Established in 1914
Wednesday ,   9   January  2002
  1. Mandalay Division USDA holds mass rally
  2. Secretary-1 accepts donations for all-round construction  of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image
  3. New Phyu Creek Bridge built to ensure smooth, secure  transport for about 5,000 cars travelling daily on Yangon-Mandalay Highway
  4. Maj-Gen. Khin Maung Than inspects upgrading of Yangon- Mandalay Highway, building of bridges in Bago Division
  5. Minister U Win Aung Leaves for Thailand
  6. Refresher course on facts for life opened
  7. Minister attends opening of rural road, tube well in Thanlyin
  8. Myanmar Products Expo to be held in Taunggyi
  9. Tiger Myanmar Amateur Golf C'ship opens

(1) USDA members urged to strive with utmost physical, intellectual ability  for success of present five-year national economic plan and rural development  task

Mandalay Division USDA holds mass rally

YANGON, 8 Jan.- A mass rally to support national development and rural  development tasks organized  by Mandalay Division Union Solidarity and  Development Association was held in the compound of the  Basic Education High  School of Hanmyintmo village, Kyaukse Township, Kyaukse District, Mandalay   Division, at 9 am today.

It was attended by USDA members of Chanayethazan, Aungmyethazan,  Mahaaung-mye, Chanmyathazi,  Pyigyi-dagun, Amarapura and Patheingyi townships  of Mandalay District, Kyaukse, TadaU, Singaing  and Myittha townships of  Kyaukse District, PyinOoLwin, Madaya, Sintgu, Thabeikkyin and Mogok  townships  of PyinOoLwin District, Meiktila, Wundwin, Thazi and Mahlaing townships of  Meiktila  District, Myingyan, Natogyi, Taunggyi and Ngazun townships of  Myingyan District, Yame-thinn,  Pyinmana, Lewe, Tatkon and Pyawbwe townships  of Yamethin District, NyaungU Township of NyaungU  District and  representatives of regional USDAs all over the country totalling over 21,000.  Secretary U  Tin Maung Oo of Mandalay Division USDA chaired the mass rally  with Divisional USDA executives U  Sein Myint and U Soe Aung. Aungmyethazan  Township USDA executive Daw Thin Thin Oo acted as  master of ceremonies and  Kyaukse District USDA executive Daw Hla Hla Aye, co-master of ceremonies.

Chairman of the mass rally Secretary of Mandalay Division USDA U Tin Maung Oo  said the gathering  of the USDA members representing the entire Mandalay  Division reflects their duty consciousness and  patriotism. We welcome the  duty consciousness of the members and the resolutions of the mass rally held   in Yangon Division. We are here to discuss the State's endeavours, national  duties and the sector of the  USDA members.

Building of a modern and developed nation is the most important sector of  the national cause. National  solidarity and endeavours to ensure peace and  stability and to promote the economic and social sectors  are included in  building a peaceful, modern and developed nation. The State had been able to  carry out  the tasks during the past over ten years. All have witnessed the  extent of success in implementing the  tasks. Concerning the national  re-consolidation, the government has chosen the most objective stand,   striving patiently to ensure non-disintegration of the Union and national  solidarity.

Because of the government's correct stand, mutual understanding among the  national groups has been  achieved; and the 17 armed groups have returned to  the legal fold and joined hands with the government.  This is the basic factor  leading towards progress of the entire Union. Due to the development,  national  re-consolidation and peace and stability, efforts can be made for  progress of the Union and building the  economic infrastructure.

All the sectors are gaining progress. As more and more dams are being built  in the agricultural sector, the  irrigated acres can be extended. Progress in  the use of water has led to increase in land use. After  strengthening the  agricultural forces, the government has given priority to the progress of the  transport  sector. Thus, a network of roads including the Union Highways have  emerged in the nation. The large  river-crossing bridges have been built with  the internal forces alone.

The progress in the transport sector has directly contributed to promotion of  links among the national  races and the economy. The government has initiated  its efforts for development of energy sector and has  been laying down and  implementing the short-term national economic plans. The government has  relied  on the internal strength in implementing the first short-term  four-year plan and the second short-term  five-year plan.

They were implemented with the nation's own human resources, capital and  public participation. The  national education promotion programmes have been  laid down and implemented to develop the  education, health and science and  technology sectors, which are important sectors. At present the 30-year  national education promotion plan has been laid down and implemented. The  project to develop the human resources is being widely implemented in the  nation.

The present five-year plan is being implemented at a time when success is  being achieved in every field. One of the most important sectors is the rural  development. Over 70 percent of the nation's population  live in rural areas.  Inclusion of the rural development in the five-year plan is in accord with  the objective  conditions. The rural poverty rate can be reduced by fulfilling  the basic requirements such as transport,  water supply, agriculture and  livestock breeding, education and health.

One of the most profound matters to be presented at this meeting is the  address delivered by USDA  Patron Senior General Than Shwe at the opening of  courses of the association held in Hmawby on 26  December 2001. In his  address, the Senior General said " As the USDA was formed to serve the  national  interests, the association should make harmonious efforts with  greater momentum for its further progress.  The USDA members are urged to  strive with their utmost physical and intellectual ability for the success  of  the present five-year plan and rural development task in accord with the  future tasks."

The time has arrived for all the members to take more active part in  national and rural development
undertakings in accord with the resolutions of  the previous Annual General Meeting and the Head of  State's guidance. All the  members should always keep in the fore Our Three Main National Causes and   should uphold the conviction that safeguarding the nation on all fronts is  the national duty; the  development of the country is the national duty;  building a new nation for today's new generation is the  national duty; and  further improvement of the living standard of the entire people including the  rural  people is the national duty. Executive Daw Theingi Aung of Singaing  Township USDA, Kyaukse  District, tabled a motion calling for support of the  State's national development undertakings. She said  peace and stability is  prevailing in the nation due to the State's efforts paving the way for  emergence of  good economic foundations.

The government has built 128 dams during the period of over ten years for  progress of agriculture sector.  At present, there are 4.9 million irrigated  acres of land in the nation up from 2.5 million acres in 1988. In  the past  there were only four river water-pumping stations in the nation; there are  now 258.

The agricultural sector is gaining progress due to increase in land and water utilization. During the past  ten-year period, the nation's sown acreage  has increased by 5.8 millions acres from 19.9 million acres to  25.7 million  acres. There are now 17,874 miles of motor roads in the nation up from 13,635  miles in the  past. People can now travel with ease on the roads linking  Sittway and Yangon; Kawthoung and Yangon;  Putao and Myitkyina; and Myitkyina,  Mandalay and Yangon.

A total of 136 over-180-foot-long bridges including the facilities on  Ayeyawady, Thanlwin and Chindwin  rivers have been built in the nation. At  present, there are 3,859 miles of railroads up from 2,793 miles in  the past.  Yeywa Hydel Power Project will generate 780 megawatts, Bilin Hydel Power  Project 280  megawatts, and Paunglaung Hydel Power Project 280 megawatts  totalling 1,340 megawatts on  completion.

Eighteen industrial zones have been set up in the nation for industrial  development. The government is  giving encouragement to the private sector to  build large, medium and small scale industries. The
Ministry of Industry-1  has built 33 new factories from 1988 to 2001. At the end of the present  five-year  plan, the ministry will invest K 90,278.96 million and US $  1,699.86 million to build 39 factories. The  new factories has so far employed  35,846 persons. The government has given priority to development of  human  resources.

There are now 39,081 schools in the nation up from 33,747 in 1988. Over seven  million students are  attending classes at the schools. There are now 144  institutions of higher learning up from only 32 in  the past. In its efforts  in restoring and safeguarding the ancient cultural heritage, the government  has rebuilt  the Myanan Sankyaw Shwe Nandaw (Palace) in Mandalay which is the  symbol of the nation's  sovereignty.

It is also restoring and renovating the ancient edifices of Bagan which are  the soul and the heritage of the Myanmar people. The people are contributing  donations to the project with full generosity. Similarly, it  has rebuilt or  renovated the Kambawzathadi Palace in Bago, the palace in Shwebo and ancient  edifices  in Inwa region and Rakhine State. Two Universities of Culture have  been opened in Yangon and  Mandalay.

The State has been sponsoring the Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing  Arts Competitions to
preserve traditions and culture. Myanmar is a model  country in preserving traditions and culture. At
present, peace and stability  is prevailing in the nation; the State and the private sector are striving  for  further progress of the infrastructures and economy; development in the  agricultural sector is leading  towards industrial progress; greater efforts  are being made to develop human resources; and the fruits of  development are  evident in Mandalay Division. It is required to further accelerate the  development  momentum, to protect the national development and for the people  to participate in striving to gain  continued progress.

The task to build a peaceful, modern and developed nation should be handed  down to the new generation  youths. Executive U Maung Maung Aye of Pyigyidagun  Township USDA seconded the motion calling for  support of the State's national  development tasks tabled by Executive Daw Theingi Aung of Singaing  Township  USDA. He said it was the motion that all the people and the association must  support  emphatically. All have witnessed the development of nation due to the  cooperation of the people in the  government's national development tasks.  Executive Daw Theingi Aung reported that tasks for construction of  fundamental economic structures were undertaken with momentum for national  solidarity and peace and stability.

All-round development has been achieved in Mandalay Division. Since 1988,  1,146 miles of roads 1,046  miles of tar roads, 67 miles of gravel roads and  33 miles of earth roads have been built in the transport  sector in Mandalay  Division. The six-lane Yangon-Mandalay Highway project is being implemented.   Altogether 1,317 bridges including four over-180-foot-long bridges were built  in the division. A new  Mandalay-Sagaing Ayeyawady River Bridge is under  construction. The Mandalay International Airport  with the longest runway in  Southeast Asia has been built. There are 7,972 industries in Mandalay   industrial zones-1 and 2, Myingyan industrial zone and Meiktila industrial  zone. Advanced jeeps can be  manufactured in the zone.

In Kyaukse Township, cement plant, bicycle factory, sewing machine factory,  plastic bag factory, blanket  factory, asbestos brick factory and candy  factory are being built by the Ministry of Industry-1. Another  cement plant  is also being constructed by the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd. In  Mandalay  Division the number of basic education schools increased from 3,680  to 4,416. Altogether 108  multimedia teaching centres have been opened. There  are 27 e-education learning centres in higher  education sector and  arrangements are being made for opening of 14 more centres.

There were seven universities and colleges in Mandalay Division in 1988 and  now there are 13
institutions of higher learning. Yadanabon University,  Mandalay Technological University, Meiktila
Institute of Economics, Mandalay  University of Computer Studies, Kyaukse University and Aerospace  and  Engineering University were established.

Environmental tasks were also significantly implemented in Mandalay Division.  Five districts in
Mandalay Division are included in 13 Districts Greening  Project. Greening and environment activities  were implemented in nearly six  million acres of reserved forest areas and buffer zones. Modern medical   equipment was installed in Mandalay hospital. Modern hospitals and new  institutes of medicine were  established. Progress has been made in Mandalay  in accord with the policy of the government.

He cited increased irrigated areas and land utilization in the agricultural  sector, establishment of
industrial zones, construction of roads, railroads  and bridges in transport, emergence of international  airport and increasing  number of schools and universities in Mandalay and Meiktila.

He spoke of the need for members of USDA to participate in national  development tasks while
safeguarding the better foundations. He emphatically  seconded the motion tabled by Daw Theingi Aung.  Next, executive U Myo Myint  of Aungmyethazan Township USDA tabled the motion calling on all  USDA members  to participate in rural areas development tasks. The government is  implementing the 12  objectives for national development and also carrying out  the short-term, medium-term and long-term  plans for better economic  foundations.

All plans have gained success, exceeding the targets. All USDA members have  witnessed that the
government is making efforts for narrowing the urban and  rural development gap in third short-term
five-year plan. The plan covers  proportionate development of agriculture, industry and energy sectors.   Development of human resource is a requirement. The main objective is  development of rural regions  where over 70 per cent of the population of  Myanmar reside.

Only when requirements of the rural areas are fulfilled, will the poverty of  rural people be reduced. In the  guidance of Patron of USDA Senior General  Than Shwe for rural area development, he said: "I have  already told you that  rural area development is included as a sector in the objectives of third  short-term  five-year plan. Priority is to be given to development of rural  areas where 70 per cent of the whole  population live. Requirements are to be  fulfilled to grassroots level.

Out of the main requirements of rural areas, constant efforts are to be made  for development of
transportation, water supply, mainstay of rural  areas agriculture and livestock breeding and education and  health. Such  practical requirements are to be carried out in collaboration with people and  reduction of  poverty in rural areas is to be targeted".

In efforts to raise the living standard of the national people, rural areas  cannot be left out. The USDA  emphatically supported the resolution to carry  out the tasks of the five basic requirements of rural areas in  the third  short-term five-year plan. Members of USDA came to the mass rally to discuss  the point and all  USDA members are responsible to carry out the tasks. Rural  area development sector was included in  implementation of the short-term plan  for economic development.

Irrigated areas and sown acreage have increased. Altogether 128 irrigation  networks were built for
development of rural areas and the agricultural  sector. Farmers can now enjoy the benefits. The
government is implementing  the education promotion programmes in all parts of the country including   border areas.

There are now 678 basic education schools and students from border areas  passed the matriculation  examination the previous year and they can continue  their higher education. Social welfare training  schools for youths of border  areas and Nationalities Youths Resources Development Degree College were   opened in Yangon and Mandalay. It is obvious that the government uplifted  even the education of youths  in border areas. In a decade 5,334 schools were  opened in rural areas and now rural children have  opportunity to learn middle  school level education. In some villages e-learning centres are opened   beginning this year. The number of rural health care centres increased from  1,337 to 1,402 and there  were 64 regional health care centres and there are  now 84. The USDA participated in the tasks of  uplifting social lives of rural  people. Some 10 million youths attended cultural courses.

Families from rural areas and members of USDA are the majority of the nation.  Members of the
association are youths from rural areas. Rural areas  development works will improve with the active  cooperation of USDA members.  Rural areas development tasks are very basic tasks. These tasks will be   successful if they can be undertaken with diligence and perseverance. The  2001 Annual USDA General  Meeting laid down the rural areas development tasks  as the future tasks. The USDA is to participate in  these tasks for success  hand in hand with the government as national duty.

Then, Executive of Mandalay District USDA Daw Hnin Shwe Zin seconded the  motion of Executive U  Myo Myint of Aungmyethazan Township USDA calling on all  USDA members to participate in rural  area development tasks. She said rural  area development tasks are to be implemented seriously for the  nation. The  nation could not bring about the essence and fundamental policy of  development without  rural area development. It is an agro-based nation and  there will be progress in rural area development in  line with the progress of  agricultural economy. She said the government is striving for the development   of rural areas. In Mandalay Division, about 1,170 miles of roads, 1,317  bridges and 189 miles of railroad  have been constructed.

In communication sector, about 35 rural areas communication stations have  been constructed and 1,150  telephone lines have been installed and more lines  will be extended by the respective ministry. There  were only 1,241 tube-wells  before 1988 and new 2,324 tube-wells have been sunk at present. The sharp   progress has been achieved in agriculture sector. About 2.5 million of  cultivable acres of land produced  276 million baskets of paddy in 1988 and  now over 3.24 million acres have produced 531 million baskets  of paddy at  present.

There is a rise in production of oil crops. There are more irrigated fields  due to new 32 dams and 68  river-water pumping projects of the government. In  education sector, 659 basic education primary schools  and 65 post-primary  schools have been opened in the division. The association has lent a hand in   renovating 50 schools and handed them over to the Ministry of Education. Due  to the cooperation of the  association with other organizations, over 92 per  cent of school-age children have now pursued their  education and 98.8 per  cent of the population in the division have become literate.

For health care services, 85 dispensaries, five medical institutes, two  midwifery training schools and three  nursing schools have been opened, and  the living standard of the local people has improved due to the  success of  education and health promoting tasks. The previous annual general meeting of  the association  has adopted the resolutions to ensure the success of five  rural area development tasks. So, the association  has supported the rural  area development tasks laid down by the State.

The agriculture sector of rural area in the division has also improved.  Transportation, teaching and
learning at school and health care tasks have  been undertaken. The most significant undertaken is that  there are clusters  of dams in the division and it can be described as the Irrigated Land. In  conclusion, she  urged all to participate in the rural area development tasks  being implemented by the State for the  emergence of a peaceful, modern and  developed nation.

She heartily seconded the motion tabled by Executive U Myo Myint of  Aungmyethazan Township USDA  calling on all USDA members to participate in  rural area development tasks. Then the rally passed the  decisions in support  of the State's development tasks, rural development tasks and participation  of USDA  members in national and rural development tasks. Then, the rally  ended with shouting of slogans.

(2) Secretary-1 accepts donations for all-round construction of Lawka  Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni  Image

YANGON, 8 Jan.- A ceremony to donate cash to the funds for all-round  development of Lawka Chantha  Abhaya Labha Muni Image was held at Gandakuti  Kyaungtawgyi on Min-dhamma Hill in Insein  Township at 8 am today, attended by  State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen.. Khin  Nyunt.

Also present on the occasion were Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and  Development Council
Yangon Command Commander Brig-Gen.. Myint Swe, ministers,  deputy ministers, the vice-Mayor,  officials of the State Peace and  Development Council Office, departmental heads, members of the Lawka  Chantha  Abhaya Labha Muni Image Construction Committee and wellwishers. The  Secretary-1 and  party paid obeisance to the Buddha Image.

Then, the ceremony was opened with recitation of Namo Tassa three times.  Secretary-1 Chief of Office of  Military Intelligence Lt-Gen.. Khin Nyunt  presented K 4 million donated by officers, other ranks and  families of  military intelligence units under the auspices of the Chief of Office of  Military Intelligence  and wife to Commander Brig-Gen.. Myint Swe.

Afterwards, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen.. Khin Nyunt, Commander Brig-Gen.. Myint Swe,  Minister for Rail  Transportation U Pan Aung, Minister at the State Peace and  Development Council Chairman's Office Lt- Gen.. Min Thein, Minister for Commerce  Brig-Gen.. Pyi Sone and Minister for Mines Brig-Gen.. Ohn  Myint accepted the  donations from the wellwishers.

Today's donations included K 5 million presented by Olympic Construction and  Asia Wealth Bank Ltd, K  5 million by U Thein Win-Daw Ni (Shwe Thanlwin Co), K  2.5 million by Chairman U Tin Sein of  Myanmar Universal Bank, K 2 million  each by Kanbawza Bank Ltd, U Aung Htwe (Golden Flower  Construction) and CD  Prakash (a) U Maung Maung, Chankali Devi (a) Daw San Myint (Super Coffee  Mix)  and family, K 1.5 million by U Shwe Kyaing and U Shwe Hlaing (Wa Wa Win  Construction), K  1.2 million by U Win Aung-Daw Moe Mya Mya (Dagon  International Co Ltd), K 1.1 million by U  Maung Maung (Asia Express  Construction), K 1 million each by Chairman of Yuzana Co U Htay Myint,  Tosta  Group Ltd, Htut Khaung Phwintphyoyay Co, SPA/FMI Group of Companies and U  Maung Maung  Myat-Daw Nanda Win (a) Tin Myo Win and family, K 500,000 by the  Union of Myanmar Federation of  Chambers of Commerce and Industry, K 1 million  by U Maung Maung and brothers (Great Wall  embrocation), K 1 million by U  Maung Weik and family, K 1 million by Thudawsin Sannan from Mindhamma Hill, K  700,000 by Daw Hla Nyein and brothers and sisters, K 500,000 by Daw Aye Pu, K   500,000 by U Kyin Ti - Daw Myint Myint Kyi (Chantha Construction), K 500,000  by U Tin Win-Daw  San Win (KN Co), K 300,000 by U Win Thein (Phwintphyo Aung  Construction), K 300,000 by U Than
Myint Secretary-1 accepts donations for  all-round construction of Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Image (Aye Yeik Mon  Co), K 1 million by Shwe Kyar Byan Construction, K 300,000 each by U Kyaw  Win  (Myanmar Golden Crown Construction), U Than Lwin (Steel Stone Construction),  U Aung Than  and Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Ottama, K 200,000  by U Myat Min (Myanma Ahla  Construction), K 200,000 by U Maung San, K 300,000  by Dr U Aung Thein, U Tin Yu (Nibban Steinless  Steel Centre), K 211,100 by U  Ba Ni, U Kyaw Myint (Myanma Thabawa International Co Ltd), K  200,000 by U  Maung Ngwe (Ngwe Win Aung Construction), K 150,000 by Myanmar Rice  Wholesalers  and Brokerage Association, K 100,000 by Chairman of Myanmar Rice  Merchants Association U Nyein- Daw Ohn Kyin, K 100,000 by U Myint Shwe (Shwe  Bayin Construction), K 225,000 by Chairman U  Maung Hla of International  Fisheries (Taninthayi) Co Ltd-Daw Shu Hlaing, K 180,000 by U Kyar  Maung-Daw  Mya Mya (Taninthayi Fisheries Co Ltd), K 100,000 each by Joint Managing  Director U  Kin Sein of Taninthayi Fisheries Co Ltd, Managing Director U Hla  Maung Shwe of Shwe Family Co,
Managing Director U Than Hlaing Zaw of Aqua  Shop Co, U Win Myint (Ever Live), U Than Win Aung (Pale Nadi Co), Shwe Thazin  Syndicate Co Ltd, U Kyee Sein (Shwe Khayu Co Ltd), Daw Myint Myint  Yi (Nay  Lin and sons Co Ltd) and Staff Officer U Tun Htwe of Forest Department, K  380,000 by U Myo  Chit-Daw Phyu Phyu Than, K 200,000 by U Ko Ko Htwe (Tawwin  Family Co), K 100,000 each by  Myanmar Rice MillersŐ Association, Myanmar  Pulses and Beans and Sesame Merchants Association, Dr  Ko Ko Gyi (Diamond Star  Co), U Kyaw Kyaw Win (Summer Co), U Hsan Lwin-Daw Tin (Twantay Fish  Breeding)  and U Nyo Win-Daw Ohnma Lwin (Minzani Co), K 203,800 by Director of Yangon  Division  Forest Department Lt-Col Ko Ko Gyi (Retd) and wife, K 110,000 each  by Daw Wa Yin and family and  Daw Po and family, K 100,000 by Secretary of  Myanmar Rice Millers' Association U Tin Win and  Treasurer U Htwe, K 100,000  by U Taw Taw-Daw Htay Htay and family, K 110,000 by U Than Htut- Daw Cho Cho  and family, K 110,000 by U Kyi Win-Daw Than Shein and family, K 103,800 by  Daw
Kyin and Maung Aung Naing-Ma Mya Mya Win and family, K 103,800 by U Thein  Htay-Daw Phyu  Phyu Thin an dfamily, K 100,000 each by U Chit Swe-Daw Thaung  Yi, Ma Aye Aye Cho (Shwe Hintha  Custom Clearance Service), K 100,000 by U Ton  Kee-Daw Kyin Lwan, K 15,314,484, FECs and US$  3,529 by the people. Donors  presented K 60,223,384 and 3,929 FECs and US dollars at the ceremony.

The Secretary-1 thanked the donors, saying wellwishers presented over K 60  million at the 12th donation  ceremony for all-round development of Mindhamma  Hill. A total of donations amounting to K 700  million have been received so  far for the project.

As the public is making donations, the officials have also formed the  committees and subcommittee to  effectively use the funds. Although the task  is enormous, success has been achieved in implementing the  project in a short  period due to generosity of the public and efforts of the respective bodies.  The hill is a  historical place.

The pagoda built by Yakyaw Sayadaw has been restored. The ancient buildings  on the hill have also been  restored for long-term existence. Arrangements are  under way for more donors to take part in  implementing the massive project.

The relics conveyed from Sri Lanka and other relic donated by Sayadaws were  enshrined in the hair-knot  of the sublime image. The Myanmar architects have  built the glass-walled hall of the image. The  Secretary-1 and party inspected  the glass-walled hall and progress in constructing the Gadakudi Hall and   religious buildings. They then viewed the seinphudaw, hngetmyatna and the  htidaw to be hosted on top  the ancient Shwedagonlay Hsandawshin Pagoda at  Kyaikpadaing village, Thanatpin Township, Bago  Division.

(3) New Phyu Creek Bridge built to ensure smooth, secure transport for  about 5,000 cars travelling daily  on Yangon-Mandalay Highway

YANGON, 8 Jan. - Phyu Creek Bridge on Yangon-Mandalay Highway was commissioned  into service in  Phyu Township this morning, with an address by State Peace  and Development Council member Maj- Gen.. Khin Maung Than of Ministry of  Defence.

The bridge was built by Public Works of the Ministry of Construction. Maj-Gen..  Khin Maung Than said  the new Phyu Creek Bridge is located on the strategic  Yangon-Mandalay Highway. As the old Phyu  Creek Bridge cannot withstand heavy  loads, there are limits and difficulties for the traffic to use it. The   four-lane reinforced concrete bridge had to be built as the daily traffic on  the facility has increased to  nearly 5,000 cars.

The bridge is 460 feet long and can withstand up to 60-ton loads. The other  existing bridges on the
Yangon-Mandalay Highway will also be rebuilt into  modern ones. In building a modern and developed  nation in accord with the  guidance of the Head of State, priority has been given to developing the   economic infrastructure as well as the transport infrastructure. In addition  to the highway which is the  artery linking the upper and lower Myanmar, other  highways connecting the states and divisions have  also been upgraded.

New motor roads and railroads have been built in the whole country as  progress in the transport sector  not only leads towards development of trade  and production enterprises, but also towards development of  the national  economic foundation. Bridges large, medium and small are being built at all  the necessary  places. He quoted the Senior General as saying, " The strategy  of building motor roads and railroads is to  build a network of roads linking  the northernmost tip and the southernmost end of the nation and the   easternmost edge and the westernmost part including the remote areas; thus,  roads are being built in a  short period. Road transport can help develop the  national economy and improve the living standards of  the people."

The government has built 144 over 180-foot long bridges including the Phyu  Bridge in the nation. At  present there are 17,873 miles of roads up over  4,200 miles from 13,635 miles in 1988. Yangon-Sittway  Highway,  Mandalay-Tagaung-Bhamo-Myitkyina Highway, Gangaw-Haka Highway,  Myitkyina- Sumprabum-Putao Highway, Myeik-Taninthayi-Bokpyin-Kawthoung Highway  and Kalewa-Monywa  Highway have emerged as the Union Highways.  Toungoo-Leiktho-Yado-Loikaw Road and Toungoo- Paukkhaung-Pyay Road have  already been built as the Union Highways linking the east and west of the   nation. The traffic is heaviest at the section of Yangon-Mandalay Highway  where Phyu Creek bridge in  located the Yangon-Bago section and Mandalay section of the road have been expanded  to six-lane facilities. The
bypass at Toungoo and the entrance road to  Meiktila have already been expanded to four-lane facilities. The bridges on  the sections are being upgraded one after another. Six private companies have  been  assigned duties sector-wise to upgrade the highway into a six-lane  facility.

The companies, Shwe Thanlwin, Olympic, Kanbawza, Dagon International, Asia  World and Yuzana,  have already started their work. Twenty-seven dams have  been built in Bago Division which receives a  large amount of rain water and  faces water shortages annually. The facilities have been built to irrigate   crops and prevent floods. Thirteen more dams are under construction at  present. Bago Division will have  adequate amount of water supply and can  extend irrigated areas at the completion of the facilities.  Moreover, the  facilities will prevent floods.

The main crop of the division is rice. It cultivates sugarcane most in the  nation. It is extending cultivation  of beans and pulses and oil crops  annually. Thus, Bago Division is an important region for the nation.  Thus,  the people of Bago should make more efforts for further progress of their  region and to help  develop the nation.

Harmonious efforts among the State, the Tatmadaw and the people will lead to  progress of the whole  nation in a short period and enable the nation to stand  tall among the world nations. The ceremony was  also attended by Chairman of  the Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of  Southern Command  Brig-Gen.. Aung Min, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen.. Saw Tun, Deputy  Minister  Brig-Gen.. Myint Thein, Deputy Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen.. Thura  Maung  Ni, officials of Ministry of Construction, division, district and  township level departmental officials, local  members of Union Solidarity and  Development Association, members of Maternal and Child Welfare  Association,  Red Cross Society, Fire Brigades, social organizations, students and local  people totalling  over 15,000. With regard to the construction of the bridge,  Minister for Construction Maj-Gen.. Saw Tun  said that Phyu Creek Bridge on  Yangon-Mandalay Highway opened today is the four-lane reinforced  concrete one  and it is the glory of Phyu.

Arrangements have been made to upgrade the remaining bridges to four-lane  ones to meet the Yangon- Mandalay Highway which will become the four-lane road  one day; though the previous old bridges can  support only 13 ton-loads, the  new bridges like current Phyu Creek Bridge capable of bearing 60 ton- loads  will be built.

Phyu Creek Bridge project started on 3 October 2000 and completed within 15  months due to the
concerted round-the-clock efforts by engineers, blue-collar  and white-collar workers in accord with the  guidance of Head of State Senior  General Than Shwe if the bridge construction is completed one day  earlier, it  can be used by the people one day sooner.

The bridges under construction in Bago Division are 300 feet long Kwin Creek  Bridge and Baida Bridge,  and 360 feet long Yenwe Bridge on Yangon-Mandalay  Highway. Without foreign assistance, the State is  building bridges and roads  with own funds obtained from the products rice, timber and mineral resources   and by practising thrift in the State's expense and the minister called on  all to participate in the project in  response to the goodwill of the State.  In conclusion, the minister thanked Commander of Southern  Command,  departmental officials and local people who provided assistance in building  the bridge within  a short period of time and with the set standard and urged  all for durability of the bridge.

Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development Council Commander of  Southern Command Brig- Gen.. Aung Min said the Phyu Creek Bridge contributes  towards the easy and smooth transport to states  and divisions and speedy flow  of commodities. Opening of the bridge is a victory of service personnel,   Tatmadawmen, local people and construction workers, he said. In Bago Division  12 bridges including the  Phyu Creek Bridge which are 180-feet long and above  were opened.

Yenwe Creek Bridge, Baingdar Bridge, Kwinchaung Bridge and Shwekyin Madauk  Bridge will be
opened soon. The commander expressed thanks to workers and  engineers of the Ministry of  Construction  who participated in construction of  the bridge.

He called for durability of the bridge. Next, Secretary of Phyu Township  USDA U Thet Naing Oo
expressed thanks for construction of Phyu Creek Bridge.  Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of  Defence presented gifts to project  engineer U Myint Lwin. Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than, Commander  Brig-Gen.. Aung Min  and Minister Maj-Gen.. Saw Tun formally opened the bridge.

Minister Maj-Gen.. Saw Tun formally unveiled the stone inscription of the  bridge. Maj-Gen.. Khin
Maung Than, Commander Brig-Gen.. Aung Min, Minister  Maj-Gen.. Saw Tun, the deputy minister and  local people walked on the bridge.  The Phyu Creek Bridge is on Yangon-Mandalay Highway and  construction started  on 3 October 2000 and completed on 27 December 2001. The reinforced concrete   bridge is 468 feet long and 48 feet wide with two six-foot wide walkways on  both sides of the bridge. The  bridge withstands 60 tons and was built at a  cost of K 620.467 million.

(4) Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than inspects upgrading of Yangon- Mandalay Highway,  building of bridges  in Bago Division

YANGON, 8 Jan.- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen.. Khin  Maung Than of  the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by officials of the State  Peace and Development Council Office and  departmental officials, arrived at  Thiri Oktha Hall in Bago yesterday morning. State Peace and  Development  Council Member Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and party  were  welcomed there by Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development  Council Commander of Southern  Command Brig-Gen.. Aung Min, Secretary Lt-Col  Aung Min and party, Lt-Col Tin Maung Win of  Southern Command, staff officers  and division level departmental officials. Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than  gave  instructions to division level departmental officials at Thiri Oktha Hall at  9 am.

Also present on the occasion were Commander Brig-Gen.. Aung Min, Secretary  Lt-Col Aung Min, Lt- Col Tin Maung Win of Southern Command, staff officers,  officials of division Myanma Agriculture  Service, Public Works and Planning  Department, chairmen and members of district and township Peace  and  Development Councils in Bago Division (East), officials of Bago Division USDA  and social  organizations.

First, the Commander reported on agriculture, economic and social tasks being  carried out in Bago
Division. Speaking on the occasion, State Peace and  Development Council Member Maj-Gen.. Khin  Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence  said that Bago Division is an important division which is mainly  contributes  to the economic development of the State; so, service personnel in Bago  Division must  discharge duties with might and main in their respective  sectors; hence, economic, social, education and  health sectors will develop  in Bago Division and the State as well; the peace and tranquillity of the  State  is based on the economic development; so, emphasis is being put on  economic development for  emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed  nation; and as the State economy is an agro-based one  efforts are to be made  for development of the agricultural sector.

Not only four main crops of the State paddy, cotton, sugarcane and pulses &  beans but also other crops  are being cultivated in Bago Division; and he  stressed the need to cultivate paddy, cotton, sugarcane and  pulses and beans  to meet the target, to produce fish and prawn, chicken, duck and pig at the  places  where agricultural tasks could not be carried out.

The government is undertaking task to reclaim vacant, virgin and wetlands,  boost production and
cultivation of crops; the permissions for land  reclamation are being granted to private entrepreneurs;
there are many  existing dams and dams under construction in Bago Division, so efforts are to  be made  for increasing sown acreage with the aid of irrigation facilities;  development of agricultural sector will  lead to uplift the living standard of  the people.

Emphasis is to be placed on improvement of living standard of the people who  reside in rural areas; in  this regard, priority is to be given to development  of education, health, water supply, smooth transport  and economic sector; and  he urged service personnel in the division to strive for all-round  development  of their respective regions.

Then, the coordination meeting on the upgrading of Yangon-Mandalay Highway  followed. Present were  Managing Director U Nay Soe Naing of Public Works,  Adviser to Public Works Lt-Col Than Htut,  Superintending Engineer of Bago  Division U Kyaw Lwin, local authorities and departmental officials, Lt- Col  Tin Maung Win of the command headquarters reported on arrangements being made  for upgrading  the highway.

Managing Director U Nay Soe Naing and Adviser Lt-Col Than Htut reported on  tasks to be undertaken in  road construction. Officials of Shwe Thanlwin Co.,  Olympic Co., Kanbawza Co. and Dagon International  Co. reported on their  respective sectors. Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than gave necessary instructions and   left the hall. Then, Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than and party arrived at the project  office of Shwe Thanlwin  Co. Managing Director U Zaw Win Tun reported on  construction tasks with the aid of charts.

Next, Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than and party proceeded to Yenwe Bridge  construction project office on  Yangon-Mandalay Highway. At the office,  Superintending Engineer U Kyaw Lwin and Senior Engineer  Daw Si Than reported  on progress in building the bridge and future tasks. Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than   gave instructions on timely completion of tasks, measures for work site  safety and minimizing loss and  wastage. At the office of Olympic Construction  Co., Project Manager U Ye Myint reported on their  sectors in the construction  work. Lt-Col Tin Maung Win gave a supplementary report.

Then, Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than and party went to Phyu Creek Bridge. Minister  for Construction  Maj-Gen.. Saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen.. Myint Thein and  officials of Public Works welcomed  them and reported on arrangements for  opening of the Phyu Creek Bridge. After that, they arrived at the  project  office of Kanbawza Company where Project Director U Ba Tun reported on  availability of gravel,  stockpiling of heavy machinery and arrangements for  extending and upgrading the road.

This morning, Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than and party arrived in Phyu and delivered  an address at the  opening ceremony of Phyu Creek Bridge. On their arrival at  the construction project office of Sittoung  Bridge to link Shwekyin and  Madauk, Tactical Operations Commander Col Zaw Win Myint of Shwekyin  Station,  Project Superintending Engineer U Win Aung and staff welcomed them. Project  Superintending  Engineer U Win Aung reported on construction tasks. Then,  Maj-Gen.. Khin Maung Than inspected  progress in building the bridge and left  for Yangon.

Independence Day Exhibition continues

YANGON, 8 Jan.-The 54th Anniversary Independence Day Exhibition continued for  the sixth day at the  Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road, from 9 am to  5 p.m. today. Teachers and students of  Dagon Township BEHSs and BEMSs, members  of USDAs from Hlaingthayar, Thakayta and Pabedan  townships totalling 5,164  visited the exhibition, and bought various kinds of books worth K 34,590 from   the bookshops at the exhibition.

(5) Minister U Win Aung Leaves for Thailand

YANGON, 8 Jan. - The Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung departed for  Thailand this morning to  attend the 6th Meeting of Myanmar-Thai Joint  Commission for Bilateral Cooperation to be held on 8 and  9 January 2002 in  Phuket, Thailand. The advance party comprising nine members of the Myanmar   delegation, left for Thailand on 6 January to attend the Senior Officials  Meeting to be held on the 7  January prior to the Joint Commission Meeting.  The meeting will focus on promotion of bilateral  cooperation and matters of  mutual interests between Myanmar and Thailand.

(6) Refresher course on facts for life opened

YANGON, 8 Jan.-The opening ceremony of the refresher course on facts for life  (HIV/AIDS) for
housewives organized by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare  Association, and HIV/Venereal Disease Control Project of the Health  Department was held at the MMCWA at the corner of Parami Road and  Thanthumar  Road, South Okkalapa Township, this morning. It was attended by MMCWA  Chairperson  Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, Vice-Chairpersons Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe  and Dr Kyi Soe, CEC  members, officials of the Health Department, Patron of  the Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Daw  Khin Thet Htay and committee  members, course instructors, and trainees. A total of 22 trainees from  Kayan  and Thongwa townships are attending the course which will last till 10  January.

TV relay station, Township IPRD offices inspected

YANGON, 8 Jan.-Minister for Information Maj-Gen.. Kyi Aung, together with Deputy  Minister Brig- Gen.. Aung Thein and officials, visited TV relay station  under construction of Myanma Radio and  Television in Minhla, Bago Division,  this morning. The minister and party were welcomed there by  officiating  Tactical Operation Commander of No 66 Light Infantry Division Lt-Col Htwe  Hla, Chairman  of Thayawady District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Ohn  Myint, Chairman of Minhla  Township Peace and Development Council U Tun Oo and  officials.

At the station, Chief Engineer of MRTV U Tin Wan reported on progress of  constructions of the relay  station and tower, as well as the area  covered by the project. The minister gave instructions on expediting  works  for speedy completion of the construction of the station and tower. Then, the  minister inspected  round the station. Afterwards, the Minister and party  proceeded to construction site of the Information  and Public Relations  Department in Minhla and gave necessary instructions. Next, they went to the  Basic Education High School in Minhla and Headmistress Daw Hla Hla and  teachers welcomed them.

The minister inspected the e-Education Learning Centre with data  broadcasting system jointly sponsored  by the Ministry of Education and the  MRTV of the Ministry of Information. The minister fulfilled the  requirements.  He also donated newspapers and journals for the school library. The minister  and party  also inspected the Thayawady District IPRD and Taikkyi Township  IPRD and fulfilled the requirements.  They arrived back here in the evening.

(7) Minister attends opening of rural road, tube well in Thanlyin

YANGON, 8 Jan.- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and  Development Affairs  Col Thein Nyunt, accompanied by Director-General Col Myo  Myint of Development Affairs Department  and officials, attended the opening  of rural road and the launching of rural area water supply system in  Thanlyin  Township this morning. The minister then attended the opening ceremony of  village ring road.  In Kayinseik Village, the minister met local people and  attended to requirements in rural area  development. The minister also  attended the launching of 4-inch tube well in the compound of Latyetsan   Village Basic Education Middle School. In the afternoon, the minister  received Senior Adviser to Liberal  Democratic Party Mr Tomomitsu Iwakura of  Japan and Japanese Ambassador Mr Shigeru Tsumori at his  office. They  discussed implementation of the opium substitute buckwheat cultivation project in Shan State  (North).

(8) Myanmar Products Expo to be held in Taunggyi

YANGON, 8 Jan. - Dragon Exhibition Ltd will hold the Myanmar Products Expo  2002 with the
permission of Shan State (East) Peace and development Council  at City hall in Taunggyi from 24 to 28 January 2002. Various kinds of textile  and personal goods, plastic products, paper, stationery, and  packaging  materials, small-sized machines and parts, computer sets and spare parts,  sports equipment  and general services will be exhibited in conjunction with  the products demonstration. Admission is free.

Floating Book Fair of MV Doulos continues

YANGON, 8 Jan. - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism  and with the
sponsorship of the Ministry of Transport, the MV Doulos  registered at the GBA (Good Books for All)  Organization based in Germany,  continued its book fair at the Nanthida Jetty.

On display at the book fair are about 100,000 books on education, health,  social, arts and general
knowledge selected from the world's famous ones.  Officials of departments under the Ministry of
Education, rectors,  pro-rectors and professors of universities, officials of the Myanmar  Education
Research Bureau and the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of  Commerce and Industry,
scholars of the Myanmar Language Commission, members  of Myanmar Writers and Journalists
Associations, computer and printing  entrepreneurs, organizations of English teaching centres, members  of social  organizations and book lovers visited the book fair and purchased various  kinds of books.  Organizations may dial Tel 01-210815 so as to visit the book  fair in groups.

(9) Tiger Myanmar Amateur Golf C'ship opens

YANGON, 8 Jan. -The opening of the Tiger Myanmar Amateur Open Golf  Championship, organized by  Myanmar Golf Federation and mainly sponsored by  Tiger Beer, was held at Yangon Golf Club,  Danyingon here this morning,  attended by President of MGF Brig-Gen.. Win Hlaing.

Also present were General Secretary U Aung Kyi and executives, Deputy  Director-General U Thein Aung  of Sports and Physical Education Department of  the Ministry of Sports and directors, General Manager  Mr Koh Tai Hone of  Myanmar Brewery Ltd and officials, officials of Yangon Golf Club, guests and  fans.  Brig-Gen.. Win Hlaing, General Manager Mr Koh Tai Hong, Deputy  Director-General U Aung Kyi and  Executive of the golf club U Tin Ngwe teed  off the ball at Tee No 1 to open the championship. After the  first round,  India team is leading the championship with 144 strokes in teams, event,  followed by  Myanmar (B) team with 149, Myanmar (A) team with 153, Thai team  with 168 and Lao team with 179.

In men's amateur scratch event, Keshar Misra of India stands at the first  place with 71 strokes. The
runners-up are Ashok Kumar of India and Zaw Zaw  Latt of Myanmar with 73 each, defending champion  Nanda Kyaw (YCDC) with 74  and Myo Min Aung and Aung Aung Kyaw with 75 each. In men's  amateur handicap  event, Myo Min Aung of Myanmar is leading with 67 strokes, followed by Derek  Htet  Doe of Myanmar (Handicap-8) with 68, Keshar Misra of India (Handicap-2)  and Thein Zaw Myint of  Myanmar (Handicap-7) with 69 each, Zaw Zaw Latt of  Myanmar (Handicap-3) and Thet Htwe of  Myanmar (Handicap-8) with 70 each. Thet  Zaw Htwe of Myanmar, while playing together with Thein  Dan and Ko Aung of  Myanmar, scored an ace from 204 yards at Hole No 8 hitting the Altus New one  No  3 ball with Callaway Wood No 4. Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd takes  responsibilities to organize the  championship together with Traders Hotel,  Canon and Wilson. The championship continues tomorrow.

USDA CEC member tours Kahcin State

YANGON, 8 Jan.-CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association  Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen.. Thein Zaw met with  secretaries, executives and
organizers of USDAs of Kachin State, Myitkyina  and Putao districts, wards and villages at the hall of  Myitkyina USDA on 4  January. In the afternoon, the minister inspected the post office, telegraph  office  and auto telephone exchange in Myitkyina and gave instructions. On 5  January, the minister inspected  construction of the building of Waingmaw  Township USDA, and Waingmaw post and telegraph office.  The CEC member also  met with townselders, and secretaries, executives and members of USDAs of   Waingmaw Township and Myothit Village in Momauk Township. The minister  inspected Bhamo auto  exchange, and communications, posts and telegraphs  offices of Mansi Township and Momauk Township  on 6 January. The CEC member  then met with USDA executives and organizers and townselders in  Mansi and  Momauk townships. The CEC member met with USDA executives of Bhamo District,  Bhamo  Township, Shwegu Township, wards and villages at the hall of the  District USDA yesterday. The  minister attended to the needs on installation  of telephone system in Bhamo District.


International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University will open in June for 2002 academic year. The first semester for academic year 2002 begins in June and ends in October. The second semester begin on  1st December and ends in March 2003. Those students who are qualified for  Diploma course can send  their application forms to the Registrar, international Theravada Buddhist Missionary University,  Dhammapala Hill, Mayangone P.O., Yangon, Myanmar. Fax 095-1-650700, Phone 095-1-650702.(1)  Diploma of Buddha Dhamma(Dip.B.Dh)


Foreign monks, nuns and laymen who apply for one-year Diploma course must have passed at least the  Matriculation or  equivalent. For the layman who is Myanmar citizen must have their first degree, B.A. or  B.Sc. Myanmar monks and nuns who apply for  Diploma course must not be younger than 18 and not  older than 45. Age limit for students who apply for one-year Diploma course only will be given consideration. The Selection Board reserves the right to decide whether a particular applicant has met the  requirements or not.


Foreign candidates are required to sit for the written examination at the Embassy of Myanmar in country  of their residence, or at the  examination centre in Yangon, Myanmar. There will be two question papers,  namely, one on English proficiency and the other on general Knowledge relevant to Buddhism. The  closing date for submitting application form for Diploma course is 15th December 2001.  The written  entrance examination for Diploma course will be held on 8th January 2002. A candidate  who passes the  written examination must sit  for personal interview at the Embassy of Myanmar in the country of their  residence before joining the University. The admission policy of the University is  liberal and flexible  enough to get the qualified students for Diploma course. Priority will be givento foreign students.  The  students who joins the University is required to bring a proper medical certificate recently taken from any  recognized authority showing physical and mental fitness.


Once a foreign student is admitted to the Diploma course, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will take care  of visa application and its extension. Tuition, boarding  and messing for foreign students will be provided  free by the University. Travelling expenses for joining the University will not be borne by the University.

For further information,  inqueries may kindly be made to the nearest Myanmar Embassies or Consulates
or email to