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- Secretary-1 Address closing ceremony of Special Refresher Course No 8 for Basic Education Teachers
- Secretary-1 visits Orbis International, inspects development work in Mandalay
- Secretary-2 inspects oil palm cultivation in Yebyu, Launglon Townships
- Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Yangon Division) formed
- Stake-driving ceremony for Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) held
- Delegation members of Homein special region tour Yangon downtown
- News in Biref
- Yangon full of hustle and bustle
- 8 members resign from Ngaphe Township NLD of own accord
(1) Secretary-1 Address closing ceremony of Special Refresher Course No 8 for Basic Education Teachers
YANGON, 9 Dec- Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt and party, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint and officials, left Mandalay for PyinOoLwin by helicopter this morning and arrived at Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin at 7.50 am. Then, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt addressed the ceremony to mark conclusion of the Special Refresher Course No 8 for Basic Education Teachers at Yadana Hall of the institute at 8 am today.Also present on the occasion were Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, the chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Chief of Staff (Air), senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, department heads, division, district and township authorities, Rector Col Aung Hsan Win of the institute, pro-rectors, officials and trainee teachers.
First, the Secretary-1 delivered an address.
He said that with the participation of the entire national people, all-out efforts are being made to enable the Union of Myanmar to stand tall for ever as an independent and sovereign nation in international community, and in this regard, success has been achieved. As measures are being taken to nurture and train students to be able to catch up with the improving conditions of the nation in future, today's students have found themselves on the correct path of national causes and have been gradually acquiring the skills and efficiency of a worthy citizen who has the ability to promote national interests. Myanmar is a nation with great historical traditions and high and magnificent culture.
The colonialists' evil legacy cast a shadow over the Union for over 40 years after national races were subjected to oppression and the divide-and-rule system for over 100 years. Due to neo-colonialists bent on dominating the Union which emerged again as an independent and sovereign nation, the shadow cast over the Union by the colonialists' evil legacy became darker and the Union had lagged behind in development and found itself on the brink of collapse from time to time; these are unforgettable lessons of history.Thus, the Tatmadaw government, with the participation of the entire national people, has carried out radical reforms in all political, economic and social fields so as to enable the Union to firmly stand as a strong and sovereign nation totally free from the shadow cast by the colonialists' evil legacy and domination of the neo-colonialists.
At present, it can be seen that some powerful nations are employing various ways and means to cause instability in many regions of the world, create conflicts, drive a wedge among national races who have lived in unity throughout history and break up strong and union nations. Some big nations meddling in the affairs of other nations, are brazenly breaching international norms and basic principles such as equality, sovereignty and territorial integrity; moreover, they are even throwing their weight on the organizations responsible to protect international norms and basic principles, and in some cases they are launching invasions openly. Myanmar people who love their race, need to strive with intense patriotism to be able to shape their own destinies and to be fully qualified in order to build their own nation and safeguard their own nation against danger of lawless interference. Education promotion programmes are being implemented and the force of youths who are outstanding in education and imbued with dynamic nationalism and patriotism has emerged. Therefore, teachers who are playing a crucial role in nurturing student youths, are required to prevent the danger of the destructive group bent on using the youths in a wrong way, and instil in the youth with the sense of cherishing the truth and serving the interests of others. They are also required to get Myanmar youths to clearly know the attempts of some big nations to disrupt the progress of the State and the people. They also need to show the youths the correct way so that they become intellectuals and intelligentsia for the development of the State and the people.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged all to strive for the successful implementation of education promotion programmes designed for the development of human resources which are very important to build the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one and to enable the mother land to stand tall in the world, and to train the youths to become patriotic ones who are the true strength of the nation in opposing attempts of some big nations and their lackeys to politically, economically and culturally dominate the nation by using information technology and abusing international organizations.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented model trainee awards to Junior Assistant Teacher U Nyunt Wai of Basic Education High School No 2 of Pakokku and JAT Daw Khin Myo Lwin of Namkham BEMS of Wuntho Township and other prizes to the respective outstanding trainees. Likewise, the Secretary-1 presented model hostel awards to respective trainees of hostels. Next, the trainees presented K 50,000 including K 10,000 each towards the funds of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image, Tooth Relic Pagoda (Mandalay), renovation of Bagan ancient pagodas and K 5,000 each to Union Solidarity and Development Association and the National Convention and K 10,000 to Zeebingyi Affiliated BEHS. The Secretary-1 accepted the donations and the ceremony came to a close in the morning. After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of the main building of the institute and thriving of the papaya plantation.
(2) Secretary-1 visits Orbis International, inspects development work in Mandalay
YANGON, 9 Dec - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt inspected the Orbis International flying hospital and development projects in Mandalay yesterday. Accompanied by ministers, the Chairman of the Civil Service Selection and Training Board, the Chief of Staff (Air), deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and other officials, the Secretary-1 left here by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at Mandalay International Airport at 1.30 p.m. The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by State Peace and Development Council Member Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs U Kyaw Tin, Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and officials.Chairman of the National Health Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt visited the Orbis International stopping over at Mandalay International Airport and giving treatment. The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed by Project Manager Mr Sally Robinson and eye specialists.
They later went round the training and lecture hall, laser room, conference room, operation room and rooms for patients. The flying hospital operated on 31 patients with eye defects, and used laser treatment to cure 17 patients of their defects.
At Mandalay Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, the specialists of the Orbis International operated on 21 patients, and gave treatment to 180 out-patients. Meeting officials in the airport lounge, the Secretary-1 gave instructions on the work for greening of the environs. They proceeded to No 8 BEHS in Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay, where they were welcomed by the Director-General of No 2 Basic Education Department, divisional and township education officers, members of the School Board of Trustees and PTA, Headmistress Daw Khin Yi Yi Thaw, teachers and pupils.
The Secretary-1 inspected renovation of Yarpyi Building of the school on an extensive scale and later viewed the documentary photos of the school. He later went round the language lab, art room, audio room, study room, computer skills room, chemistry and physics labs, domestic science room, and music room, and viewed the skills demonstrated by schoolgirls.The Secretary-1 and party had a documentary photo taken together with members of the School Board of Trustees and PTA, the Headmistress, teachers and pupils. They next visited Maha Gandhayon Kyaungtaik in Amarapura.
They paid respects to member of the State Central Working Committee of Sangha Maha Gandhayon Monastery Patron Agga Maha Pandita Maha Dhamma-kathika Bahujana Hitadhara Bhaddanta Kundhalabhivamsa and members of the Sangha. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of a new three-storey building within the precincts of the monastery. They visited gold-embroidery artist U Sein Myint's studio and showroom at Mandalay Nanshe, and viewed the rare and ancient documentary photos collected by the artist, ancient artefacts and paintings, and gold-embroidered paintings. They stopped for the night at Mandalay Nanmyo Guest House.![]()
(3) Secretary-2 inspects oil palm cultivation in Yebyu, Launglon Townships
YANGON, 8 Dec-Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Brig-Gen Lun Maung, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the deputy ministers and heads of the State Peace and Development Council Office and departments and officials yesterday left here for Dawei by Tatmadaw flight. The Secretary-2 and party went to Pagawzun Oil Palm Factory of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise in Yebyu Township where Taninthayi Division Manager of MPCE U Zaw Win reported on establishment of the factory, production of oil palm and efforts for boosting production. Dawei District Police Commander Police Major Thein Zin reported on security matters for the factory. Factory Manager U Kyaw Kyaw reported on process of oil palm production and Managing Director of MPCE U Myint Oo took part in the discussions.
Next, the entrepreneurs also reported on cultivation of oil palm and production. Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung took part in the discussions. The Secretary-2 gave instructions on successful cultivation of oil palm and full operation of the oil palm factory. The Secretary-2 and party inspected functions of the factory.
The Secretary-2 and party went to Yebyu Township and met departmental officials and service personnel at Township Peace and Development Council Office. Commander Brig-Gen Aye Kyway reported on endeavours for development of Taninthayi Division. Minister Brig-Gen Lun Maung and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung spoke. The Secretary-2 said Taninthayi Division has better foundations for development and spoke of the need to make efforts for development of the regions by exploiting these foundations.He said regional development works are under way after formation of the Leading Committee for Development of Taninthayi Division comprising the ministers, Work Committee and six Sub-committees. Rapid regional development would be made in cooperation with departments concerned and local people, he added. He said he came to Yebyu Township because he seldom visited there. He spoke of the need for service personnel to work hard with cetena for regional development and make arrangements for cleaning of the office and its environs. The Secretary-2 and party inspected oil palm plantation No 3 of Pokaung Co Ltd, equipment used in oil palm cultivation, sample of bunch of oil palm and oil palm. Managing Director U Aye Maung of Pokaung Co Ltd reported on oil palm cultivation project in the township.
The Secretary-2 then fulfilled the requirements. Altogether 2,012 acres of oil palm and 258 acres of cashew have been cultivated in the township by the company. In the evening, the Secretary-2 and party went to Longlon Oil Palm Factory in Longlon Township and inspected it. Factory manager U Nyunt Tin briefed them on the milling capacity of Launglon Edible Oil Mill of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise. Officials also presented supplementary reports. The Secretary-2 gave suggestions on milling of edible oil palm.
The Secretary-2 and party arrived back in Dawei, and cordially met with the Tatmadawmen and families of battalions and units of Dawei Station. Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw San, together with Taninthayi Division Manager of Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading U Tun Kyi and officials inspected Myoma Paddy Purchase Depot1 at Byawtaw-wa Ward in Dawei, and later met with MAPT personnel of Dawei, Launglon, Thayetchaung and Yaybyu. Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung inspected police stations in Yaybyu and Launglon. Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun, Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Kyaw Myint also inspected the related tasks.
(4) Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Yangon Division) formed
YANGON, 9 Dec - A ceremony to form Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation (Yangon Division) was held in the meeting hall of the Office of the Director-General of the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department in Insein Township this afternoon, attended by member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than.Also present were directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, members of Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation, guests and entrepreneurs in Yangon Division.
The Commander said that Yangon has a population of about six million, and Yangon Division Peace and Development Council is seeing to it that there are sufficient rice, meat, fish and vegetables for the people in Yangon. Not only is there sufficient rice production in Yangon Division but also there are rice surpluses. As regards measures taken to achieve sufficiency of meat, fish and vegetables, fish ponds have been built on over 26,000 acres of land in Yangon Division, and they account for half of the total number of fish ponds in the entire nation. Up to 30,000 acres of land will be used to dig fish ponds. To boost production of chickens, pigs and vegetables, the special vegetable production and livestock breeding zone of Yangon Division has been established at Nyaunghnabin Village in Hmawby Township, and 1,500 acres of land have been allotted to livestock breeding entrepreneurs. Plans to boost meat and fish production are being implemented.
In Aikka-laungkyun and Bawlekyun regions in Yangon North District, 500 acres of land have been allotted for poultry farming, 500 acres for pig breeding and 5,000 acres for fish breeding. Yangon Division Peace and Development Council will provide assistance for entrepreneurs. In conclusion, the Commander called for cooperation between Yangon Division Livestock Breeding Federation and Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation in striving to promote production in the meat and fish sector. Director-General of the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department U Maung Maung Nyunt reported on the condition of the livestock breeding sector and the meat and fish production sector and
Chairman of Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation Dr Mya Han on tasks to be carried out by the Federation. General Secretary of Myanmar Livestock Breeding Federation Dr Zaw Win Myat submitted the list of executives of Yangon Division Livestock Breeding Federation. Then, Chairman of YDLBF U Ohn Lwin extended greetings. The livestock breeding entrepreneurs in Yangon Division made donations to YDLBF. Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Director-General U Maung Maung Nyunt and Dr Mya Han accepted donations and presented certificates of honour to them.
(5) Stake-driving ceremony for Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) held
YANGON, 9 Dec - A stake-driving ceremony for construction of Chindwin Bridge (Monywa) was held on the bank of Mindauk in Monywa this morning. Present were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Soe Win, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, officials of Public Works, personnel of local organizations, heads of department, members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, teachers and students and local people.The Commander said that out of the five tasks being undertaken by the government, the task to ensure smooth transport is vitally important. In Sagaing Division, the total length of tarred roads has increased from 363 miles and 5 furlongs up to 757 miles.
The number of over-60-feet bridges has also increased from 160 up to 226. There are nine over-180-feet bridges. These bridges were built at a cost of K 7,069 by the government. The construction work has improved by 38% in Sagaing Division. Myittha Rive Bridge (Kalaywa) will soon be built. Monywa-Kalaywa Motor Road which will stretch 120 miles is being built. A ten-mile section of the road has been surfaced with tar, and the two-lane earth road which reaches Kalaywa, has been built. Then, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun said that Chindwin Bridge (Monywa), spanning Chindwin River, will connect Chin State and Magway Division and border regions. The bridge will provide access to Kabaw Valley region near the border area of India through Kalaywa. The journey covering Monywa, YeU, Kalaywa and Kalay is 160 miles long, and on completion of the bridge, it will be only 120 miles long. The travelling time will be reduced to a greater extent, and transport will become speedy and smooth.The lower structure of the bridge will be built of reinforced concrete and the upper structure of steel beams. The Minister also quoted Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe as saying that transport is playing a pivotal role in striving for the development of the nation; only when there is smooth transport, will there be economic and social progress; roads and bridges are being built to narrow the gap of development among regions which are difficult of access. If construction of Chindwin Bridge (Monywa) is completed, the transport condition of over 60 villages on Monywa-Kalay-Kalaywa road will improve. The socio-economic life of the local people will also improve. On completion of Chindwin Bridge (Monywa), Monywa-Ahlon-Yagyi-Kalaywa road will emerge, and it will become the shortest route linking Sagaing Division and Chin State. Efforts can be made to develop the Naga region as well as Chin State. It will also contribute to the further strengthening of national solidarity. Afterwards, Commander Maj-Gen Soe Win, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun, Adviser to the State Peace and Development Council Office U Thant Zin, Deputy Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Myint, Secretary of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ye Htut and Deputy Managing Director U Soe Aung formally drove stakes. Chindwin Bridge (Monywa) is situated on Monywa-Kalaywa-Tamu road under construction. The total length of the bridge is 4,903 feet, and it has a 28-feet-wide two-lane motor way and two 6-feet-wide pedestrian lanes on each side. It can bear 60-ton loads and its waterway clearance is 40 feet high and 320 feet wide.
(6) Delegation members of Homein special region tour Yangon downtown
YANGON, 9 Dec- Members of Shan State (South) Union Solidarity and Development Association and delegation members of Homein special region, currently here at the invitation of Chairman of Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, toured Yangon downtown this morning.
At 7 am, they, accompanied by officials of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department, visited Shwedagon Pagoda. Members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees conducted them round the pagoda. The delegation members made donations and visited the Buddhaoogy Museum. They then visited Maha Wizaya Pagoda. Members of the Pagoda Board of Trustees explained the history of Dhamma Rekkhita Hill and the pagoda. In the afternoon, members of Homein special region visited Agricultural Museum in Myepadetha Park, Yangon Zoological Gardens and Aquarium.
Minister inspects factories, Win Thuza shops
YANGON, 9 Dec- Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, accompanied by officials, arrived in NyaungU yesterday morning, and inspected the restaurant attached to Win Thuza Shop. The minister also inspected Win Thuza Shop in Myingyan. Then, member of Central Executive Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung arrived at Nabuaing Village Basic Education Middle School and viewed the wall magazine of the library of Myingyan Township Information and Public Relations Department. Afterwards, he accepted 7,364 membership applications of five village-tracts in Myingyan Township.In the afternoon, the CEC member accepted 19,382 membership applications at Hsimikhon BEHS. In the evening, the minister inspected sites chosen for construction of vest, slipper, bicycle and candy factories near ancient Myinsaing City in Kyaukse Township. Then, the minister inspected construction of the road and bridge leading to Kyaukse Cement Plant. The minister inspected the cement plant. The Ministry of Industry-1 is making preparations for construction of cement plant, asbestos brick factory, bicycle, vest, slipper and candy factories in Myinsaing of Myingyan Township. Then, the minister inspected Win Thuza Shop in Kyaukse. At Paleik Newsprint Mill in Singaing, the minister inspected progress of the construction of the mill. He met technicians of Tianjin Machinery Import-Export Corporation. Then, the minister inspected Paleik Textile and Finishing Plant.
Tourists arrive on chartered flight
YANGON, 9 Dec-A chartered flight carrying 94 tourists arrived here at 1.40 p.m. under the arrangement of Abercrombine & Kent (A & K) Myanmar Co Ltd and TCS Expedition Co of USA and under the supervision of Myanmar Tourism Services of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism. The tourists visited Bogyoke Aung San Market and the Shwedagon Pagoda this afternoon. They were divided into two groups, and will paid a one-day visit to Bagan by regular and special flights of Air Mandalay on 10 December. They will leave here by the chartered flight on 11 December for Utaan Baatar,
Mongolia. Dumex Medical Seminar heldYANGON, 9 Dec-The Dumex Medical Seminar, sponsored by The East Asiatic Co Ltd (Yangon Branch) Dumex, was held at the Strand Hotel this morning. Resident Manager U Peter Moe Kyaw presented FEC 500 for Myanmar Medical Association through Chairman of the Association Dr Myo Myint. Then, Head of Neurology Division, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Malaysia, Child Specialist Dr Ong Lai Choo gave talks on management of epilepsy & cerebral palsy. Ms Sherlin Ong, Senior Nutritionist/Dietitian INC-Singapore, gave talks on nutrition for the development of brains of children. Child Specialist of Yangon West Hospital Dr Ye Myint Kyaw gave talks on antioxidants and beta carotene. Later, question and answer session followed after which the seminar ended.
December Pleasure Art Show exhibited
YANGON, 9 Dec-The December Pleasure Art Show was opened at Artist Life Gallery, No 409, Taungoo Street, Ward 17, Shwepaukkan Myothit, North Okkalapa, this morning. A total of over 200 paintings at the Show include 130 paintings by U Lun Kywe and the remaining ones by Lun family artists Lun Mya Mya, Lun Thit, Lun Kyaw Yi, Lun Zaw and Nay Lun Maung. The Show will continue up to 24 December from 9 am to 6 p.m.
(8) Yangon full of hustle and bustle
YANGON, 9 Dec-The pagodas were packed with pilgrims, amusement parks and recreation centres with holiday-makers and shopping centres with buyers in Yangon City today. Members of the Sangha, nuns and devotees flocked to such famous pagodas as Shwedagon, Sule and Botahtaung Kyauk-de-up and performed meritorious deeds paying obeisance to the pagodas, keeping precepts, counting beads, practising religious meditation, offering flowers, water and incense sticks and making donations. Among the pilgrims, tourists were also seen visiting the pagodas. Similarly, People's Square and People's Park was bustling with individuals, families and groups recreating, swimming, riding water-slide and amusement vehicles, and playing different kinds of amusement games at Shweyinbyin Modern Playground joyfully. Likewise, supermarkets, plazas, markets and stores were busy with buyers and cinemas with movie goers.
Nursery Market Festival in progress
YANGON, 9 Dec-The Nursery Market Festival continued at Myepadetha Park in Bahan Township today with the aim of providing the growers with agricultural techniques and equipment. Seasonal crops, seeds, seedlings and agricultural equipment were on sale. At Mwe-ein-thu Booth, systematic poultry farming was exhibited, and eggs, fried chicken, fried quail, honey products and veterinary medicines were also sold.
(9) 8 members resign from Ngaphe Township NLD of own accord
YANGON, Dec 9- Eight members resigned of their own accord from the National League for Democracy of Ngaphe Township, Magway Division. Eight members of Ngaphe Township NLD, Magway Division, of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to Ngaphe Township Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party concerned on 2 June 2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.