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- State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Nepal
- Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye meets Additional Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs of India
- Vicious cycle of narcotic drugs will stop speedily if half is given to be constructive and contributory to regional people to struggle free from evil dark shadows
- Living standard of people in Laukkai will improve as the region develops
- Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo receives Vice-Chairman of HT Co Ltd, China
- News in Brief
- Minister for Industry-1 inspects factories in Bago Division
- KNU-mine derails Mawlamyine-Yay Up train
- Leonics UPS electronic devices introduced
(1) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to NepalYANGON, 28 Dec-On the auspicious occasion of the Birthday of the King of Nepal which falls on 28 December 2000, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Majesty King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King of Nepal.
(2) Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye meets Additional Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs of India
YANGON, 27 Dec-Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye received Additional Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs of India Mr P D Shenoy and party at the Guest House of Ministry of Defence at 9.30 am today.Also present at the call were Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Bureau of Special Operations Chief of Staff (Army) Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Win Myint, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Military Affairs Quartermaster-
General Lt-Gen Tin Hla, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen
Kyaw Than, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Ambassador of India to Myanmar Mr Shayan Saran and Defence Attaché Col Shakti Gurung.![]()
(3) Vicious cycle of narcotic drugs will stop speedily if half is given to be constructive and contributory to regional people to struggle free from evil dark shadows
YANGON, 27 Dec - An opening ceremony of the Drugs Elimination Museum in Laukkai, Kokang Area, Shan State North Special Region-1, was held at the museum today with an address by Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Also present at the opening ceremony were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of the North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, the ministers, the deputy ministers, the Colonel Air Staff, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, Brig-Gen Zaw Win of Laukkai Station and officers, diplomats of Russian Federation, France, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, China and Singapore, the UNDCP resident representative, the director-general of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, the manager of the Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives, the professor of the Federation of Japan Noodle Organization, local and foreign journalists, members
of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, the Mandalay-based Consul of China, Kokang national leader U
Phon Kya Shin of Special Region-1 and other national leaders, national leaders of the Special Region-1 and Special Region-3, guests from the Yunnan Province of China, delegates of Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association, district and township departmental officials, families of Laukkai Station, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Red Cross Society and Lashio Kokang Youths Social Affairs Association, national cultural troupes of Kunlong and Laukkai, guests, teachers and pupils, and local
people totalling over 5,000.Organizer of Kunlong USDA Daw Pyone Myint Han, the master of ceremonies, announced the agenda in Myanmar and Kokang languages. Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt made a speech.
He said: "
" First of all I would like to say that it is a matter of honour for the Union as well as for Kokang area that a drugs elimination museum to educate and organize the people has been opened on a grand scale even as it is endeavouring with unrelenting tenacity to get rid of poppy cultivation and production in the area of the national
brethren of Kokang, at a time when the government, the national race leaders in co-operation with the national people are striving as a national duty to combat the scourge of narcotic drugs.Moreover, I would like to say in succession that this Drugs Elimination Museum would stand as a historical monument till the end of the world expressing the Kokang national race leaders and regional people's endeavours to get rid of poppy cultivation and production once and for all and the Union's national resolve as well. It is to the knowledge of all that the fight is being waged with great momentum, systematically according to plans, as a national duty by the entire Myanmar people inclusive of all national races of the Union for complete obliteration in all the Union of the evil of poppy cultivation and production that had grown with roots taken in remote areas of the Union of Myanmar due to colonialist influence. The narcotic problem in Myanmar is not just an economic concern
as in other countries but has various other influences and political and social implications and is also connected with the way of living of pure and honest regional national races and so demands most subtle, broad and profound arrangements for its solution.Accordingly the government has built national solidarity most firmly in border areas, secured the whole-hearted co-operation of the regional people and worked for narcotic drugs control arrangements in conjunction with the border areas development programmes. As the anti-narcotic drugs arrangements have borne fruit thanks to whole-hearted co-operation of the regional people on that organizational basis, it has been possible to implement from
1999-2000 the 15-year Narcotic Drugs Eradication Programme aimed at total annihilation of narcotic drugs in the country, further raising the momentum of success of these arrangements. The 15 years limitation is for eradication of drugs in the whole of the country and is calculated on the basis of resources in the country alone, and so, if there be international co-operation, there will accordingly be earlier completion of the targets. Likewise, there are region-wise target period for eradication of drugs depending on their regional development situation and progress of the socio-economic life of the national people, the people in regions with earlier periods than the 15-year overall period are endeavouring for success of works compatible to their regions.That is why Shan State (East) Special Region (4) that is Mongla has declared itself drug-free area in 1997 and Kokang too is striving to do so this year. It will be seen the national races have been successful in eradicating poppy cultivation and production thanks to emergence of good economic bases with the successful undertaking of crop-substitution agriculture, livestock and other productive enterprises by the State, in the border areas.
On the other hand, the State's building dams, embankments, roads, bridges, communications and energy development works, and more schools, hospitals, libraries, television transmission stations and meeting of other social needs has also helped to contribute towards progress in the life of the regional people. Especially in Kokang
area, success is being achieved in cultivation of buck-what with special priority for substitution of poppy crop by the State. Buckwheat was most successful when test-cultivated near Tarshwehtan Village in Kokang Region in 1997 with the assistance of the Japanese Government, and it was then extended and regenerated effectively, and the area under cultivation has been increasing from year to year, with plans to grow 3260 acres in the year 2000-2001.Above all that, sugarcane cultivation was undertaken with the assistance of the People's Republic of China, our neighbouring country, and it has been cultivated on over 40,000 acres. Accordingly, no-poppy areas are being increased from year to year and in these areas, sugarcane, buckwheat, peboke, corn, rubber and paddy are being grown in substitution, in order that no-poppy areas may be increased in cooperation with the regional people by
national race leaders of Kokang.Today, it has got to the stage of successfully opening the Drugs Elimination Museum that would effectively promote education of the regional people, that plays an important role in poppy cultivation and production. Here at this Museum, the people of the region will at a glance learn about Head of State Senior General Than Shwe and
responsible personalities' guidance and views on control of narcotic drugs, the State's policies on narcotic drugs, the history of narcotic drugs and the efforts to combat narcotic drugs by successive governments.Moreover the people of Kokang will also learn of success achieved in national reconsolidation in the time of our Tatmadaw Government, and success achieved in prevention and combating of narcotic drugs, all about the 15 year programme for eradication of narcotic drugs and efforts of the work committees, government departments and
social organizations in agriculture and livestock activities.All in all, this museum is sure to contribute effectively to efforts for eradication of narcotic drugs, since it is going to promote the education and the spirit of the regional people against narcotic drugs. So, in order to effectively eradicate narcotic drugs in the given period, to keep up the momentum of successfully changing spiritual,
economic and social conditions, it should be pointed out that not just the government, but friendly countries too, need to provide effective assistance for regional development and provisions. Moreover, as narcotic drugs pose a danger to all mankind, it is necessary for all countries of the world to co-operate in the fight against narcotic drugs.A review of the emergence of narcotic drugs in the country will show that it started in the over hundred years of colonialism and then in successive stages, neo-colonialists and anti-government organisations had deliberately made concoctions to further expand and deepen the narcotic drugs problem. So it will be seen that sincere and honest regional people, though involved in the evil cycle of poppy cultivation, had not become rich, but on the contrary, poppy cultivation had become just a form of livelihood for them to find their subsistence for ages.
Today, with increased success in national solidarity, under the leadership of the government, the national leaders and regional people are endeavouring hand in hand in unison, and accordingly, there has been considerable successes in regional development, economic progress and enhanced standard of living, so much so that the regional people have become more enlightened, they see the evils of narcotic drugs, and of their own will, they have gradually reduced their poppy cultivation.
So I would like to say it will still be necessary to continue to help them with assistance for regional development and economic progress to ensure a smooth living in addition to organisational work to prevent a relapse of poppy cultivation. It is especially necessary to effectively and most broadly help to get the regional people themselves willingly combat and practically abandon cultivation and production of poppy, with their conviction on the basis of
the region's historical background and current situation. I would like to say that, instead of pointing the finger at culprits of history and those who created the evil results, but blaming as the culprits those who are practically suffering the evils of this history, it will not be fair and just. It is sure that the cycle of narcotic drugs will stop
speedily if help is given to be constructive and contributory for the regional people to struggle free from under the evil black shadows, in order that they are entirely free from the dark shadows of evils in history, in the past, in the region concerned.It is firmly believed that, with economic development in border areas where there had reigned the dark shadows of evils of past history, the regional people's life will rise higher, they become enlightened, and they will come to realise the evils of narcotic drugs, and thus the targets of eradicating narcotic drugs will be achieved in a short
period of time. It is with this conviction and with due consideration of the nation's own resources that it has been reckoned, and self-help measures taken, for annihilation of narcotic drugs from the face of the Union of Myanmar in a matter of 15 years. For the success of these endeavours, as is known to all, truly as a member of the community of world nations the country has been actively co-operating with United Nations organisations, regional countries,
ASEAN countries and world nations.Accordingly, in 1999-2000 poppy growing season, international organisations have come to recognise that Myanmar poppy cultivation has been reduced by 31 per cent and likewise poppy production has been reduced by 38 per cent and also there has been reductions in seizures of poppy and heroin in all neighbouring countries. Yet there are still finger-pointing and fault-finding accusations made on the other hand, instead of helping us, ignoring the endeavours to fight narcotic drugs being made by Myanmar even to this day.
I would like to say that there is no way other than mutual co-operation on mutual understanding, rather than
finger-pointing accusations against another country, with the conviction that every nation is responsible as the annihilation of narcotic drugs concerns all mankind of the world. As an example, I would like to say that in no way can good results for annihilation of narcotic drugs be achieved with fault-finding accusations and fabrication of critical news stories blaming Myanmar in the matter of amphetamines that has got a great market today.In Myanmar there is utterly no production of ephedrine that is basic in production of amphetamines and moreover the production equipment, technology and skilled persons too came from other countries. Accordingly, in the fight against drug abuse, not just the producing countries but those prompt and helping them, those on business terms with them by pernicious greed, those with social ills and evils of narcotic drugs, those making political profit
between producers and users all these countries must co-operate rather than heaping blame on one another, for only then will there be a genuine cessation of narcotic drugs.So I would like to urge all to co-operate without saying whose fault it is, without pointing accusing fingers against any, in the fight against narcotic drugs. As the Union of Myanmar is systematically implementing the 15-year programme to eradicate narcotic drugs to be totally free from the scourge of drug abuse, it will carry on with the work of eradicating poppy cultivation and production, annihilation of drug abuse, and combating the scourge of
narcotic drugs, and not just that but for educating and organising the regional people, regional development, a high level of economic life of the people and co-operation with countries of the world.In conclusion, I would like to say
- It is necessary to carry on from the newly opened the Drugs Elimination Museum to educate and organize the regional people to see the evils of narcotic drugs and clearly see the work they have to do for eradication of narcotic drugs.
- the regional national race leaders and the regional people are to strive in accord with the programme for eradication of narcotic drugs and for peace and security of life, as the government will be doing so with unswerving determination to achieve the targets of eradication of narcotic drugs.
Next, Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing delivered an address. He said that after the second opium war in 1842, Yunnan Province was allowed to grow poppy, and poppy cultivation spread in Kokang region contiguous to Yunnan since then. While endeavours are being made to eliminate illegal cultivation and production the problem of stimulant drugs arose in 1996, and the precursor chemicals are smuggled into Myanmar
from the neighbouring countries.Col Tin Hlaing noted that the producers and investors engaged in this illegal trade are those from foreign countries and that with UNDCP assistance, law enforcement agencies can take more and more arrests, and the drug control measures are being undertaken with the assistance of UNDCP and Japanese government and in cooperation with neighbouring countries. In conclusion, he stated that plans are under way for elimination of narcotic drugs in the
region in the near future through the cooperation of the CCDAC, the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, all other ministries and NGOs.Afterwards, Kokang national leader U Phon Kya Shin spoke at length on the efforts for building the Drugs Elimination Museum and regional development activities. He said: Since the mid-19th century, the entire world has paid attention widely to the problem arising from the narcotic drugs. This has been due to physical and
spiritual ill effects caused to the human beings and consequential social conflicts and instability. Hence, the issue of narcotic drugs control has become the concern of each and every nation. We are here today to analyze together this specific issue.On 11 March 1999, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and myself laid the cornerstone of this Drugs Elimination Museum and its construction then began.
We have built this museum with the aims of educating the public through the display of photographs featuring how the poppy growing practice originated, the ill-effects of narcotic drugs and measures taken for narcotic drugs control. It will continue to exist to serve public interest in the long run.
Kokang area was confronted with the danger of narcotic drugs posed to the mankind and the extent of the ill effects which the area suffered would certainly be more, and not less than that of other areas.
After realizing the need to take drastic measures to guard against the danger of narcotic drugs, which resulted from the spread and the threat of narcotic drugs in the area, we have decided to launch anti-drug measures in all seriousness. We have also laid down anti-drug programmes in conformity with the area's practical conditions and are implementing the plans step by step. Initially, education programmes were carried out to make the public aware
of the grave danger of narcotic drugs and their negative impact on the people.Moreover, relevant policies have been laid down and drug laws and punitive measures introduced.
In implementing these action plans, opium refineries, opium refining instruments, chemicals and narcotic drugs were put to torch several times in Monkoe and Kokang regions.
The poppy free zone campaign was launched starting from 2000 in order to implement the objective for eradication of narcotic drugs from the stage of combating narcotic drugs.
As peace and tranquillity prevails, about ten years' efforts have brought about changes, but it is not at all easy to root out poverty and backwardness. The history of the region shows us that majority of the people earned their living through poppy cultivation. As we strive for wiping out poppy cultivation, most of the people face poverty. This is a practical problem. The leaders like us must necessarily see to this problem to find solutions. Of the bags
of rice displayed at today's ceremony, some are provided by the government, and some by Yunnan Province, China. For this, may I express my thanks. Most of the remaining bags of rice were collected through various ways, and they are to be given to the people facing insufficiency of food for they can no longer live on poppy plantation. This amount of rice, however, is inadequate for the people living on cultivation of poppy in Laukkai region. As far as we know these days, there are those moving to other regions in search of jobs individually as well as entire families going to other places. We cannot help but feel sorry for them, for we have
no way yet to persuade them not to leave. Catering for the people to have adequate food, clothing and shelter need is the greatest challenge in eradication of narcotic drugs." Eradication of narcotic drugs " is concerned with the international community. To eradicate narcotic drugs threatening the humanity is the duty of all human beings. As for us, we will do our utmost to eradicate narcotic drugs in the region. As we have vividly seen our goal and set our aim for eradication of narcotic drugs, we will
implement action plans to turn our region into a zone totally free of narcotic drugs in the very near future.Throughout the history of our region, the people have experienced a sort of low living standard, being in poverty, due to geographical condition, difficult access, backwardness in culture and technology and long-term armed conflicts in the recent years. Thus, we have to face a lot of difficulties and challenges in the fight against narcotic
drugs. We need a great amount of the government's support to be able to work well with the project. At the same time, we need understanding and assistance of international organizations and other social organizations. Let us all strive for emergence of a clean community free of narcotic drugs threatening the humanity by working together in the historically significant project by the turn of a new century.After Myanmar had lost her independence in 1886, the colonialists allowed growing of poppy in the east of Thanlwin River and caused the hilly regions to be unaffected by the opium law.
After independence had been regained, the region could not escape from the poppy cultivation as it was not peaceful and it lagged in development in various sectors.
He spoke of the reasons poppy cultivation had been maintained as the main source for their livelihood. Mongla Special Region 4 that declared itself the opium free zone on 22 April 1997 moved other regions and affirmed the determination of ethnic minorities leaders for elimination of poppy cultivation.
This led to the campaigns and actions for drug-free movements in Kokang and Wa regions. Kokang national races formerly residing on the hills moved to the plains in Laukkai to grow sugarcane and this was one of the favourable conditions for elimination of narcotic drugs.
Unfortunately, the world's sugarcane market collapsed affecting many countries including China, and the poppy substitute sugarcane growers lost a great deal in spite of their successful crops and then they felt rather reluctant to go on with sugarcane.
Buckwheat cultivation is becoming more and more successful year after year and today over 3,000 acres can be put under the crop. As the crop is grown with the assistance of the Japanese government and the produce is purchased by the sponsor, there can be no concern about the market.
Col Tin Hlaing noted that the quality of buckwheat grown in the region is the highest in the world market, it is supposed to be the most appropriate crop and the cultivation project must be expanded.
Action plans for elimination of narcotic drugs are gaining momentum, and Mongla region, for example, is witnessing development in various sectors. Though the region also experienced loss due to the collapse of sugarcane market, they could support their own economy with the achievements in other sectors.
He said that though Wa region is larger and has some difficulties in transport, it has set the aim to make it totally free of narcotic drugs by the year 2005. He also spoke of the success being achieved in agriculture and livestock projects, and noted that due to the success in swine farming in Kengtung and poultry farming in Tachilek, they
duly achieved an FAO award.The Secretary-1 presented honorary medal of CCDAC to Kokang national race leader U Phon Kya Shin.
Chairman of CCDAC Minister Col Tin Hlaing presented a certificate of honour to U Phon Kya Shin.
Minister Col Thein Nyunt presented food, rice, salt, seeds, strains of paddy and corn for cultivation of opium substitute crops to U Phon Kya Shin. U Phone Kya Shin presented badges to mark the opening of Drugs Elimination Museum to the Secretary-1, the commander and the ministers.
The Secretary-1 formally unveiled the stone plaque of the museum. The commander, Minister Col Tin Hlaing and U Phon Kya Shin formally opened the museum. The Secretary-1 and party then set free doves. The Secretary-1 and party inspected booths and signed in the visitors' book. The Secretary-1, the commander, the ministers, the deputy ministers and ambassadors and Kokang national race leaders posed for documentary photo. The Secretary- and
party observed threshing, milling and production of buckwheat. There are seven booths at the three-storey museum.![]()
(4) Living standard of people in Laukkai will improve as the region develops
YANGON, 27 Dec-Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-
1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by ministers, deputy ministers, the Col Air Staff and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, left here on 26 December by Tatmadaw flight and arrived at Lashio at 12.46 p.m.The Secretary-1 was welcomed at the Lashio Airport by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen San Thein, members of District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel and members of nationalities dance troupe. The
Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by the commander, left for Laukkai Township in Kokang region.The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Brig-Gen Zaw Win of Laukkai Station, departmental officials, commanding officers of units and regiments, Kokang national leader U Phon Kya Shin and national race leaders, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and nationalities dance troupe and students. The Secretary-1 met U Phon Kya Shin and national race leaders at Laukkai Station Guest House and discussed agriculture, livestock breeding, industries and regional development.
Also present were Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo and ministers. U Phon Kya Shin presented traditional medicine to the Secretary-1. The Secretary-1 and party inspected Laukkai People's Hospital where they were welcomed by Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, doctors and diplomats who were arriving there to attend the opening ceremony of Kokang Region Drugs Elimination Museum in Laukkai.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions on health care service for drug-addicts, laboratory and arrangements for extension of the hospital. The Secretary-1 met departmental officials and discussed regional development. Brig-Gen Zaw Win of Laukkai region reported on construction of roads and bridge reclamation. Member of Laukai District Organizing and Management Board Lt-Col Khin Maung Tin reported on education, health and perennial crops, opium substitute buckwheat, sugarcane and beans and pulses. Commander Maj-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo took part in the discussions.
The Secretary-1 expressed his pleasure to see development of stable and peaceful Laukai. We can see that today's scene is different from that of ten years ago.
The region lagged behind development and in 1968 it was under Burma Communist Party (BCP) in the hope of making progress in the region, he said. However, he said the situation became worse and honest local people believed the instigation and persuasion of the BCP. Armed struggle among the national races occurred and the region became underdeveloped, he said. He said national race leaders gradually realized that opposition among them did not bring any good and people got into trouble.
Therefore peace was established in Kokang region in 1989 with the attitude to participate in regional development working together with the national people under the government, he said. Kokang national race leaders are now taking part in development of the region and its economy hand in hand with the government and making endeavours for eradication of opium which was the evil legacy of the imperialists, he said.
The government also provides assistance for development of Kokang region after laying down the systematic plans,
he added. The Secretary-1 spoke on high living standard of local people as the region developed, providing assistance to the tasks to eradicate opium cultivation spending large sums of money. He urged the service personnel in Laukai to work hard with full cetena for regional development after realizing the course of history and the
objectives of the government.He called for making efforts for realization of the objectives. The Secretary-1 and party spent the night in Laukai. The Secretary-1 cordially greeted the families of Laukkai Station at the hall of the Station. The Secretary-1 and party left for Lashio by helicopter and arrived there at 2.30 p.m.
The Secretary-1 and party left Lashio for Yangon by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived here at 5.15 p.m. Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin yesterday met with personnel of Laukai Communication Centre and gave instructions on work. Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung
also met school heads and teachers of Laukai District Basic Education High School No 2 and gave instructions on education. Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung met with staff of departments under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation who are working in Kokang region, and gave instructions on sufficiency in rice, extended cultivation of quality strains paddy and agriculture.![]()
(5) Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo receives Vice-Chairman of HT Co Ltd, China
YANGON, 27 Dec-Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo received Vice-
Chairman of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, China, Mr Wang Shengli and party at the Guest House of Ministry of
Defence at 3 p.m. today. Also present at the call were Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut and departmental officials.
National Convention Convening Commission meets
YANGON, 27 Dec-The National Convention Convening Commission held a meeting at the meeting hall of NCCC at 2 p.m. today. It was attended by Chairman of NCCC Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, Vice-Chairman Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and commission members. Meeting Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin made a speech on the occasion. The NCCC Secretary, National Convention Convening Work Committee and National Convention Convening Management Committee reported on matters concerning the national convention, followed by a general round of discussions. The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by Chairman Maj-Gen Saw Lwin.
Entrepreneurs urged to consider nation's and people's future on equal terms to realize market-oriented economy
YANGON, 27 Dec - A seminar on private enterprises sponsored by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry was held at Yuzana Hotel this morning, attended by Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo and Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint.
Also present were Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, heads of departments, President of UMFCCI U Win
Myint and Central Executive Committee members, officials of private entrepreneurs groups and guests.Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo said it is known to all that the private sector is participating in the national economic sector on a wider scale. The ratio of the private sector's contribution to the GDP and exports is increasing. As the duty to lead and build the economy of future nation lies on national entrepreneurs, they are required to serve this noble duty with farsightedness and greater knowledge.
As it has been said time and again they are required to be aware of the fact that the development and the work and the discipline always come together. If one acts freely at will without observing any discipline and knowing the limits, the stable economic environment will be destroyed. He urged the entrepreneurs who have the responsibility to realize the nation's market-oriented economy in accord with the correct trend to consider on equal terms the
nation's future and the people's future in conducting business in line with the rules and objectives. It is required for them to carry out occasionally-permitted export and import businesses through the proper channel and in accord with the principles. According to experiences gained throughout the successive eras the illegal trade has led to destruction of the trade balance between the nation and her trading partners.It is an important requisite to hand down the ability of doing business in a disciplined, systematic and skilful way to posterity. Entrepreneurs while continuously studying all the sectors of the global economic where changes are occurring with high momentum should strive to build a firm national economy. All should aware of the fact that lack of economic freedom will effect political freedom in the long-run. Only when the ability of investing capital or
conducting production business or trading with farsightedness and system becomes brilliant will entrepreneurs who can enter the international level and who win the respect of foreign counterparts emerge.Though the national economy is developing with acceleration at present, all should work with awareness to be free from doing mistakes. In this circumstance, dignity, outlook and perseverance of entrepreneurs is vitally important; thus they should understand the State's noble aims and conduct their businesses with zealous efforts.
Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint said instead of doing business on individual ability, entrepreneurs should make mutual cooperations and exchange of knowledge and experiences among themselves.
The government bodies and MFTI should strive in harmony and unison for national economic progress. Tasks are not being implemented at random based on prevailing situation in establishing a firm and strong national economy, but in accord with the systematic strategies. Success has been achieved in implementing economic
endeavours as Our Three Main National Causes is being kept in the fore and production promotion, export promotion and import substitution strategies are being laid down in undertaking the tasks.On the other hand, Trade Policy Council which is assessing all the national economic developments in giving directives, Investment and Trade Development Committee, Myanmar Investment Commission and other economic bodies have been formed in implementing the tasks in a harmonious atmosphere. The economic sector is being
implemented with systematic supervision. As efforts are being made to utilize the nation's natural resources to the most effective degree, so also the human resources required in building a modern and developed nation are being nurtured. Only when the natural riches and the human resources can be used in a harmonious way will a modern and developed nation emerge. Priority should be given to wining international markets for the national products.
Entrepreneurs should keep themselves away from applying unjust means in conducting export and import services.Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and President of the Federation U Win Myint also gave speeches. Members of Myanmar Timber Entrepreneurs Association, Myanmar Beans and Pulses and Sesame Traders Association, Myanmar Textile Entrepreneurs Association, Myanmar Fisheries Federation, Yangon Division Fisheries
Federation, Myanmar Industrial Producers Association and Myanmar Exporters and Importers Association then
took part in the discussions. The Secretary-3 in his concluding remarks spoke of the need to collectively build the
national economy with dignity and stability.![]()
Annual meeting of MKTIL heldYANGON, 27 Dec-The Myanmar-Korea Timber International Ltd held its eighth annual general meeting at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning. It was attended by Deputy Minister for Forestry Col Thaik Tun, Director-General of Forest Department Dr Kyaw Tint, Managing Director of Myanma Timber
Enterprise U Win Tun, Managing Director of MKTIL Mr Soon Pil Lim, members of Board of Directors and shareholders Mr J H Kim of Daewoo Corporation and Mr J I Park of Samik T R Corporation and officials and guests.The Deputy Minister and Mr Soon Pil Lim made speeches on the occasion. Director Mr H C Chang read out the report of Board of Directors, and the report and financial statements were approved. Then, Mr S P Lim presented K 3 million to dry zone greening funds of Ministry of Forestry through the Deputy Minister.
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation inspects dam projects in Bago Division
YANGON, 27 Dec - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected dam projects on Bago Yoma, and agriculture and greening projects in Bago Division on 25 December. He was accompanied by Director-General of Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service U Tun Than.
He arrived at Yenwe Dam Multi-Purpose Dam Project being implemented on Yenwe Creek near Myochaung Village, Kyauktaga Township, Bago Division, and inspected construction of the spillway, the main structure of the dam and ground-clearing work with mechanical help. In the briefing hall, the director of the Construction Division-1 and geological feasibility survey and designing engineer reported to the minister on the findings on the
soil layers and rocks, progress of work in construction and future plans.After inspecting the construction works and the scale-model of the power station, he gave instructions on completion of the project as scheduled, and works for durability and full storage capacity of the dam. The minister and party next proceeded to Baingda Dam Project being implemented by the Irrigation Department on Bago Yoma, 30 miles northwest of DaikU. After inspecting the ground-clearing work at the spillway construction site, the
minister heard reports on progress of work in the project and future plans presented by the Director-General of Irrigation Department and directors.He gave instructions on completion of the dam as scheduled, prevention of loss and wastage and taking care of health of the workers. Baingda Dam is being built for multiple cropping in the region and prevention of floods in Pyundaza in the rainy season. The minister and party next went to Kawliya Dam Project in DaikU Township. Bago Division Director of Irrigation Department U Khin Maung Myint briefed the minister on the medium-size dam
project to prevent floods in DaikU and Pyundaza areas and progress of work.The minister discussed geological feasibility survey and designing of the dam and later inspected construction of the main structure. The minister and party later toured the paddy strain farm of Myanma Agriculture Service in Pauktabin Village, DaikU Township.
(7) Minister for Industry-1 inspects factories in Bago Division
YANGON, 27 Dec-Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials inspected Mya Sanda Soft Drinks and Ice Factory of Myanma Foodstuff Industries in Pyay, Bago Division this morning. The minister gave instructions on production of quality soft drinks and distribution at reasonable prices. The minister visited Win Thuza Shop (Pyay) and inspected sale of personal goods, foodstuff and medicines. He met
salespersons at the shop and discussed arrangements for sale of goods.The minister and party went to Shwedaung Textile and Finishing Plant and inspected production process there. The minister gave instructions on fire preventive measures, sanitation work and prevention of loss of the State-owned property. In the afternoon, the minister visited Thayawady Ceramic Tile Factory and inspected production process of flooring tiles and wall tiles and other ceramic ware. Minister U Aung Thaung inspected Italian-made kiln for production of toiletries, ceramics used in toilet and research work.
(8) KNU-mine derails Mawlamyine-Yay Up train
YANGON, 27 Dec- The No-171 Mawlamyine-Yay Up train leaving Mawlamyine for Yay at 5 am met its fate when it stepped a mine planted by about 10 members of the KNU armed terrorists group between Mile Post 231 and 232, three miles to Anin Station, at 9.15 am today. The engine overturned and two coaches jumped tracks. Once the train stopped, the 10 KNU terrorists looted property from the passengers. The security personnel travelling along to guard the train opened fire on the KNU terrorists who fled to the east together with the looted property. The terrorists' gunfire killed one of the Myanmar Police Force security personnel and one passenger, and wounded three other passengers. The Tatmadaw columns are in hot pursuit of the terrorists.
27 armed group members exchanged arms for peaceYANGON, 27 Dec-The State Peace and Development Council, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, is striving for national reconsolidation for the emergence of a new, modern and developed nation with genuine goodwill. After realizing the genuine goodwill and endeavours of the government, remnant armed groups,
abandoning destructive acts which do not benefit the nation, are continuously exchanging arms for peace individually and in groups.During a period from 1 to 30 November, in the region of South-East Command, supply in-charge Min Kyaw (a) Be-U (a) Sarkalay of No 6 Brigade of KNU armed group, privates Naing Soe Myint, Naing Pan Nyunt, Myint Aung and Mon Sein Aung of No 19 Battalion, No 7 Brigade bringing together with one AK-47, one M-16, one HK rifle, one M-79 launcher, one hand grenade, 107 assorted rounds of ammunition, eight magazines, 11 projectiles
and deputy head of work committee Nay Myo Aung of ABSDF armed group exchanged arms for peace.In the Coastal Region Command, section leader Kyet Ni and wife Naw Soe Hse and children, private Saw Pha Po and wife Naw Zub and children, hard-score Saw Al Htoo, Saw Ba Hlaik and wife Tin May and daughter Khin Than, hard score Gyaung Pya and wife Naw Nu Nu and children, private Saw Htoo Be of messenger group and wife Naw Kaw Le and son Char Nu Kale, private Cho Lay of No 10 Battalion, privates Saw Ke Aung, Saw Kaw La and Saw Lu Wai (a) Bobby of No 11 Battalion, bringing together with one .30 Carbine, one AK-47, three M-16, one .22 gun, three rifles, four hand grenades, three land mines, 12 magazines, 153 assorted rounds of ammunition, and Segt Maung Htwe (a) Ar Yu of Muslim armed group, bringing together with one Carbine, one magazine, five rounds of ammunition, exchanged arms for peace. In the Region of Southern Command, privates Saw Htay Ye and Ye Min of No 4 Defence Battalion, No 2 KNU Brigade, exchanged arms for peace.
In the Region of Northern Command, private Myint Swe and Aik Sai of No 241 Brigade of SURA armed group and in the region of Eastern Command, Company Commander Paw Lu, Platoon Commander Win Hlaing, private Saw Al Htoo (a) Kyaw Soe Win, Saw Hti La, Saw Lwam and Saw Jelay of KNPP armed group bringing together with two M-16, one AK-47, one RPG launcher, one projectile, 143 assorted rounds of ammunition and one walkie-
talkie, exchanged arms for peace. Officials of respective commands warmly welcomed the persons who exchanged arms for peace and attended to their requirements.
(9) Leonics UPS electronic devices introduced
YANGON, 27 Dec-The Leonics UPS electronic devices of Leo Electronics Company Ltd, Thailand, imported into Myanmar by Earth Computer Systems Company Ltd, was introduced at Hotel Equatorial on Alanpya Pagoda Road, here this morning. It was attended by the officials from Myanmar Computer Industry Association, the officials from embassies of Thailand, Japan and Indonesia to Myanmar, the computer technicians, media men and invited guests. First, Managing Director Daw Khaing Zaw of Earth Computer Systems Company Ltd extended greetings.
Then, Managing Director Mr Wuthipong Suponthana of Leo Electronics Company Ltd explained facts about the company and Leonics UPS electronic devices and General Manager U Nyein Chan Soe Win of ECS Co Ltd explained facts about the devices and Solar Plate System. Afterwards, Daw Khaing Zaw presented one Leonics UPS to Chairman U Thein Oo of Myanmar Computer Scientist Association for MCIA. The Leonics UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) system, which has Micro Processor Control, distributed in Thailand, can be linked up to three computers.
20 Ngazun NLD members resign of own accord
YANGON, 27 Dec-Twenty members resigned from the National League for Democracy of Ngazun Township, Mandalay Division. Twenty members of Ngazun Township NLD, Mandalay Division, of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to Ngazun Township Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-
commission and the party concerned on 24 June 2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.