Tuesday, 5 September 2000 | ONLINE ISSUE |
- Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image reaches 78° upright position
- Secretary-1 hands over ancient cultural objects to Ministry of Culture
- Secretary-1 attends work coordination meeting for holding the Third ASEAN Youth Affairs Ministers Meeting
- Secretary-2 inspects production of prawn fry, canning factory and briquette factory
- Minister leaves for New York to attend Millennium Summit and UNGA Session
- Myanmar delegation arrives back
- Minister meets Sayadaw of Singapore
- Ministers meet Ambassadors and foreign guests
- Myanmar Arts and Handicrafts Centre visited by Minister
- Minister inspects border areas development tasks in Kengtung
- Minister inspects private poultry farms in Hmawby Tsp
- Minister attends opening ceremonies of postal courses
- Myanmar will take part in International Gift Show in Tokyo
- "Korean War & Fifty Years Later" Photo Exhibition inspected
- Sports News
- Woman drug trafficker gets 25 years
- 30 Pwintbyu Township NLD members resign of own accord
(1) Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image reaches 78° upright positionYANGON, 4 Sept- Ambassadors, Charges d' Affaires ai, Military Attaches and Resident Representatives of UN agencies led by Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of Lao PDR Mr Ly Bounkham observed preparations for conveyance of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image on Mindhamma Hill on Mindhamma Road in Insein Township this morning.
In the briefing hall, Historian Professor Dr Khin Maung Nyunt explained facts about the Image to the diplomats. Chairman of Mindhamma Hill All-round Construction and- Transport Committee Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin also explained different steps taken for conveyance of the Image from Sakyin Hill in Madaya Township to Mindhamma Hill along Ayeyawady River by Thonlutaukpa Yadana Shwephaungdawgyi (barge), records of the conveyance of the Image from Gyogon Yadana Jetty onto Mindhamma Hill by Yadana Natpan Yahta (wagon) and finally onto Yadana Throne on the hill.
Then, the diplomats and officials of UN agencies, together with Secretary of the Mindhamma Hill All-round Construction Central Committee Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Chairman of Information and Records Committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of Inspection Committee Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe, Chairman of Transportation Committee Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin and Director
General Thura U Aung Htet of Protocol Department, observed preparations for conveyance of the Image onto the Yadana Throne being carried out by engineers and employees of Myanma Railways and Myanma Electric Power Enterprise under the supervision of Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung.
Afterwards, the deputy ministers and diplomats and officials of UN agencies had documentary photo taken in front of the Image. The diplomats and officials of UN agencies made donations at the fund-raising unit. Work continues to put the Image in upright position. At 6.30 PM today, the position of the Image is in 78°. Wut associations recited religious verses from the morning to 10 PM today. Donations received for the funds of the Image from 5 August to date totalled K 35,593,500.
(2) Secretary-1 hands over ancient cultural objects to Ministry of Culture
YANGON, 4 Sept-Chairman of the Committee for Preservation of Myanma Cultural Heritage Secretary-l of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt handed over ancient cultural objects to the Ministry of Culture in the meeting hall of the ministry this morning.
The Secretary-1 said that Yadana Pinsikyaung Sayadaw of Dhammika Yamataik U Paninda of Taungpyin, Mandalay, donated to the State, in valuable ancient cultural heritage such as antiques, palm-leaf treatises on literature and "pitakat" and records of the palace of Yadanabon Period; these cultural heritage will be handed over to the Ministry of Culture.
Sayadaw U Paninda has studied ancient palm-leaf treatises. The Sayadaw donated ancient palm-leaf treatises on literature and "Pitakat" and documentary "parabaik" of the palace which the State libraries do not have, with the aim to preserve them and to enable the people to study them.
In conclusion, the Secretary-l urged officials to systematically preserve ancient cultural heritage and rare palm leaves donated to the State and to see to it that the people can study them.
Then, the Secretary- 1 transferred the ancient objects to Minister U Win Sein and stone, bronze and iron weapons and military strategy treatises to Col Ye Htut.
Minister U Win Sein thanked the donors. The Secretary-l and party then inspected the ancient artifacts, which included treatises, earthen beads, votive tablets, bronze bowls, earthen pots and bowls, a bronze pipe, Pyu beads and coins, bone beads and a mould with three votive tablets presented by Sayadaw Bhaddanta Paninda of Aungmye Dhammikayama Taik Mandalay, a Buddha image, two teak Buddha images and palm-leaf royal orders and treatises. The ancient objects were collected and presented to the government by Sayadaw Bhaddanta Paninda.
(3) Secretary-1 attends work coordination meeting for holding the Third ASEAN Youth Affairs Ministers Meeting
YANGON, 4 Sept-Work coordination meeting for holding the Third ASEAN Youth Affairs Ministers Meeting was held at the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement this afternoon, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and. Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Patron of the Leading Committee far Organizing ASEAN Youth Affairs Ministers Meeting Secretary-l Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said the meeting is to discuss preparatory work for the successful holding of ASEAN Youth Affairs Ministers Meeting. In 1992, Myanmar joined ASEAN community to promote economic, social and cultural development in the region and cooperation with the countries in the region he said. In promoting the Myanmar youth's participation in the ASEAN youth movements, it is required to get the international community know the rights and opportunities enjoyed by Myanmar youths; to harmoniously join the efforts of Myanmar youths in the ASEAN youth movements and to enable the youths to render assistance in promoting national peace, stability and progress and in preserving the culture. Thus, the leading committee, the work committee and the sub-committees should be formed and duties should be assigned to them in making collective efforts for successful hosting of the meeting in Myanmar.
Minister Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and other participants then took part in the discussions. The Secretary-1 in his concluding address said this meeting is the first to be hosted by Myanmar concerning ASEAN youth affairs. Myanmar is in the forefront in developing youths. Thus, the discussions at the meeting should direct towards significant progress of Myanmar youths. Priority should be given to enhance the youth activities of NGOs and in warding off the false accusations made by about two big foreign nations.
It is required to highlight the rights and opportunities enjoyed by Myanmar youths. Coordinations should be made on all fronts for successful hosting of the meeting.
(4) Secretary-2 inspects production of prawn fry, canning factory and briquette factory
YANGON, 4 Sept-Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Tin Oo, together with Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Deputy Minister U Aung Thein, Director of People's Militia and Frontier Forces Brig-Gen Than Maung and officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, inspected the fresh water and sea prawn breeding work in the compound of the quality control laboratory of the Fisheries Department in Thakayta Township this afternoon.In the briefing hall, the Secretary-2 met with officials of the Fisheries Department, United Fishery Enterprise Co Ltd and the quality control laboratory.
The Secretary-2 said that ponds for production of prawn fry have been built systematically, so it is necessary to properly maintain them for the long-term use.
In conclusion, the Secretary-2 called on officials and employees to provide constant supervision and to carry out the work seriously .
Afterwards, the Secretary2 and party went to the canning factory jointly run by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and Myanmar Makro Industry Co Ltd on a mutually beneficial basis at Hsethmulethmu Ward in Thakayta Township. The Secretary-2 gave instructions and inspected samples of canned fish and minced fish balls and production process of the factory.
In the evening, the Secretary-2 inspected Briquette Factory No 4 of the Directorate of Resettlement under the Ministry of Defence in North Okkalapa Township.
The Secretary-2 attended to their requirements, and gave instructions on availability of raw materials and sale of briquette at reasonable prices. The Secretary-2 left the factory at 6 PM.
The Directorate of Resettlement under the Ministry of Defence has built briquette factories in Pakokku, Magway, Myingyan and Kyaukpadaung and distributing briquette.
(5) Minister leaves for New York to attend Millennium Summit and UNGA Session
YANGON, 4 Sept- A Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung 1eft here by air this morning to attend the Millennium Summit and the 55th Session of the United Nations General Assembly to be held in New York beginning 5 September.
The minister was seen off at Yangon international Airport by Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Ambassador of Japan Mr Shigeru Tsumori, Resident Representative of UNDP Mr Patrice Coeurbizot and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The minister was accompanied by Director-General U Kyaw Tint Swe of International Organizations and Economic Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Officer on Special Duty at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Min Thein. The delegation to the Millennium Summit and the 55th Session of the United Nations General Assembly also comprises Permanent Representative of the Union of Myanmar to the UN in New York U Win Mra as Alternate Chairman, Ambassador U Tin Winn of the Myanmar Embassy of Washington DC, Ambassador U Nyunt Tin from Ottawa, Ambassador Dr Kyaw Win from London as members, Ambassador U Kyaw Thu from Pretoria, Permanent Representative of the Union of Myanmar to the UN in Geneva U Mya Than, Deputy Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN in New York U Ko Ko and Director of ASEAN Affairs Department Daw Than Than Htay as alternate members.
Advisers to the Myanmar delegation are Minister Counsellor U Zeyar Oo of Permanent Mission of the Union of Myanmar to the UN in New York, Deputy Director U Than Kyaw of
Attorney-General's Office, Deputy Director U Hla Myint of International Organizations and Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Counsellor Daw Maw Maw of Permanent Mission to the UN in New York, Counsellor U Nyunt Swe of Permanent Mission to the UN in New York, Assistant Director U Aung Htoo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Second Secretary U Ko Ko Shein of Permanent Mission to the UN in New York.
(6).Myanmar delegation arrives back
YANGON, 4 Sept-A Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin arrived back here by air this evening.
The delegation went on a study tour of the Republic of Korea at the invitation of Minister of Agriculture Mr Hankap Soo and attended the 25th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of FAO held in Yokohama, Japan. The delegation was welcomed back at the Yangon International Airport by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San, Deputy Ministers for Agriculture Brig-Gen Khin Maung and U Ohn Myint, the Japanese Ambassador, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, the Resident Representative of FAO, officials of departments and enterprises under the ministry.
(7) Minister meets Sayadaw of Singapore
YANGON, 4 Sept-Venerable Sayadaw Shi Fa Zhao of Buddhist. Golden Temple in Singapore today met Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin at the latter's office and discussed donation of "soon", robes and other requisites to the 10,000 members of the Sangha in Yangon and Mandalay in December 2000.
Also present at the meeting were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin and directors of the Religious Affairs Department and the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University.
(8) Ministers meet Ambassadors and foreign guests
Minister for Science and Technology meets foreign guests
YANGON, 4 Sept-Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung met a four member delegation led by Secretary Dr Manju Sharma of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, India, who arrived here under the arrangement of science and technological cooperation programme between Myanmar and India, together with Ambassador of India Mr Shyam Saran at his office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 2 PM today. Also present were Deputy Minister Dr Nyi Hla Nge, Director-General Dr Chan Nyein of Technical Development and Cooperation Department and officials.
Minister for CPT meets Australian Ambassador
YANGON, 4 Sept-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin met Ambassador of Australia to Myanmar Mr Trevor Wilson at his office at 10 am today. Also present at the call were Managing Director U Maung Maung Tin of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and officials.
Minister for Religious Affairs receives Ambassador of Nepal
YANGON, 4 Sept-Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin received Ambassador of Nepal Mr Gen Satchit Shumshere J B Rana (Retd), who had completed tour of duty in Myanmar, at his office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 1 PM today. Also present at the call were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Adviser at the State Peace and Development Council Office U Arnt Maung, Director-General of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U San Lwin and Head of Office U Maung Maung Myint.
(9) Myanmar Arts and Handicrafts Centre visited by Minister
YANGON, 4 Sept-Minister for Cooperatives U Aung San inspected Myanmar Arts and Handicrafts Centre on the ground floor of Yuzana Tower on Shwegondaing Road in Bahan Township this morning. On arrival at the centre, the minister was welcomed by departmental officials and personnel of the centre.
The minister gave instructions on the work. The centre is kept open from 9 am to 5 PM daily except Tuesday. In the afternoon, the minister attended the opening of seminar No 21/2000 on cooperative export promotion in the meeting hall of the Ministry of Cooperatives. The minister gave instructions on promotion of export. Altogether 45 delegates from Shan State, Magway Division, Kayah State, Sagaing Division, Mandalay Division and Chin State are attending the seminar, which will last for five days.
(10) Minister inspects border areas development tasks in Kengtung
YANGON, 4 Sept-Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, together with Director General of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Department Col Than Swe and officials, arrived at Domestic Science Training School in Kengtung and inspected Domestic Science Training Course No 26/2000 and the plantation in the compound on 1 September morning. Then, the Minister and party met the students from Youth Development Training School for Border Areas (Kengtung) and presented school uniforms and stationery to the students and inspected the hostel, mess, kitchen and plantations.
He also inspected education and health of the students and attended to their needs and gave instructions to staff. The Minister and party arrived at Shan State Development Affairs Supervisory Office where the deputy director reported on development tasks for Shan State (East) to the minister on 2 September.
Then, the Minister and party headed for Shan State (East) Development Affairs Committee Office where they were welcomed and reported on development tasks by officials. Yesterday, the Minister and party met staff of Kengtung Township Development Affairs Committee and inspected the vegetable plantations.
(11) Minister inspects private poultry farms in Hmawby Tsp
YANGON, 4 Sept-Chairman of Extended Poultry and Prawn Breeding Committee Minister at the Prime Minister's Office Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, accompanied by officials arrived at Myo Myint Kyaw Poultry Farm in Hmawby Township this morning. The Minister inspected the hatching of RIR and poultry farming and attended to the needs. Then the Minister headed for Tiger King Poultry Farm in Wanetchaung, Hmawby Township and observed the farming of Isa Brown Parent Stock. After giving necessary instruc60ns there, the Minister met with the departmental officials at Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Head Office in Insein Township and discussed matters on RIR poultry farming.
(12) Minister attends opening ceremonies of postal courses
YANGON, 4 Sept-Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Win Tin attended and delivered speeches at the opening ceremonies of Basic Telegraphy Course and Postmaster Course and Special Refresher Course for Officers opened at communications and Postal Training Centre this morning. Also present on the occasions were, managing director of Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, director-general of Directorate of Telecommunications, general manager and heads of MPI, principal of the centre, instructors and trainees. Nine trainees at the Basic Telegraphy Course, 41 at Postmaster Course and 9 at Social Refresher Course are attending the courses.
(13) Myanmar will take part in International Gift Show in Tokyo
YANGON, 4 Sept-Members of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the chairmen and those of the Board of Directors of Cooperatives yesterday evening flew to Tokyo, Japan where International Gift Show, organized by JETRO, will be held from 6 to 8 September. They were seen off by President U Win Myint and General Secretary U Zaw Min Win of UMFCCI. Myamala Silk Clothes of Bogyoke Aung San Market, Sein Sekkya Traditional Goods Cooperatives, Kyolon Myanma Cultural Footwares Co, Sun Myanma Wicker-wares Industry, Sweet STCNT Co and Collection House will display Myanmar goods at the show.
(14) "Korean War & Fifty Years Later" Photo Exhibition inspected
YANGON, 4 Sept-The "Korean War & Fifty Years Later" Photo Exhibition, sponsored by Embassy of ROK, which will be held at the meeting hall (First Floor) of City Hall was inspected by the officials of Supervisory Committee for Libraries, Museums and Exhibitions this morning. Then, Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Deputy Director-General of Information and Public Relations Department U Aung San presented the permit to display of the exhibition to First Secretary Mr Kim WanJoong of Korean Embassy.
Third Inter-State/Division Shooting Tournament ends
YANGON, 4 Sept- Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint and General Secretary Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik attended final events of the Third Inter-State/Division Shooting Tournament this morning.
The prize presentation ceremony for the tournament was held at Okkalapa Shooting Range this afternoon. Present were Patron of Myanmar Shooting Federation Director of Ordnance Col Hla Tun, President Deputy Director Col Win Than, officials and winners. Director Col Hla Tun presented prizes to winners in the men's single air-pistol and men's team air-pistol events. President Col Win Than presented prizes to winners in the men' s single and team air-rifle events. Then, Director-General U Thaung Htaik presented championship shield to Yangon Division team.
(16) Woman drug trafficker gets 25 years
YANGON, 4 Sept-Members of the local Intelligence Unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information searched a suspect at the corner of Kyaikkasan Road and Zay Street in Tamwe Township and arrested Ma Thida (a) Marima, 33, of Kyansittha Street, Ward 71, Dagon Myothit (South) together with 82.67 grams of marijuana on 18 May 1999.
Action was taken against her in accord with Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. The Yangon East District Court handed down twenty-five years' imprisonment under Section l9(A) on her on 31 July.
(17) 30 Pwintbyu Township NLD members resign of own accord
YANGON, 4 Sept-Thirty members resigned from the National League for Democracy of Pwintbyu Township, Magway Division. Thirsty members of Pwintbyu Township NLD, Magway Division, of their own accord, resigned by sending letters of resignation to Pwintbyu Township Multiparty Democracy General Election Sub-commission and the party concerned on 15 March 2000 as they no longer wished to participate in party politics of NLD.
TODAYForecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for 5th September 2000: Some rains which may be heavy at time. Degree of certainty is 80%