
attended the ASEAN Summit in Singapore where he had the opportunity to meet and discuss
not only with ASEAN leaders but also with leaders from China, Japan and Republic of Korea.
With regard to ASEAN-EU cooperation, it was never the intention of Myanmar to be an
impediment in the relations between the two groups.
What we asked for is the equal treatment and equal participation in this progress. We
are glad that the 13th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting was finally able to convene in Laos in
December last year after three years of stalemate. That meeting attended by Ministers of
all 10 ASEAN countries clearly demonstrates ASEAN's dynamic unity and its willingness and
desire to promote relations with other countries and organizations. It also proves that
ASEAN was able to hold the meeting between the two organizations of different regions with
the attendance of the 10 countries of Southeast Asia.
It was in fact a win-win situation for both of the organizations. Since Myanmar is
located between South and Southeast Asia mainland, its geographically advantaged position
could serve as a bridge between the two regions. Myanmar became a member of BIMST-EC in
December 1997 and has since been participating in its activities for the enhancement of
mutually beneficial cooperation among the members. In coming February, Myanmar will be
hosting and chairing the 4th Ministerial Meeting of BIMST-EC.
One unhappy episode we encountered last year in our relations with international
community was the adoption of the resolution by the ILO Governing Body, approving the
decision of the 88th ILC to impose sanctions on Myanmar for allegedly using forced labour.
We are disappointed not because of the threat of impending sanctions but because of its
one-sided action, which was made in total disregard to serious efforts taken by Myanmar in
placing necessary legislative, administrative and executive frameworks as recommended by
the 88th ILC.
This discriminatory and unfair action leaves us no choice but to discontinue our
cooperation with the ILO. However, we will carry on to fulfill our obligations as a
responsible and dutiful member of the international community. At this juncture, I would
like to express our sincere appreciation to our friends who steadfastly stood on our side
during this difficult time.
Our cooperation with international community can be seen in our decision to give free
access to ICRC to our prisons and places of detention. We welcomed the visit of Mr Chris
Sidoti, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissioner from Australia, last year and
subsequent discussions continued with Australian officials on matters of human rights. We
have also extended our cooperation fully to Mr Razali, Special Envoy of the UN
Secretary-General when he visited Myanmar last year. He is visiting Myanmar again today.
At the 13th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting last December we had agreed to the next visit
of EU Troika to Myanmar and had promised to extend our full cooperation that mission. Our
position on promotion of human rights is that nations should cooperate with each other
through dialogue, persuasion and mutual understanding on the basis of equality and
We would never yield to pressuring tactics with overbearing tones and imposing one's
views and values on others arbitrarily. Excellencies, We are firmly committed to continue
to practice our foreign policy based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence.
Taking advantage of the globalization process, there were attempts by some quarters to
discard these cardinal principles of foreign relations, especially those relating to
sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs. We believe
dangerous precedent will be set if we allowed this to take place.
Therefore, it is imperative to enhance our concerted efforts, bilaterally and
regionally, to prevent developing countries like us from servitude. Finally, I wish to
thank all the diplomatic representatives accredited to Myanmar for extending friendship
and cooperation, in order that our common objectives could be achieved.
At the same time, I would like to assure you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will
continue to try its utmost in strengthening and consolidating further the friendly
relations and cooperation with all nations and to assist you all in discharging
effectively of your diplomatic and consular responsibilities in Myanmar. Once again, I
wish you all the best and a very happy and prosperous New Year. Thank you.
Then, on behalf of Diplomatic Corps, Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of
The Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham spoke.
He said: First of all, allow me, on behalf of the colleagues in the Diplomatic corps to
express our high appreciation and sincere thanks to your Excellency for hosting this
reception and for your kind invitation as the Minister said the first time we meet in
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the new year 2001. Excellency, If I may reciprocate by
saying some words I would say briefly that Myanmar still enjoy peace and tranquility. Main
developments projects have been achieved in the year 2000 particularly in the improvement
of infrastructure and irrigation works. A top priority is giving also by the State to
improve the better life of the people of all national races.
In Foreign Policy, Myanmar has shown her willingness to be friendly with all nations,
to cement strong ties with all the neighbors, and to promote good relationship with other
countries in this region. In the frame work of ASEAN, Myanmar is very active in fulfilling
her obligations and have successfully hosted a lot of Meetings.
Excellency, May I, on this occasion, to express high appreciation to those achievements
made by the government and the people of Myanmar. With regard to the cooperation between
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Diplomatic Corps, if I may say we enjoy the friendly
contact, the fruitful cooperation.
May I again to express our gratitude and thanks to your Excellency, to the colleagues
and all staffs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their kindness and assistance
conducive to a more understanding, for mutual interest and for the benefit of our
respective countries and peoples. To end my speech as we are entering the New Year 2001,
once again I wish your Excellency, our dear friends of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as
well as your family members good health, happiness and a prosperous Year 2001.
May I also, on this occasion, through Your Excellency please convey to HE Senior
General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and all the Myanmar
Leaders our good wishes of good health and happiness. Thank you.
( 5 ) Minister receives Indian Ambassador

Yangon, 5 Jan -Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin met Ambassador
of India Mr Shyam Saran together with tea experts Mr G Boriah and Mr J B Hudson at his
office this evening. They discussed cultivation of tea in Chin State. Present also were
heads of department and officials.
Minister receives Japanese guests
Yangon, 5 Jan-Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein met
visiting Professor Mr Yosh Zane Maeda of Kagoshima University of Japan for research work
under the programme of Researches on Genetic Resources of Domestic and Wild Animals in
Myanmar and party of Japan at his office this evening. Then, Professor Mr Yosh Zanie Maeda
and party presented electrophoresis laboratory equipment to Director-General of Livestock
and Breeding and Veterinary Department U Maung Maung Nyunt. Also present were
directors-general, head of department and officials.
( 6 ) School Family Day held at
Dagon Township BEHS-1
Yangon, 5 Jan-Daw Khin Than Nwe, wife of Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo, attended the third School Family Day and prize presentation
ceremony of No 1 Basic Education High School, Dagon Township, for the 2000-2001 academic
year at the school this morning.
First, Headmaster U Kyaw Kyaw and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Hla Tin
formally opened the School Family Day. Then, sports events were held, and the traditional
martial arts troupe, band troupe and pompom troupe of primary students demonstrated their
skills. Afterwards, domestic science room, painting room, computer application room,
language lab (2), school health room and multimedia language lab were opened, and skill
demonstration of the students were presented from 7 am to 2 pm.
The prize presentation ceremony followed at Dagon Thiri Hall, and Headmaster U Kyaw
Kyaw and Chairman U Hla Tin made speeches. Daw Khin Than Nwe, U Kyaw Kyaw and officials
presented prizes to the outstanding students, and entertainment programmes were presented.
The ceremony came to a close in the afternoon.
( 7 ) Conferring of religious titles and provision coordinated

YANGON, 5 Jan-A coordination meeting to confer religious titles to the winners and to
hold provision ceremony was held at the Religious Affairs Minister's Office this
afternoon. .
Present were Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Deputy Minister for Religious
Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council Office
Arnt Maung Director-General of Religious Affairs Dr Myo Myint, Pro-Rector (Admin) of
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University Dr Hla Pe, Secretary of Yangon
Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and departmental officials and
Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin made a speech. Then, Head of Office U Maung
Maung Myint explained the functions of various sub-committees. Director-General Dr Myo
.Myint and Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint took part in the discussions. Deputy Minister
Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko presented a supplementary report. The meeting ended with concluding
remarks by. the minister.
( 8
) Japan- Myanmar Friendship Association meets
Yangon,5 Jan- The Executive Committee of Japan- Myanmar Friendship Association held its
meeting at Mya Yeik Nyo Hotel at 4 pm today. It was attended by Chairman of the
association Col Tin Hlaing, Vice- Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shew, Dr May May Yi, Dr Daw
Mya Mya Win and Dr Khin Shew and EC members. First, the Chairman Col Tin Hlaing made a
speech Then, Vice-Chairman Dr Khin Shew gave an account of electing sub-committee members.
Then sub-committee members were elected. Afterwards matters related to the association
were discussed. Then a general round of discussion followed.
ROK guests call UMFCCI officials
Yangon, 5 Jan- Economic Attache of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea Mr Kim Jae-Chan
this morning called on President U Win Myint and General Secretary U Zaw Min Win of the
Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UMFCCI) at the
latters' office. They discussed economic affairs and exchanged views on investment.
( 9
) Drug possessor gets 13 years
Yangon, 5 Dec-A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and
Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched one Thaung Sein in Thirimingalar
Ward in Zeyawady Township on 28 June 2000 and seized 1.633 kilogrammes of marijuana on his
person. Zeyawady Township Myanmar Police Force opened a case against Thaung Sein, aged 42,
son of U Tin Sein who lives in Thirimingalar Ward, Zeya-wady, Pyu Township,under Section
15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. He was tried by Taungoo
District Court and sentenced, on 15 November 2000, to four years' imprisonment under
Section 15 and 13 years' imprisonment under Section 19(A) to serve concurrently.
7 TadaU Township NLD members resign of own accord
Yangon, 5 Jan-Seven members resigned from the National League for Democracy of TadaU
Township, Mandalay Division. Seven members of TadaU Township NLD, Mandalay Division, of
their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to TadaU Township Multiparty
Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party concerned on 21 November 2000 as
they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.