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- State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Albania
- Special Projects Implementation Committee holds Meeting No 2/2000
- Meeting seeks means to promote meat and fish production
- Respects paid to aged men of letters at Sarsodaw Day ceremony
- Pre-conference of Myanmar War Veteran Organization (Ayeyawady Division) held
- Asia-Pacific Seminar successfully concludes
- Minister inspects hospitals in Mandalay Division
- Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image teemed with members of the Sangha, devotees
- Win Aung emerges champion in 6th Leg of Myanmar
(1) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to AlbaniaYANGON, 29 Nov- Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Rexhep Mejdani, President of the Republic of Albania, on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Liberation Day of the Republic of Albania which falls on 29 November 2000.
(2) Special Projects Implementation Committee holds Meeting No 2/2000 Senior General Than Shwe calls for speedy implementation of projects to enjoy benefits soonerYANGON, 28 Nov - The Special Projects Implementation Committee held the Meeting No 2/2000 at the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) today, with an address by Chairman of the Special Projects Implementation Committee Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe.
Also present at the meeting were Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, Secretary-1 o Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo, Secretary-3 Lt-Gen Win Myint, members of the Special Projects Implementation Committee Deputy Prime Ministers Vice-Admiral Maung Maung Khin and Lt-Gen Tin Tun, ministers, deputy ministers, departmental heads and officials.
Director-General of the State Peace and Development Council Office Lt-Col Pe Nyein acted as the master of ceremonies.
First, Chairman of the Special Projects Implementation Committee Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe delivered a speech. He said it is essential to implement the projects efficiently and rapidly so that they can be completed as scheduled.As objectives are always set before implementation of a project, the sooner the projects are completed, the earlier people can enjoy the benefits accrued from them, he said. For the objective of rice sufficiency in the midland to materialize, rice can be grown extensively and the objective can materialize only when the dam and reservoir projects and river-water pumping projects have been completed in a short time.
Only when the midland regions get adequate stock of rice can the surplus rice in lower Myanmar be exported so as to earn hard currency. The Senior General also emphasized the need for speedy implementation and completion of roads and bridges being built for smooth and efficient transport and trade between one region and another and for closer intimacy and more consolidated friendship among nationalities. Dams, reservoirs, roads and bridges form infrastructure for national development as a whole, he said and noted that unless these infrastructure development projects are completed, they would not be able to carry out the high-level projects to be implemented in the second phase, and it is therefore essential to finish the projects earlier than scheduled. The Senior General also pointed out the need to be thrifty in utilizing funds in projects so that the surplus funds from the projects can be spent on other new projects, and he called for effective supervision on proper utilization of funds.
He also stressed the need to keep proper records to be able to assess quality control, and noted that a lot of construction projects completed have endowed them with better experiences and so, they must be able to construct new roads, bridges and buildings better and neater. The Senior General urged all to try to create buildings better and firmer, and to maintain quality control.
Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Thein Tun, reported on the new Soap Factory (Magway) Project, and Cement Factory (Kyaukse) Project. Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun also reported on the project to pave Myeik-Taninthayi-Bokpyin-Kawthoung (Taninthayi-Bokpyin) Section to become gravel road, and construction of Tanai Bridge, Sittoung Bridge (Shwekyin-Madauk), Chindwin Bridge (Monywa), and Myittha Bridge (Kalaywa).
Next, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin explained progress of work in Myotha Dam Project in Ngazun Township, Mandalay Division, Kyauktalone Yaygu Reservoir Project in Taungtha Township, Ponmakyi Dam Project in Mahlaing Township, Laytaingsin Dam Project in Yenangyoung Township, Magway Division, Bawbin Dam Project in Gyobingauk Township, Bago Division, Kadin Bilin Dam Project near Kywemakai Village, Letpadan Township, Thonze Dam Project in Thayawady Township, Lagunbyin Dam Project in Hlegu Township, Yangon Division, Paikhsi-Mayankan Embankment Project on eastern Mottama shore in Thongwa Township, and river-water pumping projects.
Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint presented a supplementary report. Upon the reports presented to him, Chairman of the Special Projects Implementation Committee Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance. The meeting concluded in the evening.
The new Soap Factory (Magway) is to be built on Taungdwingyi-Magway Road three miles from Magway. It will be a 13,200-ton capacity detergent factory, and it is targeted to produce high-quality bars of soap, and glycerine. The factory is being built on self-reliance basis, without any external help. Cement Factory (Kyauk-se) is scheduled to be built in Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Division. The factory will be one mile west of Thandawmyat Lime Hill and six miles east of Kyaukse. Completion of the factory will ensure a greater supply of cement required for the nation. The Ceramic Industries of the Ministry of Industry-1 is building the Cement Factory.
The Ministry of Construction is undertaking the construction of Myeik-Taninthayi-Bokpyin-Kaw-thoung (Taninthayi-Bokpyin) Section to be an all-weather gravel road. It is 92 miles long. At present, it is an earth road along 67 miles, gravel road along 10 miles and asphalt road on 15 miles. The sections of earth road and gravel road are to be upgraded to become all-weather smooth gravel road. Tanaing River Bridge on Namti-Tanaing-Nanyun Union Highway linking Myitkyina in Kachin State and Nanyun-Pansauk in Sagaing Division was destroyed by heavy rains.
A two-lane new bridge with eight 100-foot spans will be built. Communications are frequently cut near Madauk on Nyaunglebin-Madauk-Shwe-kyin Road in Bago Division because of overflow of the Sittaung River and mountain flash. Arrangements are under way to build a 1,800 feet two-lane Sittaung Bridge (Shwekyin-Madauk). The existing Monywa-Kalay-Tamu Road in Saging Division is long and winding. A new straight Monywa-Ahlon-Yagyi- Myoma-Kalay-wa-Kalay Road is being built. The 4,903 feet two-lane Chindwin Bridge (Monywa) crossing the Chindwin River is being built Myittha River is an obstruction for ensuring easy transport on new Monywa-Ahlon-Yagyi-Myoma- Kalay-wa-Kalay Road.
The reinforced concrete two-lane Myittha Suspension Bridge (Kalaywa) will be built as there are drifting of rafts along the Myittha River. Myittha Dam will be built on Kudaw Creek near Myotha in Ngazun Township. Kyauktalon Dam in Taungtha Township gets insufficient water and is unable to supply water to cultivable lands all year round. Therefore, Yayku Dam will be built in a place two and half miles up Kyauktalone Dam. The earth dam is 1,380 feet long and 88 feet high. On completion of the dam, it will supply water to 2,000 acres of cultivable lands. Ponmakyi Dam is built at Nyankan Village one and half miles east of Ledagaung Village in Mahlaing Township, Meiktila District.
The earth Laytaingzin Dam, 2,000 feet long and 77 feet high, will be built in Laytaingzin Village in Yenangyoung Township. The dam can irrigate 1,000 acres of farmland in the township and contributes towards regional development and greening in the region. Bawbin Dam will be built near Bawbin Village in Zigon Township. On completion of Yayku Dam on Bawbin Creek, a main dam on Thayet Creek and dams, they will supply water to 30,000 acres of land in Gyobingauk Township.
Kutin Bilin Dam will be built on Bilin Creek near Kywemakaing Village, 20 miles up of Thekaw diversion weir in Letpadan Township. The earth dam is 1,100 feet long and 123 feet high. On completion of the project, it can irrigate 25,000 acres of land. Thonze Dam, 1,320 feet long and 150 feet high, will be built on Thonze Creek near Hlelanku Village in Thayawady Township, Bago Division. It can supply water to 50,000 acres of farmland. Lagonpyin Dam Project will be implemented in Thameegalay Village in Hlegu Township. The earth dam is 5,180 feet long and 61 feet high and it can irrigate 22,000 acres of farmland. The nine-mile Paiksee-Mayan embankment construction project will be implemented for extended cultivation of paddy in Thongwa Township.
A total of 5,000 acres of cultivable land can be reclaimed after completing the project. The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation has implemented 253 water pumping projects for 217,297 acres up to 1999-2000.
Another six water pumping projects will be implemented in a short time. They are Yaybutalin water pumping project that will irrigate 40,000 acres of land in Butalin Township, Indaw water pumping project that will irrigate 10,000 acres of land in Butalin Township, Nyaungbingyi water pumping project that will irrigate 10,000 acres of land in Salingyi Township, Simekhon water pumping project that will irrigate 11,000 acres of land in Myingyan Township, Minywa water pumping project that will irrigate 3,000 acres of land in Yesagyo Township and Kankalay water pumping project that will irrigate 5,000 acres of land in Hmawby Township.
Excerpts from Senior General Than Shwe's speech
- As objectives are always set before implementation of projects, the sooner the projects have been implemented, the earlier the people can enjoy the benefits accrued from them.
- Only when the midland regions get adequate stock of rice can the surplus rice in lower Myanmar be exported so as to earn hard currency.
- Dams, reservoirs, roads and bridges constitute infrastructure essential for development of the nation as a whole. Ñ All infrastructure establishments need building better and firmer.
- All have to be thrifty in utilizing funds in implementation of projects in order that the surplus funds may be spent on other new projects.
- Road and bridge projects need speedy implementation and completion as they ensure smooth and efficient transport and trade between one region and another, and for closer intimacy and more consolidated friendship among nationalities.
(3) Meeting seeks means to promote meat and fish production
YANGON, 28 Nov - A meeting was held to coordinate boosting fish and meat production at Fisheries Department this evening, addressed by Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo.
Also present at the meeting were member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Chairman of the Committee for Boosting Fish and Meat Production Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, Vice-Chairman Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, senior military officers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office and respective departments.
Officials explained sector-wise implementation to boost fish and meat production and future programmes. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Tin Oo looked into their requirements, saying, officials who are in charge of the respective regions should render systematic supervision and assistance to the private fish and prawn farms in Rakhine State, Yangon Division, Bago Division, Mon State and Taninthayi Division for the success of the tasks. The Secretary-2 said effective supervision will be provided to the farms very often to attend to the needs.
(4) Respects paid to aged men of letters at Sarsodaw Day ceremony
YANGON, 28 Nov - A ceremony to pay respects to the aged men of letters was sponsored by Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association in conjunction with the Sarsodaw Day ceremony at the City Hall here this morning.
Present on the occasion were Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Attorney-General U Tha Tun, Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Yangon Mayor U Ko Lay, deputy ministers, the vice-mayor, heads of departments, the aged men of letters, the chairman, vice-chairman and central executive committee members of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, chairmen and members of Township Writers and Journalists Associations in Yangon Division, members of the committee to organize the respects-paying ceremony, the work committee and the subcommittees and guests.
Vice-Chairman-1 of MWJA U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha) explained the purpose of holding the ceremony. Secretary of MWJA U Hla Tun (Hla Tun-Twantay) read out the message of MWJA Chairman to the ceremony. Joint Secretary of MWJA U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) read out the list of the octogenarian men of letters who attended the ceremony.
Respects were then paid to 117 men of letters aged 80 and above at the ceremony. They were one from Kayin State, two from Sagaing Division, three from Bago Division, four from Magway Division, nine from Mandalay Division, one from Mon State, 94 from Yangon Division, one from Shan State and two from Ayeyawady Division.
In his message, the MWJA Chairman said as the literature is the strength all the literati are playing a key role in nation-building and cultural preservation tasks. Myanmars who are brought up under the teachings of the Lord Buddha always uphold the tradition of the young paying due respects to the elders.
The ceremony was held to pay respects to the aged literati who had disseminated literary knowledge and skills to the new generation literati. The aged literati are the mentors of the new generation literati. These aged persons have worked for the nation till they became octogenarians and are the ones who rekindled the people's anti-colonialist spirit in striving to free the nation from under the subjugation.
They have striven to uplift the standard of Myanmar literature. All the persons of the literary world while upholding the fine traditions of promoting the national dignity of the aged literati should collectively strive to raise their literary standard, to cooperatively launch organizational activities together with the government, the Tatmadaw and the people in building a modern and developed nation, to uplift the national integrity, national spirit and Union Spirit, to develop the Myanmar literature, to development human resources and to serve the national interests. He then prayed for the well-being, health and longevity of the aged literati. Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Mayor U Ko Lay, deputy ministers, MWJA Chairman and CEC members and literati paid respects the aged literati. They also present K 50,000 each to them. The 101-year-old U Lay Khin (Sayagyi Myo Myint Saw), on behalf of all the aged literati, gave ovada.
(5) Pre-conference of Myanmar War Veteran Organization (Ayeyawady Division) heldYANGON, 28 Nov- The Pre-conference of Myanmar War Veteran Organization (Ayeyawady Division) was held at the Town Hall in Pathein this morning, attended by Patron of Ayeyawady Division WVO Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Shwe Mann.
Also present on the occasion were members of MWVO Central Organizing Committee Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, officials, delegates of townships in the division and guests.
At the Pre-conference, Lt-Col Thura Thein Tun Aung (Retd) presided over it and Lt-Col Ohn Nyunt (Retd) and Lt-Col Nay Win (Retd) were co-chairmen. Daw Nwe Nwe and Daw Khin Saw Mu acted as master and co-master of ceremonies respectively. Altogether 400 delegates or 100 per cent attended the pre-conference.
Then, Pre-conference Chairman Lt-Col Thein Tun Aung (Retd) gave an opening address. Members of Organizing Committee of Ayeyawady Division WVO Lt-Col Khin Maung Aye (Retd), Capt Kyaw Kyaw (Retd) and Lt-Col Hla Khin (Retd) presented reports in three sectors to the Pre-conference. Afterwards, Maj Phe Hsaung (Retd) discussed the National Political Sector, Maj Thura Than Shwe (Retd) the National Defence and Security Sector, Maj Nyi Nyi Tin (Retd) the Economic Sector, Capt Han Nyunt (Retd) the Social Affairs and Welfare Sector and Capt Htein Nan (Retd) the Community Welfare Sector. Next, the Pre-conference adopted seven future tasks and one decision, one approval and three matters were recorded.
Lt-Col Thura Thein Tun Aung (Retd) gave the concluding remarks and the Pre-conference successfully ended with chanting the slogans in the afternoon. Then, the donation ceremony for holding the Pre-conference of Ayeyawady Division WVO was held. Today's donations include K 1 million by MWVO Central Organizing Committee, K 500,000 by District WVOs of the division, K 300,000 by Central Organizing Group-10, K 300,000 by Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council, K 100,000 by AMD, K 100,000 by Ayeyawady Division Agricultural Coordination Committee, K 50,000 each by Ayeyawady Division USDA, Division General Administration Department, Division Police Force, Cooperative Syndicate and others.
(6) Asia-Pacific Seminar successfully concludes
YANGON, 28 Nov- The Asia-Pacific Seminar, jointly organized by Office of the Strategic Studies and Association for Communication of Transcultural Study (ACT) of Japan, continued for the second and final day at the Hotel Nikko on Natmauk Road this afternoon. Secretary of Myanmar Computer Federation U Tin Win Aung presided over the seminar. Also present were senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, departmental officials, the Rector of Yangon University of Computer Studies and faculty members, officials of ACT of Japan, officials of businesses and organizations in Japan and guests. Rector Dr Paik Tin discussed the IT for National Development (Current Initiatives and Opportunities), Deputy General Manager U Tun Aung of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications the Telecommunications and IT in Myanmar and Acting Director of Information Technology Policy Office of Cabinet Secretariat Mr Kishi Hiroyuki the Basic IT Strategy. After the discussions, a ceremony to mark the conclusion of the seminar was held.
Present were Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyunt, Deputy Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies and Deputy Director of Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Energy U Tin Tun, Director of Electric and Mechanical Engineer Brig-Gen Aung Hlaing, senior military officers, departmental heads, officials of ACT of Japan, officials of businesses and organizations of Myanmar and Japan and guests. Managing Director Mr Tomoyoshi Kaneko of ACT of Japan and Member of Myanmar Historical Commission Professor Dr Khin Maung Nyunt gave concluding remarks.
In the evening, Deputy Chief of the Office of Strategic Studies and Deputy Director of Defence Services Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win hosted a dinner at Oasis Restaurant in Mingaladon Township in honour of participants of the Seminar. Present were Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Chairman of CSSTB Dr Than Nyunt, Deputy Minister for Energy U Tin Tun, Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Stumori, the President of ACT of Japan and officials and guests. This morning, President of ACT Mr Teruyuki Akema and party visited Shwedagon Pagoda and made donations towards the funds of the pagoda.
Opening ceremony of Seminar on Productivity Improvement heldYANGON, 28 Nov- The opening ceremony of Seminar on Productivity Improvement was held at International Business Centre this morning. Present were Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San,Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister for Energy U Tin Tun, Deputy Minister for Labour Brig-Gen Win Seine, Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Khin Maung Kyaw, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori and officials. Minister U Soe Tha made a speech on the occasion. Director of APO Mr Tsigi Oshima spoke on the occasion and read out the message sent by Secretary-General of SPO Mr Takashi Tagima.
Myanmar Optimist Team arrives back from Malaysia
YANGON, 28 Nov- Altogether 45 athletes from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Myanmar took part in the 13th ASEAN Optimist Sailing Championship held in Kotakina Balu, Malaysia from 19 to 26 November. Malaysia Team (A), Myanmar and Malaysia Team (B) won the first, second and third prizes. Myanmar Optimist Team led by U Soe Min Aung arrived back here yesterday evening. They were welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Director of Sports and Physical Education Department and officials, Vice-President of Myanmar Optimist Federation Lt-Col Han Sein, Lt-Col Khin Maung Oo and executives and their families.
Laotian delegation meets officialsYANGON, 28 Nov-A nine-member delegation led by Director-General Dr Vilayvang Phimmasone of the Ministry of Health of Lao People ' s Democratic Republic arrived here by air on 26 November to observe goitre disease control, production, distribution, consumption, education and quality control of iodized salt being implemented in Myanmar. The Laotian delegation met Deputy Director-General Dr Soe Aung and officials of Health Department and called on Managing Director U Saw Win and officials of Myanma Salt and Marine Chemical Enterprise of the Ministry of Mines. The guests observed iodized salt production, iodized salt consumption and quality control in Kyauktan Township.
(7) Minister inspects hospitals in Mandalay DivisionYANGON, 28 Nov-Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Director-General of Health Department Dr Wan Maung met officials and staff of Orbis Flying Hospital in Mandalay. The minister inspected hospitals and health care services in Mandalay, Magway and Ayeyawady Divisions from 25 to 28 November. On 25 November, the minister and party inspected Taungtha Township Hospital and Welaung station hospital and met patients there. The minister fulfilled the requirements.
On 26 November, the minister inspected Sebauk herbal garden in Kyaukpadaung District and gave instructions on plantation of herbal plants and production of raw materials for indigenous medicine. The minister and Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspected hospitals in Salin, Pwintphyu and Minbu Townships. Rector of Primary Health University in Magway Dr Thein Swe reported on construction of the university, greening of its environs and conducting courses. The minister explained programmes for regions in central Myanmar in accord with National Education Promotion Special Project (Health). The minister and party inspected station hospitals and hospitals in Ngaphe, Mindon, Padaung and Kyangin Townships.
Minister attends opening ceremony of Refresher Course 1YANGON, 28 Nov- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the opening ceremony of Refresher Course 1 at the Ministry of Commerce on Merchant Street this afternoon. Also present on the occasion were Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye, Director-General of Border Trade Department Col Nay Win, guests, course instructors and trainees. Altogether 61 trainees are attending the five-week course.
Cash and clothes donated to MMCWA
YANGON, 28 Nov-A ceremony to donate cash and clothes for Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association by U-LAW, an NGO, based in Japan, was held at the hall of the association in South Okkalapa Township this morning, attended by Chairperson of the association Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, CEC members and donors. General Secretary of U LAW Mr Hiroshi Ito and Representative for Myanmar Mrs Hitomi Iwasaki presented K 300,000 and children's clothes to Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe who accepted the donation and presented certificate of honour to the donors. Then, Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe spoke words of thanks.
(8) Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image teemed with members of the Sangha, devotees
YANGON, 28 Nov- Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill in Insein Township was teemed with members of the Sangha, devotees and members of wut associations today. Engineers and workers of Construction Project Special Group-2 of Public Works participated in construction of Gandhakuti Kyaungdawgyi, southern and northern stairways and south-eastern retaining walls. Stone sculptor U Taw Taw and sons and Myanmar handicraft maker U Ohn Tin carved the Image and decoration work of the Gandhakuti Kyaungdawgyi from morning to evening respectively. Wut associations also recited religious verses from 7 am to 10 p.m. Bookshops of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, News and Periodicals Enterprise and Sarpay Beikman sold various kinds of books and calendars for 2001. Donations by the public have amounted to K 103, 799,547 from 5 August to date. The donation centre is open from 7 am to 9 p.m. daily.
Shwehtidaw hoisting, consecration ceremonies for Chanthagyi Pagoda February 2001
YANGON, 28 Nov- Shwedagon Pagoda design 108-ft-high Chanthagyi Pagoda was built in Kusinayon region of India in accord with the Ovada of Patrons of the Construction Committee for Chnthagyi Pagoda Joint-Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Osadhabhivarnsa, India Kusinayon Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Nanissara, Thanlyin Minkyaung Pathamabyan Sarthintaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Indasara and Thingangyun Ponnyaneinrnitayama Shwethuwun Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja MA Bhaddanta Siddhiya. The Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony and the consecration ceremony for the pagoda and merit-sharing ceremony will be held in February 2001. Wellwishers and those wishing to attend the ceremony may contact U Aye (Chairman), No 7, Thayagon Shan Village, 9th-Mile, Mayangon Township, phone 661355 and U Tint Swe (Secretary), No 40, Thiri Street, Sangyoung Township, phone 511193, not later than 31 December 2000 for registration .
(9) Win Aung emerges champion in 6th Leg of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2000-2001
YANGON, 28 Nov- A ceremony to present prizes to winners in the Sixth Leg of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2000-2001, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional Golfers' Association and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, was held at Kengtung Golden Triangle Golf Club in Kengtung, Shan State (East), yesterday evening. Present were Deputy Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Myint Swe, President of MGF Brig-Gen Win Hlaing and executives, military and civilian officers and local people. After the fourth round, Brig-Gen Win Hlaing gave a speech.
Then, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe spoke words of thanks. Afterwards, Executive of Myanmar PGA and MGF U Ko Ko Lay presented prizes to Nearest to the Pin award winner Aye Myint and Tiger Putting Challenge award winner Pvt Kyaw Tun of No 226 Infantry Regiment and Area Manager U Nay Myo Maung of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd presented prize to Stairway to London Chipping award winner Thein Win. Lt-Col Chit Ko Ko of Triangle Region Command presented prizes to daily best scorers Zaw Zaw Latt, Soe Myint Lay and Myint Thaung. Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe presented first, second and third prizes to Zaw Zaw Latt (294 strokes), Nanda Kyaw (298) and Aik Htaung (310) in the amateur division respectively. Brig-Gen Win Hlaing presented first, second and third prizes to Win Aung (291 strokes), Myint Thaung (291) and Myint Shwe (295) in the professional division respectively. Then, Area Manager U Nay Myo Maung presented a souvenir for Kengtung Golden Triangle Golf Club to the Deputy Commander.
Afterwards, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Myint Swe presented gifts of the Golf Club to President Brig-Gen Win Hlaing, executives U Ko Ko Lay and U Tin Ngwe and Professional Golfer U Chan Han. Tiger Beer, Yangon Airways, Canon, Star Cola and Wilson jointly sponsored the tour with the aim of the turning out of outstanding players. The tour was organized by Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd.
Yangon Command to meet No 66 LID in finalYANGON, 28 Nov-Yangon Command beat Southern Command 61 in the second semifinal} of the 39th Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services' Trophy Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Soccer Tournament at Youth Training Centre this evening.
Zaw Moe (10) of Yangon Command won the player of the match award. Among the spectators were Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Hsan Hsint, Police. Battalion Control Commander Police Brig-Gen Aung Nwe, Director-General of Sports Physical Education Departmental U Thaung Htaik, senior military officers, guests and Tatmadaw members and their families. On 1 December evening, Yangon Command meets No 66 LID
Drug Educative Committee holds coord meeting
YANGON, 28 Nov- The Drug Educative Committee of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control held a coordination meeting at the hall of Information and Public Relations Department on Pansoedan Street at 3.30 p.m. today. - Present were Chairman of the Committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Col Kyaw Myint of the Ministry of Defence, directors-general and managing directors of departments and enterprises under the Ministry of Information and officials. The Chairman gave a speech. Secretary of the Committee Director-General of IPRD U Chit Naing reported on progress of work. Then, participants took part in the discussions. Later, the chairman gave the concluding remarks.
7 members resign from Taungdwingyi Township NLD of own accordYANGON 28 Nov-Seven members resigned of their own accord from the National League for Democracy of Taungdwingyi Township, Magway Division .
Seven members of Taungdwolngyi Township NLD, Magway Division, of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to Taungdwingyi Township Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party concerned on 2 June 2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.