March 26 - April 1, 2012
Four political objectives
Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order
Strengthening of national solidarity
Building and strengthening of discipline-
ourishing democracy system
Building of a new modern developed nationin accord with the Constitution
Four social objectives
Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation
Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservationand safeguarding of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter
Flourishing of Union Spirit, the true patriotism
Uplift of health, tness and education standards of
the entire nation
Four economic objectives
Building of modern industrialized nation through the agricultural development,and all-round development of other sectors of the economy
Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system
Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technicalknow-how and investment from sources inside the country and abroad
The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the handsof the State and the national peoples
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From page 1
Mandalay candidates
“I heard that the names of deadpeople were in the lists. It mightbe because the families haven’ttaken the names of those peopleoff their family registrations.These kinds of mistakes happenmany times. Another issue isomitting the names of somevoters. If this happens, voterscan complain and get on thevoting list,” said U Than Tun.National League forDemocracy candidate U OhnKyaing told
The MyanmarTimes
that his party made theformal complaint to the regionalcommission after finding about1400 voters had been left off the rolls. However, he saidhe expected to file anothercomplaint as it had found morethan 2000 more eligible votersexcluded from the voter lists.“We already [complained] toget these voters back on thelists. The township commissionalso helped us. We have alsobeen informed that there aresome more people who arenot on the lists although theyare eligible to vote here. Weare still checking this,” said UOhn Kyaing, who won a seat inMandalay in the 1990 election.He said that while the processof correcting voter rolls wasdifficult the township commissionhad assisted his party’s efforts toremove ineligible people fromthe lists.“They deleted the names of deceased people from the voterlists. We could also remove thenames of people who weren’tstaying in the township,” hesaid. “But we are still checkingto make sure that no one is leftoff the lists and there are no‘fake’ voters.”National Democratic Forcecandidate U Hla Ko said hewould carefully monitor theadvance voter lists, which werethe source of much controversyin 2010.“I also heard that there weredeceased and under people onthe lists. Actually, it’s not abig problem because we canrecheck the numbers of votersand votes cast on election day.But if those people’s namesare on the advance votinglists – well, then that’s a bigproblem,” said U Hla Ko, whohas worked as a lawyer formore than three decades.In the 2010 election thePyithu Hluttaw seat of Maha Aung Myay had relativelyfew advance voters, with lessthan 1800 cast from more than126,000 eligible voters.
MMPO election
He said he hadn’t needed tocampaign for election becausemembers knew who the bestqualified candidates were. “Iwas elected as an executiveof the MMPO in 2005 but Iresigned from the organisationfor some reasons. But nowI’m ready to work for our neworganisation as a representativeof the scriptwriters.”Comedian Zaganar said hebelieved last week’s electionwould bring “positive reform”to the film industry.“As only a goldsmithknows the quality of gold,the situation of film is bestknown to those in the filmindustry. I believe only thosein the industry can make goodchanges,” he added.“I hope an independentorganisation controlled by themembers is going to appear,one that’s not under theinfluence of any other group. And I hope – I expect – we willsee an organisation that is fairto each film crew.”U Own Win from Lucky 7film and video production saidhe wanted the organisation totake care of the welfare of oldermembers of the industry.“There are many caseswhere an old actor can’t livepeacefully – although he wasfamous when he was younger,he was neglected when hegrew old. So there should be afoundation to look after olderindustry members,” U OwnWin said.U Nyein Min, who stood asa candidate for scriptwriters,took the unusual step of votingfor a rival candidate becausehe believed they would be“courageous enough to reformthe industry”.“That person’s participation[in the MMPO election] showsthe focus of the organisation… is shifting towards how toimprove the film industry,”he said.“It was unusual that allparticipants showed unity inthe election. In the past, actorswere very individualistic, theywere the ‘film lions’. But I sawunity on polling day.”Following last week’s vote,Zaw Min (Han Thar Myay) andKo Tin Nyein will representeditors; U Myo Zaw Aung andU Nyi Nyi Tun Lwin directors;U Aye Kyu Lay and Su AwwChal scriptwriters; U AungKhine and U A Yine supportingcast members; U Kyaw Wunnaand U Own Maung producers;U Khin Maung Gyi and U KhinMaung Chin musicians andopera members; U Win Kyi andU Pyuu video industry; U ZawMin (Mingalar) and U Zaw Mindistribution; Ko Kyaw Nyuntand Ko Ngwe Soe camera crewmembers; and U Zin Wine andU Lu Min actors.
By Ei Ei Toe Lwin
FORMER Yangon Mayor U Aung Thein Linn has promiseddisgruntled shopkeepers at aTarmwe market that the regionalgovernment will consider theiropposition to moving to a newsite.The shopkeepers are unhappythat they will be forced to moveto a new site at the corner of Kyaikkasan and Marlamyaingstreets to make way for a GamonePwint department store. Yangon City DevelopmentCommittee’s Market Departmentinformed them of the move onFebruary 14 but U Aung TheinLinn, who has left city hall fora seat in the Pyithu Hluttaw,told shopkeepers on March 18that the move was not yet acertainty.“I spoke to [Yangon RegionChief Minister] U Myint Swe …and he told me he will decide thiscase according to the majoritywish of the shopkeepers. So Ihave come here to relay thisinformation,” U Aung TheinLinn said.“I will try to get an exactanswer as soon as possible.During this time, different kindsof rumors may come out so Irequest you to not believe these.If you have any doubts, come andspeak to me in my office at anytime,” he said.Shopkeepers told
The Myanmar Times
they do notwant to move because the newsite is much smaller than theircurrent space and is close to twoexisting markets.“This market is 6.98 acres butthe new place is only 2.93 acres.This space is impossible for usto run our business. [YCDC]told us that we do not own thissite because it is a temporarymarket so we have to move,”said U Han Sein, a memberof the Association for MarketWelfare, which was formed byshopkeepers at the Tarmwetemporary market.“We moved here 10 years agofrom our old place where TarmwePlaza is now. At that time, thisplace was an old cemetery andwe struggled so long to developthis market. It is unfair to moveus to another place again,” hesaid.There are more than 1200shopkeepers at the temporarymarket but only 600 have beenguaranteed a space in thenew market. As a result, 851shopkeepers signed a petitionand sent it to Daw Lae LaeWin Swe, the Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative for Tarmwe.“We do not believe [YCDC]will build the shops for us forfree and we don’t want to moveanywhere else so we sent lettersto Daw Lae Lae Win Swe to solvethis problem on our behalf,” saidKo Thet Tun, the owner of acommodity shop.Daw Lae Lae Win Swe saidshe had been trying to helpbroker a solution since learningof the shopkeepers’ situation inFebruary.“The regional government isalso focusing on this case andI believe that they will find thebest solution in this case,” shetold the shopkeepers on March18.Most shopkeepers said theywould prefer the current site tobe redeveloped and afterwardsthey be given a similar-sizedspace in the new building.
Tarmwe market move in doubt
U Aung Thein Linn and Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative for Tarmwe Daw LaeLae Win Swe speak to shopkeepersat the Tarmwe temporary market onMarch 18.
Pic: Ei Ei Toe Lwin