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- State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Kenya
- Senior General Than Shwe calls for construction of roads negotiable in all weathers
- Secretary-2 inspects cultivation of oil palm in Taninthayi Division
- Secretary-2 attends opening of multimedia teaching centre in Myeik
- News in Biref
- Prayer Hall of Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda opened
- Minister inspects Bilin Sugar Mill, Ingabo palm oil factory
- Minister attends opening of training courses
- 11 KhinU Township NLD members resign of own accord
(1) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to KenyaYANGON, 12 Dec-On the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Kenya, which falls on 12 December 2000, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Daniel Arap Moi, President of the Republic of Kenya.
(2)Senior General Than Shwe calls for construction of roads negotiable in all weathers
YANGON, 11 Dec - Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe inspected Vegetable Cultivation and Production and Poultry Farming Special Zone No 1 in Hmawby Township and Lagunbyin and Alaingni Dam Projects today. Accompanied by Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-3 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Win Myint, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, senior military officers, the director-general of the State Peace and Development Council Office and officials, Senior General Than Shwe left here for Vegetable Cultivation and Production Poultry Farming Special Zone No 1 of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council at Nyaunghnabin village in the township this morning.
On arrival at the zone at 9 am, the Senior General and party were welcomed by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Tin Aye, ministers, the Yangon Mayor, heads of department and officials. In Hmawby Hsan Hall of the zone, the Senior General heard a report on the location and area of the zone, soil condition, transport links to the zone, land reclamation, permitted farming areas, allotments of land to ministries and entrepreneurs, the digging of canals with the use of machinery and land preparation, construction of roads, installation of power lines, measures taken for availability of water, progress of work in cultivation of crops, types of crops, sale of crops and tasks concerning the establishment of Special Zones Nos 2 & 3 presented by Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than. Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance, saying that the zone needs to be able to fulfil food requirements of the growing population of Yangon.
He said through careful scrutiny, land permits need to be granted to those who will actually carry out farming at the zone. While land reclamation is being carried out, the already reclaimed land should be put under crops; only then can the tasks be implemented soonest. Systematic measures should be taken to ensure proper flow of water in the zone and to achieve success in carrying out cultivation tasks. The vegetable market will gradually become larger in future. Careful measures are to be taken not to lose track of the State's objective to enable the public to buy food at reasonable prices. Research on the vegetable market should be done to know what kinds of crops are suitable to grow in which seasons and what kinds of crops are in consumer demand.
Only then, can the kinds of crops which are in consumer demand in a particular season be known and can systematic cultivation work be carried out. Systematic efforts should be made to upgrade the zone to a model agricultural farm as the zone takes up nearly 10,000 acres of land and is located near Yangon. As regards growing crops, the yield and quality of crops need to be in accord with the specified standard. It is required to make arrangements to sell farm produce not only to individuals but also to purchase depots. Roads which can be negotiable in all weathers and can contribute to agricultural and regional development, should be built in and around the zone. Concerted efforts are to be made to turn the special zone into a place which can provide vegetables and fish and meat for Yangon. From the watch-tower, the Senior General and party inspected the vegetable produce of the zone.
Officials also reported to them on salient points of the project. The Senior General and party then inspected crop cultivation at private farms and land reclamation with the use of machinery in a motorcade. At the training hall of Myanma Agriculture Service, the Senior General and party heard a report on the areas of land allotted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the type of soil, land preparation tasks, progress of crop cultivation and the type of crops cultivated, sale of saplings and vegetables, offering agricultural courses for farmers and staff and pest control measures presented by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin. In his address, the Senior General said Nyaunghnabin Vegetable Farm of MAS needs to become a model agricultural education centre on which local farmers can rely. As it is a zone run by the State, necessary arrangements are to be made in cooperation with the experts of MAS to upgrade it to a modern farming zone. MAS needs to give top priority to upgrading the farm, production of hybrid strains and pest control. The Senior General and party then inspected broccoli and Chinese kale farms. After that, the Senior General and party went to the vegetable farm of the Ministry of Energy. In the briefing hall, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi reported to the Senior General on the area on which the Ministry of Energy is carrying out cultivation work, vegetable patches, kinds of vegetables and water supply. The Senior General gave necessary instructions and inspected the produce of the farm.
Then, the Senior General and party headed for the vegetable farm of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing reported on agricultural tasks being undertaken in Yangon Division, livestock breeding work, sale of vegetables at tax-free markets and vegetable plantations and kinds of vegetables in Nyaunghnabinkwin. The Senior General gave necessary instructions and inspected vegetables and fruits and plantations. Afterwards, the Senior General and party went to the watch-tower of the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs where Minister Col Thein Nyunt reported on progress of construction of Yangon-Ngahsutaung-Bago Highway, vegetable plantations of the ministry, cultivation of various crops and land reclamation in Special Zone No 3.
Next, the Senior General and party proceeded to the construction site of Lagunbyin Dam near Thameegale Village at the border of Bago Township of Bago Division and Hlegu Township of Yangon Division. First, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and officials reported on facts about Lagunbyin and Alaingni Dam Projects, tasks being carried out, future tasks and benefits to be gained on completion of the two dams. The Senior General gave necessary instructions. Then, the Senior General and party inspected construction of Lagunbyin Dam and arrangements for construction of Alaingni Dam by car. After that, the Senior General and party inspected fish ponds being dug on both sides of Masoe Bridge near Thongwa Village on No 2 Highway in Dagon Myothit, Yangon East District, by Yangon City Development Committee. Mayor U Ko Lay reported on the tasks being undertaken. Then, the Senior General and party arrived back here in the evening.
(3) Secretary-2 inspects cultivation of oil palm in Taninthayi Division
YANGON, 11 Dec - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo and party, together with Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway and officials, left Myeik for Nyaungbinkwin Rubber Farm at Nyaungbinkwin Village in Taninthayi Township by helicopter yesterday. In the briefing hall, Farm Manager U Khin Ngwe reported on the establishment of Nyaungbinkwin Rubber Farm and growing rubber and oil palms. Managing Director of Myanmar Perennial Crops Enterprise U Myint Oo gave an additional report.
Manager of Chitgaba Company U Chit Thaung and officials also reported on production of palm oil after leasing Nyaungbinkwin Oil Palm Farm. Managing Director of Myannaingmyint Oil Palm Cultivation Group U Maung Maung Myint reported on implementation of oil palm cultivation projects in Zawe, Banlamut, Bankyok and Thephyukwin regions in Taninthayi Township. Chairman of Taninthayi Township Peace and Development Council U Mya Thein reported on the condition of oil palm cultivation projects in the township and requirements of education, health and transport sectors of the township. Minister at the Prime Ministers Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung and Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on the assistance for the oil palm cultivation projects.
The Secretary-2 gave instructions. Myaingnaingmyint Oil Palm Cultivation Group has planned to cultivate oil palm on 10,800 acres of land in Taninthayi Township, and 1,050 acres have been placed under oil palm in Zawe and Banlamut regions. The Secretary-2 and party went to Htonkha Oil Palm Farm of Shwekanbawza Agricultural Company by helicopter at 10.20 am. In the briefing hall, Project Manager of Shwekanbawza Agricultural Company U Khin reported on the plan for cultivation of oil palms on 30,000 acres of land along the motor road between Kammalaing and Htaunpharukya Villages and completion of oil palm cultivation on 2,526 acres. Chairman of the Company U Kyaw Win gave an additional report. Project Manager of Asia World Company Ltd U Wunna reported on oil palm cultivation projects being implemented in Tonbyawgyi region in Myeik Township and completion of oil palm cultivation on 100 acres. Director of the Prisons Department U Maung Maung Lay reported on cultivation of monsoon paddy and summer paddy at Bawathit Agricultural Camps established by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Taninthayi Division. Director-General U Kyaw Tun gave an additional report. Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung also reported on progress of work in carrying out the tasks at the camps.
The Secretary-2 gave instructions. The Secretary-2 and party inspected oil palm plantations of Shwekanbawza Company Ltd and left for Laynya Camp of Taninthayi-Boakpyin Motor Road Project by helicopter. They were welcomed by Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein and officials. In the briefing hall of Laynya Camp, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein reported on arrangements to build Taninthayi-Boakpyin Motor Road and the strengthening of workforce with additional engineers. Afterwards, engineers who will take charge of sections of Taninthayi-Boakpyin Motor Road reported on tasks to be carried out.
Division Superintending Engineer of the Public Works U Kyaw Min Thein gave an additional report. Next, Tactical Operations Commander Col Min Myint Swe reported on assistance to be provided for the building of the road. Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kywe and Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung gave instructions on the systematic building of the road. The Secretary-2 gave instructions on construction of the road and production of rocks. In the afternoon, the Secretary-2 and party went to Mahe Camp of Oil Palm Cultivation Project being undertaken by Taungdagon Hsihset Company Ltd in Boakpyin Township. They were welcomed by Brig-Gen Chit Than of Boakpyin State and officials.
Brig-Gen Chit Than and Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Khin reported on oil palm cultivation projects being undertaken by entrepreneurs in Boakpyin Township and the condition of oil palm cultivation. Managing Director of Taungdagon Hsihset Company Ltd U Aung Htwe reported on reclamation of fallow and virgin land between Boakpyin and Karathuri in Boakpyin Township, establishment of four camps for cultivation of oil palms and completion of oil palm cultivation on 1,823 acres. Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kywe reported on assistance to be provided for cultivation of oil palms.
The Secretary-2 gave instructions. The Secretary-2 signed in the visitors' book of Taungdagon Hsihset Company Ltd and inspected the oil palm plantations. Taungdagon Hsihset Company Ltd is cultivating oil palms on 3,500 acres of land in 2000-2001. The Secretary-2 and party proceeded to the oil palm cultivation camp of Pokaung Company Ltd in Kawthoung Township by helicopter. The Secretary-2 and party planted commemorative oil palms at the plantation of Pokaung Company Ltd. In the briefing hall, Managing Director U Aye Maung reported on measures taken beginning March 1999 to cultivate oil palms on 7,000 acres in Kawthoung Township, the permission for the growing of oil palms between Mile Post 1203 of Kawthoung-Boakpyin Motor Road and Ayebawgyi Creek and completion of cultivation of oil palms on 2,000 acres of land.
Then, the Secretary-2 gave instructions and signed in the visitors' book. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party inspected the oil palm plantations and machinery. Pokaung Company Ltd is carrying out earth work to cultivate oil palms on 2,000 acres of land next year and has grown 115,000 saplings. The Secretary-2 and party left the oil palm plantations of Pokaung Company Ltd for Kawthoung by car, and inspected the condition of Kawthoung-Boakpyin Motor Road en route to Kawthoung. The Secretary-2 and party also visited the oil palm plantations of Dagon Tinbar Ltd by the side of Kawthoung-Boakpyin Motor Road.
The Secretary-2 and party went to the site of Dagon Tinbar Ltd near Kawthoung-Bokepyin Road. Chairman of the company U Win Aung reported on efforts for oil palm cultivation. Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung and Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway reported on measures to be undertaken for implementation of the projects. The Secretary-2 then gave instructions. Dagon Tinbar Ltd will cultivate 20,000 acres of oil palm from 1999-2000 to 2002-2003. Altogether 1,503.17 acres have been cultivated so far. The Secretary-2 and party planted oil palm at the plantation of Dagon Tinbar Ltd. The Secretary-2 and party went to the plantation of Yuzana Co Ltd along Kawthoung-Bokepyinn Road.
Chairman of Yuzana Co Ltd U Htay Myint reported on oil palm cultivation. The Secretary-2 fulfilled the requirements. He expressed his satisfaction that various companies are making efforts for success of the projects in spite of difficulties. It was sure that they would encounter some difficulties because of large projects and respective departments and local authorities would provide assistance to them, he said. Endeavours to be made for success of the projects that will be useful for private entrepreneurs as well as the State in the long run, he added. He said the government is giving impetus to cultivation of oil palm and rubber and carrying out the tasks for sufficiency in rice. There are many barren in the region so strenuous efforts are to be made for cultivation in the barren, he said. The Secretary-2 and party went to Kawthoung. Altogether 5,613 acres out of over 30,000 have been cultivated by Yuzana Co Ltd. The Secretary-2 met officials at station Yeiktha in Myeik this morning and discussed progress of Kawthoung-Bokepyin Road section. The Kawthoung-Bokepyin Road is 142 miles long and 34 miles have been paved with tar and 76 miles gravel. The Secretary-2 and party Khamaukgyi and Maryan region in Kawthoung Township and inspected oil palm plants of Super One Co Ltd. Project Manager U Than Htay reported on cultivation of oil palm, plantations and transport. Chairman U Htay Myint of Yuzana Co Ltd reported on oil palm cultivation projects.
Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung gave a supplementary report. The Secretary-2, Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung and Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway took part in the discussions. Super One Co Ltd will cultivate 6,000 acres of oil palm and 300 acres have been cultivated. The Secretary-2 and party went to the plantation of SI Co Ltd where Chairman U Maung Maung Swe Tin and Managing Director Dr Mya Thida Swe Tin reported on cultivation of oil palm. Leader of special group U Tin Hsaung reported on assistance provided. The Secretary-2 gave instructions on supervision, manpower, machinery and fuel.
The Secretary-2 and party inspected oil palm plantation of Yuzana Co Ltd and planted oil palm and posed for photo. The Secretary-2 and party met Tatmadawmen and their families of regional battalions. The Secretary-2 and party went to the oil palm plantation of Shwekhamauk Co and inspected oil palm. Managing Director of Shwekhamauk Co Daw Than Than Aye reported on production of oil palm. Managing Director of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise U Myint Oo reported on output of oil palm. Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung took part in the discussions. Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway reported on assistance for oil palm cultivation projects.
The Secretary-2 and party inspected Oil Palm Factory in Bankachun farm. The Secretary-2 and party inspected poultry farming of tactical operations command (Base) in Kawthoung. The Secretary-2 and party met departmental officials and entrepreneurs. Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung also spoke. Managing Director of Myanma Petroleum Products Enterprise U Aung Hlaing reported on arrangements for sale of fuel to the entrepreneurs.. The Secretary-2 then gave instructions. The Secretary-2 arrived back here in the evening. The deputy ministers met service personnel of respective departments.
(4) Secretary-2 attends opening of multimedia teaching centre in Myeik
YANGON, 11 Dec - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo attended the opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre of Basic Education High School No 1 in Myeik yesterday morning. Also present were Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung, Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, Chief of Staff (Navy) Captain Soe Thein, deputy ministers, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Tin Latt, heads of department, division, district and township departmental officials, the headmaster of the school and staff, wellwishers and pupils.
Headmaster U Tin Maung Swe and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees U Or formally opened the multimedia teaching centre. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party inspected the electronic media room (language lab), the computer aided instruction room, projected media rooms, the electronic media video system room, printed media rooms, the painting room, the domestic science and handicraft room and the science lab.
The Secretary-2 and party watched the artistic skill demonstration of pupils in the arts room. Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung accepted donations to the school Ñ K 1 million by Owner of Zinyawmin Company U Hla Win-Daw Aye Aye Thwe and family and K 100,000 by U Tin Oo-Dr Aye Aye Thein and family of Seiknge Ward. Deputy Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Office U Zaw Myint Pe made donations to the fund of the school. Next, the Secretary-2 and party, together with the teachers and the pupils, posed for photos.
ASEAN Ladies visit In-patient Care Centre of U HLa Tun Hospice (Cancer) Foundation
YANGON, 11 Dec-Wives of the Ambassadors of ASEAN countries, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, visited In-patient Care Centre of U HLa Tun Hospice (Cancer) Foundation on No 2 Highway in Dagon Myothit (East) Township and spoke words of encouragement to the patients who were suffering from cancer this morning. Chairman U Hla Tun and officials welcomed them and conducted around the centre.
The guests were briefed on the treatment and care for the patients who are poor, hopeless and waiting for death. The guests donated cash for the patients to U Hla Tun. U Hla Tun first founded the centre by funding K 10 million and US$ 150,000 and it was opened on 2 September this year. The centre has been providing health care services to 50 patients at the centre and 90 patients at their homes.
Minister for Construction receives Indian Ambassador
YANGON, 11 Dec-Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun met Ambassador of India to Myanmar Mr Shyam Saran at his office on Nawaday Street in Dagon Township at 9.30 am today. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister U Tint Swe, the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Directors of Public Works and officials.
Health Minister receives foreign guestsYANGON, 11 Dec-Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein met a delegation led by Mrs Kayoko Hosokawa of Japan Committee for the World's Children (JCV), Japan at his office in Dagon Township at 9.30 am today. Similarly, the Minister also received Senior Vice- President Mr James Leimkuhler and Director Mr Mark Borer of International Federation of Eye Tissue Banks (IFETB), USA at 10.30 am today. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo and officials.
National Societies Leadership Course opens
YANGON, 11 Dec - Opening ceremony of National Societies Leadership Course, jointly sponsored by Myanmar Red Cross Society and International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent was held in Grand Ballroom 1 at Hotel Equatorial this morning, with an address delivered by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo, directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Health, President of Myanmar Red Cross Society Dr Kyaw Win and members of Central Council and Central Executive Committee, President of Myanmar Medical Association Prof Dr Myo Myint, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, officials of International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and Asia and Southeast Asia Regional Federation of the Red Cross (Bangkok), guests and 27 trainees from Asia and Southeast Asia Regional Federations of the Red Cross.
First, the minister delivered an address. Head of delegation (Bangkok) Asia and Southeast Asia Regional Federation of the Red Cross Mr Peter Walker, leader of the delegation of IFRC Mr Michel Ducraux and President of MRCS Dr Kyaw Win gave speeches. The 27 trainees are attending the course which will be conducted till 15 December.
Cardiologists give treatment to patientsYANGON, 11 Dec-Under the guidance of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Singaporian cardiologists lead by Dr Leslie Lam and Myanmar cardiologists gave treatments to the patients who are suffering from heart diseases with the help of Invasive Cardiac Vascular Laboratory owned by MMCWA at Asia Royal Cardiac and Medical Care Centre on Baho Road in Sangyoung Township. Japanese cardiologists led by Dr Hideo Tamai also gave treatments to 19 patients at the centre in September and specialists from other countries will come and give treatment together with Myanmar specialists to the patients in future.
Renewals for gem mining blocks
YANGON, 11 Dec - Central Gems Supervisory Committee of the Ministry of Mines will renew permits for gem mining blocks whose terms will expire in January, Fe-bruary and March 2001. The renewal of the permits will be conducted under auction system in accord with the Myanma Gems Law. Gems entrepreneurs are invited to present proposals for the permits to mine the renewed and other vacant gem mining blocks. Floor price for each blocks is K 1 million. Registration and issue of proposals will begin on 15 December. The entrepreneurs are requested to present proposals at Myanmar Gems Enterprise Head Office at 66, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road within the period from 15 December to 8 January 2001. For more information please contact MGE Head Office.
Excursion group of Homein region tours Yangon South District
YANGON, 11 Dec- The visiting members of Union Solidarity and Development Association and excursion group of Homein region accompanied by officials of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department, toured Yangon South District this morning. First, they paid obeisance to Kyaikhmawwun Pagoda in Kyauktan and made donations.
They then visited Kyaik-khauk Pagoda in Thanlyin and donated cash towards the funds of the pagoda. In the afternoon, they arrived at Myanma International Terminals, Thilawa MITT. In the hall of MITT, Chief Engineer U Ye Htut of Myanma Port Authority explained the tasks of MPA and officials of MITT and Myanmar Integrated Port Ltd (MIPL) the tasks of MITT. At Yangon Ming Hoi garment factory in Thanlyin industrial region, Factory Manager Mr John Kuang and officials conducted them round the factory.
In the evening, Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt and wife Daw Kyin Khaing hosted a dinner at the national race village in honour of the group. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister U Kyaw Tin and wife, officials and their wives. At the dinner, the minister explained development of Homein region including roads and bridges and presented gifts to them. A member of the group spoke words of thanks. Then, entertainment programmes were presented by Mingala orchestra troupe of youths from Homein region trained by Ministry of PBANRDA and University of Culture.
(6) Prayer Hall of Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda opened
YANGON, 11 Dec-A ceremony to open Prayer Hall of Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda was held at the hall on the pagoda platform at 9.30 am yesterday. It was attended by Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the pagoda, Chairman of Thahton District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Tin Aung and members, Chairman of Kyaikhto Township Peace and Development Council U Myo Myint and members, Chairman Col Aung Chit (Retd) of Board of Trustees and members, Chairman U Kyaw Myint and members of Theingyizay A Shed and B Shed Religious Association, shopkeepers, wellwishers and guests. First, Col Aung Chit (Retd), Chairman U Myo Myint and U Kyaw Myint formally opened the Prayer Hall.
Then, Chairman Lt-Col Tin Aung unveiled the plaque inscription of the Tazaung. Ovadacariya Laytha Kyaung-taik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pandita Dhammacariya invested the congregation with the Five Precepts. Afterwards, Lt-Col Tin Aung and officials presented offertories to Sayadaws and certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, Chairman U Kyaw Myint supplicated on construction of the hall, renovation of buildings and presentation of offertories to members of the Sangha. Later, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pandita Dhammacariya delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
State Pariyatti Sasana Tekkatho (Mandalay) confers religious titles on 74 monksYANGON, 11 Dec - Religious titles were conferred on 74 members of the Sangha, who passed the religious diploma courses of State Pariyatti Sasana Tekkatho (Mandalay), at a ceremony which was held at the convocation hall of the Tekkatho in Mandalay yesterday afternoon. The ceremony was held under the supervision of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council and sponsorship of Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Present were Sayadaws led by Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sirinda-bhivamsa, member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and wife Dr Tin Lin Myint, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and wife Daw Yin Yin Nyunt, Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin and others. The commander, the minister and party offered soon to Sayadaws.
Also present were Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Vice-Chancellor of the Tekkatho Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Bhaddanta Kumara read the sarani ovadakatha. The minister supplicated on religious matters. Then Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Panditabhivamsa conferred the titles on the Sayadaws. He also conferred advanced diploma on Theravada Buddhism on four monks from the People's Republic of China and another 5 monks from Lao People's Democratic Republic. Wellwishers also presented offertories worth over K 2.9 million to members of the Sangha.
(7) Minister inspects Bilin Sugar Mill, Ingabo palm oil factory
YANGON, 11 Dec- Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, inspected production process of Bilin Sugar Mill on 8 December. Managing Director U Myo Myint of Myanma Sugarcane Enterprise and the factory manager conducted the minister round the mill. Bilin Sugar Mill has projected to crush 80,000 tons of sugarcane to produce 5,200 tons of sugar, which is this year's production target. On 10 December, the minister and party inspected repair of machines of Ingabo palm oil factory in Kyaikhto Township by engineers of Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Myanma Railways, oil palm nurseries and water supply.
Myanma Economic Bank holds first biannual work coord meeting
YANGON, 11 Dec - Myanma Economic Bank of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue held its first biannual work coordination meeting for the 2000-2001 financial year at the MEB on Pansodan Street this morning.
It was attended by Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Tun, Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, Managing Director of Myanma Economic Bank Thura U Myint Shwe, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry, state and division managers and officials.
The minister said that as many as business undertakings are carried out in striving for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation, banks which are providing monetary services play a greater role day by day; State-owned Myanma Economic Bank is providing monetary and banking services in accord with the policies of the State. The minister urged all to provide banking services correctly, speedily and accurately. Then, the work coordination meeting was held. The meeting continues tomorrow.
(8) Minister attends opening of training courses
YANGON, 11 Dec-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin attended the ceremony to open the Personal Computer for Office Application Advanced Course, the Facsimile Operator Training Course and the Mobile Communication Course and the special refresher course for officers at Communications and Postal Services Training Centre of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications this morning and delivered an address.
Also present on the occasion were the director-general of Directorate of Telecommunications, officials, the principal of the centre and 52 trainees. Speaking on the occasion, the minister said the Myanma Posts and Telecommunications is expanding the postal service, telegraphs and telecommunications tasks with modern techniques for development of communication systems all over the country. Similarly, MPT put emphasis on turning out outstanding employees who will effectively discharge duty for development of the MPT. In conclusion, the minister urged the trainees of various regions to pursue subjects conducted in the training and apply the knowledge in the respective worksites.
(9) 11 KhinU Township NLD members resign of own accord
YANGON, 11 Dec-Eleven members resigned from the National League for Democracy of KhinU Township, Sagaing Division. Eleven members of KhinU Township NLD, Sagaing Division, of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to KhinU Township Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party concerned on 19 January 2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.