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- Chairman of National Health Committee joins OPV immunization teams in Mandalay
- Development of Taninthayi Division discussed Secretary-2 tours Dawei, Myeik
- Secretary-2 attends Sixth National Immunization Days (First Round) launched in Myeik
- Sixth Year National Immunization Days
- News in Brief
- Minister leaves to attend 13th ASEAN-EU Meeting
- Pre-conference of War Veteran Organization (Kayin State) held
- Carving of Lawka Chantha Labha Muni Image continues
- 52 MraukU Township NLD members resign of own accord
(1) Chairman of National Health Committee joins OPV immunization teams in MandalayYANGON, 10 Dec- Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave oral polio vaccine to under-five children at the first round of the Sixth National Immunization Days at Mandalay Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee Office in Mandalay this morning.
Also present at the launching ceremony of the first round of the Sixth National Immunization Days were the dignitaries accompanying the Secretary-1, members of the Division, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, patrons of Mandalay Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee, divisional departmental heads, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, social organizations and parents. Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint formally opened the launching ceremony of the Sixth National Immunization Days in Mandalay Division.
Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party gave OPV to under-five children. The Secretary-1 and party visited the OPV immunization centre at Mandalay Division Union Solidarity and Development Association Office and gave OPV to the children there. They also attended the launching ceremony of the Sixth NIDs at Mandalay Station meeting hall and gave OPV to under-five children. Immunization teams simultaneously gave OVP to 800,000 under-five children in Mandalay Division.
Secretary-1 attends opening ceremony of Pyinmana BEHS-1 multimedia teaching centre, inspects development projectsYANGON, 10 Dec- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt attended the opening ceremony of the multimedia teaching centre at Pyinmana Basic Education High School No-1, and inspected development projects in Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions yesterday.
Accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the Secretary-1 and party left the Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin by helicopter for Pyinmana, Yamethin District.
At Pyinmana, they were welcomed by Tactical Operations Commander Col Tun Kyi, members of Division, District and Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental personnel and members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association.
The opening ceremony of the centre at Pyinmana BEHS-1 was held at the school at 11 am with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Headmistress Daw Win Kyi and Chairman of the School Board of Trustees Lt-Col Kyaw Sein (Retd) formally opened the multimedia teaching centre.
The Secretary-1 unveiled the signboard. Later, the Secretary-1 and party went round the centre's computer skills room, computer aided instruction room, Success being achieved in endeavours audio-visual room and close circuit TV, audio room, projected media room, printed media room and other related rooms, and viewed the skills demonstration by the pupils. The ceremony continued in the hall of the school.
First, the Headmistress explained that the school achieved the award for all-round development presented by the government for the 1997-98 academic year, that the school achieved a pass rate of 57.12 per cent in the 1999-2000 academic year, and that effective teaching at school and opening of the multimedia teaching centre were attributed to close supervision by members of Division, District and Township Peace and Development Councils and No-2 Basic Education Department, cooperation of the School Board of Trustees and PTA and generous contribution by parents. Chairman of the School Board of Trustees Lt-Col Kyaw Sein (Retd) spoke of efforts for opening the multimedia teaching centre.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt later accepted the donations which were K-162,600 and equipment valued at K-37,400 by Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, a computer and an air-conditioner by Minister for Education U Than Aung, K-500,000 by wellwishers of Yangon, K-549,000 by Pyinmana Station, over K-3.5 million by parents, a computer by Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut and a TV set and furniture by wellwishers.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 presented teaching aids for the school to the Headmistress. Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented sports equipment for the school.
Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt lauded local authorities, members of the School Board of Trustees, teachers, parents and wellwishers for their efforts for opening the multimedia teaching centre of the school.
The Secretary-1 noted that success is being achieved in a short time in the endeavour for narrowing development gap between the urban and rural areas, modernizing the education system and all-round development of student youths due to cooperation of parents and wellwishers.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party posed for the documentary photo together with members of the School Board of Trustees and PTA, the headmistress, teachers and students.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected arrangements for prevention of erosion of Ngalaik Creek at Ngalaik River Bridge in Pyinmana. Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint reported on tasks being carried out. Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project on Paunglaung River near Kyidaung-Khawma Village, 10 miles away from Pyinmana. In the briefing hall, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut and Project Director U Wan Kyi reported on facts about Paunglaung Hydel Power Project of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise, construction of two tunnels and other buildings, the power intake, the underground power plant which includes 35 kinds of tunnels, installation of the turbine generators and transformers, 230 kv power line installation, construction of Pyinmana Sub-Power Station and tasks concerning Irrigation Department.
Then, Deputy Minister U Ohn Myint and Director-General U Win Maung of Irrigation Department reported on facts about Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project, construction of embankments, the main dam and the spillway.
The Secretary-1 stressed the need for the two ministries to cooperate for achieving success of the project. He urged the technicians to coordinate technological matters of the project. Efforts are to be made for completing the project as targeted and the State, on its part, will fulfil the requirements, he added.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 presented the fruit basket to Chinese and Japanese technicians who are working in the project and prizes to employees of the Irrigation Department and MEPE. The Secretary-1 inspected construction of the embankment, the power intake and the spillway, arrangements for construction of the underground power plant and the main dam construction. Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project is being built on Paunglaung Creek near Kyidaung-Khawma Village, Pyinmana Township. The embankment built of stone is 430 feet high and 3,100 feet long. Four 70 mega watt generators will be installed at the project. The dam can generate 911 kWh on average annually and irrigate 50,000 acres.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party arrived back in Mandalay in the evening. Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of Maha Bodhi Beikmandaw of Myawady Nunnery in Pyigyidagun Township.
The Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to Buddha image there. Next, the Secretary-1 presented provisions to Head of the nunnery Maha Ganthanvaaka Nun Daw Panavati and , Ganthavanaka Pandita Nun Daw Rupasingi. Nun Daw Pannavati presented a Buddha image to the Secretary-1. Then, the Secretary-1 signed in the visitors' book, and made donations to the fund of Maha Bodhi Beikmandawgyi. Sub-Assistant Engineer (Architecture) U Pe Than reported on construction work of Maha Bodhi Beikmandawgyi.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions. Nun of Myawady Nunnery Daw Pannavati accepted donations to the fund of construction of Maha Bodhi Beikmandawgyi of Myawady Nunnery. The donations by well-wishers.
Maha Bodhi Beikman-dawgyi is a three-storey reinforced concrete building. Construction work is being done with the use of K 75 million donated by wellwishers, and 65 per cent of construction work has been completed. Estimated value of remaining tasks are K 110.9 million and wellwishers may make donations for the requirements.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party spent the night at Nanmyo Yeiktha. The Secretary-1 and party left Mandalay by helicopter and arrived at Monywa this morning.
The Secretary-1 and party gave oral polio vaccine to children under five at the ceremony to mark the Sixth Year National Immunization Days (First Round) at the town hall in Monywa. Over 650,000 children in Sagaing Division will be given by OPV.
The Secretary-1 and party went to the site of Chindwin Bridge (Monywa). Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe and Project Manager U San Nyein of Public Works reported on the projects and progress of work.
The Secretary-1 then gave instructions. Monywa-Kalaywa Road construction in-charge Col Soe Thein reported on progress of work. Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win reported on the axis of 24-mile road linking Labo and Myoma Villages on Minkin-Monywa-Kalaywa Road and tasks. Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi reported on arrangements for fuel supply. The Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements and gave instructions on cooperation with departments concerned. The Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of Chindwin Bridge (Monywa).
Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) will span the river linking Mindaunt Village in Monywa on the eastern bank with Letkhoatpin Village in Hsalingyi Township on the western bank. The bridge with reinforced concrete piers and foundation and steel beams will be 4,903 feet long with 28-foot-wide motorway, and a six-foot-wide pedestrian lane on each side. It can bear 60-ton loads. It will link Monywa with the newly-built Monywa-Yagyi-Myoma-Kalaywa road.
The Secretary-1 and party next proceeded to Letkhoatpin Village on the western bank and inspected the tarred section, 10 miles and five furlongs long, along Monywa-Kalaywa Road.
They arrived at Myoma Village in Minkin Village where they were welcomed by Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye of Kalay Station, district, township and village authorities, departmental personnel and USDA members. They attended the launching ceremony of the Sixth Year National Immunization Days (First Round) at Myoma Village Basic Education Middle School and gave oral polio vaccine to children.
In his meeting with departmental personnel and local people at the village mandat, the Secretary-1 presented a TV set, a video cassette player and a cassette recorder, and other teaching aids for Myoma Village Affiliated Middle School. Departmental personnel and elders reported on health, education and requirements. Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said Monywa-Kalaywa Road is being built and it will pass 60 villages including Myoma Village in Mingin Township, and the project is aimed at enabling smooth transport up to Tamu near Myanmar-India border. He said the Senior General gave guidance on construction of the road for development of the sector west of Monywa, and that the Head of State frequently gives guidance on bringing about equal development in all states and divisions and uplift of social standard.
The commander of North-West Command, taking the guidance of the Head of State as working norms, made efforts to build Monywa-Kalaywa Road, and it has emerged during a period of three or four months. If Monywa-Kalaywa Road is upgraded into a tarred one, it will take only four hours to cover over-120-mile-long Monywa-Kalaywa journey. A border trade route going through Mandalay, Monywa, Kalaywa and Tamu, will also emerge, and border trade will thrive. With the improvement of transport, villages along the road will make progress and the region will enjoy economic development. The living standard of local people will improve. These are good results of the emergence of a new road which could not be expected before.
Monywa Bridge and Kalaywa Bridge which span Chindwin River and lie on Monywa-Kalaywa Road, will emerge soon, and these bridges will contribute greatly to the development of the region. The Secretary-1 said that he, together with ministers, deputy ministers and heads of department, came to the region to fulfil requirements. The Head of State and authorities are attending to requirements of local people with pure goodwill. The people, on their part, need to cooperate with the government in putting the policies of the government into action.
The main duty of the people is to strive for development of their own businesses and agricultural work and to contribute to the development of the State. Farmers are to grow crops with the aim of developing the agriculture sector, the basic economy of the State, thereby promoting the economic development of the nation. The people are also to cooperate with local authorities to ensure security and rule of law.
In addition, they themselves are to abide by the law and rules and regulations. In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all to make concerted efforts for the attainment of the goals of the State and to cooperate with the government in striving for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
Then, the Secretary-1 had a cordial meeting with local people. In meeting with officials of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations, the Secretary-1 urged them to carry out organizational work, to strive for qualitative improvement of the organizations and to work with the people. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 paid homage to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pantama at the monastery of Myoma Village, and offered alms to the Sayadaw.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Monywa and arrived back here in the evening. Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, who accompanied the Secretary-1, visited Mandalay General Hospital. The minister was welcomed by Head of Division Health Department Dr Thein Tun and acting medical superintendent Dr Maung Nu and physicians. The minister inspected medical equipment and gave instructions.
(2) Development of Taninthayi Division discussed Secretary-2 tours Dawei, Myeik
YANGON, 10 Dec-Chairman of Leading Committee for development of region-wise agriculture sector Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Secretary of the Leading Committee Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung, Chairman of Work Committee Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, the Chief of Staff (Navy) and the deputy ministers met Chairmen of Sub-committees for development of Taninthayi Division and members and departmental officials at Dawei Yeiktha Hall on 9 December.
Chairman of paddy cultivation sub-committee Division Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service U Myo Wai, Chairman of oil palm and rubber cultivation sub-committee Division Manager of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise U Zaw Win, Chairman of mining sub-committee General Manager of No 2 Mining Enterprise U Khin Maung Lay, Chairman of fisheries sub-committee Division Head of Fisheries Department U Tint Swe reported on measures undertaken, Division Head of Livestock and Veterinary Department U Hla Thein on poultry farming. Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries U Aung Thein and Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung reported on assistance provided for development of Taninthayi Division.
Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung took part in the discussions on ensuring rice sufficiency in the region and tasks to be done. The Secretary-2 said he came to the division to fulfil the requirements for development of Taninthayi Division and tasks are being implemented systematically for ensuring better transportation, extended cultivation of oil palm and rubber, rice sufficiency and extraction of minerals and boosting production of marine products in the respective sectors. He said he saw good prospects for rice sufficiency in few years and concerted efforts are to be made for realization of the objectives of the plan. National private companies are participating in oil palm cultivation and local authorities are to provide assistance for successful implementation of the agriculture plans, he said. The Secretary-2 said the central would provide assistance for development of Taninthayi Division and urged the work committee and sub-committees to work hard for development. The Secretary-2 and party inspected agricultural services of regional battalion in Dawei.
The Secretary-2 and party went Auk-thayetchaung Village in Thayetchaung Township by helicopter. Managing Director of Annawa Soe Moe Trading Co Ltd U Kin Sein reported on cultivation of oil palm Managing Director of MPCE U Myint Oo and Division Manager U Zaw Win reported on assistance for cultivation of oil palm. Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway took part in the discussions. The Secretary-2 then gave instructions on realization of the objectives of the plan to villagers. The Secretary-2 planted oil palm in the plantation of Annawa Soe Moe Trading Co Ltd and posed for photo with personnel. The company has cultivated 1,547 acres of oil palm out of 5,000 acres. The Secretary-2 and party went to Myeik by helicopter. They were welcomed by Deputy Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tin Lat and officials.
The Secretary-2 inspected construction of Kyweku-Kyaukphya Bridge across Kyaukphya River near Kyweku Village. Superintending Engineer (Project) U Ba Wan of Public Works reported on the project. Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway reported on construction of approach road to the bridge. The Secretary-2 and party inspected construction of pile. The Kyweku-Kyaukphya Bridge is 3,612 feet long and 28 feet wide and it has six-foot wide walkways on both sides. The Secretary-2 and party inspected Kyweku Shipward Managing Director U In Shein of King Star Enterprise reported on repair of vessels. Shipward in-charge U Hlaing Thura reported on inauguration of the shipyards. The Secretary-2 then gave instructions. The Secretary-2 and party inspected poultry farm of U Win Lwin in Kalwin Village in Myeik.
The Secretary-2 and party went to the chicken run of U Tint Shein at Kanphya Ward in Myeik, and observed artificial incubation. At the chicken run, they met with poultry breeding entrepreneurs and fisheries entrepreneurs in Myeik. Deputy Minister U Aung Thein explained matters related to the assistance provided by the government for the development of production of meat and fish.
Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway explained coordination work for livestock breeding. Then, the entrepreneurs reported on their requirements. The Secretary-2 gave instructions. Afterwards, the Secretary-2 and party inspected the modern fish market and fish-handling wharf project being undertaken by Myanmar International Fishery Joint Venture in Myeik Industrial Zone. Managing Director Daw Kyawt Kyawt Lwin reported on progress of the project, construction of buildings of the modern fish market. Deputy Minister U Aung Thein gave supplementary report. The Secretary-2 gave instructions and inspected construction work.
Next, the Secretary-2 and party visited the 400-ton prawn cold storage of Ahsaungkaung Industries Company Ltd in Myeik Industrial Zone. General Manager U Thein Aung reported on the packaging of prawns, crabs and fish and the condition of marketing. The Secretary-2 met with departmental officials of Taninthayi Division at Kanyoedan Guest House in Myeik at night, and gave instructions on measures taken for the development of Taninthayi Division. Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway reported on arrangements for the successful implementation of the development tasks in Taninthayi Division. Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung explained progress of work in carrying out development tasks in Taninthayi Division and spoke of the need for sub-committees to carry out respective tasks successfully.
Deputy Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Office U Zaw Myint Pe reported on progress of Taninthayi Division. Then, the Secretary-2 called on all to carry out development tasks seriously and said that the sub-committees need to provide systematic supervision. In connection with development tasks of Taninthayi Division, specific duties have been assigned to the sub-committees. Out of these tasks, the State and entrepreneurs have cultivated oil palms on 44,695 acres of land.
Out of 540,645 acres, 240,000 acres have been allotted to entrepreneurs and arrangements are being made to cultivate oil palms on them. Rubber plants have been grown on 111,494 acres of land. Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, who accompanied the Secretary-2, met with the assistant division manager, the township manager, officials in charge of warehouses and employees of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading and employees of the Border Trade Department at the office of the township manager in Myeik at 1 p.m., and gave instructions on the work.
Then, the deputy minister inspected rice warehouses. Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun went to the office of Taninthayi Division Supervisory Committee in Myeik at 1 p.m., and inspected regional development tasks and distribution of machinery. Later, the deputy minister visited the vocational training school for women.
He also met with employees of the Development Affairs Committee at the office of the committee and inspected the measures taken to make the town beautiful and pleasant. Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung met with middle school and primary school teachers of Myeik Township at Myothit Affiliated Middle School in Myeik. Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint, together with Head of Division Health Department Dr Than Tun Oo and officials, inspected Myeik People's Hospital and met with medical staff and employees. The deputy minister also inspected the site chosen for construction of the 200-bed hospital.
(3) Secretary-2 attends Sixth National Immunization Days (First Round) launched in Myeik
YANGON, 10 Dec-Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo this morning attended the launching ceremony of the Sixth National Immunization Days (First Round) at Pale Yadana Hall, Myeik, and gave oral polio vaccine to under-five children. Also present on the occasion were Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung, Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Aye Kyway, the Chief of Staff (Navy), deputy ministers, heads of department, division/district/township level departmental officials and members of various organizations. Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint reported on giving oral polio vaccine (OPV) to children under five nationwide. Taninthayi Division Health Officer Dr Than Oo and Patron of Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Daw Khin Khin Win also reported on arrangements for giving OPV to the children in the division. Then, the Secretary-2 and party gave OPV to the children under five years.
(4) National Health Committee Chairman sends message on occasion of launching ceremony of Sixth National Immunization Days
YANGON, 10 Dec- Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt sent a message on the occasion of launching ceremony of the first round of the Sixth National Immunization Days today. The following is the full text of the message: It has been six times that our nationwide effort of National Immunization Days as a national campaign was implemented in order to completely eradicate poliomyelitis which can disable or endanger the life of the world children and the fitness of new breed of children of the Union of Myanmar.
In order to achieve the noble objective of the eradication of poliomyelitis by the year 2000, the government departments, voluntary and social organizations and community volunteers and the parents of children have joined hand in hand to successfully immunize six million children, two rounds per year for five consecutive years. We should be proud of that national achievement.
This nationwide yearly health campaigns which covered successfully the whole of the Union showed the strong determination and leadership of the government, unanimous endeavour and national drive of the people in accordance with national health policies which will promote the health and fitness of the entire nation.
In addition, the Union of Myanmar, as a member country of the global family has actively joined in the global effort of achieving for the goal of the eradication of poliomyelitis by the year 2000. In our endeavour to build up the modern developed nation, the physical and mental well being and fitness is the most crucial and basic requirement. So also the health status of the citizen is a basic indicator which reflects the level of national development. Now the State Peace and Development Council have systematically drawn national health plans and programmes and implemented activities to deliver the health care throughout the country including the border areas.
As a result, it is now evident that the health status of the people has very much improved. Special and recognizable contribution in the health care delivery system was also given by cooperatives, joint ventures, private sectors and voluntary and social organizations.
As a fruitful result of preventive and health promotive activities and special projects and programmes to combat communicable diseases, common communicable diseases are gradually found to be controlled, eliminated thereby approaching eradication. On one side special health care was needed by mother and children, and in addition to government departments, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association have been formed at different levels up to the villages and close health care is given by the members of the MMCWA all over the country. In order to protect the children against vaccine preventable diseases diphtheria, whopping cough, tuberculosis, measles and poliomyelitis potent vaccines are used and nationwide coverage of the immunization was achieved reaching the basic and most peripheral areas.
In our effort to eradicate poliomyelitis, National Immunization Days are designated since the year 1996 and NIDs are organized as a national campaign and each year about six million under five children were given oral polio vaccine, two rounds each year and so we can be confident that the scourge of the poliomyelitis will be kicked off or eradicated in the very near future. Also national immunization days are simultaneously organized and implemented in our neighbouring countries in the region Ñ Nepal, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Thailand and People's Republic of China. As a result of regional synchronization effort, we can now see the trend of disappearing of polio and total eradication very soon.
Fully appreciating and recognizing the active involvement and unanimity of the people in this endeavour, technical, financial and material contribution are given by WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, governments of countries that maintain mutual friendship, Japan, Australia, Rotary International, JICA, Japan Vaccine for the world's children, CDC (Atlanta) and other NGOs. Their kind contribution is fully appreciated and we would like to thank our partners and contributors on behalf of the people of Myanmar. We are honoured to have successfully carried out the part of the global effort of global eradication of poliomyelitis.
I wish that NIDs campaign be a success as before, the endeavour to eradicate poliomyelitis from the globe, which will give great benefit to the future of people of the world and of the Union of Myanmar. Starting from today, the Sixth National Immunization Days will be implemented in 324 townships of the entire nation and 180,000 members of 37,000 immunization teams will simultaneously immunize six million under-five children. Government of the Union of Myanmar fully honour, appreciate and put on record of the full participation of the people, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar Medical Association, Myanmar Nurses Association, Myanmar Health Assistant Association, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade, other voluntary associations and departmental officials.
Launching ceremony of first round of Sixth National Immunization Days heldYANGON, 10 Dec- The launching ceremony of the first round of the Sixth National Immunization Days was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning. Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein read out the message sent by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt. Also present on the occasion were Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Vice-Chairperson of the All Myanmar Women's Affairs Committee Dr Daw May May Yi, directors-general, deputy directors-general, rectors and professors of departments and institutes under the ministry, medical superintendents of hospitals in Yangon, matrons, departmental heads, diplomats, resident representatives of WHO, UNICEF and UNDP, officials of NGOs, the Health Officer of Yangon Division, township health officers and guests.
Daw San Yu Yu Ohn of the International Business Centre acted as master of ceremonies. Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein read out the message sent by Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt on the occasion of launching ceremony of the Sixth National Immunization Days. After the ceremony, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein, officials and guests viewed the exhibition on the campaign of National Immunization Days in the lobby of IBC. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein, officials and guests gave oral polio vaccine to children at the immunization centre of Hline Township at IBC, and presented toys to the children.
First round of Sixth Year National Immunization Days held in Yangon Division
YANGON, 10 Dec-The first round of the Sixth Year National Immunization Days was held at respective places in Yangon Division today. Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Director-General Dr Wan Maung of Health Department and party gave oral polio vaccine to children at designated places. Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein, officials, resident representatives of UN agencies and officials of NGOs arrived at Yankin Education College at 9 am today and gave OPV to children and presented toys to them.
Then, the minister and guests posed for documentary photos. The minister and party also gave OPV to children in South Okkalapa and Dagon Myothit (North) and Dagon Myothit (East) Townships. Similarly, the vaccine was given to children in Pazundaung, Thakayta and Thanlyin townships. Likewise, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of Chairman of National Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Daw Yin Yin Myint, wife of the Minister for Health, the wife of the Director of Medical Services, Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Patron of Yangon Division MCWA Daw Marlar Tint, Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Dr Daw May May Yee and officials, arrived at Tamway Basic Education High School No 4 and gave OPV to children. Similarly, they gave OPV to children in Thingangyun and Dagon Myothit (South) Townships.
The first round of the Sixth Year National Immunization Days was held at Ayeyawady Naval Region Command this morning. Daw Aye Aye, wife of Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Rear-Admiral Kyi Min, Daw Khin Aye Kyin, wife of Chief of Staff (Navy) Captain Soe Thein, Acting Commander of Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Capt Tha Hsan and wife, Captain Naval Staff Capt Kyaw Tin Hla and their wives gave OPV to children. Likewise, under the supervision of Mingaladon Air Base MCWA, the first round of the Sixth Year National Immunization Days was held at the air base this morning. Member of Central Executive Committee of MMCWA (Central) Daw Khin Swe Nyunt, wife of member of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Kyaw Than, and party gave OPV to children. Daw Khin Swe Nyunt and party also attended a similar ceremony at the Maintenance Base and gave the vaccine to children. Likewise, ceremonies to give OPV to children were held at Yangon Command Headquarters, Defence Services Records Office, Defence Services General Hospital, Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital, Special Investigation Department of Myanmar Police Force and Lanmadaw Township.
Donors from international organization and NGOs honoured
YANGON, 10 Dec-A ceremony to honour donors from international organization and NGOs in recognition of their contribution for the Sixth National Immunization Days in Myanmar was held at the meeting hall of National Health Committee, Ministry of Health, on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Dagon Township, this afternoon. It was attended by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Deputy Minister Professor Dr Mya Oo, directors-general, deputy directors-general, rectors, directors and officials of departments under the Ministry, officials of NGOs under UN agencies, wellwishers from international organization and officials. Resident Representative of WHO Dr Agostino Borra, Officer-in-Charge of UNICEF Dr Obei Wiillians, Japanese Ambassador Mr. Shigeru Tsumori, Chairman of JCV (Japan Committee for Vaccine for World's Children) Mr. Kayoko Hosokawa and the wellwishers made speeches. Then, Ms Karina Kayama and Mr Toru Fujii of JCV spoke of funds and programmes for eradication of polio. The minister presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
(6) News in BriefNew School building handed over
YANGON, 10 Dec-A ceremony to open and hand over a new school building of Basic Education Middle School, Kyaukyaydwin Village, Phayagon Village-tract, Thanlyin Township, Yangon South District, to Ministry of Education was held at the school this morning. It was attended by Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt, Director-General of Education Planning and Training Department U Bo Win, Deputy Director-General of No 3 Basic Education Department U Tin Win and officials, Chairman of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Sein and members, Chairman of Thanlyin Township Peace and Development Council U Kyin Han and members, Township Education Officer U Aung Myat, Headmaster U Myint Thein and teachers, social organizations and invited guests. Well-wisher Sayadaw Kyein Tweint and party and Township Education Officer U Aung Myat formally opened the building. The wellwisher spent K 6 million on the building and presented K 3,000 each to the 200 outstanding students and K 5,000 each to the teachers for uniforms.
Minister inspects construction of hospitals, depts
YANGON, 10 Nov- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Director-General Dr Hla Pe of Health Department, Rector Dr Soe Tun of Mandalay Institute of Medicine and Head of Mandalay Division Health Department Dr Thein Tun, arrived at Zeebingyi Hospital (50-bed) in PyinOoLwin District yesterday and inspected the medical store, the delivery room, the operation theatre, patient wards, the lab and the X-ray room. The minister and party proceeded to construction site of Medical Research Department (Upper Myanmar) in Sitha Village, PyinOoLwin Township. In the briefing hall, officials reported on progress of the construction and tasks being undertaken. The minister gave instructions on work. The minister and party went to Psychiatric Hospital in Amarapura Township. Managing Director U Kyaw Wai of Aung Kaung Kyaw Construction reported to the minister on construction matters. In Mandalay, the minister inspected Special Psychiatric Unit and Drug Addicts Treatment Unit on 35th Street. Then, the minister inspected lift installation at Mandalay Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital and attended to the requirements of the hospital.
Minister inspects limestone minesYANGON, 10 Dec-Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint together with Director-General of Geological Survey and Minerals Exploration Department Col Win Ti and officials inspected limestone mines in Kyaukse District, Mandalay Division, yesterday. The Minister and party arrived at the Cement Plant Project of Myanma Ceramics Industries, Ministry of Industry-1 near Kyaukse yesterday morning and gave instructions.
Then, the Minister and party arrived at Thandawmyat limestone hill and officials explained future plans to him. He also inspected Nwale-kauk limestone hill and officials reported on the condition and production of limestone to him. Afterwards, the Minister and party headed for Kyaukkyan hill and inspected drilling work to estimate the amount and quality of limestone. The Minister also heard the reports by the director-general and officials on the amount and quality of limestone at Taungnima and Hton hills and gave instructions. He urged the officials to explore enough quality limestone for the Cement Plant projects in Kyaukse District, to report the collected data as soon as possible and to cooperate with other departments to be able to complete the project in time and presented gifts to the drilling staff.
Mayor inspects agri & livestock works
YANGON, 10 Dec-YCDC Chairman Mayor U Ko Lay arrived at Masotada agriculture and livestock breeding project site on No 2 Highway, Dagon Myothit (East) Township, and gave necessary instructions. Officials reported to him matters on digging of fish breeding ponds and construction of ring road. He gave instructions on digging of ponds, making the ring road firm energetically. One hundred acres of pond will be dug and kitchen crops grown.
Geological Symposium held
YANGON, 10 Dec- The IGCP Project 434 Second International Symposium in Myanmar, 2000: Geologic Development in Asia during the Cretaceous-Geology, Carbon Cycle and Biodiversity Changes was held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay Road this morning. Present were Deputy Ministers for Science and Technology U Hlaing Win and U Nyi Hla Nge, directors-general of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Science and Technology, rectors, geologists from China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam invited by IGCP, retired Myanmar geologists and officers of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration Department, Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and Panthu Geological Cooperative and officials of Geology Departments of universities totalling 70. Director-General U Saw Lwin of Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) and leader of IGCP Prof Dr Hiromichi Hirano gave speeches. The Symposium continues tomorrow. Altogether 37 geologists will present 25 papers to the Symposium.
Delegation of Homein region visits Yangon CityYANGON, 10 Dec- Members of Shan State (South) Union Solidarity and Development Association and delegation members of Homein special region continued their second day excursion here today. They visited Tooth Relic Pagoda (Yangon), Kaba Aye Pagoda, Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image and Defence Services Museum and went shopping at Yuzana Plaza in Mingala Taungnyunt Township.
(7) Minister leaves to attend 13th ASEAN-EU MeetingYANGON, 10 Dec- At the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Somsavat Lengsavad of Lao People's Democratic Republic, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung left here by air this morning to attend the 13th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) to be held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, on11 to 12 December. The minister was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Heads of Mission of ASEAN member countries in Yangon, directors-general, Charge d' Affaires ai of the Lao Embassy Mr Khamsouay Keodalavong and officials of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The minister is accompanied by Director-General U Nyunt Maung Shein of Political Department and Assistant Director U Myint Thu of ASEAN Affairs Department.
(8) Pre-conference of War Veteran Organization (Kayin State) held
YANGON, 10 Dec-The Pre-conference of War Veteran Organization (Kayin State) was held at the Zwekabin Hall of Hpa-an this morning attended by Commander of South East Command Maj-Gen Thura Thiha Thura Sit Maung. Also present were members of MWVO Central Organizing Committee Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Vice-Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Kyaw Win of Ministry of Defence, Managing Director U Tun Aung Myint of Inland Water Transport, Patron of WVO (Kayin State) Chairman of Kayin State Peace and Development Council Col Saw Khin Soe and members, officials of various associations, delegates and guests.
Lt-Col Soe Tint (Retd) presided over the conference and Col Min Naung and Col Min Naung were co-chairman. Daw Nan Hla Yin May acted as master of ceremonies and Daw Nan Ni Ni Aye as joint master of ceremonies. Altogether 117 delegates out of 122 or 97.5 per cent attended the conference. Members of Organizing Committee of Kayin State Col Maung Oo (Retd), Capt Kyaw Thu (Retd) and Col saw Win (Retd) presented reports on three sectors of Kayin State WVO to the Pre-conference. Afterwards, Capt Nyunt Thein (Retd) discussed the national political sector, Segt Tin Aung(Retd) the national defence and security sector, Segt Min Swe (Retd) the economic sector, Segt San Myint (Retd) social affairs and welfare sector and WO II Aye Maung (Retd) the community sector. Next, the pre-conference adopted seven future tasks and one resolution, one approval and put two matters on record. Lt-Col Soe Tint (Retd) gave a concluding remarks and the Pre-conference successfully ended with chanting the slogans in the afternoon. Then, the donation ceremony was held.
Today's donations included K 1 million by MWVO Central Organizing Committee, K 2.6 million by organizing Group-6, K 100,000 by Kayin State Peace and Development Council, K 50,000 each by Supervisory Committee of War Veterans (Kayin State) and Myawady District, K 100,000 by Kawkayeik District Peace and Development Council, K100,000 by Myawady District Peace and Development Council, Kayin State Development Committee and K 20,000 by Kayin State Immigration and National Registration Department.
(9) Carving of Lawka Chantha Labha Muni Image continues
YANGON, 10 Dec-The Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township where Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image is kept, was packed with members of the Sangha, nuns and laity today. The engineers and workers of Buildings Construction Project Group-2 of Public Works are carrying out the construction of Gandakuti Kyaungdawgyi in which the Image is kept, southern and northern stairways and retaining walls of the Hill. Stone sculptor U Taw Taw and sons are also carving the Image from morning to evening. Myanmar handicraft technician U Tin Ohn and party continued the decoration work. Wut Associations recited religious verses from 7 am to 10 pm. Commander of Maintenance Air Base Col Khin Maung Aye and wife, the deputy commander, officers and other ranks and their wives participated in the construction work, paid homage and donated cash to the Image. Bookshops of Ministry of Religious Affairs, News and Periodicals Enterprise of Ministry of Information and Sarpay Beikman sold different kinds of books, encyclopaedia year book-2000 and calendars for year 2001. Donations by the public from 5 August to date have amounted to K 109,753,371.
(10) 52 MraukU Township NLD members resign of own accord
YANGON, 10 Dec-Fifty-two members resigned from the National League for Democracy of MraukU Township, Rakhine State. Fifty-two members of MraukU Township NLD, Rakhine State, of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to MraukU Township Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party concerned on 30 September 2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.